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Wild: A Savage Alpha Shifters Romance

Page 34

by DD Prince

  I don’t want to text message her. I can barely use the phone as it is, nevermind try to fiddle with it to send a word message. I want her here with me so I can hold her, so I can fix this.

  “Ivy!” I say. “It’s Tyson. Please. I need you. I need to show you I’m sorry. I’m coming. Call me at this phone if you can. Grey, how can she call this phone from her phone?”

  “She’ll see the number, Tyson.” Grey says.

  “Call. Or come home. I love you. I’m sorry, Ivy. I’ll find you. I’m on my way.”

  I pass the phone to him and shove Ivy’s note in my pocket.

  “Let’s go.”

  Riley gets into the passenger side of my truck as I start it up. Grey follows in his truck because my truck hasn’t got room for three men and Ivy for us to bring her back.

  I don’t want Riley Savage’s company right now and tell him as much.

  “You should ride with Grey,” I say.

  “Respectfully, Ty, I’d prefer to be with you until we get there. We can talk.”

  “Don’t feel like talking, man.”

  “Okay well, I get that. But I have a few things to say. And if you feel like talking, talk. If you don’t, just listen.”

  I growl in his face. “I’m not in the fucking mood for listening, either.”

  “I know you’re not. Believe me, I know. We’ll get some road behind us first; I’ll give you time.”

  “I’m not interested in talking. I’m interested in getting my girl back. You can talk to me after that.”

  “Fine. Then I’ll just be a passenger. Let’s go.” He gestures ahead of us.

  I follow my senses, which take me on a three-hour journey to a city that smells disgusting, that’s filled with cars and people, that’s ten times more crowded than the grocery store when it’s full.

  I do not like cities. I don’t like that Ivy’s here either. It doesn’t feel safe. The smell of it, even the sky… they’re not right. There are hardly even any trees. The other smells are sour in my nose, but her scent is there. And it doesn’t fucking belong.



  “Stay over,” Amelia pleads with me.

  I shake my head. “I’m just gonna go home, I think. I’ll be fine.”

  She pouts. “Are you sure?”

  I nod and she hugs me.

  We’re in her driveway and we’ve done the whole fitting and dinner thing. I’m here to get my car after riding with her. Me, her, our mom, her other bridesmaids and Rick’s mom spent the past six hours together and I’ve felt like I’ve been in a daze, like I’ve been walking around with weights on my body. I’ve really tried to not be a bummer but kept getting long looks from my sister and mother. They knew I wasn’t having fun. They know my heart is broken.

  All the times I didn’t feel heartbreak over a guy… it’s like I’m getting it all at once. Instead of being like most girls my age who’ve had it at least half a dozen times I’m getting it all piled on me at once because a) he’s the only guy that I’ve had this depth of feeling for and b) I’m so absolutely, completely crushed by what he did.

  I don’t know where things would’ve gone. I don’t know anything right now, except that it hurts. This hurts just so much.

  I get out of Amelia’s driveway before Mom gets back. I don’t need to deal with her, too, right now.


  I get inside my apartment, sit down, and turn my phone on for the first time since yesterday.

  There’s a missed call from a number I don’t recognize. And a voicemail.

  I start listening.

  I hang up as soon as I hear his voice. I squeeze my eyes shut tight, as if it’ll ward off the pain that’s coming at me, but I can’t. It engulfs me and I crumble to the floor and melt into myself.

  There’s a knock on my door. I gasp and then my hand claps over my mouth.

  I can’t deal with anybody right now.

  I just can’t.

  There’s another knock.


  Whose voice is that?

  I get to my feet and use the sleeves of my sister’s hoodie to wipe my eyes, then I look out the peep hole.




  I hold my breath and remain frozen.

  “I heard you in there, Ivy. Can I please talk to you for a minute?”

  Damn it.

  I open the door just a little.

  “It’s not a good time, Ben.”

  “I heard you crying. Are you okay?”

  “I’m...” Not okay. Not even remotely okay. I’m so not okay that I’m not sure if okay is even on the horizon. “Fine. Just having a moment. But it’s really not a good time for a visit.”

