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Black Scarface

Page 5

by Jimmy Dasaint

  After entering Pamela's bedroom she closed the door silently behind them. "Please make yourself at home. Get comfortable."

  As Hood looked around the elaborately furnished bedroom. He saw that it was a work of art in itself. The room was furnished with a queen sized canopy bed. Plush pink wall to wall carpet covered the floor and matched the curtains, canopy, and bedspread. Works of African art accentuated the wallpaper that was covered with rose bushes and vines bearing pink roses, rose buds and pedals with green leaves and black tipped thorns, while the subtle background of the wallpaper revealed a very light shade of green.

  Hood saw a place where a picture had recently been removed from the wall; the area was fresher and cleaner where the picture had hung. Beside the empty space on the wall there was a picture of Pamela and her son. He assumed the picture she had taken down was of her lost love that she told him about - well, at least alluded to

  - when they had first met.

  His attention was instantly drawn back to Pamela when she began to remove her pink nighty. He watched as it slid off her body and dropped around her feet in a pile of pink silk. He felt his heart leap and his dick pulse, his eyes feasted on her gorgeous hourglass figure as his heart thundered in his chest. Oh, how he wanted her…Needed her…Would have her tonight!

  Pamela swished her butt as she walked to the bed, climbed in the middle of it, and leaned her back against a massive pile of pink satin pillows. "Why don't you drop them clothes and come and join me?" she cooed, waving him over by curling the index finger of her right hand.

  Hood still couldn't believe what was happening. For weeks she had only teased him and now here she was naked, in the middle of the bed, inviting him to join her; to please her sexually. His dick throbbed with anticipation and need. The fact that Pamela lay back staring at his engorged member with a lustful, needful look in her eyes only heightened his own need and desire.

  Pamela was sure Hood's long, black dick was the biggest she had ever seen, but, so what, she thought. Tonight wasn't about being sexually satisfied. It was about a different kind of satisfaction. It was strictly about getting revenge for her man's murder. No matter how fine Hood looked with his trim, athletic, Mandingo body, she wouldn't be sidetracked from her true intention.

  Hood climbed onto the bed with her and their hot, fiery bodies pressed firmly together, as if molding into one. She felt his huge manhood pressing against her thigh, hot and ready. His mouth was like fire on hers, nearly making her forget her true purpose.

  He cupped one of her firm breast in his huge hand and sucked the nipple between his tightened lips. He chewed it delicately until it firmed, then hardened into a black ripe berry of fire. He rubbed the hard, burning tip of her breast with his thumb as he kissed around her face, driving her to the limit of her self-control.

  He slowly broke away from a zealous kiss and began to lick downher body. His demanding lips and tongue traveled around her neck, shoulders, breasts, arms and finally down her flat, muscular belly. She began to tremble with uncontrollable desire, her inner flame burning brightly with lust. Unintentional moans escaped her throat; her head thrashed on the pillow, her passion soared to the very limit.

  Hood then reached her wetness, his tongue like a burning brand of fire,licking her inner thighs, then slowly making his way back to her burning center. Before he dove into her smoldering honey pot, their eyesmet.

  Pamela was instantly jerked back to the present and her demanding intent. Her hatred for the man between her legs exploded like an eruptingvolcano.

  Hood became instantly confused by the unbridled hatred he saw burning deep in her eyes. This was not the lovely lady he was falling in love with and had given his all to. This was a demon possessed. He felt an uncertain and instant fear.

  "This is what you wanted, right?" he asked, moving his face closer to her heat-radiating vagina.

  "No!" she shouted. Then, in one smooth move, she reached under thepillow and withdrew a loaded and cocked .45 automatic and aimed it at hishead.

  He jumped back, his hands up in fear and confusion. "What the fuck is this all about?" he demanded with genuine confusion.

  Pamela slowly made her way off the bed, careful to keep the pistol centered on Hood's head. "Revenge, motherfucker!" she screamed. "That'swhat this is all about!"

