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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 33

by India R. Adams

  Walking across the hot pavement, Skyler giggles uncomfortably. “Why are a few people pointing at us?”

  I look around, suddenly self-conscious. “I don’t know. Let’s hurry up.”

  In the store, I grab a cold green Gatorade while Lil’ Mama gets a chocolate milk. Paying at the counter, Sky gasps. I glance at where she’s pointing and see myself, Dereck, Alex Hamilton, and Blue Bonnet on the cover of the magazine. Pictures overlap, and I glimpse words pertaining to Hamilton’s long-lost son… I can’t read on. My ears are ringing, and my cheeks are burning. Not from blushing but from immediate fear. I throw money on the counter and grab Sky’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  She’s not asking questions, just following me as we run back across the parking lot. The green truck I hoped never to see again pulls right in between us and Blue Bonnet. I turn to run but find resistance—Sky. My best friend is frozen stiff, staring at Father as he runs around the front of his truck, coming for us. It’s as if she’s suddenly made of stone. I’ve never seen such an expression. Shock mixed with alarm and the perfect amount of numbness. Her lips are trembling along with her whole body. I didn’t know it was possible to be rigid yet shake. Oh my God. She’s thinking of who hurt her. She’s in shock.

  Skyler O’Donnell is going nowhere. It is time to stand my ground. But as I face my night terror approaching, I fight a shock of my own. There’s no screaming for help. There is only debilitating fear. I can’t help it. His eyes are so cold and calculating that they are reaching the pits of my terrified stomach. Self-preservation is begging me to run, but leaving Sky is not an option.

  Father’s lips twist into a menacing grin, telling me he knows today is the day I’m going to die. Suddenly, an eerie calm comes over me. It’s time to face my maker. I’m amazed how quickly I have the peace of mind to be thankful for Jolene’s advice. “Always say goodbyes. Ya never know when it will be your last.”

  I told Dereck how much I loved him this morning. I poured my whole heart into that kiss. My eyes water when I think of how much I will miss those kisses. My only relief is that there’s a chance I might live another life with him. My eyes close. Till we meet again, my love, my Dereck…

  My eyes reopen as Father takes hold of my arm, trying to shove me into his passenger seat, but Skyler won’t let me go. As he tries to get her to release me, passing strangers take notice. Sky breaks her silence, softly mewing, “No, no, please don’t take her from me.” Her little voice, borderline pathetic, finds no heartstring to tug with this man because the beast has no heart—not anymore.

  But I do have pity and sorrow for all she’s been through. I respect her well-earned fear and will be damned if I’m going to allow this asshole to treat her without the dignity she so fucking deserves! I smack him across the face. My explosion is fierce, and the silence following is all consuming. I see what’s coming.

  I’ve been kicked, pushed, and shoved, but I’ve never been slapped in my face by such a domineering, powerful man, releasing his hatred in absolute full force. I crash to the ground, Sky tumbling with me.

  Everything seems to be picking up speed. Her screams are now desperate, and men are running toward this chaotic scene as it unfolds. One grabs Father’s shirt as he attempts to get away. Another intervenes but is shoved by my father, who is an enraged, possessed man. So many wonderful people are coming to our rescue, but it’s too late. Father’s tires are peeling away.

  Employees and kind people surround Sky and me, asking questions and trying to help, but all I can hear is Skyler, wailing in my arms, pressing her shaky palm to my chest. It’s as if she’s screaming for the pain inside me that I have no time to consider because she’s falling apart. She and I seem trapped on a vicious merry-go-round of negative emotions.

  We need help. Energy help. My cell is in the truck.

  I see a man with a cell phone in his hand and tell him Jolene’s number. Dereck’s phone is most likely in his gym bag, but she’ll get the message to him, and their school is only two blocks away. I’ll hold Sky together till then.

  The kind stranger says, “Yes, hello. I have two girls here…”

  I know Jolene can hear her baby girl screaming over the phone. I hold Sky to me and whisper, “He’s coming. Dereck is coming.”

