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Haven's Wolves Christmas Surprise

Page 2

by Shelby Lynn

  Slowly, Haven stretched his mate’s star with the lube they kept on the dresser beside the bed. Garrett knew his pre-cum now had the ability to relax his mate’s muscles. It was an aphrodisiac that was gifted from their dragons. Touching his mate was the most pleasurable experience for Haven, and he wasn’t about to miss out on the pleasure.

  Haven stared into his mate’s eyes, ‘Are you ready my mate,’ he said through their link.

  “Fuck me already, Haven. I need you deep in my ass right now!”

  Never one to deny his mate of anything he desired. Especially not myself, thought Haven.

  Flipping Garrett over so he was on his hands and knees, Haven lined up behind him. He ran his hands from his shoulders, that he’d pushed to the bed, down his muscular back to his tight ass, where he spread his cheeks. He eased his cock into his mate’s passage giving the fluids time to work their dragon magic. He looked down at his mate’s head and grabbed his hair, tilting his head to the side so he could see part of his face to look at his mate’s pleasure as he entered him. He then knew he could start the movement that brought him deep into his mate’s tight channel. With each thrust of his cock hitting that very special spot that brought him pleasure.

  Garrett looked up at his mate as he arched his back with each downward slide of Haven’s thick cock. He was about to go insane over the combination of the aphrodisiac in his mate’s fluid, and him sliding his cock across the sweet spot on every stroke.

  Haven needed to bite his mate once again, and his dragon was demanding he do it immediately. He pulled Garrett so his was leaning back against his chest. He lightly licked the mating mark, causing a groan to escape from Garrett. Then he gently bit into it, once again reconfirming Garrett was his alone. When he felt the tingling of his approaching climax, he reached around and grabbed Garrett’s cock, pumping him in rhythm to his thrusts.

  In a matter of moments, both men were finding their releases. Haven’s knot released and attached onto the sweet spot causing Garrett to cum once again. Their breathing was haggard as they came back down to earth from the place that was just a part of them.

  They held each other tight until the knot released, and Haven got up to get a towel to wash his mate clean. After Haven took care cleaning his mate, then he returned to the bathroom to clean-up himself and then turned towards the bed.

  He watched his mate for a moment. Haven enjoyed the strong, naked body lying in all its glory for him.

  Making his way over to the bed, laying down beside his mate and wrapping his arm around him, he closed his eyes as he pulled him close.

  It was a not-to-gentle knocking that brought them awake from their nap. Haven went over to answer the door to see what the commotion was all about. Haven knew they wouldn’t bother the Alpha pair unless something had happened.

  “Jasper, what can we help you with?” Haven asked his fellow Pack member when he opened the door.

  “Alpha, can you come down to the front entrance? There is something we need to show you. I’m afraid you aren’t going to believe me if I just told you,” Jasper told them. He was still in shock by what he found.

  “We will be right down, Jasper.” Haven closed the door, and turned to find his mate was already getting dressed. Well, so much for a little time with his mate.

  “I wonder what that’s all about,” asked Garrett. It wasn’t like Jasper to act so secretive.

  “There is no telling with the guys around here. Sometimes they tend to play jokes on each other. So you never quite know what to expect. Although, they’ve been on their best behavior since you came, my mate.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll just have to go see for ourselves then.” Garrett walked out of the bedroom door with his mate bringing up the rear.

  Haven didn’t like Garrett to take any undue risks, and walking straight into an unknown situation was just that. No matter how strong he was, the protective instincts were kicking in. They walked through the Pack House on the way to the foyer. It seemed that every one of the men in the house was there.

  “What the hell is going on?” said Haven to his Pack mates.

  Slowly they started parting the way as they moved. Garrett and Haven could see a basket on the floor. It was the sounds coming from the basket that held the men in shock. No one really knew what to do in that moment.

  “Oh my goodness, Haven, that is a baby!” Garrett exclaimed to his mate.

  Chapter Two

  When Jasper had answered the doorbell a few minutes earlier, the very last thing he expected to find on the front porch was a baby. What the hell is a baby doing on the porch all alone? Jasper thought.

  He quickly brought the baby into the Pack house, and alerted his Pack mates to watch over it. Everyone stood in shock not quite knowing what to do in that moment. All of the huge men looked down in shock and awe at the precious baby. No one came close to the little one that smiled up at them from her pumpkin seat.

  He went to get the Alphas to see what to do about the adorable little one. Tracking them down in their room—not an unusual place to find his Alphas— Jasper quickly told them the situation.

  They all headed down the hallway into the front entryway coming to a stop in front of the basket.

  Garrett reached down and picked the baby up out of the basket. It couldn’t be more than a few days old. However, when he looked deep into the startling familiar eyes of the baby, Garrett was surprised at the intelligence staring back at him. It was the cute smile though that reached up and grabbed hold of his heart.

  Haven came up to his mate holding the baby. It was his deepest, secret wish come to life. He touched his mate’s arm, and ran a finger down the soft face of the baby. The moment Haven touched the baby, they were enfolded in the same glittering lights that changed them to dragon form. This time the light enfolded them all in its brilliance.