  “I heard you were hurt and I…” He thrusts his hand through his dirty blonde hair. I used to find his polished and clean-cut look appealing. Now he looks too… refined to me. Almost feminine in contrast to Ty. Ben isn’t feminine. He’s fit but just so metrosexual. So coiffed. I can’t imagine he even knows how to growl.

  “I’m okay,” I interrupt.

  “I realized how I felt, Ivy. I know things with us were fairly casual, but I… was catching feelings. I’d like to explore things further. See if we’re ready for things to… deepen.” He motions to move closer and not only do I back up, I feel almost queasy at the thought of his hands on me.

  “I’m sorry, but it’s not a good time for me for anything, Ben. Not even a conversation. And thanks, that’s um-sweet, but I don’t think I want anything deeper. I don’t–”

  I stop talking because my thoughts are cut off with the sight of headlights pointing at us in the doorway.

  My and Tamara’s apartment is the bottom of a triplex and our door is at the very bottom of the deeply sloped driveway. A truck has pulled in behind my car and the door on the driver’s side of a pickup truck flies open and here he comes. Oh fuck. It’s Tyson.

  I quickly spin Ben around and stand in front of him.

  Shit. Shit!

  “What are you doing?’ Ben asks.

  Protecting you from the big bad wolf.

  Tyson is closing the distance between us and I’m blocking Ben.

  I point at Tyson, my eyes blinded by the headlights pointing at my face, but still making out that his chest rises and falls with intensity as he prowls toward us, I know this means bad things. Very bad things.

  “Do not come any closer!” I shout.

  I hear another slam. And then another.

  Two of the alphas from Arcana Falls are here, too.

  “If you lay one hand on him, Ty… I will make. You. Sorry.” Pain shoots through me.

  “Who is this, Ivy?” Ben asks from behind me and tries to step around me. I physically back up so he’s squished against the bricks beside my apartment door.

  “Riley!” I shout. “Don’t let Ty put his hands on him!”

  Riley’s in front of us quickly. “I got him, Ivy. Follow me, man.”

  “What? What’s happening here?” Ben protests. “Ivy?”

  Instead of marching Ty away, Riley has grabbed Ben by the elbow and he’s marching him away.

  “Has he touched you?” Ty demands, towering over me suddenly, his chest still rising and falling fast. Thank God he has clothes on. He’s wearing that white and blue soft flannel I’ve slept in. He’s in jeans and his hiking boots. The scent of him assaults my senses. I can’t hack this. I’m about to crumble again.

  He takes my face into both hands.

  “Ivy, look at me,” Ty’s voice has gone soft.

  I refuse to look up. I look down at my feet instead.

  “Not that I have to answer to you,” I say. “But he heard I was back and came to see me, to check to make sure I’m all right since I got bit by a snake, and no he hasn’t touched me. Though it’s not your business who touches me.”

  “Wanna bet?” Ty growls. “She’s mine now, fucker. Go home while you still have legs.”

  “Yours?” Ben asks, sounding stunned. He’s tryin
g to shrug Riley off, his head turned back toward us.

  “Yes. She’s mine,” Tyson growls.

  “Buddy…” Ben says. “You wanna quit the Neanderthal behavior for a sec and---"

  “Leave!” I demand at Ty. “Ben, please go. I’m fine here. I’ll call you later.” No way do I want Ben trying to be a hero.

  “She won’t be fucking calling you, asshole,” Ty snarls. “Look at me, Ivy.”

  “No. Leave!” I point at the headlights that are still pointed at me.

  “Ivy, what’s happening here? Should I call the cops? Is this clown harassing you?” Ben asks ignoring my efforts to protect him.

  I step in front of him again.

  Tyson grabs my hand and pulls me closer.

  “Don’t touch me!” I snap. “Touch me and I will fucking scream my head off.”

  Tyson lets go and holds his hands up.

  Riley and Greyson are now crowding Ben and leading him up the driveway, not touching him but sort of herding him; all sorts of animosity rolling off them. It’s like they’re Tyson’s enforcers or something. Bile rises in my throat.