  Sirens get closer, making me cringe. Why does my life always involve sirens?

  An officer runs up and yells over Sky’s constant howling. “Do you need medical assistance?”

  I rock her, just as Dereck rocks me. “Shhh, I’m here.” I tell him, “No, sir, she’s just scared.” Another officer moves people back then starts questioning witnesses.

  The first officer asks me, “Ma’am, do you know who that man was?”

  My voice is rattled, as I am. “He—he’s… my dad. Rex Dowell.”

  As my heart tightens, Skyler’s screams intensify.

  The officer speaks into his shoulder CB, “Be advised, the suspect is the victim’s father, Rex…”

  The tire screech I know well echoes in my ears. Heavy footfalls get louder. My eyes close as I beg myself to hold it together for two more seconds. I smell his masculine sweat as he kneels in front of me. Dereck. His large, warm hand touches my cheeks as my tears begin to fall. I open my eyes that are probably showing defeat.

  The officer says, “Sir, they’re in shock. Can you help me get some answers? What’s your name?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Skyler jerks at the sound of his voice. “Dereck?”

  He inhales deeply before telling the officer, “My name is Dereck Hamilton. I’m her boyfriend.” Dereck doesn’t sound irate or out of control.

  Sky quickly lets me go and crawls onto his bent knee. “He hit her! He hit her so hard!”

  Dereck holds her to him with a sympathetic expression telling me he already knows. The harsh slap most likely has left its mark. “He won’t again, baby.”

  Sky nods. “No more, ’kay?”

  “No more.” Dereck looks at the waiting cop. “Officer, this is Serenity Dowell, and she already has a restraining order against her father. Believe it or not, he’s also tried to kidnap her, yet he is free to harm her again. All his information is in my glove compartment.”

  The officer nods, looking at the other stunned officer, then jogs to Dereck’s truck.

  More tires screech into the parking lot. Josh, Jolene, and Roc leap out of his truck.

  “Skyler!” Rocco runs to her as she leaps from Dereck’s lap, then runs across the pavement to reach him.

  Jolene points at Sky. “I’ll go to this one. You go to Serenity.”

  Sky slams into Rocco, grabbing his sweaty T-shirt with her fists. “Why, Rocco? Why?”

  Rocco appears torn for her as he cups her face in his hands. He glances at me.

  I mouth, “I’m sorry.”

  Josh rushes to me, then slows as he observes my face. How bad do I look? He stops, bends over, his hands squeeze the hell out of his knees, then he stands, covering his mouth with his trembling hand.

  Dereck nods at him. “Breathe, brother.”

  Dereck helps me from the ground. I’m shocked to have scrapes on my hand. I guess I tried to break my fall.

  I’ve let Josh down. “I didn’t know Sky would get hurt—”

  Josh snatches me from where I stand and wraps me up tight in his arms—his love. I finally break. I bawl for the loss of my dad—who he used to be and who he will never be again. I cry for my mom, who’s so lost. I now know she will never be found.

  Josh chokes on his words. “I love you, baby girl. I swear I do, and I swear to do right by you.”

  I understand what he’s saying. He’s stepping up to the plate. A plate that Dereck cannot step to. He can never be my Pops. Josh is taking the place of the man who has knocked me to my knees. Josh will help me stand again. He always does.

/>   Chapter Thirty

  New Beginnings

  Faith made one call to the father of her child. She didn’t seem surprised that the news had reached Alex, and action was already under way. With angry, watery eyes, she hung up the phone and growled to me, “Father thinks he has connections?”

  My dad has been sentenced to two years in jail and four years of probation. Some see it as a victory; I don’t. I wish my daddy well. I try not to hold anger against either parent or their broken promises.

  I love you, Mommy. Even your mistakes.

  Daddy, I hope to forgive you someday… I really do.

  Josh put his foot down again, and Sky and I have been transferred to Dereck’s school. I appreciate that Faith and Dereck don’t interfere with Josh’s decisions. I need him to care this much for me, more than ever. I argue like a spoiled child, but beyond my pout, there’s a young girl thankful for his fight, his guidance, his determination to keep me on the straight and narrow. It feels natural for him to have such a say in my life. He has for years now.