  Right in front of their eyes, the baby started shifting from a baby to a wolf. Then it changed to a baby dragon and back to a baby. The baby’s laughter could be heard with each change, so they knew she wasn’t in pain.

  It was the most amazing thing imaginable to the Alpha pair. They knew in their hearts that the baby was meant to be theirs. The grand performance a few moments ago just cinched those feelings. This was one gift for the holiday season they hadn’t planned for, but they were delighted, even so.

  “Haven, this baby is meant to be ours!”

  “The Spirits have blessed us this Christmas a little early with this wonderful gift. The baby even has your incredible eyes,” Haven said to Garrett.

  Garrett was filled with so much happiness as he held the baby close to his chest. The Spirits heard his truest wish this holiday season. This adorable baby was the completion of their family circle.

  Was it a girl or a boy? Garrett thought. It truly was a wish coming true. Something he thought would never happen to him.

  Haven heard his mate’s inner thoughts. He couldn’t wait to find out himself if they had a son or a daughter.

  “Well, Garrett, you’ll have to check. I don’t think the baby is old enough to tell us itself.” Haven couldn’t help teasing his mate. He was the one person that brought more happiness into his life than he ever thought possible.

  When seconds later they heard in their mind, ‘I can talk Daddy Haven, and I’m very happy to meet you both. My name is Jasmine, and the Spirits sent me as a loving gift to their first Dream Weaver Couple. I’m getting tired though, now, daddies. I need to sleep.’ The Alphas watched Jasmine close her eyes in amazement.

  “Wow,” was all that Garrett could say in that moment. It seemed they had a very special little one to take care of indeed. He was more than ready for the responsibility that came with such a special gift. “We need to go into town now, Garrett. It looks like we have some major shopping to do for our baby, Jasmine. We don’t have anything that we need to take care of her. She’ll be getting hungry very soon, and we don’t have a thing to feed her.”

  Haven picked up the basket and noticed the papers in
the bottom of the blanket. There was a birth certificate and everything else they need to make Jasmine legally their daughter. The Spirits thought of everything–down to the extra diaper and bottle tucked into the side of the basket.

  “Thank goodness, we have at least one bottle and a diaper if we need it right away. It won’t take long to make it into town, Garrett,” Haven told his mate.

  When they got out to their truck, there was a baby safety seat already buckled in the backseat. The Spirits had thought of everything. In no time, Garrett had her fastened into the new seat from the Spirits. Garrett was thankful they had thought of her safety in every way.

  “There's a baby store in town that should have everything we need for Jasmine,” Haven told his mate. He hadn’t taken his eyes off the little one since he’d put her into the car seat.

  “It’s a good thing we have a big truck,” Garrett teased his mate.

  “So true. We may buy out the whole store,” Haven teased back.

  “Haven, I can’t believe the Spirits knew how badly I wanted a baby. Being a parent was something that I’d given up hope of ever being,” Garrett told his mate.

  “I know, Garrett. I felt the exact same way myself. We will be the best of parents and shower our little Christmas gift with love. We will prove to be worthy fathers, of that I have no doubt,” Haven told his mate.

  “All the Pack members are going to be wrapped around her little finger in no time,” Haven added.

  “With one smile she already had me,” Garrett told him. She had to be the most beautiful little girl in the world, Garrett thought to himself.

  They pulled into the huge Babies R Us store, parking near the door for easy access. Haven opened up the back door to get Jasmine out, and after a few moments, he figured out how to release the car seat into a carry along.

  Garrett placed the blanket around Jasmine to keep her out of the sun. She was sleeping away, and didn’t even know what her daddies were doing.

  They headed into the big store. When they entered, it even smelled like baby powder and products.

  “What should we look at first?” Garrett asked his mate.

  “How about we get the furniture all picked out for Jasmine’s bedroom first. Which reminds me, Jasmine needs to be close to us at night and the room next door would be perfect. I’ll call the guys and have them move stuff out and we can set up the nursery when we get home,” said Haven.

  “Sounds perfect.” Garrett listened as Haven called the Pack house quietly telling them to empty out the room for Jasmine’s things.

  “Jasper, have the men clean out the bedroom opposite of ours for Jasmine. We should be back in a couple of hours, I would say,” Haven told his Pack member.

  “Sure thing, Alpha. I will get them on it immediately!” Jasper told him.

  They quickly went through the store, and headed for the back of the store where the baby furniture was all set up.

  “I never realized there were so many different kinds of baby beds. How are we ever going to pick one, Haven?” Garrett asked his mate.

  “Well, I think we should look into safety first and foremost in all the baby items,” Haven told his mate. To him, the safety of all his Pack was first in his mind.

  They looked around and soon found a sales person that knew all the information they were looking for.

  The sales lady introduced herself as Mandy.

  She showed them all the cribs with the highest safety rating. Garrett had soon picked out a beautiful white one with a matching changing table. Then she took them around to all the bedding and accessories. They both loved the little teddy bear collection, so they decided to get all the matching items.