  “Yo, Ivy!” I hear. It’s my upstairs neighbor, Julio.

  “You’re causing a scene in front of my neighbors. Go.”

  “Man! Your high beams are blinding me through my window,” Julio calls out.

  “Sorry, Julio,” I call up. “He’s just leaving. I apologize.”

  Greyson moves to Ty’s truck and the lights are shut off. Riley is talking to Ben by his car. Ben is now getting in his car. And, Ben is leaving.

  I breathe out relief.

  Whatever Riley said to him obviously got rid of him. I don’t know what it was, but all I know is I don’t want Tyson hurting Ben, turning into that monster and fucking me in my driveway.

  I hear Julio slam his door. Of course. He wouldn’t dream of coming to anyone’s aid. Asswipe.

  I head for my own door.


  “No! Get out of here. We’re done.” I slash my hand across my throat. “Done!” I glare at his chest. “Forget we ever met. Forget you bit me, forget you ever got a kind word from me. I’ll do my best to do the same, despite what you did to me.” I spin around to go inside, but he reaches out and hauls my back against his body. I see his corded forearm across my stomach, and it causes a physical reaction that makes my heart feel like it’s breaking all over again.

  “No! Don’t!” I struggle. He doesn’t budge. “Riley, Greyson? Please get him out of here before I call the police. I can’t do this. You’re his family, teach him to be a civilized person and to leave a woman alone who doesn’t want anything to do with him.”

  “Ty,” Grey says, “ Chill.”

  “Remember what we talked about, Ty?” Riley says in a gentle voice, looking Tyson in the eyes.

  Tyson growls at him.

  “Ty,” Riley urges.

  “Let go!” I demand.

  “I won’t let go,” Tyson says into the top of my hair. He inhales it.

  My shoulders crouch and I try to shrink away. He’s not letting go of me.

  “Make him let go, Riley, please,” I plead.

  Riley looks at me with what looks like sympathy.

  Tyson’s mouth is now an inch from that mark on my neck.

  Oh hell no.

  “Don’t you dare, don’t you dare, don’t you dare…”

  “Wait,” Tyson grunts, to them, I guess, because then he lifts me into his arms and he carries me inside my apartment. He slams the door, puts his back against it and slides down to the floor with me in his arms, burying his nose in that spot. My hands are over my face and I’m crying so hard it feels like I can’t catch a breath.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Ivy. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  My breath hitches and an ugly sound breaks free of me. A horribly ugly sound.

  “Ivy?” Ty whispers.

  I shake my head frantically.

  He starts to purr.

  No. Not that.

  I go from hyperventilating to being able to catch a breath.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” he says.

  “I can’t. I can’t, Tyson. Please go.”

  “Ivy. Come home. We’ll---”

  “No. No no no no. I’m begging you, please go. Please leave me alone. I can’t do this. I won’t do this.”

  His purring gets louder and I try to struggle but it’s feeble at best. He fights so god damn dirty.

  His mouth is against that spot on my neck and then he’s kissing it.

  “Don’t you dare do this. I swear, Tyson, if you try to fuck me right now, I…You already broke me, I swear if you-”

  He twists me so that I’m facing him in a squat. I pull back and fall on my ass.

  “I’m sorry, Ivy. I’m sorry.” His eyes bore into me.

  They cut straight through me. So green, so expressive.

  “This isn’t gonna work. I can’t just get over that. What you did to me…it will haunt me for the rest of my life.”

  He closes his eyes and his face is just stricken with pain. He reaches for me again.

  “No!” I backwards crab-crawl away from him. “Go. Please leave me the fuck alone.”

  “No,” he says. “I’m not leaving you. You come with me or… or I stay here.”

  I bark out bitter laughter.

  “You’ll stay here. With me here? In my apartment that I share with a roommate, in a big city? Right.”

  His lip curls. “It stinks here. It’s crowded and smells bad and there aren’t enough trees, but I would. I will. Until you agree to come home.”

  “This is home,” I say, pointing at my cheap linoleum floor in my rented apartment.

