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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 38

by India R. Adams

  A soft voice says, “No more, please.”

  Rocco and Dereck peer down at Sky pushing between them. “No more fighting.” Her magic blooms and begs for peace. “Junior, your dad hurt my mom—my whole family—with his anger, and by how you’re acting tonight, I see he hurt you, too. I’m sorry for your pain, and for mine, but… I choose not to be around violence anymore. No more. Good night, Junior. I truly wish you well.”

  This precious baby gazes up at her boys, who will always defend her, and says, “I would like to go now.” She turns and walks out the front door.

  I swear I see angel wings grow with her newfound strength. Light beams from her at such a powerful rate, it reminds me of a painting. Maybe some artist many years ago could see light as I do and that’s how the drawing of “angels” began.

  The whole parlor is silent as we follow her out the door. Maybe they could sense her wings, too.

  “Okay, I’m not good with all this mumbo jumbo, but shouldn’t I be signing some papers?” I’m sitting at the dining room table with the back doors open, giving us a fresh evening breeze to enjoy.

  Dereck looks up from his plate. “What are you talking about?”


  Faith takes a bite of dinner, smiling.

  So, this is not the first talk of Dereck and his money.

  Dereck’s jaw tics. “I’m completely over conversations about my money.”

  Lawyers. “Dereck, I’m not looking to ruin your dinner—”

  “Then drop it.”

  “Hey!” I snap. “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m trying to do right by you.” His growing smile surprises me. “What?”

  Still smiling, he glances at his mom then back at me. “It’s nice to hear you stick up for yourself.”

  “Oh.” Now I’m smirking with some unusual pride. “Well, I didn’t deserve that.”

  He sets down his fork. “Nope. Sure didn’t. Thank you for putting me in my place, and I apologize for being so rude.”

  My attention isn’t going to be diverted. “Dereck?”

  “Yes, beautiful.”

  “Where’s the paperwork?”

  “Is none.”


  He picks up his fork again and loads it. “Not budging on this one, Baby Doll.”

  “Fine. I’m not marrying you, then.”

  He takes a bite and talks with a mouthful. “Yeths, yu ore.”

  I squint. “How can you be so sure?”

  His arms spread wide as he leans back in his chair and swallows. “Because, I’m Dereck freaking Hamilton.”

  Faith rolls her eyes. “Helloooo, ego.”

  The boutique is as feminine as they come. Small, unique, yet somehow making me feel important. I’ve tried on several dresses, but nothing feels like me. Jolene and Skyler picked out a few but to no avail.

  Then Faith walks to me with a dress and a smile. She whispers, “I dreamed of you in this dress.”

  Even though she’s not the cloaked one, her dreaming of me makes me feel special.

  My eyes tear. “Does this mean you don’t believe I’m ruining your son’s life by getting married so young?”

  She delicately touches my face and whispers, “Did you the last time you took his name?”

  My tears fall in relief at her honesty, and to know that, one day, we may talk about my visions.

  She wipes my tears. “Now let’s get this dress on you.”

  The dress reflecting in the mirror before me is ivory with no glam or stones. With delicate straps, it hangs naturally, with grace. It is simple. It is me. My heart sings. “This is the one.” I feel beautiful.

  This is my wedding day, I tell myself as I open my eyes to the morning sun. Not only am I greeted with sunlight, but my soon-to-be husband, resting in front of me, is staring at me. What a wonderful way to rejoin the world.

  We didn’t sleep in separate beds, nor did we spend the prior evening apart. We are as one. No tradition is going to own us. We want to spend one of the best days of our lives as we please. Dereck and I are entranced with each other. No words are spoken as he slides my silk dress over my head and lets it fall down my body. My chills intensify as his hands follow the dress’s descent.

  His strong arms slide into his white button-down shirt as I hold it out for him, and his strong hands pull me to him as I button it.

  Dereck’s hand holds mine as we walk down the stairs to see our friends. We all embrace. The Crew is just as peaceful as we are. This is a very special time in our lives, and my friends and Faith let Dereck and me float effortlessly in our bliss. Jolene takes my hand and leads me to the outside patio then sits me down. Her hands gently clip my hair up then attach a precious gardenia. Faith cries when her son takes my hand again, and we dance to music playing only in our hearts, circling each other as if offering our unconditional love to the universe.

  There’s no place I would rather be married than my spring. My magical place waits for us all. Faith hands ivory roses to Dereck’s family: Andrea, David, Colt, Chloe, and Cali. Then she quietly walks to Alexander. He kisses her cheek with much love and respect. She gleams, and I swear her eyes say, “Our son is getting to have what we couldn’t.” She bows her head, handing him a rose.

  To avoid my parents’ house, we take another path, but it doesn’t bother me. Nothing is going to bother me today. The sun peeks through the trees and rests on my shoulders. I feel like a fairy as Dereck walks me through the woods. Quiet, peaceful, surreal.

  David hands me my first rose and kisses my cheek before taking his place in front of the spring. An aisle forms. On one side is Dereck’s family, on the other is my Crew. The sun sparkles in Dereck’s eyes. He hands me a rose then takes his place by his brother.

  Josh then comes to me with a rose and whispers, “I’m so proud of you.”

  My eyes close. What wonderful words to hear. Josh bends his arm for me. I take hold so he can walk me to my husband-to-be.

  One by one, as I walk down the aisle of nature, I’m handed other roses. My family and my friends form my bouquet full of love. Josh gently places my hand into Dereck’s waiting palm. Josh kisses my forehead, tells me he loves me, then takes his place by Jolene.