  “Wow, that wasn’t so hard after we picked a collection, Haven. I never thought about all the things a baby would need. I’m so glad we found you to help us, Mandy,” said Garrett.

  “Your very welcome, sir. Your baby is adorable,” Mandy told him.

  “Thank you, Mandy. We are new dads, if you couldn’t already tell,” Haven told the very helpful girl. There was just something about her that made a person feel comfortable in her presence.

  She helped them pick out all the everyday necessities. Then they headed towards the clothing area for little girls. The men listened carefully as she explained about only buying a minimal amount of the smaller sizes. With babies growing so fast, they outgrew everything very quickly.

  In less than thirty minutes, the men learned more about babies than they had ever thought possible. If it were up to them on what to pick out, Jasmine would’ve been very displeased with her daddies. They had no idea what little girls would like to wear.

  Jasmine woke up and was giving her new daddies her thoughts on the outfits. In no time, they had all the clothes and accessories picked out. Their cart was almost full already from the clothing, diapers, and formula. All the necessities she would need for bottle feeding as well.

  Mandy went to get them a new cart and make sure all their furniture, swing, highchair, and bedding accessories were at the front waiting on them.

  “We may have to make two trips to get this all home,” Garrett teased his mate.

  “We have to leave room for our little Christmas surprise,” Haven said as he listened to the Jasmine gurgling for them. He couldn’t help but smile as he looked at the dark curls and bright blue eyes. In his eyes, she was the most beautiful baby in the world.

  ‘Thank you, Daddy. I think you are beautiful, too,’ Jasmine said in his mind with a giggle.

  Mandy returned to help them, and they headed over to the must-have section: the toys. Jasmine was partial to the little stuffed dragon, of course. Although they did pick out several other ones that seemed to be Jasmine’s favorite in her mind.

  “Well, Garrett, I think that will be enough to get us started in the daddies department.” They made their way to the front of the store to round up all of their items to purchase. They tried to tip Mandy for her excellent service, but she wouldn’t allow it.

  Soon they made their way through to the checkout and were amazed at all the bags and boxes they had accumulated. Mandy helped them out of the store with all the bags while a couple of the guys loaded up the big items into the back of the truck.

  “Thank you, gentlemen for shopping with us today, and anytime you need anything, just let me know,” Mandy told the nice men. She really enjoyed getting to know this small family. They were so proud of their new, little daughter.

  “Well, if you were a nanny, Mandy, we would take you home with us, too,” Garrett told her with a smile. Mandy had proved very knowledgeable about babies.

  “Well, I do babysit all the time. So if you ever need anyone to watch your little angel, I am available,” Mandy said to the men. She would’ve liked nothing more than to take care of their little one.

  Mandy could’ve sworn there was silent communication going on between the men. Then the tallest one turned to her with a smile, and asked for her information to call her for babysitting.

  “Mandy, you really impressed us with your knowledge, but as responsible dads, we need references from anyone who takes care of our Christmas angel. I’ll give you my number, and you can call me with the reference information later, if you want.”

  Mandy took their information, and she wondered what had gotten into her. She’d never been so forward to offer herself for a job before. There was just something about these nice people that called to the lonely place in her soul.

  “We will wait for your call then, Mandy. I think you would be a perfect fit with our little girl.”

  Chapter Three

  Mandy couldn’t believe how fast the day went by. The closer they got to Christmas, the busier they became. Don’t take that wrong though, she was very glad to have the job. It was the only thing keeping her from living on the streets.

  She ran away from her bastard of a stepfather because he’d tried to force himself on her, and told her ‘he was doing her a favor with her fat body.’

  Her own mother had ta
ken his side when she ran to her for protection from the creep. Instead of protecting her as mother should have, she told her to leave and never come back.

  That was over three years ago, and if it hadn’t been for a very nice man that had taken in the drenched, young girl that night, Mandy didn’t know where she would be right now. She refused to be a moocher from her best friend,Teddy. They both knew right away they would be the best of friends.

  Teddy became her best friend almost immediately. He was a writer and spent most of his time alone, except for the book promotions he often went on. They were both quiet people and would spend hours together, sometimes without even saying a word.

  Teddy told her almost from the start that he was gay, and she had no worries he was after her virtue. In all the time she had known him, there was never a partner.

  She stayed long enough to get a job and a small place to live. Mandy worked so hard to keep a roof over her head. She absolutely loved children and she babysat almost weekly. So she knew she had good references for Haven Storm and his partner Garrett.

  She decided she was going to take a chance and call them tonight with her references. What could it hurt? Mandy thought. Her life was an unending circle of boring. The only time she felt truly happy was with the children she watched, and when her best friend hung out with her.

  Teddy was a very famous author though, she soon found out after meeting him. He was on the road a lot of the time doing promotions for his mysteries written in the gay genre. Therefore, Mandy didn’t get to spend a lot of time with him. They had become a family in the short time they had known each other. She truly missed him when he was gone.

  With it less than two weeks to Christmas, he would be home any day. For the last few years, they spent Christmas day together. They shared a single, homemade gift that they had agreed upon earlier in the first year. Mandy knew the real reason was the money issue, and Teddy would never make her feel bad.


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