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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 36

by India R. Adams

  “Take me to your truck.” Intoxication? Check!

  Dereck’s eyes bug out. David hollers, “Don’t just stand there, ya big dummy.”

  I’m over Dereck’s shoulder, being carried away as the crowd heckles, “That a boy!”

  My body hangs freely, moving with his steps. “I lovvve you so much iiit hurts, Dereeeck.” My eyes close as he kisses my thigh that he’s holding to his chest. “And I will always be your Baby Doll annnndddd no one else’sss. Nooooo matteerr whhattt.”

  “I think I have water bottles under my seat, and I think you’re gonna need a couple.” Dereck always has extra clothes, blankets, and other supplies for emergencies. Preparation is his middle name.

  “I willlll drink your agua because I. Love. You.”

  He laughs, resting me on my feet once back to his truck. I don’t even realize I’m falling backward till he’s catching me, then handing me a bottle of water. After I sloppily guzzle it, I have another predicament. “I must tinkle now.”

  “Wanna go back to the house or pot a squat?”

  “Pop a… thingyyyy but will neeeeeeed assistance.”

  He walks—well, follows my stumble—to the other side of his truck.

  Yes, my pants are down and my knees are bent with my heinie stretching away from me as my hot boyfriend holds my hands so I don’t fall back into my puddle of urine. Lovely, Serenity. And to top off this humiliating moment, my mouth refuses to shut the hell up! “Don’t evvver give up onnnnn meee, ’K—’K?”

  He chuckles, shaking his head while preventing a horrible pee mishap. “Never will I give up on you.”

  “You got anyyyy toilet-toilet paper under youurrrrr seat?”

  “No, but it is a mistake I plan on rectifying.”

  I start bouncing my heinie up and down.

  “Uh, Serenity? Whatcha doing?”

  “Shaaaaaking my bus-i-ness for lingering droplets.”

  It’s dark. It’s cold. I can’t see, so my palms search and search for a way out, but all I find are walls—glass—confining me.

  “What’s she doing?”

  “Shhh… Serenity?”

  My hands freeze, plastered to the chilled glass as I try to figure out where the voices are coming from.

  “It’s okay. Just me, Baby Doll.”

  “Dereck? I can’t see you.”

  “Is she asleep?”

  “Shhh. That’s because your eyes are closed. I’m gonna touch ya, ’kay?”

  Mmm, his hands are warm. I know this light caressing my back. I turn to him. “I was looking for you.”

  “You found me, baby. Open your eyes.”

  I do. And I’m surprised to be in Dereck’s truck, with a blanket on me. The truck is still parked down the street from the party. David and Colt are studying me from the backseat with blankets of their own. “Hi, guys.”

  “Hi, darlin’.” David winks.

  Colt looks dumbfounded, saying nothing.

  “There she is.” Dereck pulls me into his lap as he spins sideways in the front seat, sliding his legs under me. “You’re cold.” He rests his back on his door and stretches his legs across the bench seat. I lean to his chest in a ball as he re-covers me. Dereck’s arms become my second blanket. My eyes drift shut as I bask in his warmth.

  David pats Dereck on the shoulder. “When did you become more mature than me, little brother?”

  “When I met the love of my life.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Men and Mermaids

  “Skyler, just a heads-up. They are a little… uh, spirited,” I say as Dereck pulls his truck into Mr. Hamilton’s long driveway. As promised last week, we are here to take the girls to the movies.

  Sky nervously asks, “What does that mean?” But then Cali and Chloe appear, jumping up and down in excitement. “Oh. My. God. They’re not getting more sugar, are they?”

  Andrea waves and goes back into the house. Maybe she’s embarrassed over her recent behavior?

  Dereck parks, and he and Roc get out. “Uncle Rocco!”

  The girls hang on Roc’s flexing arms as Sky gets out of the truck.

  He smiles. “Ladies, I would like you to meet a special friend of mine. This is Skyler.”

  Cali and Chloe’s feet are wiggling off the ground, thanks to their human jungle gym, until they see her. They go completely still. Noticing their change, Rocco brings them back to the ground as they continue to stare at Skyler as if mystified. Sky recoils, afraid of the mysterious creatures, until Chloe softly says, “Wow, I’ve never met a real angel before.”

