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Mile High Madness: Six Colorado Contemporary Romances

Page 19

by Annabelle Anders

  “What about you? Do you like your job?” He felt like a heel but he didn’t want to talk about Corinne just now.

  Stella Fairchild lit up at his question. “I do. I mean, I really do. It’s as much about entertainment as it is about advertising. Although I’m not handling the creative side myself anymore, I still manage my favorite accounts. It can be fun keeping them in front of their markets.” She looked a little sheepish when she stopped talking.

  Her passion almost pulled him in.


  “I’ll be honest with you, I’m never gonna look at that Facebook thing.” He did what he needed online to keep the business going. Other than that, he considered most of it a waste of time.

  But she seemed to be doing okay for herself. Last time he’d looked, Audi’s didn’t come cheap.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” She shifted on the ground. Red had cuddled right up to her, his head resting in her lap. Peyton watched Stella’s fingers absentmindedly stroke some long hairs on the back of the dog’s neck.

  She didn’t wait for him to answer. “I love going to the post office.”

  Now she lost him. “Okay, I give. Why would anybody love going to the post office?”

  “I love that it’s the same as it was when I was little. People hand deliver their packages to other people. Person to person. It’s real. It’s touchable. Sometimes I’m online so much that I feel like the people I talk to, the pictures I post, don’t really exist. I feel like they’re all just a product of technology.

  Peyton absorbed her words. “It’s not like that here. Everything is so real that it callouses your hands, tires the muscles in your back, wakes you up at night.”

  They sat quietly for a minute and then she laughed self-consciously. The sun had dipped below the horizon and a few stars already flickered in the sky. “I suppose I ought to go inside and check on Corinne.” She unfolded her legs and went to stand. Red came alert at once.

  Peyton jumped to help her up.

  With Red dashing around in circles now, Stella brushed the dirt off her jeans. “This was nice.” Peyton stood a mere few inches from her, his hand still on her arm. It had been nice.

  And he’d not planned it – not in a million years would he have planned this – but this was one of those moments when you leaned in and kissed the girl. He knew she felt it too when she just stood there.

  Holding her gaze Peyton again marveled at her eyes. “You know your eyes are almost the color of moonlight?” He’d spoken the first words that came to mind. They sounded like romantic drivel. Oh, hell, where was he going with this?

  She slowly shook her head and then licked her lips.

  “Peyton?” The question in her voice halted him from leaning in. “I remember once – right after Corinne and I met.” She sounded almost apologetic. “She found out that one of her friends was dating you and she was livid. She told me she felt betrayed. I don’t know if she’d still feel this way, but I don’t think this is the right time to find out… As much as I’d like to…” She trailed off.

  Peyton ran his hand along her arm. Part of him wanted to argue with her but deep inside he agreed. He remembered the occasion Stella mentioned. After he’d broken up with… hell he couldn’t even remember her name. But after they broke up Corinne and the girl’s friendship had ended.

  And Corinne needed Stella. Now more than ever before.

  Stella stepped away from him but she wasn’t done. “And I think we need to keep in mind that maybe this chemo is gonna work. Let’s not give up hope, okay?”

  She’d picked up on that, too. “Right.” And then, “Stella? How long do you plan on staying?”

  She didn’t hesitate to answer. “As long as it takes.” It sounded as though she was in for the long haul.

  Peyton put one hand on the small of her back and guided her back into the house. Earlier today he’d considered her something of a nightmare but now – now he was only too glad not to have to handle all of this alone.

  She bade him goodnight and disappeared upstairs.


  Guilt clawed at Stella as she climbed the stairs to look for Corinne. God, she’d wanted him to kiss her. She’d almost leaned in, raised her hands to his shoulders.

  “Corinne?” She called out softly. Her room was right next to Stella’s. She didn’t want to wake her friend up though, if she was already asleep.

  “I’m in here.”

  Stella opened the door and peeked in. Corinne wore her pajamas and sat in her bed with a notebook and pen. “I’ve been making friends with Red.” And your hunky brother.

