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Chosen by the Alien Hybrids

Page 23

by Lia Nox

  With her we were bound with far more fragile bonds. I had sensed a deep sadness in her, a loneliness like the dark spaces between where the stars spin.

  She protected this sacred space by letting no one close to her. Making the ground around her like poison, as desert trees do to save themselves.

  And she let us in.

  No one before us, only us.

  The way she opened herself, pleasuring herself before us, was to me akin to the opening of her soul. Something in her expression as she bent to open herself, the way she bit at her lip and batted her eyes.

  This is a special thing, a private gift.

  My cock protested in my pants, wanting to be free, but I found it easy enough to ignore. Before I could allow myself to be lost in her I must know she is safe. At first, any harm coming to her would have hurt me. Now, to see even one hair on her head harmed would drive me to insanity.

  I would burn the planet, and the Masters too, should any harm come to her.

  She rolled loosely on the sand, shivering as she pulled her fingers from the moist crevice. She leaned over into Kern and he gathered her close to him.

  I stood up, slowly. My cock was stealing far too much blood from my head. Roth moved over a little to shelter her other side as I took a few steps away.

  As I walked around the clearing, I strained my senses. The slightest touch of wind captured my thoughts, wondering about the scents it could bring. My eyes peered into nearby shadows, heart jumping in my chest from the arousal and adrenaline surging in my body.

  I turned back, only managing a few steps away from them. Erin was curled against Kern, fingers trailing between her legs as he stroked her back. Roth touched her gently from behind, rubbing her back and shoulders.

  I knelt down in my previous position, which gave me a good view of her pussy and ass. She rolled over onto her back again, letting her hand crawl down across her belly to finger through her folds.

  I couldn’t stop the gasp that rose in me, her hand on her pussy feeling like it has reached into my chest and gripped my heart.

  My ears still listened for any sound against that wind. My nose still searched for any dangerous scent. I could feel all of that drifting away as I watched her. My need to keep her safe and my need to spend myself in her at war against one another as she began to writhe.

  Kern took one hand and Roth stroked the soft skin between her breasts. Her eyes closed, lovely mouth puckering with sounds of pleasure as she rubbed herself. She looked like the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, even gleaming with dust and sweat.

  The sharp stabbing pain I would usually feel in my cock gripped me in my chest and throat instead. Yes, she had awakened a lust in me that I’d never dreamt of.

  Physical, carnal pleasure had been part of my life, but not sensuality. As much as I treasured it, revered it, I knew that her greatest gift to me was not her body.

  It was her trust. Her willingness to give to us what she had never before given to another. This act of self-pleasure showed a demonstration of her commitment and loyalty.

  My cock strained against my pants and I inched closer. My senses strained against their natural limits as my instincts kept pounding me with fear, but the tumble of my thoughts was becoming clearer by the second.

  I could not stop watching her. As I felt myself fall into her display, I noticed Roth look up and scent the wind as I had done. I realized; his instincts were just as keen as mine.

  Relief flooded me immediately. I didn’t have to protect her all alone.

  I reached for her, pulling her hips towards me, reveling in the feel of her skin, her scent in the air. Shoving my pants down, my cock sprang free, straining towards her.

  I pushed her down to the grass as I knelt between her thighs, sheathing myself in her wet heat, driving forward until the base of my cock hit her clit and she trembled in my arms.



  We could all enjoy her and love her—because each and every one of us had each other’s backs.

  And nothing else would ever touch her again.


  “Ahhhhh, mmmmmm,” came the rising groans of Talos, his hips bucking into Erin’s. I wasn’t surprised that he’d been unable to wait his turn.

  I’d have been the same.

  Her behind suddenly jolted up off of the floor, her pelvic region violently bobbing up and down to keep meeting Talos upon each of his strokes.

  Such frantic motions.

  Erin was manic.

  I could do nothing more save watch her as she was undone by him, not that I wanted to do anything but stare upon such a rare find. My eyes would never tire of seeing her so bedraggled from all her thrashing about, the sheen of her wet skin, the smell of her pussy, the way her hair had become tangled similar to a bird’s nest. It was wondrous.

  With a roar, Talos buried himself to the hilt in her, and she shuddered again at the mercy of his release. Breathing deeply, he climbed up from his position so that he was lay on top of her but still between those silky thighs.

  But he was unconcerned with that now, as all he seemed to want to do was hold her. Upon seeing him do this, I longed to do the same, and so I came to rest on the left side of her, my arm snaking around her torso underneath Talos’ body.

  Roth didn’t move. He just watched, face tight with unspoken emotion.

  Long ago, the Masters’ had beaten him for being gentle.

  I hadn’t expected to ever see that side of him again.

  “Come join us,” I asked of him, eager for the four of us to be snuggled together just as a family should be.

  Roth shook his head.

  “No, you enjoy yourselves. I, I just need a moment.” With that he stood up, pulled his trousers back into place so that he was covered, and then stepped away from the group. Erin’s head craned to watch him leave, the pained expression on her features so anxious that it was heartbreaking to look at.

  “Is he okay?” she asked, her voice a quiet whisper.