  “Do you have wings?” Cali asks.

  Sky’s face morphs from fear to delight. Her arms spread wide. “Come to Aunt Sky.”

  As they hug her, Rocco says, “Look, they’re her size.”

  Sky squints at him. “Careful, or my wings are gonna smack your face.”

  Once we’re all loaded in the truck, the questions begin.

  “Do you go to the same school as Uncle Rocco?” Cali asks from the front, between Dereck and me.

  “Yes,” Sky answers.

  “How old are you?”


  “Do you live with Uncle Rocco?” Chloe takes a turn. She’s in between Roc and Sky.

  “Is he still alive?” Sky lifts a quizzical brow.

  “Here we go,” Rocco mumbles.

  Chloe appears confused. “Do you?”

  Sky sits taller. “No, we don’t live together.”

  Chloe hugs his arm she’s leaning against. “I will live with you, Uncle Rocco.”

  “Thank you, baby.”

  Skyler appears taken aback.

  Cali peers over her shoulder. “Do you want to marry Uncle Rocco?”

  Sky’s eyes widen. “Uh, well—”

  “I will marry you, Uncle Rocco.” Chloe rubs her cheek to him. He shows his mature side, sticking his tongue out at Sky. Skyler’s jaw tics.

  Cali is unaware of the combat taking place behind her. “Will you go to the same college as Uncle Rocco?”


  “I will go to your college, Uncle Rocco.”

  “Then I better wait for you, Chloe.”

  Skyler’s man is being stolen right out from under her nose. Sky’s frustration is building.

  Cali asks, “Do you love him?”

  “Yes!” Sky yells, appearing to want to beat Chloe to the punch, but she gasps. I think she realizes what she just said. Sky stares at Rocco while covering her mouth.

  Rocco solemnly nods and attempts a smile. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean that.”

  Her lower jaw wiggles. “I, uh, oh, uh—”

  His big hand grasps her petite one. “Too soon for you. No rush, Sweet Pea.”

  Skyler blows out air as she holds his hand to her face. Her light tells me she does love him, but I’m so grateful Roc is giving her time to admit it to herself.

  “We’re here!” Dereck hollers as we park at the movie theater.

  The girls cheer in excitement. Rocco opens his door then yelps as Chloe hurriedly steps over his lap. Rocco rolls out of the truck, clutching his trampled manly parts.

  Dereck walks around the front of the truck and shows immediate sympathy, cupping his own genitals. “Eww. They gotcha, big guy?”

  Rocco, slightly pale, nods, trying to inhale properly.

  I grab the hands of the oblivious girls. “Let’s give Uncle Rocco a moment.”

  Standing in line with a girl’s hand in each of mine, I eye Rocco. His white T-shirt and broad back before me are reminding me of an upright mattress. My nightmare last night was a doozy. I’m presently half asleep. Dereck is buying tickets, so I lean my forehead against the vertical human bed and whisper, “Two
minutes, Roc.”

  Dereck’s lips are what wake me. Still leaning against Roc, I’m now looking into Dereck’s eyes as he kisses me. I straighten up. “Oh God, I fell asleep?”

  “And you’re still holding our hands!” Cali proudly announces.

  Dereck smiles so kindly at me, touching my cheek. “Let me take you home.”

  Rocco faces me. “Your weight changed in three seconds flat, girl. Sky and I will stay at the theater with Chloe and Cali.”

  Anxiously, I shake my head. “It’s our first adventure with your sisters. Please, Dereck. I made a promise.”

  His eyes widen, then he reluctantly nods. “Who wants popcorn?”

  With more snacks than should be legal, we pile into the movie theater for some cartoon movie. I can’t even remember the title. Chloe directs the seating arrangements. “Okay, Aunty Skyler goes first, then Cali. Yep, now Dereck…”

  I’ve been placed at the other far end next to Roc.

  Chloe says, “That way, Aunt Serenity can take a nap on Uncle Rocco again.”

