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The Creatures that History Forgot

Page 5

by Ashley Douglass

mother’s twin blades were rested on the seat along with her of robe which had been neatly folded. This was the hall of my ancestors, which held the history of my people.

  This hall was built to honor my ancestor, the one whose bloodline the royal family all share. She was the one who suggested that instead of hiding from the humans that we should live within their shadow, in hopes of learning their secrets. If my people did not listen to her the humans would have found us in time and wiped out our species like they have with others of their kind using weapons of amazing power. My ancestor was the one who believed the humans were only more technologically advanced because they rise up those with innovative ideas instead of adhering to tradition. She was the wisest of us all and I have no hope of ever coming close to matching her greatness. I was not like her and I was nothing like my mother. I was just a child so how could I lead the people?

  I looked up at the crossed blades thinking of my mother’s strength. My mother was strong for the good of our people though that does not mean she had extraordinary powers. She was just like the rest of us. She was not a great leader because of her bloodline or her genes but because she had to be, like I have to be to prevent a civil war from forming amongst the people. I may be young and naïve but I have to try and hopefully then I will gain the same strength as my mother.

  I picked up my mother’s robe then slipped it over my head. I squeezed my limbs through the narrow openings then I picked up her twin blades holding them firmly in my forepaws with my head raised proudly. I may not be my mother but I would not fail her or my people I thought as I raised one of the blades in victory.

  “Your Majesty I was not informed of your recovery.” someone said as I turned to see Dabu, my mother’s brother, standing at the entrance of the hall.

  “Kyzudo?” Dabu stammered looking carefully at loose fitting cloth that hung off my small childish frame and the two blades I held awkwardly in each hand.

  “What are you doing?” he inquired as I looked away embarrassed.

  “Um well I spoke with my mother and she told me that she wants me to take her place.” I muttered as Dabu turned away fearfully, refusing to believe me.

  “Wait! Come back here!” I yelled dropping the blades to run after him. “Stop!” I yelled when I saw him a few yards ahead of me as others poured into the hall to see me in my mother’s uniform.

  “I promise that she told me to take her place. I would never choose this for myself.” I yelled as Dabu stopped to face me.

  “You are not her and you will never be. You could never lead these people.” he yelled as I lowered my ears and tail, looking less like a leader every second. Dabu rushed away to speak with my mother as I returned to the hall to escape everyone’s judging eyes. I took off mother’s outfit, folding it and laying back onto the seat of the throne. Then I picked up the blades and laid them on top. He was right I was not my mother and I could not lead my people.

  Dabu returned but I did not even look at him. He walked down the hall then turned to face me. “I spoke with your mother and she confirmed that she wants you to take her place as leader and she wants me to train you.” Dabu said as I turned toward him then nodded before reaching for my mother‘s royal clothing.

  “Um you need to earn the right to wear this and I believe the blades maybe a bit too dangerous for you.” Dabu said as I glanced at him utterly confused.

  “So what am I supposed to do?”

  “I have the perfect task that will enhance your fighting abilities. I will meet you in your room.” Dabu said as I nodded then left the hall. When I got to my room I waited on my bed as Kiza sat beside me purring all the while. After a few minutes passed, Dabu entered with a large chuck of wood. He set it up on a platform of cinderblocks, which two guards helped him carry then turned to me to explain.

  “A Death Stalker needs to be able to fight and there is little time so I believe that I must skip the easier tasks.” Dabu began as I looked at the thick plank of wood mystified

  “So what am I supposed to do?” I asked confused.

  “You are to break this plank of wood with your bare hands. Tell me when you have completed the task so we can move on.” Dabu said as I nodded leaping from my bed as Kiza followed me curiously.

  “Good luck Lady Kyzudo,” Dabu said as I nodded then smacked the wood with my bare hand.

  ‘Ouch,’ I exclaimed holding my hand in pain. There was no way I could crack such a thick plank of wood but I had to try for the sake of my people.