  “Don’t worry, Erin,” Talos soothed. “Roth will be fine, he just needs a moment. You bring out a side of ourselves that we’d forgotten about or thought had never existed.” At last, one of us had revealed the truth to her, of how she made us feel beyond the confines of love. She blushed.

  “I’m, I’m sorry.”

  “There’s no need. We’re all grateful at having met you, never doubt that.” He reassured her, my hands caressing her stomach in a light tickle as we now fell into silence.

  We both should have known she wouldn’t stay quiet, not while knowing one of our family was in pain.

  Despite our calming words, Erin crawled from within our grasp, reaching down to her scraps of clothing. She dressed quietly, neither of us feeling it necessary to suggest she come back—she wouldn’t listen, preoccupied with seeing if Roth was alright.

  In moments she was gone, off to find her lost love.

  The missing piece of our unit. Our family.

  I sighed as I regarded Talos. “Will she be okay? Is it even safe for her to go alone?”

  “Kern, she’ll be fine. Besides, Roth won’t have strayed far.” I knew this was true, but that didn’t make seeing Erin leave any easier. She would be back, of course; however it was knowing we’d have to wait that had knots tightening in my stomach. “Kern, my friend, you worry far too much. Erin will be fine, she’s a strong one.”

  “I know, it’s just. . .even strong people grow weak if they keep it bottled up too long.”

  Talos side-eyed me, a seriousness to his gaze making me squirm a little.

  “Say that around Roth and he’ll have more than words for you,” Talos finally said, his tone warning. “I know you care for him, as do I, but let’s not sully this moment with talk of the past. It won’t end well.”

  It was his final piece of advice before he lay on his back to look at the sky, his emotions shifting back to contentment once more as I fell silent.

  He was right. Blast, how it annoyed me to admit it,
but he really was. We’d all been so lost to the throes of our desire that it would be sad to see it washed away by a few fraught memories.

  Erin would be able to settle Roth and then they’d return to us, ready for us to all come together as a single unit, each of us taking up our roles as part of the rich tapestry that made our family.

  Until then however, I would keep myself entertained with the daydreams of a world we could create now that Erin was here to help us.

  We’d be equals for the first time since our “birth”. Nobody would lord over us nor would we lord over them, it would be a utopia for everyone to find their place within. The days of turning this into our reality couldn’t come soon enough, but the idea of it was a pleasant way to think on my future as I lay beside one of my oldest friends.


  Thank goodness it hadn’t taken me long to find Roth.

  When he’d wandered off from us, I had feared he’d gone deep into the hidden undergrowth of this region, to places I couldn’t follow because I didn’t know of their existence.

  Luckily, he’d not been bothered about any of us finding him, but had just seemed to want time away.

  It made me nervous. Scared. What if...


  He turned slightly, his shoulders stiff. “I’ll be right there,” he said, softer than I’d ever heard him speak before. “Go back to the others, Erin.”

  “I don’t want you to be alone in whatever you’re going through.”

  It seemed to have taken hours, but in reality only minutes had gone by. At last, it seemed, Roth was finally ready to speak to me. He pivoted on the spot to face me, his chest deflated and his head hung low.

  “We aren’t good men. We haven’t been for a very long time,” came his heavy-hearted words. “And now, with you. . .” His eyes suddenly bore holes into mine as his gaze held me in place, his searching pupils wide. “I’m thinking hard about some of our choices. What we’ve done. What we decided was right. The only option.”

  “Don’t you dare,” I shot back, my voice harsh but in a tone that he needed to hear. “You did whatever you needed to do to survive, right?”

  He nodded, slowly.

  “And if you’d fought back, acted against the Masters, what would have happened?”

  A thin mockery of a smile twisted his lips. “One of the other teams would have hunted us down. Killed us, likely enough.”

  I stepped closer. “And how quickly would I have been killed here, if you weren’t there to save me?”

  His eyes flashed, and I went to him then, my feet only stopping once my toes were touching his; in my haste to follow him, I’d forgotten to put on my shoes, as had he.

  Roth opened his mouth but I silenced him with a finger pressed to his lips. We didn’t need to talk anymore if he didn’t want to, but he needed to find a way to free himself of these emotions. If words couldn’t be his vessel then maybe I could be.

  “Everything you did,” I took a deep breath, forgiving him. Forgiving me. “Everything I did. It brought us here, together.” I smoothed my finger along the meeting line of his lips before stroking along his cheeks, one after the other; he bowed his head into my touch.

  “How can that be wrong?” I asked.

  His arms engulfed me, his muscles still massive even though I could feel that he wasn’t tense at all.

  Taking me up in a squeezing embrace, we kissed at one another like never before. There had been so many ‘never befores’ since I’d come to this world that they all sounded like lies, but all it meant was that they kept showing me a world beyond the one I already knew.

  Our tongues never stopped moving, our lips going from gentle caresses to crashing mouths as our lust grew. However, behind that lust was the firm hand of love, guiding us together so that Roth could forgive himself of his demons, whatever they might be.

