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Beauty Claimed

Page 17

by Allyson Lindt

  Nathan didn’t miss the sadness that returned to Tara’s face. Did she realize she was falling for Nick? When did this become more than a one-night stand? And how would she cope when Nick was gone?

  He didn’t want to see Tara with a broken heart. And there was nothing he could do to prevent it.


  TARA SAT CROSS-LEGGED on the couch, a notepad on her knee.

  “We need to make it clear that Marco and the city council are at fault for this.” Nathan was next and facing her.

  They’d decided to give Nick the evening to pack and prep for being away from work in odd shifts. Tara had called Antonio and asked him to meet the window installers here tomorrow.

  She and Nathan were discussing what would go in their next video. And Tara was trying like hell to ignore the ache pointing out this could be the last time she saw Nick. “I may not like the pricks, but I won’t sic our viewers on them,” Tara said.

  She knew how much that sucked and wasn’t willing to do it to someone else. Regardless of how much she disliked them.

  “But that's kind and reasonable. They don’t deserve that.” His teasing was marred with a splash of seriousness.

  It was true, they didn’t. But Tara wasn’t going to do it, regardless. “What else do we need?” So far they had a brief note about the shop moving locations, the road trip, and the short-term format change, along with a thank you to their fans for keeping them in the running.

  “A little bit of teasing about what they can expect while we’re on the road?” Nathan said.

  That was a good idea. “Both art and touristy attraction stuff?”


  “All right.” She made another note. They’d keep it in front of them, just off camera, for reference. For the most part, they’d ad lib the actual show. “Let’s do this.”

  Nathan stood and tugged her to her feet. “You sure you’re good?”

  Whatever had gripped her earlier, with the chills, nausea, and crankiness, had passed. She still thought it was stress since it evaporated once they had a plan.

  And when Nick showed up.


  “Promise me you won’t say anything about Marco or the city council.” Tara didn’t know where the request came from, but she didn’t regret reiterating.

  Nathan’s hurt made her hesitate, though. “I said I wouldn’t.”

  “I know.” She shook her head, hoping to rattle the thought into oblivion. “It’s just been a long week, and I'm on edge. I’m sorry. Of course you won’t.” Why did she push the issue to begin with? He’d given his word.

  She touched up her lipstick, smoothed out her hair, and took her spot in front of the camera. The storm raging in her head needed to stop. Fortunately, she had years of practice keeping inner turmoil from her face.

  Nathan grabbed the remote, and joined her.

  His tap on her leg told her they’d gone live. He looked into the camera, waited a few seconds, and launched in. “Hey, YouTube land. Huge apology for the radio silence. There’s so much going on here, and we don’t know where to begin, in filling you in on the secrets.”

  “Very first, though, a huge thank you, to everyone who voted us into the next round. You continue to be, and will always be, the best subscribers ever.” Tara picked up the next few lines without thought. This was familiar, having a rhythm with Nathan that let them talk to each other and the viewers without talking over each other.

  Nathan blew the camera a kiss. “We love you guys, seriously. You make this endeavor possible. Which is why we know you’ll understand our next bit of news. Before you freak out, the channel isn’t going anywhere... But we are.”

  Tara didn’t realize she was squeezing Nathan’s knee until he covered her hand with his.

  Why was she having issues with the trust today? She needed to step back from that edge. “We’re upgrading the shop. Moving to a bigger, grander, top-secret spot, so we can bring you an even better show. But while the behind-the-scenes stuff happens, we’ll take you on a short vacation with us, through Italy. Show you the art of this gorgeous place. Think trains. Rome. Sicily. The Vatican. We’re going to see and draw it all. Which means new tattoo designs when we re-open.”

  Sometimes Tara and Nathan chatted with commenters while they were live, and today seemed like a good time to delve into those questions. Her gaze flicked to the chat.


  I wish that brick had hit you.

  I wish I’d shot you.