  Sky’s mom has no argument with the transfer as long as Sky and I are together. Rocco picks her up every morning and brings her to school. I drive Blue Bonnet. I don’t ride with Dereck because the boys have to stay after school for practice. In the afternoon, Skyler and I go to Margie’s for a snack, homework, then I take her home.

  With Dad in jail, I don’t have to keep looking in my rearview mirror, but I do. Two close calls have rattled me more than I like to admit. When driving past my old home, I’m tempted to pull in and see my mom. I miss her. But recently, the house has always been dark. She’s drinking. There’s nothing we can start mending with her in that state.

  The Crew is patient and understands that Sky and I are attached at the hip again. Even with Dereck and Rocco around every corner, it’s still scary, and there will always be mean girls. At least at our old school, we knew who to avoid. Trying to learn about the new batch of bitches, Sky and I beg Dereck and Roc to let us fight our own battles. It’s the only way I know to survive them.

  It’s great to walk down the hallway and see Dereck there, smiling. I hold Sky’s hand, and we run to him. Rocco and Dereck seem to have forgotten we have our own set of feet, the way they put their arms around our waists and practically carry us around. The mean girls seem to wish Dereck and Roc would forget they have girlfriends altogether. I’m quickly seeing Josh is right. It’s a good move. Slowly, Sky and I are even making a few new friends.

  “Rosco Freako Train!”


  Marcus approaches our lunch table with two trays, both for himself. “I love the Shorties eating at our table. They always leave leftovers.”

  “I’m eyeing the cornbread,” Roc warns. “So back up, fool.”

  Dereck thumbs my tray. “I’m getting Serenity’s chocolate milk.”

  Roc chuckles. “Not me. Lil’ Mama always finishes hers.”

  Unwisely, Marcus slowly reaches for Sky’s milk, but her glare practically burns his hand, so he immediately retreats.

  Rocco shrugs. “Told ya.”

  “Damn! Tiny is scary.” Marcus winks at her.

  Finished, Sky and I push our plates into the center of the table, where a piranha-level madness ensues. “My cornbread!”

  They continue fighting over food, shoving it into their mouths as the cheerleader captain walks up. “Dereck, will I see you at practice today?”

  With a mouth full, he suspiciously eyes her and the three girls standing with her. “Like every day, Holly.”

  “I love to watch you play.”

  Dereck stops chewing and stares at her.

  “His girlfriend likes to watch him, too,” says a sassy Skyler, picking at her nail.

  Maybe because of her tone, Roc stops the food tug-of-war with Marcus and looks up, seeming surprised Holly is standing there.

  “Well, she’s no Alexandria,” Holly nonchalantly says before her eyes widen, as if realizing she just said that out loud.

  I, unfortunately, am not surprised. This was bound to happen sooner or later. Holly is simply trying to explain the pecking order. Holly’s friends giggle and whisper to each other.

  Dereck swallows with one huge gulp, obviously preparing to voice his opinion. I rest my hand on his arm and glare at the rude girl. “Holly, have a little respect.”

  As if me daring to converse with her is crossing an invisible line, she puts her hands on her hips. “I don’t have to respect you or your faded jeans and boots.”

  Faith has bought me some new clothes, but my old clothes bring me comfort. I can’t explain it.

  Skyler crosses her arms. “She meant respect yourself. And she lives in Texas. It’s a jean-and-boot state, you overdressed freak.”

  Marcus bursts out laughing till he studies my head drop. I know what’s coming next. Dereck and Rocco’s body postures change into defense mode.

  “Freak? Me?” Holly screeches. “I’m not the one holding hands with my ‘girlfriend’ when I have a hot boyfriend. You’re the freak, disgusting lesbians.”

  “I cannot believe you just said that!” Dereck shouts, attracting the attention of the whole cafeteria.

  Rocco growls with an extremely tight jaw, “Holly. Shut. Your. Mouth.”