  Cali chomps on popcorn. “I have an old uncle who sleeps at the movies, but he waits till he’s sitting down.”

  Rocco laughs, resting his hand on my knee so I can have better access to his welcoming bicep. “Here ya go, old uncle. Nighty night.”

  My eyes are already shutting as I snuggle to him. “Thanks, Roc.”

  In our front yard, Faith takes many pictures of us. Most are blurry because she can’t stop laughing.

  “Mom!” Dereck yells. “This is not funny.” Another flash explodes in his face.

  Josh complains, “It’s humiliating.”

  It is Halloween, and the girls and I have our manly country boys dressed up as mermaids, from long red wigs and coconut bras to shiny, scaly skirts and fins with out-of-place size fourteen boots and sneakers peeking out.

  Jolene howls, “Look at the six-pack on that mermaid.”

  “Not funny, Joles.” Josh scratches at his red wig.

  Rocco admires himself in his truck’s reflection. “I think I look hot.”

  Dereck and Josh stare at him as if they are 2.3 seconds away from taking back his man card.

  Roc is oblivious. “Faith, can you email these to my mom?”

  Josh mumbles to Dereck, “Roc is way too comfortable in a skirt. Know what I’m sayin’?”

  “Of course, Rocco,” Faith answers. “Pick up your fisher-woman for the next pic.”

  Roc scoops up Skyler. She’s adorable in one of the outfits we’re all wearing—huge denim overalls, fisherman hats, rubber fishes hanging from our pockets, and rain boots. Of course, we have props and fishing poles to catch our sexy mermaids.

  Dereck is complaining about wanting to get on the road when my hook gets stuck in his wig. Due to the wig being quite secure, his head jerks backward before the fake hair breaks free. “What the—”

  “Sorry, La Twanda,” I say, placing the hideous strawberry mop back on his head.

  “La Twanda?” Dereck is not amused.

  “Yes, that’s what I named you.”

  Josh is laughing so hard that Dereck asks, “What the hell is so funny?”

  “Dude, fix your wig. You’re a mess!”

  Apparently, I’m too short, so Dereck’s wig is on lopsided. He rips off his wig and slaps Josh with it

  “Fix your wig—Josh! I shouldn’t be wearing this damn thing! Man up, already. Besides, we have plaaannnnss?”

  Josh’s eyes bulge. “Yes, plannnssss. Let’s go.” He heads for Roc’s truck.

  Jolene, adjusting Skyler’s hat, says, “It’s just a party. What’s the rush?”

  Josh stops walking. “Uh…”

  Dereck growls, “Josh. Do something.”

  Skyler, in Rocco-world, is ignoring Dereck. “Let’s put flowers in their wigs.”

  Dereck stomps his foot. “No! I’m drawing the line!”

  “Yeah,” Josh agrees, “this is getting out of hand.”

  “Oh, that will be cute,” Rocco cheers.

  Josh and Dereck, once again, are eyeing their friend that is crossing over to the female side with no fight or argument. His size makes this all that much more comical.

  As a flower is tucked in his wig, Josh whispers, “Joles, I need to talk to you.”

  Jolene says, “Faith, take a picture of this,” and kisses Josh on the lips. Dereck slaps his palm to his forehead as Josh begins to pull on Jolene, deepening the kiss. A flash goes off.

  Trying to contain a building impatience, Dereck taps Josh on the shoulder. Josh—still puckered up—distractedly peers behind him. His glossy eyes meet Dereck’s demanding ones. “Would you focus!”

  Josh jumps. “Oh, sorry, man. She kissed me. Got confused.”

  Flash! Faith takes another pic as Dereck chokes Josh, Jolene tries to save Josh’s life, and Rocco—happy in his skirt—is curling up a Shorty in each arm.

  We all pile into Rocco’s truck. As soon as he starts the engine, his favorite song, “Dirt Road Anthem,” is blaring. We all sing till we’re sitting at a red light, witnessing Roc forgetting what he’s wearing. He looks over at the male in the next car, who appears to be questioning Rocco’s attire.

  Rocco lifts his chin, mouthing, “What’s up?” in some sort of manly challenge.