  Her insides twisted, and the nausea was back. She struggled to keep the reaction from her face, and forced her gaze from the cruel words.

  Nathan looked between her and the chat, then back to the camera. “That’s all we’ve got time for today, peeps. Catch us tomorrow. It’ll be epic.”

  Thank God for Nathan. Why was she being grouchy with him before? He cut the stream.

  The instant she saw the red light on the camera flick off, and the live stream screen went blank, she slouched in her chair.

  This came with the territory. It was all harassment she’d been subjected to before. Why was it hitting her harder now?

  Nathan grasped her fingertips, drawing her attention. “Do you want to go pack? Walk away from this, and I’ll do wrap-up and posting?”

  “That’d be wonderful.” She managed a weak smile.

  He tugged her close for a kiss. The soothing comfort wasn’t as strong as she needed to squelch the ants crawling under her skin. It was a good thing they were taking a mini-vacation; she needed it.

  She headed upstairs, grabbed two suitcases from the closet, and hauled them into the bedroom. If she couldn’t handle a couple of negative comments, this business was going to kill her.

  But these weren’t just comments. Her—their—business was threatened, as was their personal safety. And none of it was her fault. She was being punished because some random internet wanna-be had to prove they were the shit, by digging up information from years ago. Information that just happened to have her ex-husband’s name in, on a list of millions.

  When she thought about it, she was tempted to collapse on the bed, and pout and wail about how unfair the world was. Instead, she started grabbing clothes, and setting them in luggage.

  “Good news, maybe. I hope.” Nathan’s comment dragged her from her head. He joined her in the room.

  “I could use good news.”

  “There are several parlors between here and Sicily that are offering to let us use their shops while we’re on the road. To both film and work. A couple have even offered to let us bring in our canceled appointments.

  Seeing the support she and Nathan still had, numbed some of her disquiet. “That’s awesome. When we’re done with this, we’ll pick a couple based on internet reviews, talk to them, and make sure they’re a good fit.” She hated to turn down any of the kind offers, but reputable, and a good personality fit, was better for everyone.

  “Or, we could visit them all. It’s only a dozen or so, and it will give us some variety until we have a new home. At least give them shout-outs for helping.”

  She couldn’t believe he was suggesting something so reckless. Or maybe she shouldn’t be surprised that he hadn’t thought the suggestion through.

  “What’s wrong?” Nathan asked.

  She gritted her teeth at the edge in his voice. She almost heard the underlying why are you looking at me like I’m a moron? Or she was feeling extra moody. “Are you that desperate to get away from this place?” Not what she meant to ask.


  She needed to be calm. “Any mention we make on our show is going to be seen as an endorsement.”

  “Then we’ll clarify that it’s not.”

  She raised her brows. “You know it’s not that easy.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t have suggested it.” The sharpness in his tone didn’t lessen.

  Great. Now she’d picked a fight that she didn’t need to. Which did she hate more—the argument, or that sh
e felt bad for pointing out the obvious, even though she was right to do so?

  The sooner they got their lives back in order, the better.


  THE EVERYDAY PART OF Nick, the bit that ran its own company and made adult decisions and kept life from falling apart, didn’t want to admit he was excited.

  But as he stepped from the cab, onto the sidewalk in front of the train station, the little boy inside was jumping for joy. He got to take a train across a country. With two people whose company he enjoyed more every time he was around them.

  The noise was almost deafening, and he loved that it added to the experience. He wove through crowds, taking in tile and the gorgeous stonework that raced toward the sky, to find Tara and Nathan waiting on one of several wooden bench near the ticket windows.

  Her smile when he approached chased away his chill from the December weather. Nathan’s expression was more subdued, but not disappointed.

  Nick drew closer, and Tara said something, but all he caught was, “... red... tea... lee?”

  Was she asking if he wanted something to drink? He shook his head and pointed to his ear.

  Tara’s smile grew, lighting up her eyes. She waited until he was within arm’s reach, then pulled him the rest of the way to her and Nathan. She dipped her head near his ear. “Are you ready to see Italy?” Her hot breath fell across his neck, sending anticipation racing over his skin.