  "What the fuck is you talking about? Revenge for who? For what?" He had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

  Pamela made no reply. Instead, she made her way slowly and carefully to the dresser and slid open the top drawer. She was careful to keep the pistol pointed at her naked and confused prey. She took out the photo of herself and Norman, taken a week before Hood killed him. She tossed itacross the room. Hood caught it in mid air.

  "That's the man I'm avenging! My man! The same man I watched you kill over eight years ago," she said, tears of pain beginning to roll from her eyes as she remembered the incident as if it had happened onlyyesterday.

  Hood stared at the man in the picture and began to remember the incident on the street. He remembered it so vividly. This man was the first man he had ever killed. Although many more had followed in its path, the first was always the one that stayed in a man's mind and haunted him; as ifone had crossed a sacred line and could never go back. Hood had been totally convinced that he got away with the killing of his first man. He had never heard a peep about it from the law, just like all the others. However, those he had carefully planned, the first had been totally unexpected - out in the open streets, in front of anyone who had been watching. Now, here it was, in his face in the form of a loaded .45 automatic in the hands of an emotionally distraught female.

  He stood there staring at the picture and slowly shaking his head in disbelief that it had finally caught up with him. He looked up into Pamela's wide-open eyes. He saw nothing but pain and heartache. At that moment, he knew he had put them both there. At the same time, he realized he had been nothing but a mark in Pamela's game of revenge. That he was being set up the whole time. She never cared for him. Instead,she hated him and had steadily laid her plans for killing him. He felt his anger at her, and then betrayal flame into life deep inside his chest.

  "Why did you kill 'em!" she screamed, bringing him back to the present. "You took away my everything! My world!" she muttered through her trembling lips that were covered with tears of misery.

  He stood there in silence. He knew it was better to remain quiet and let her emotions run their course. If she were serious about killing him she would have done it by now. She wanted and needed an answer.Just let her vent her anger, pain and heartache, and maybe you'll get out ofthis alive, he thought.

  Although it was hard to stand there naked and under the gun like he was, he knew if he pushed even slightly, she would not hesitate to pull the trigger and put a bullet right between his eyes. What he needed was theperfect opportunity to present itself, or he was a dead man.

  "I said, why did you kill 'em, motherfucker? Answer me!" she stated dead-calmly, repositioning her body to his, with both of her hands on thepistol.

  After a long sigh, Hood finally spoke. "That man was trying to rob me," he said. "If you was there, then you know this."

  Removing one hand from the gun, she quickly wiped the tears from her face. She had always known exactly what happened the night Norman was killed. After all, they had planned it together. But she didn't care about that. She only cared about the fact that the man responsible for taking the life of her lover was standing right in front of her, naked and vulnerable, scared and helpless. Alone and unarmed...

  "Back up slowly," Pamela said, motioning with the pistol.

  Hood did as he was told and took a few steps away from the bed. "Please, tell me what it is that you want, Pamela," he said nervously, seeing the end of the pistol’s barrel beginning to shake.

  Pamela stared intently into his eyes, her hand stopped shaking and her resolve strengthened. "An eye for an eye, a life for a life," she said, hervoice turning as cold as ice.

p; It was right then and there that Hood realized he had no chance. Pamela was going to kill him.

  He looked down at the picture in his hand one last time. Then, in onequick and sudden motion, he threw the picture at her face and rushed toward her.

  Taken by surprise, her automatic reflex was to protect her face. When she did, Hood was there and her gun was in his iron grip. The sudden impact of their two bodies colliding sent the gun falling to the floor, and slammed Pamela’s back against the rose covered wall paper; driving the breath from her chest. She was dazed and fighting for her breath. Now that he had the upper hand, Hood was relentless in his attack. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the bed.

  Throwing her on the bed, he straddled her and began slapping her back and forth across the face. His erection raged back to life in a fury. Hegrabbed her tightly around the neck with both hands and began to squeezethe life from her body.

  "Bitch! I should kill you," his low, menacing voice sent chills of terror down her spine, "just like I did that petty-ass nigga of yours!"