  Corinne patted a spot beside her. “I’m glad. Maybe you’ll like dogs more now. Red’s a working dog but at home he’s all fluff and kisses.”


  “Licks.” Corinne chuckled. “You really need to get out more.”

  Stella brushed her jeans. She’d been sitting on the ground – with a dog. “I’m a mess. I don’t want to get dirt on your bed. But I wanted to check in on you.” She’d known Corinne needed to cool off after dinner. She’d always been like that. After getting angry she needed time to herself.

  Corinne closed the notebook. “I never imagined this could happen to me.”

  They needed to talk. Stella pulled the wooden desk chair over and made herself comfortable. “You want to fight it though, right? Peyton told me the doctors didn’t sound all that optimistic.” She hated to say the words out loud but needed to be certain of where her friend really was, mentally, on all this.

  Corinne twirled the pen thoughtfully. “I don’t have a choice, Stella. Misty needs me. And, I mean, what if I do respond to the chemo?” She swallowed hard. “I have to try. If it doesn’t work well, then at least you’ll get to see me bald.”

  Stella groaned at such a joke. Leave it to Corinne. “Okay. So, then what’s the plan. How often and when do we start?”

  Corinne reached for a few papers sitting next on her side table and handed them over. “I go in everyday next week and then three weeks’ rest.” She plucked at a piece of thread on her tank top. “He told me to hope for the best but to plan for the worst.”

  Corinne spoke the words casually but Stella wasn’t fooled.

  “What have you told Misty?”

  “She knows I’m sick. I’ve been thinking about it. I don’t want her to know how serious it is until the cancer responds. Peyton said he’d take me into town on Monday, for the first treatment. And then the two of you can take turns.” She banged her head on against the headboard. “I hate this. I hate being so dependent.”

  Stella reached over and grabbed her hand. “No talking like that. Positive thoughts. You need to listen to your body’s needs. Focus on getting better. Promise me, okay? I’m happy to do whatever you need… and so is Peyton. Getting through this is your only job right now, okay?”

  Corinne nodded slowly. “I’m so glad you came. He’ll never admit it, but Peyton has been totally overwhelmed. All he’s done is hover over me and work. Up until now he’d at least go down into Hotchkiss once a week… meet up with Valerie.”

  Stella’s heart seemed to skip a beat. It shouldn’t. She needed to get a grip. “That’s his girlfriend, right? Are they serious?”

  “She is.” Corinne made a face. “I think she’s too young for him – shallow. But you know how men can be.”

  Stella shouldn’t be fishing like this. So many other, more important details, needed sorting out. “What about Mike? Does he know?” Corinne’s divorce had been messy, but Stella knew she and her ex kept in touch – for Misty’s sake if nothing else.

  “I called him last week. His response was, ‘Why are you telling me this?’”

  “He’s such a shit.” Stella wasn’t surprised. “Doesn’t he care about his daughter?” She knew Mike had never paid a dime in child support. He’d moved out to L.A. Claimed he couldn’t handle a family – his depression. Corinne and Misty were better off without him.

  “I have full custody, you know
that. And I’ve made Peyton her legal guardian in my will. I wanted to ask you. As her godmother – Even though you live in Denver – if you’d stay a part of her life if, when…”

  “Oh my God, Corinne! Of Course, but let’s not think about that now.” Except this was about what Corinne wanted, not her. “I’ll always be a part of her life. And if necessary I’ll make a place for her in mine.”

  Corinne let out a deep breath. “Okay.” She inhaled again. “Okay.”

  Despite the long drive that day, and the emotional onslaught that followed, Stella didn’t sleep easily. She tossed and turned and had barely nodded off when a tiny bundle of energy bounded onto her bed with kisses and hugs.

  “Stella! I can’t believe you’re here! I didn’t believe Mama when she told me!”

  Blinking her eyes in momentary confusion, the reality of where she was hit her in the same moment a rush of love filled her heart. “Of course, I’m here. Where else would I be?’ Stella wrapped her arms around Misty’s familiar squirming body and kissed the top of her head. Ever since she’d held this tiny little bundle in the hospital, Stella had felt a special connection with her. Maybe because she wasn’t sure she’d ever become a mother herself. Or maybe because she was just so beautiful.

