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The Creatures that History Forgot

Page 22

by Ashley Douglass

my lack of experience after I boldly accomplished what even the bravest would never attempt. I saved my people and my dying mother. I came in their time of need and exceeded all of their expectations. I was no longer the same pup they once taunted. Now I was a warrior worthy of bearing my royal name, worthy of my mother’s respect.

  The Dawn of a New Era

  I looked myself over in the mirror. I was wearing my mother’s royal robes, well I guess they were mine now. The black fabric had been altered to fit my small frame yet allow for flexibility and comfort. It was splendid with its stunning red sashes that were tied securely about my waist and all four of my ankles. The black silk formed a loose cocoon around me yet did not hang freely like my old robes. Upon my arm I wore my mother’s bracelet. The black scorpion levitated within it plastic tome, its black band pressed against my skin leaving a deep impression. I carried my blade at my side, its bloodied edge was whipped clean and its metal gleamed once more.

  “You look quite presentable, Kyzo,” my mother said walking over to me. Her limp was almost unnoticeable and her posture hinted at her immense strength.

  “Thanks Mom,” I said as she stood behind me. I could see her through the mirror. She was wearing her Death Stalkers’ uniform. The Death Stalkers may be unsure whether she was strong enough to lead them but the only injury the Death Stalkers acknowledge is death. My mother has always been a warrior and I am sure even death won’t change that.

  “This will be your first speech as the leader. Do you know what you are going to say?” she asked as I tried to ignore my nerves and focus on all the amazing feats I accomplished recently.

  “Yeah, I do actually,”

  “Well then I am sure you will do fine.” my mother said dusting some loose hair off my outfit with a practiced hand.

  “Then I will prepare to leave in a few days.” I said turning to my mother who stared at me, obviously confused.

  “Leave?” she asked as a sense of fear began to build in her voice.

  “Um you remember I told you I want to learn more about the humans?” I reminded her as she slowly bobbed her head in agreement.

  “Oh yes… of course, but be careful.” she stammered as I thought about how pleased the kids would be to see me again so soon. I missed their company for they were my only friends. They were the only ones who understood me and completely dissociated from me from my title as leader.

  “Don’t worry I can take care of myself now.” I stated as my mother looked back at me.

  “You sure can, well when you are ready to leave I will be waiting with the royal guards.” my mother announced then rushed out of the room.

  “May I enter, your Majesty?” someone asked as I turned to see Maya peeking behind the door, which my mother carelessly left open.

  “Yes I wish to speak with you,” I said as Maya bowed then hurried over to me.

  “Yes, your majesty,”

  “I now understand what it means to be wise,”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, when I was looking for my mother’s cure I learned that information is extreme vital to success. I think wisdom is a great respect for knowledge gained by experience and the understanding of the significance of that knowledge.”

  “Yes I believe that is correct for knowledge is meaningless if it is not evaluated,”

  “Thank you wise one but why did you come here anyway?”

  “I came merely to congratulate you on your success. You saved us all and I thank you.”

  “Giving up was not an option so I had no choice. I had to succeed.”

  ”Well I am thankful all the same.”

  “Let’s leave. I have an important announcement to make.”

  “Of course your majesty,” Maya said bowing as I hurried out the room to join my mother and the royal guards, who quickly got in to formation. I led the way with my blade raised. My mother followed close behind as the guards encircled us, rushing about our feet. The Death Stalkers joined the procession when it passed them by after gaining affirmation from me. Dabu walked silently beside me but I knew he was proud to be in my company.

  Our group stopped when we saw the others gathered around the great central light to sing our anthem proudly in remembrance of our species. Its lyrics echoed from past generations, powerful and unchanging like the passage of time always marching forward.

  When the singing died down we continued to the front then turned to face the people. I stepped ahead of everyone within my group then raised my blade to get everyone’s attention.

  “I am your new leader, Kyzudo daughter of the former leader Sanoka, and I came here to tell you there must be a change or this problem of leadership will return and we may be unable to stop it next time. I came here to propose a change,”

  “But we need tradition,” my mother interrupted but I continued as if I had not heard her.

  “But we may stray from tradition so we must set rules that are both comprehensible and flexible to adjust to our growing people’s demands so if one believes an act is unjust then I implore that person come to the palace so my mother may consider it. She may no longer be the leader but she understands the importance of our tradition more than anyone else. Her knowledge exceeds mine and I would be a fool to argue otherwise. Also I believe that Dabu should lead the Death Stalkers until my mother has regained her health.”

  “But he is a…” my mother began but I cut her off.

  “A male” I finished “I am aware of that but he is skilled and loyal and I know his strength will not falter. I am young and I current lack any training in the art of fighting. It would be foolish to insist for me to lead the Death Stalkers when our survival depends on their success. Dabu is more qualified than me so I will not attempt to best him when your need is great for their services but I will follow under him until I am knowledgeable enough to top him in both skill and strength. I am not my mother and I will no longer try to mimic her actions in an effort to steal her glory. I am Kyzudo and under my rule the people will get a say and those of you who have the strength to lead will be rewarded. The time of oppression is finally over so lets us progress into a new era.” I ended as a deafening wave of sound washed over me.

  “I was afraid at first but now that I think about it I think your plan will help us advance as a people. You did well Kyzudo,” my mother said stepping beside me as I nodded.

  I am not sure when it occurred but at some point a great transformation had taken place for I was no longer that clueless pup I once was. Now I was a warrior who could do all. It seems that if you follow your ambitions wherever they may lead and possess enough wisdom to recognize when your target is within reach then all goals are obtainable. It seems that at some point I became wise.

  Just a few weeks ago I was unsure what it meant to be wise but now I know with great certainty. Wisdom is the balance between ambition and insanity. It is the ability to realize that one is limited while possessing the power to overcome challenges in an innovative manner. It is an understanding about the nature of one’s world for the wise notice the formation of patterns and react according to their predictions. The wise value knowledge but recognize their limited retention. The wise know action must be taken but rarely rush into it. The wise accept that they are flawed yet relentlessly seek perfection for the betterment of their world.

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