  “Definitely.” He grinned.

  Tara took both his and Nathan’s hand, and they floated with the crowds toward their platform.

  “Is it always so crowded in here?” Nick raised his voice a little to be heard above the crowds.

  Nathan nodded. “Not usually so much this time of year. But consider it part of the experience.”

  “I’m great with that.” Nick wasn’t interested in quelling the excited child inside. This was fantastic.

  They boarded the train and made small talk as they waited to get moving. Was the weather always this pleasant in December? Did Nick have any specific requests? What kind of plans did they have to stick to, and what time did that leave for exploring?

  As the train pulled out of the station, Nick almost felt like clapping.

  “You’re loving this,” Tara said.

  Apparently it showed. “I am. We have trains back home, but not like this. Ours is a light rail that runs through the city. A bus on tracks.”

  “This puts it all to shame.” Nathan unpacked a handheld camera. “No shots of us, but I want to catch some of the countryside as it rushes by.”

  Made sense to Nick.

  Tara pointed out landmarks as they raced past. For the first few, she looked at the camera, but the longer they traveled, the more she relaxed. She shifted her gaze to Nick and Nathan, explaining what they saw, and the history behind a lot of it.

  She was stunning, wrapped up in her part as tour guide. Her eyes sparked, a light pink flush covered her cheeks, and her smile was easy and casual. That she knew so much added to the gorgeous image.

  Nick could probably give a similar tour of Salt Lake City, history-wise, though he didn’t have as many centuries to flip through to do so. But he wouldn’t look as good doing it.

  Tara paused and locked her gaze on his. “What are you thinking about? With that almost smug grin?”

  “About how beautiful you look right now. How much you know. How incredible that knowledge is.”

  Her blush darkened. “I love seeing the everyday through other people’s eyes. You’re giving me that chance.”

  He understood that. “Next time you’re in Salt Lake, I’ll give you a tour in return. We have a temple, but it’s not nearly so grand as The Vatican.”

  “I bet it’s not as crowded, either,” she said.

  At Christmas time it might be. He expected the thought of home, with the lights and the holiday season, to fill him with longing. He missed it, but what ached was the notion of returning to it by himself. “I don’t think there are as many people in all of the valley as there are tourists in Vatican City.”

  “There are only about twenty-thousand people in Vatican City on any given day.” Nathan rattled the fact off.

  Tara looked at him, eyebrows furrowed. “How do you know that? Is that true?”

  “According to Google it is.” Nathan held up his phone.

  Tara laughed. That just added to her beauty. She looked back at Nick. “I’d love to see your temple.”

  “Well, it’s not mine.” Nick kept his reply light, despite the lingering reminder that this may be the only trip the three of them took together.

  The conversation slipped from one topic to the next as they rode. The next couple hours passed more quickly than Nick expected. The company probably had a lot to do with that.

  They reached their destination a little after one, and grabbed a cab to their hotel. The plan was to spend the rest of the day sight seeing, and tomorrow they’d be filming at the tattoo parlor that Tara and Nathan had picked in town.

  Riding in the cab, seeing everything up close, was as incredible as the train ride had been. There was so much architecture and history to take in.

  As they approached the check-in desk, impulse sped through Nick, and he paused. Indulging a whim should be a bad idea, but on this trip, he was doing all right with it so far.

  “Are you all right?” Tara asked.

  “Yeah. Great, actually. I have fantastic company, I’m in a stunning place I’ve never seen before. Life is good. Do the two of you want to share a room with me?”

  Tara looked at Nathan, who shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Tara’s frown matched Nick’s thoughts.

  “Have I overstepped a line?” Nick asked.

  Nathan shook his head. “Not at all.”

  Then what the hell? Nick wasn’t angry, but he was confused by the response.

  “Then what would push you toward a yes?” Tara asked.