  Pamela tried to loosen his grip from around her throat, but Hood wastoo strong. Tears of anger fell from her eyes, while streaks of blood flowed out of her mouth and nose from the vicious slaps. "Fuck you, you bastard!" She struggled as hood pinned her down against the bed tighter, his anger out of control.

  "No bitch." He smiled evilly. “You're the one gonna get fucked heretonight! You deceitful, conniving ho'!" He screamed in her face, his spit splattering her in a mist. Then, at once, he slammed his fist into her jaw and she went out like a light.

  He angrily kicked her legs apart and slammed himself inside her to the hilt. All of his anger, hate, hurt and disappointment came to the surface and he took it out on her helpless, unconscious body. He reached down and grabbed her legs and lifted them up and over his shoulders. Hethen began to savagely slam into her depths. He grunted like a beast with every thrust…not caring that he could ruin her womb.

  With every thrust of his hips into her defenseless body, Hood slammed her face with his fist. Such was his hate for her, at this moment; that he wanted to scar her beauty and her mind forever. His passion soared as he continued to slam into her. He loved the fact that the hunter had become the prey, and the prey was now devouring the mighty hunter.

  Hood screamed as his climax rushed upon him. He stopped suddenlyand flipped her unconscious body over and slammed into her ass, without pause or hesitation until he was buried as far as he could get inside her. Hebegan to slam back and forth, up and down, not caring that he was severely damaging her. Before he shot his load, he jerked out of her ass and slammed back into her wet and bloody pussy. It was there that he unloaded in a final thrust that left him reeling from his sudden release.

  He collapsed onto her back as she began to regain consciousness. She lay there knowing what had happened to her, but unwilling to admit that shehad been so careless. She ached in every part of her body. Her tears mingled with her blood and she knew that Hood may very well kill her for her carelessness. I should have just killed him right away instead of taunting him first, she thought.

  Now he had just added insult to injury. She felt like a fool, knowing she had been raped and sodomized by the man who she hated more than anything in this world.

  Chapter Six

  After Hood finished raping Pamela, he got up slowly. Sexually spent, he put his clothes on; boxers first then jeans. He stood silently, staring at an exhausted and beaten woman lying on her stomach, weeping into the silkysheets of the bed.

  He reached down and picked up the .45 pistol and slid it in the waist band of his jeans. Being a gun fanatic, he believed this weapon would fit nicely in his collection. Every time he saw it hanging there, he would remembertonight and the glorious sex he had taken from a woman, a woman who could have been his Queen had things gone differently. He sighed with regret, staring at Pamela's naked body on the bed.

  He smiled as she slowly pushed herself to her knees and turned over. She grimaced with pain, hate, and a pent up rage that made Hoodthankful he was in possession of the pistol. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she would not hesitate to kill him the next time. Seriously considering killing her right then and there, Hood studied her bruised and swollenface.

  Small stains covered the blanket where she had been lying. There was also blood on the inside of her thigh, from where he had violated her rectum, tearing the tender tissue. “She will be sore for a while,” he told himself with a grunt of satisfaction; “That'll teach her to try to kill a man while talking, when she should’ve been shooting” he muttered.

  Realizing what Hood had done to her, Pamela groaned with pain, exhaustion and disappointment at her failure to kill Hood outright. She swore she wouldn't make the same mistake again. Her entire body was sore from the aggressive sexual assault that he had delivered while she was unconscious and her anger began to soar once more.

  For a moment they could only stare in silence at each other. Neither one of them blinked for several seconds as the tension continued to mount between them. Pamelacould hear herself breathe, her heartbeat in her temples and her body trembled with pent up emotion.

  Hood noticed a single tear slide from Pamela's eye and slowly downher swollen, bruised cheek. He felt a moment's regret for marring the purity of her beauty, but then he grew callus and told himself she deserved it for trying to kill him. She had brought this all on herself, just like her boyfriend had done eight years ago.

  Pamela stood up from the bed, her fists balled.

  "Ahhhh!" She screamed in a sudden fit of rage, rushing off the bed and onto Hood before he could pull the pistol from his waistband.