  I hit the wooden plank as hard as I could for at least an hour but paused when someone entered. I was hoping it was Dabu to tell me a hint but it was one of my mother’s servants, who informed me that my mother wanted to speak with me. I backed away from the raised plank. My hand was sore and I could feel it throbbing. I needed to take a break and my mother may have something important to tell me.

  I followed the servant to my mother’s room. A few of the guards were mumbling that they were told that the leader was recovering so I was hopeful when I entered as the servant held open the door.

  “Mom,” I called hopefully as I made my way to her bedside.

  “Yes,” she answered sounding weaker than ever.

  “You wanted to speak with me?” I asked as Mom blinked slowly then took off her bracelet and handed it to me.

  “I want you to keep that.” Mom said as I took it with my forepaws shaking with disbelief. Mom would only give me her bracelet if she feared that she was on the brink of death.

  “No I can’t,” I said refusing to believe that my mother was going to die as I handed the bracelet back to her but she showed no sign of taking it back.

  “I want you to have it,” she whispered as I pulled my large ears back filled with grief and sorrow.

  “You are going to get better, everyone knows it.” I said desperately but my mother did not seem convinced.

  “I am not so sure, the servants say my health is still declining and they have no means to stop it.” Mom said as an involuntary cry escaped from me.

  “No, that can’t be true,”

  ‘It is, the others may want to believe that I will get better, that things will simple return to normal but I am not so sure so I need to know that you will do all that you can to prove to them that you have inherited my strength. I need for you to continue training with Dabu for he is an expert fighter and he is family so he is very loyal to me and our family.” Mom said as I nodded.

  “I will do my best.” I said as Mom lovingly touched my hand.

  “I know you will.” She said as I bowed respectfully then returned to my room to continue training.

  I kept at it for hours into I was sure the bones in my hand must be broken though the chunk of wood was without even a hint of giving away any time soon. I growled pushing the plank from its platform frustrated. I was starting to believe this was an impossible task but I could not fail yet my strength was fading as time slipped away. I needed a brake so I could return refreshed. I needed to think of the trick before my knuckles are destroyed.

  I ran out of the room thinking of the corn field and the sense of peace I associated with it. I would go there to renew my spirits. I paused by the door wandering if I should bring my guards but I was sure they would not allow me the sense of freedom I sought, besides my mother rarely relies on guards when she is out.

  I ran swiftly keeping to the shadows for I was not dressed like royalty and I did not want to affect the way others view me now I was determined to take my mother’s place as leader. I ran pass the pen where the pigeons were kept and the fenced in area were the rodents roamed under the dogs unwavering surveillance. I was almost to the corn field but I paused when I saw a group had gathered just a few yards away.

  “Syrugia, you would make a fine leader after Sanoka passes.” said one as I growled remembering that my mother warned of challengers that would spilt my people into hostile groups. As my mother’s successor it was my job to stop this before it got out of hand.

  “Hey my mother is not g
oing to die so show some respect.” I demanded as the group turned to face me.

  “Are you Kyzudo, Sanoka’s daughter?” asked the one called Syrugia.

  “Yeah and my mother is not going to die. She will pull through I just know it.” I said hoping from the depths of my heart that this was true.

  “Maybe but her injury has weakened her.” Syrugia stated as I raised my tail high baring my teeth aggressively.

  “She is still stronger than any of you.” I yelled as Syrugia stepped toward me with her tail raised in a challenging manner.

  “She can’t lead us so a new leader must be chosen.” Syrugia stated as I whipped my tail in the air growling.

  “And you think you have what it takes to be the leader?” I demanded as Syrugia stepped closer making the size difference more apparent. She was a fully grown adult and I was just a child.

  “Well yeah, there is no one else to take her place.” she stated as I gathered as much courage as I could.

  “Maybe there is.” I stated boldly though Syrugia only became farther in enraged.

  ‘Who, you whelp? Do you think you have what it takes to lead these people?” she demanded as the ridge of dark fur rose on my back.

  “I am the next in line so it seems logical that I should lead.” I stated as Syrugia pressed her ears forward as she snarled.

  ‘You are nothing more than a child, why should anyone listen to you?” Syrugia demanded as I rose onto my hind legs

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