  Josh, sitting behind Roc, says, “Why don’t you give him your number, you red-wigged freak.”

  “Oh shit. I’m dressed like a girl! No wonder this dude is looking me over. I knew I looked hot, but damn. It’s gonna be a rough night fighting off hungry males.”

  Sky sits between Roc and Jolene. “Don’t make me get out of this truck and fight for my female.”

  Roc throws his arm around her. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  At the party, we exit the truck and are handed our fishing poles. We connect our mermaids to hooks and take this hysterical ensemble inside. As we walk through the house, headed for the backyard, Marcus immediately screams, “Oh, shit! Roc. Nice coconuts.”

  Looking around, Josh mutters, “This is going to be brutal.”

  “El Ca-pee-ton! Can I touch your scales?” echoes from a bystander.

  “And here we go. Joles!”

  “Yes, yes. I know. We’re having sex tonight.” The promise of a trade was the only way she could convince Josh to put on this costume.

  I’m loving this! Life has been so busy that I feel lucky to have the Crew together.

  Six in this pair, all night long

  My smile, my glee

  This is where I belong

  In the backyard, Marcus grabs hold of Sky’s fishing pole and drags around the biggest mermaid in the world.

  Rocco complains, “Sky, you just handed my pole to the devil.”

  Marcus winces. “I’m not playing with your pole, Roc. Don’t get excited.”

  “My pole,” Skyler proclaims as she snatches the rod back.

  “What?” Josh shrieks.

  “No, not that pole, freak.”

  Josh grabs his heart, apparently thinking of another Shorty being deflowered. I point. “Umm, I think I see a gray hair, Josh.”

  He leans to Jolene. “Check! Am I getting grays because of my baby girls?”

  She smacks the head being shoved in her face. “You’re wearing a wig. Can’t see shit.”

  Pictures of us are on every cell phone, and the party is getting bigger and more congested. As the crowd grows, Dereck refuses to let go of my hand. Josh chin gestures at Rocco.

  Roc pulls his “fisherman’s” back to his chest. “Stay with me, Sweet Pea.”

  I peer up at my mermaid. “Dereck, what’s going on?”

  “Being Josh Dukes is going to get harder and harder.”

  Jolene takes a deep breath. �
�The word got out fast.” She talks over my head to Dereck.

  I feel like a kid who doesn’t understand the adult conversation. “But it’s just Josh.”

  He’s being photographed again and not looking so relaxed with it.

  Marcus grimaces at Josh as he shoos the stranger away. “Didn’t ask for this part of the ride, huh?”

  Josh shakes his heavy head. His shoulders slump as he looks at Jolene. “I’m sorry.”

  Her gracious hand caresses his face. “We’ll find a way to still have a life, you hear me?”

  His red wig is all I can see as he hides in her neck. “I just want to play ball, babe.”

  She holds him with worry in her eyes. “I know. I know.”

  I finally understand the magnitude of Josh’s talents. I glance around and see everyone pointing and talking about him. Someone yells, “Josh! Can you autograph my mask?”

  Rocco says, “Dereck, we need to roll.”

  Dereck nods, inspecting his surroundings. “Seeing that.”

  Josh rests his hands on his knees to come down to Skyler’s and my level. “I’m so sorry we have to leave your first Halloween party so early, but I promise to make it up to you.”

  I cover my mouth in awe. “All this was for the two of us, wasn’t it?”

  “You both are seniors yet have never experienced this.”

  Sky says, “Joshy Poo, you are way more important than a party.” She grins at me, and I read her mind. We sandwich him in our hugs and kisses, just the way he likes it.

  Relief oozes from him as he embraces us. “My Shorties.”

  While the boys load into the truck, my lab partner, Tye, is just joining the party. “Hey, Serenity. Heading out?”

  “Yeah, but it’s fun in there.”

  “Awesome. Take care.”

  I turn to the truck to see Jolene and Sky smiling at me. “What?”

  Jolene says, “It’s just nice to see you making friends.”

  “It feels good, too.” I jump into the front seat, climb over to the back, and plop between Dereck and Josh. I freeze when I feel both their hands under my butt. “What the hell are you two doing?”


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