  “I told you not to wake her up.” Peyton addressed Misty with an indulgent smile. With his hands gripping the top of the door frame, he wore jeans and nothing else. When his gaze moved to Stella, she felt herself blushing. “We were gonna let you sleep but this one had different ideas.”

  Dragging her eyes away from all that bronze, smooth skin stretched across incredibly well-defined muscles, Stella forced herself to meet his eyes.

  Laughter danced behind them. Did he realize how hot he looked? And again, the thought, why now? And why did he have to be Corinne’s brother? She supposed she needed to get used to this. Get used to the idea that she could look but nothing else.

  The sun was already slanting into the room and the scent of bacon hung in the air. Realizing how late it must be, she groaned. “I shouldn’t be sleeping in. I’m supposed to be helping.” She pushed herself to sit up but couldn’t slip out from beneath the quilt. All she wore to bed was a camisole and her panties. Except this man had already seen her in less. The temptation to groan again almost overwhelmed her.

  He did that thing then. Just stared at her for a few seconds before talking. “Corinne’s still sleeping too. We’ll let it slide… this time.”

  And then Misty perked up. “I already ate breakfast at my friend’s house. Kayla is my best friend and she doesn’t live very far away. We ate Fruit Loops because it was a sleepover. Uncle Pay says we’re going riding today. You can meet my horse and we’ll teach you how to ride. And we can take a picnic and bring Red, can’t we Uncle Pay?”

  Stella blinked and laughed at Misty’s exuberance. ‘Uncle Pay’ still hadn’t moved. He was awfully comfortable coming into her bedroom. The thought sent a chill down her spine.

  He swung back and forth a little and then took a step backwards. “We need to let Stella put some clothes on.” Something about the way he said that. Gah! She had to stop her mind from going in that direction. She squeezed Misty tight. “I’ll be down in less than ten minutes.”

  Misty bounced off the bed and toward the door where Peyton swooped down and threw her over his shoulder. “You’re not getting away this time, monster.” And then he winked at Stella, patted Misty on the bum and backed out the door. “Breakfast in five!” He hollered as the door closed.

  Stella just sat there, a little stunned. Such a different man than she’d thought him to be yesterday. Loves his sister, good with kids, cooks, and walks around shirtless displaying rock hard abs.

  He even has a sense of humor.

  Good grief, Stella. Just stop!

  She swung her legs off the bed and did her best to focus on what mattered. A little excitement caught her at the prospect of going horseback riding. This wouldn’t be like the rides she’s gone on before… thirty tired horses carrying a group of tourists along a well-worn path. She dressed quickly in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and her boots again. She’d bought these boots for hiking, hopefully they’d work just as well for a ride. She didn’t want to get caught wearing something inappropriate again.

  When she arrived downstairs, she found Misty standing on a chair stirring what looked like orange juice while Peyton cracked eggs into a skillet.

  Feeling it important that she jump right in, Stella located four plates and began setting the table. “My mom always cooked a special breakfast on Sundays. Every other day we’d just have toast or something. Is that how you guys do it?”

  “Yeah.” Misty answered for both of them. “Don’t set me a place Aunty Stella, ’cause I already had Fruit Loops, remember?”

  “I’m making you an egg kiddo.” Peyton transferred one from the skillet to a plate. “You want to go tell your mom breakfast is almost ready?”

  Misty jumped down from her chair and skipped away. “She never just walks anywhere, does she?” Stella pointed out before opening a drawer in search of silverware.

  “She’s a pistol, that one.” The mood this morning was so different than last night’s meal. Stella turned around and nearly slammed herself into Peyton’s naked chest. Shouldn’t the man have put on a shirt already?

  “I’d always heard that bacon was the one thing you never wanted to cook if you were naked.” She shimmied around him to get to the table.

  “I’m not naked!”

  “Well, you’re not exactly dressed. Doesn’t it hurt when the bacon splatters on you?”