  Her attack was relentless. She pummeled him with a flurry of punches, kicks and slaps that proved futile. Hood quickly had her under control. He slammed her to the floor, knocking the breath and fight out ofher instantly; at least until she had recovered her breath. Then she was up and on him again like a mongoose on a snake.

  Again, Hood grabbed her and together they fell to the floor in a tangle. She continued to scream like a banshee and fought like a tiger. She thrashed wildly in her efforts to get free and kill her tormenter.

  "I'm gonna kill you, motherfucker!" she screamed in his face. "You raped me!" she added, getting a hand loose and striking him in the face solidly. He slapped her back, even harder.

  "Bitch! You were gonna kill me!" he shouted in her face.

  Pamela spit a spray of saliva into his face with contempt, still trying to free her hands and arms again, her rage unabated.

  Suddenly the door to the bedroom swung open. They both looked around to see who the intruder was.

  Standing in the doorway with an eight inch butcher’s knife was Lil' Norman. Tears streaked his face as he took in the scene and was instantly filled with an uncontrollable rage. He gripped the handle of the knife as hard as he could and charged his mother's tormenter in a blindfury.

  A wild swing caught Hood on his right shoulder, sank deep then cut its way out. Before he could get another swing, Hood threw up an arm andknocked Norman's hand aside.

  The knife streaked upward, then it flew free and the point punctured Lil’ Norman’s left cheek and sliced smoothly out; leaving a deep cut an inch under his eye. He didn't feel the cut as he raced toward his mother, and blood ran freely down his cheek and dripped on his t-shirt.

  Hood reached out and grabbed the knife with the intentions of murder. He pushed Pamela away and quickly stood up and watched Lil'Norman run to Pamela's open arms.

  Lil’ Norman hugged her tightly and tried his best to soothe her pain and tears. Then a large shadow fell through the

  Black Scarface

  doorway and all three looked up.

  Before Hood could fulfill his murderous intent, he was interrupted by the cocking sound of a big gun. He dropped the knife andturned to face this new threat.

  Momma stood in the doorway with Betsey cradled in her arms. As Hood turned to face her she pointed the barrel at the center of his broad,
naked and unprotected chest.

  Momma always followed her instincts and something told her to go and check on the boys one final time before going to bed. She discovered Lil' Norman gone and had instantly known where he was. Knowing that dangerous man, Hood, was at Pamela's, she had grabbed her shotgun, Betsey, and went to retrieve Lil' Norman.

  She could hear screaming and shouting from the front door as shewalked in and continued up the stairs, following the sounds of the struggle, then the ensuing silence.

  She reached a point on the stairs just in time to see Lil' Norman open the door and step inside. She heard his scream of rage then she heard Hood's yell of pain as she topped the stairs and went towards the door.

  Standing in the doorway, shotgun raised, she looked at Pamela and Lil' Norman, and then at Hood with an ice cold fury in her old eyes.

  "Mister, my husband taught me two important things before he died," she stated calmly, her voice like stone, "how to shoot old Betsey here, and how to kill niggas like you. If you don't grab your shirt and get the hell out of here in the next ten seconds, I promise you you'll never leave this house alive." She raised the barrel directly at Hood's face.

  Without the slightest hesitation, Hood grabbed his shirt, socks and shoes. Momma stepped out of the doorway and Hood stepped toward it. He looked back at Pamela and started to speak, then changed his mind; he didn't doubt that the old woman with the shotgun was serious. Heturned and rushed out the door, down the stairs, and out the front door, leaving his jacket behind.

  Leaving the house barefooted, he ran across the yard to his car. He got inside and while looking back at the house, he noticed his shoulder was bleeding like crazy. He thought about going back inside and killing everyone there. Instead, he smiled and changed his mind. Fuck it. The bitch got what she deserved, he thought, starting the car and driving off down the dark street, his mind racing. He couldn't believe his fantasy night with Pamela had turned into a living nightmare. The whole time he had been courting her she had been laying her plans to kill him. He had no idea and she never displayed the slightest hint of her true intentions.


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