  “Then this will be my home, too.” He folds his arms across his chest.

  “You have a family now, Tyson. You don’t need me. There are people there like you that –”

  “You’re mine,” he declares.

  “Only because Aunt Nelle made some deal with a witch.”


  “Go see a witch. Have them undo it.”


  I get to my feet and he does too.

  “Ivy, explain…” He approaches me so I dash around him and pull the door open. Riley and Greyson are right outside still, talking. Their eyes bounce to me.

  “Come take him, please? Take him home. I’m done with this guy.” I look over my shoulder at Ty, who’s directly behind me. “Get out.” I don’t look at his face, just sort of point my gaze over his head. “Now.”

  “Tyson, let’s talk a minute,” Grey says. “Riley will talk to Ivy, you come sit with me in the truck.”

  “No,” Tyson says. “No. You’re coming home.” He turns around and grabs my overnight bag from the floor where I dropped it that morning and grabs my purse from the table by the door. The table falls over, knocking a plant over. “Come on.” He reaches for my hand.

  “No!” I snap and back away. “You guys, go find a witch and get her to undo what Aunt Nelle did.”

  “Yes!” he shouts, and I stumble backwards with the force of the growly sounds.

  There’s pounding over my head. Julio. Julio and Sasha have a baby. We’re being too loud. They’re not the types to call the cops or get involved but they won’t hesitate to give us shit, or call the landlord and complain. Any time we make a bit of noise they stomp on the floor. Tamara always retaliates by pounding the broomstick on the ceiling.

  Tyson comes at me.

  “No!” I sprint toward the kitchen island, but he crouches as he comes at me and catches me over his shoulder. He’s up and grabbing my car keys from the counter and knocking stuff over as he hefts me up higher.

  “Tyson, stop! Put me down!”

  He’s heading for the door with me.


  “Put me down,” I demand. He ignores me.

  “Here. You drive Ivy’s car,” Tyson says.

  “Go ahead. I’ll lock the door,” I hear Riley say. I’m busy squirming and trying to fi
nd my way off his shoulder but he’s not budging. He grips me tighter, taking me back to his truck and putting me inside.

  I see through the windshield that Riley is locking my apartment. He gets into my car.

  Tyson grabs my hand and jerks me toward him.

  “You wanna give me more bruises?” I cry out. “I’ve already got splinter wounds in my hands and knees from when you fucking dragged me across the floor in that bar.”

  Tyson lets go of me and his face shows that I got my point across. Because of that, I strike again with the only thing I’ve got – words.

  “Let’s not talk about how you made me bleed between my legs because you were so rough.”

  He wears an expression like he’s just been slapped in the face.

  Riley’s knocking on the window. Tyson rolls it.

  “If she’s gonna fight you, better we drive in Grey’s car and send someone for your truck later. You can keep control of her in the back seat.”

  My jaw drops. “You’re on board with this? You’re as bad as he is!”

  “You’re his, Ivy. He’s not giving up no matter what anyone says or does. We’re his support here and we’ll do what we have to do to help him get you back home.”

  I blink in shock.

  “It’d be easier on all of us if you cooperate,” he adds.

  “Why should I make it easy on all of you? Just go find the witch and she’ll undo it.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Riley asks.

  “My mom just told me my aunt made some deal with a witch and I think that’s why Tyson thinks I’m his mate. Get it undone and we can all get on with our lives.”

  “A witch? What witch?”

  “I don’t know. It was twenty-seven years ago. My aunt died so I can’t ask her.”

  Riley stares at Grey. Grey’s eyebrows are up high.

  “This guy fucked up. Huge. He loves you. You love him. Go home and figure it out. You’re mated for life, Ivy. Don’t cause yourself or him more pain than you have to. Let him fix what he broke.”

  I stare in shock.

  “He’s not walking away,” Grey tells me. “Witch or no witch, this is unbreakable.”

  Riley’s right. Tyson isn’t giving up here. And they’re here to help him.

  Tyson straightens up and starts the truck. “We’ll be fine.”

  “You want, I’ll drive, you hold her and purr to keep her settled,” Riley offers.


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