  “I’m curious as to what all the hype is about.” Nathan met Nick’s gaze. “When it comes to you, that is. I’m feeling a little left out.”

  Oh. Nick didn’t expect that. He should have. He’d been enjoying that view for weeks. “Sharing a room is contingent on sharing me?”

  “No. That’s manipulative and a bit extortiony. But it is contingent on me putting the proposal out there. Which I’ve done.” Nathan searched Nick’s face.

  Nick didn’t like fumbling for an answer. That didn’t make one magically appear. He could say no, but did he want to? “I don’t... I’m not...”

  “Not interested?” Nathan asked. “Not bisexual? Gay? I know the last one. I’ve watched you fuck my girlfriend.”

  Tara scrubbed her face, but it didn’t hide her flicker of amusement. “Is that a yes to the room?”

  Nathan nodded. “Sharing is fine with me. Probably ask for the biggest bed they have.”

  Nick couldn’t get the vague proposal out of his thoughts as they checked in. He kept up his portion of the conversation about where to eat and what to see, but his mind was drifting along the fantasy being with Nathan. What would he kiss like? What did he fuck like?

  An unexpected desire flowed through Nick’s veins at the questions. At the idea of pressing his mouth to Nathan’s. Nipping his lips. Exploring his bare skin.

  Nick tried to shake aside the growing fantasies, but his imagination had other ideas.

  They stowed their bags in the room and continued to chat.

  “All right.” The words slipped past Nick’s lips before he could think about them.

  Tara furrowed her brow. “To dinner?”

  “To Nathan.”

  Nathan blinked several times. “What?”

  Nick closed the distance between them, rested a hand on the back of Nathan’s neck, and kissed him. He didn’t expect to feel anything beyond a physical response. This was to sate his curiosity and shut up his rambling thoughts. Prove to himself he wasn’t into men. Then they’d go see Rome.

  Nathan cupped Nick’s face, and
pressed his tongue to the seam along Nick’s mouth, before sliding in.

  A jolt of desire spilled over Nick, dancing over his skin and singing in his thoughts. He gripped the short strands of Nathan’s hair, capturing him and holding him close. His cock twitched and strained against his slacks. This definitely wasn’t what he expected. But it was incredible.

  Tara moaned.

  He’d forgotten they had company. How did he let her slip from his thoughts for even a second? Her watching made things even better. He was fucking hooked on this experience. Being with her. With Nathan.

  They’d turned him into an addict, and he liked it.

  NATHAN DIDN’T EXPECT this. He wanted it, but never dared imagine Nick was willing. He was hooked the instant Nick’s lips met his. The taste. The control in Nick’s grip. It sent want dancing through Nathan’s veins.

  It was incredible.

  He didn’t know what he wanted next. To wrap his lips around Nick’s cock. To feel Nick inside him.

  Fuck, he’d be happy to just make out for hours. Exploring each new touch. He dragged his hands up Nick’s chest.

  Nick captured his wrist, and Nick groaned into his mouth at the commanding grip. Nick pushed both their hands lower, to cup their hands around his shaft.

  Nathan’s erection strained to be free, digging into his zipper. Nick used Nathan’s hand to stroke himself through his trousers.

  Maybe Nathan wasn’t content to just make out after all. The series of hookups, watching Nick with Tara, only getting incidental, teasing touches, had left Nathan wanting. This was his chance to have.

  He unbuttoned Nick’s slacks, undid the zipper, and dropped to his knees.

  To the right behind Nick, Tara slid her hand under her shirt and knead her breast.

  The sight cranked Nathan’s desire. He liked watching her with Nick, but he also loved seeing her turned on in any way.

  He freed Nick’s cock, then trailed his tongue over the head.

  Nick’s throaty groan spilled through him, and the fingers were back in his short hair, gripping and pulling.

  Nathan teased and licked for a few more seconds, before taking Nick in his mouth. He didn’t know which was better—Nick’s grunts or Tara’s whimpers.


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