  He just grunted at that. “Believe me you’d know if I was naked.”

  Corinne came down dressed for the ride, more color in her face this morning.

  “Are you ready to tackle the mountain Stell?”

  “I’m excited.” All of this glorious scenery was begging to affect her. Even with her lack of sleep, the thought of riding outside in the mountain air with her best friend and Misty … and Peyton… Her heart jumped. Fresh air. Right.

  Peyton carried the last plate to the table and sat beside Corinne. Despite her assertion that she’d already eaten, Misty scooped some egg up with a slice of bacon and happily chowed down.

  “What’d your mom cook up for those special Sunday breakfasts?”

  It took Stella a few seconds to realize Peyton was following up on her earlier statement. And then the memory of maple syrup, vanilla and coffee came to mind. “The best waffles you can imagine.”

  “I remember her your mom’s waffles.” Corinne nibbled at her toast. “She ever tell you her recipe?”

  Stella had found the recipe written on an index card last summer when she’d cleaned out the old apartment. Biscuit mix, milk and a full tablespoon of vanilla! She still couldn’t help smiling at the simplicity of it. Her mom had guarded that secret for so long.

  Although she’d insisted Stella set her up in an assisted living facility once she’d fallen ill, Stella still felt guilty about it. And then she’d passed away, overnight. Without her… Another horrible phone call she’d like to forget.

  “I have it.” She smiled, trying not to feel melancholy. She’d forgotten about the waffles. When she glanced up from her plate, she caught Peyton watching her curiously. Don’t look at me like that. Bells went off in her brain when Corinne glanced between the two of them.

  “Will Red be joining us?” She blurted out.

  “Red doesn’t need a horse, does he mom? Red runs faster than everybody. Even Uncle Pay.” Misty wiggled and squirmed in her chair. “You grownups done eating yet? Can we go now? Please? Please?”

  Laughing, they finally gave in, but not before cleaning up. Stella was a little surprised to learn that they hadn’t all gone riding together since last summer. Corinne and Misty went out as often as they could, but Peyton rarely came along. This felt like something of a special occasion.

  Even though it was still morning, the sun shone hotly as they trekked to the barn. Misty grasped
both Stella and Corinne’s hands, skipping all the way. “You get to ride Pickles.” Misty giggled. “She’s old and slow. Like you.”

  Stella pretended outrage while Corinne shushed her daughter. “Pickles was my horse when I was younger,” Corinne explained. “She’s a sweetheart, unlike my child.”

  Stella was surprised upon entering the barn. She’d expected a few wooden corrals and a bunch of hay but instead the bright walkway reflected modern amenities: cement floors for easy maintenance and high windows to let the light fill the cavernous interior. The stalls seemed almost ornate, consisting of smooth wooden slats along the bottom half and iron bars intermittently spaced along the top. Archways along the upper rail made for window like openings and a few horses peeked out at them.

  “This is gorgeous.” Stella stepped into the cooler air, impressed.

  “Peyton built them.” Corinne sounded proud of her brother. “He did all the cupboards in the kitchen too.”

  “And the table, Mom.” Misty added.

  Peyton ignored them as he flipped a few switches to further illuminate the area. Corinne approached a tall chestnut colored horse who had stuck its head through the opening. She rubbed his face and cooed as the horse nuzzled her. “Stella, this is my baby, my other baby, Taco. Misty, you wanna just ride with me today? Go grab the blanket sweetie and we’ll get him saddled up.”

  Stella stepped backwards, suddenly quite out of her depths. “Come with me.” Peyton’s breath warmed her neck. She’d not realized he stood so close behind her.

  She allowed him to lead her a few stalls down to where a white and grey horse, considerably smaller than Taco, waited patiently. Peyton stepped away and slid the door open.

  “Pickles?” Stella guessed.

  “Yep. Hand me that blanket over there.” He’d stepped into the stall and was rubbing the horse’s back and head. “Morning, sweetheart, you ready to go for a ride today?” He spoke to the horse with an abundance of affection.


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