  The way we escaped into each other resulted in our surroundings falling away from us, as if the ground beneath our feet had never existed in the first place. I couldn’t be sure Roth was going through the same emotions as me, but I knew that he was keen to share in what I was offering, and for me that was all I longed for.

  My hands roamed over his back now, soft tickles mixed in with firm scratches as I struggled to get a handle on my desires. Roth matched me like he always did, both of us falling prey to what our bodies willed of us.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged him, though it wasn’t in the fevered way I’d done so in the past, but rather a whispered plea from one lover to another. He smiled at me between another kiss.

  “You don’t have to ask,” he replied, the gentle creature before me a new Roth I was eager to explore; it was exciting to see his personality reveal greater depths, layers upon layers of him needing to be exposed one at a time for you to ever see the full image of the man.

  We both descended down onto our knees, Roth pushing so that I fell with him landing softly on top of me. It felt good to feel his weight upon me, for so long it had been I on him, and so now I was able to return to him in a way I’d been longing to.

  From under his frame, my hands grabbed at his buttocks to tug the material that covered them down and away from his skin—I wanted to be able to feel his flesh on mine. The band of material I could barely call a skirt had ridden up naturally when my thighs had parted to wrap around him, and so once his trousers were out of the way we were together again.

  His hand dug about between our bodies so that he could line up his cock to my entrance. Rubbing the head between the lips of my slit, my breath caught in my throat as I waited for him to push inside of me.

  It felt like my first time with him all over again.

  The tip of his shaft edged inside, my breath finally dispelling as I clenched around the rest of his cock entering me. To call our moment anything other than glorious would have done it an injustice. I wasn’t being toyed with or thrown about like a ragdoll, yet the rising hysteria as I already started to speed headlong into an orgasm, had me reeling at the truth of how wonderfully simple lovemaking could be. It didn’t have to be filthy for it to work, so long as you both understood what the other desired, you could give that to them as tenderly and as traditionally as you liked.

  Under the force of my hands, my palms and fingers squeezing at the firm muscles of his sculpted ass, I felt his buttocks rise and fall in the air as he pounded into me. Each of his thrusts were deep and slow, our pace more reminiscent of how I was usually was with Kern and not Roth.

  Another deep stroke, his length filling me up to the base of his cock, had my legs gripped him in a strong embrace as I came. “Oh, yes, Roth, oh my god, yes!” I wailed, my cries of passion so loud that I feared other aliens on neighboring planets might be able to hear me. Hearing me begging so uncontrollably, his cock able to feel my climax, Roth burst within me.

  “Erin,” he moaned, this being one of the first times he’d spoken to me while orgasming. “You’re exquisite, mmmmmmmm, by the cosmos, I love you.”

  That was the moment I cried.

  I’d heard his love a thousand times before, but never as we’d made love, and never when were able to be so intimate with one another away from the rest of the group. If I could have frozen time to keep us encased within this moment forever, I would have done so without any hesitation. Although that would have meant me never returning to the other special men in my life. No, as much as time passed too quickly, it was comforting to know that I’d have Roth—and Talos and Kern—again like this for years to come.

  “I love you too, Roth,” I whispered between my quiet sobs, his lips moving to kiss away my tears. Our bodies were still now, with us only lay in the aftermath of our orgasms, but it felt as heated as when I’d tightened and came, my pussy triggering him into his own fits of pleasure. “I really do love you.”

  “As do I, Erin, as do I.”

  I thought I’d been happy before.

  Thought my heart couldn’t take anymore.

  But returning to Talos and Kern, feeling the bonds r
un through the four of us, clear and steady and true, everything was amplified, magnified.

  There was a battlefield outside our small green haven. And beyond that, a world of mystery that seemed to be trying very hard to kill us. None of it mattered. The world felt different to me now.

  Roth shifted beside me, my thigh that had been draped over him wobbling as he re-positioned himself. I could have moved away to allow him more freedom, but I didn’t want the connection between our flesh to be broken, not even for a minute.

  My world was beyond different now, and it was because of them.

  I’d take every stolen moment, wrapped in their arms.

  It was our meeting which had set the wheels of change in motion, but it was our quest together, littered with our fervent trysts, that had brought us here.

  And here was the only place I wanted to be.

  A deliberate crunching through the undergrowth pulled my attention away from my languid thoughts.

  Dammit. Not another wave of those—

  “Don’t let us disturb you,” came a familiar voice, playful and amused.

  I squealed with joy when I saw it was Delia, her beaming face entertained by the mass of bodies we all were before her. Behind her were her three strong wall of men, all very carefully looking away.

  Stifled giggles filled the air from both Delia and myself, while Roth immediately started covering me with our discarded clothes.

  His eyes narrowed as he stared down Axar, Zuvo, and Tarnan, clearly unhappy about them being too close while I was in a state of undress. Axar grunted and the three of them kept their eyes averted, however Delia remained an amused onlooker, her eyes alight with childish glee.

  At last, she broke the awkward silence. “Sorry for the rude interruption.” She gave me a sly wink. “But we didn’t know what else to do other than regroup with you.”

  “What’s wrong?” Talos cut in before I’d even opened my mouth; he looked apprehensive, on high alert at their swift and unexpected return.


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