  Marcus asks, “Roc, why you getting worked up over the little rich girl throwing her weight around?”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Holly asks.

  Marcus answers, “It means, you’re trying to show what female rules this school, and frankly, it’s embarrassing. Serenity may not have your money, but she has his love. You have walked into a minefield, Cheerleader Superstar. Now what you need to do is retrace your steps—in your fancy little shoes—and quickly see your way out.”

  She points her manicured finger. “I have known these guys longer than the ‘Shorties,’ Marcus.”

  “Longer maybe, but not better. Step from your shallow world and look at their faces.”

  “I’m not shallow, I’m—”

  “Losing friends.” Dereck glares at her as all the students look on.

  Holly’s “friends” retreat from the line of fire.

  Dereck’s chair noisily slides backward as he stands. “Now that I have everyone’s attention, is there anybody who has something to say about these two girls?” He looks around, but no one says a thing. “I have never been in any of y’all’s business, ever!” He points at Sky and me. “And these two are my business. So pay me the same respect I have shown you. Damn!” He sits hard in his chair, then pushes his tray away. “Anything else, Holly?”

  I tell him, “It’s over, Dereck.” Then I glance at her. “We’re good, right, Holly?”

  She looks humiliated to the core and nods, then slowly walks away, alone.

  A lunch monitor approaches our table. “Do we have a problem here?”

  Rocco smarts off, “The problem walked away.”

  I put my hands up. “No, sir. No problem. Sorry for the disturbance.”

  Dereck mumbles, “You have nothing to be sorry for—”

  “Dereck,” I snap under my breath.

  Dereck looks down until the monitor laughs. “Are you sure she needs protection?”

  With a smirk, Derek replies, “Maybe not, huh?”

  Laughing, the man leaves us. “Whooee. Dynamite in small packages…”

  Dereck flashes his pearly whites, trying to flirt his way out of trouble because he clearly didn’t let me fight my own battle. I tell him, “Not gonna work, Pretty Boy.”

  The table breaks out with “Pretty Boy!”

  With the seasons changing, Texas is finally cooling off. The days are shortening, and I’m enjoying every minute. It’s as if nature is preparing me for a peaceful winter slumber. Dereck pulls me from bed, but I’m fighting it. “No. Want t
o hibernate.”

  “You’re not a bear. Get up! Time for school. I got a game tonight. You gonna cheer me on?”

  Skyler and I are actually learning a thing or two about football. We no longer call a “touchdown” a “goal,” and apparently the black stuff under their eyes isn’t dirt because many players happen to have it on them—in the same place. We don’t know much, maybe, but it’s a start, Josh says. Tonight’s game has been rained out due to lightning, so Dereck and Roc are on their way to meet up with Sky and me at Margie’s.

  Skyler and I are discussing a paper when a tall young woman abruptly stops walking past our booth. She faces our table, laying a hand over her chest. I inhale sharply, recognizing the gesture. Her big brown eyes examine Sky. “Do I know you?”

  “Umm…” Skyler squints, studying her. “I don’t think so.”

  The woman has golden waves throughout luscious brown hair. She’s so earthy she takes my breath away. A sensation flows through me, but I can’t decipher what it means. The young woman seems perplexed and starts to say something when a gigantic man kisses her cheek. “Hey, Sis.”

  He’s so tall, I don’t even look at his face. But the same sensation flows through me while I acknowledge his towering self. Maybe I know him—or will—or maybe both? This man is older than Rocco and has to have another four inches on him.

  “Doug, you made it!” the young woman announces. She gestures at Sky. “Sorry for bothering you.” They walk away with the beauty asking her brother, “How’s the watch going?”

  The watch?

  Our guys run into Margie’s as lightning crashes behind them. “Damn!” Dereck glances back at the door.

  Rocco slides in next to Sky and kisses her cheek. “Hey, Sweet Pea.”

  “Yeah, uh, Rocco, what’s with the new nickname?”

  “The Crew teases you about your bite; I think it’s sweet, and you’re the size of a pea. So, Sweet Pea.”


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