  As I stare into the green eyes of the one who loves me more than anyone else in the world, all my troubles, all my heartaches fade away. Every moment it took to get to here, now, was completely worth it.

  Dereck whispers, “I love you.”

  I nod, feeling the sun blessing this union.

  He holds my hands in front of him and says, “I would like to thank you for saying yes and giving me the best day of my life. You are the answer to the prayer I did not even know I prayed. When I saw you, I remembered making a deal with God. If you let me have her”—Dereck swallows—“I promise to be the best person I can be. I will forever keep this promise and love her with all I have.”

  I’m speechless.

  David had told me that something changed in him that night in the truck, when he witnessed my mild night terror. He said his brother’s loyalty to me stirred desires for the same unconditional connection. I was stunned but oh so proud when he decided to become an ordained minister so that he could conduct our service and marry us.

  “Thank you, friends and family, for joining the union between two of the most special people I have ever met. I asked to do this service”—he chokes up—“because I look up to this young man for all that he stands for. If everyone could bow their heads, I would like to start with a prayer.”

  All heads bow but mine and Dereck’s. We simply stare at each other.

  “I ask for angels and guardians to continue to watch over these souls and guide them to happiness for as long as they may live…”

  I don’t hear everything David is saying. I’m in tune
with Dereck, just as I want to be.

  “Serenity, would you repeat after me. I, Serenity…”

  “I, Serenity…” His light… his light is always the same. Dereck’s name, face, color, and expressions may change, but his light, his soul is the same. We have taken vows before, in different languages, different times, always the same unconditional love… “Take you, Dereck, to be my husband. To hold, to cherish, till death do us part—” I stop. “Not even death will part us, will it, Dereck?”

  He smiles. “No, Baby Doll, we are forever.”


  David cries along with the rest of our family. “And if Dereck would repeat after me…”

  Dereck repeats, “I, Dereck, take…” His eyes… Dereck peeks at me from under his cowboy hat and says with a Southern drawl, “… take Serenity to be my wife…” In front of my spring, Dereck winks. “—to hold, to cherish… not even death will part us.”

  Every one of his forms blows through me with their promises, and the kiss of their lifetimes…

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The World That Awaits

  Can’t say that going to high school as a young married woman is not weird or accepted. Can’t say I recommend it at all, because I don’t. It is hard. It is frowned upon. But it is my life. Dereck and I found ourselves in a whirlwind and clung to each other until we could see our way out. That whirlwind sped up channels I suggest others take their time with. I wasn’t lucky enough to have the young, fun, and carefree relationship that many get to experience. I’ve had to grow up faster than any teenager should, but again, it’s my life. The sooner I accepted it, the sooner our days could settle again.

  And that’s just what happened. People began to ease up on the cruelty. And my story found purpose. Just as Dereck said I would, I began to help people. I was interviewed by a student from the school newspaper. The article started off being about teen marriage, but the truth was so much more. The guy interviewing me was intrigued and printed the story of my life. Soon other students came to me with their stories. I was confided in. Considered a trustworthy ear.

  Some of the students needed outside help, and I would miss class if needed to get that person to the counselor. The counselor said I was gifted in helping my peers and that I should think about this line of work as a career. From the sidelines, Dereck watched me bloom. He let go of his fear and let me fly. Even the mean girls, one by one, came to me. I learned we all have troubles, and we all handle them in different ways. Some act with unkind words, just as they have been taught.

  Jolene, Skyler, and I watch Rocco block for the quarterback, Kyle, so that he can pass the ball. Dereck leaps into the air and catches it. Number 23 runs as if his ass is on fire, and I sense him smiling. Josh is right, Dereck loves this.

  Dereck heads for a touchdown as Josh runs along the sidelines, screaming, “Go! Go!”

  Dereck almost makes it, and then he’s plowed over. He goes down, rolls, and is back on his feet in no time.

  The ball is hiked again. Kyle throws the ball to another player, but it falls short. Kyle’s head drops with disappointment.

  The coach is yelling instructions to other players as Josh helps the quarterback. “Let it go, Kyle! Head in the game! Focus on your next play!”

  Kyle studies Josh and nods his helmet. This is a very important game, or so I’ve been told.

  The ball is being hiked again. Rocco blocks, Kyle throws, Dereck leaps and catches. Before Dereck’s feet are back down to earth, he’s hit and flipped in the air. I watch helplessly as he comes crashing down on the back of his neck, the ball still clutched to his chest. Then his body unfolds, laying him on his back. I keep waiting for his usual roll to his feet, but he doesn’t move. His arms go lax, and the ball rolls away.

  Jolene gasps. “He never lets that ball get away.”

  My world slips into slow motion.

  The crowd quiets as Rocco slides on his knees to Dereck’s side. Dereck still isn’t moving. I don’t know what Rocco is seeing, but he’s frantically waving his arms for help. Josh and the adults run full speed as all other players—on both teams—take a knee. Rocco scrambles away to make room. The adults give acute attention to Dereck then gesture to off field.

  Jolene grabs my and Sky’s hands as the standby paramedics race onto the field with a yellow board. I’m running down the bleachers as professionals and coaches surround Dereck. I let go of Jolene. My fingers latch onto the chain-link fence blocking me from reaching him. I run along the fencing, watching as they wave smelling salt under his nose. Heads shake. They’re not getting a reaction from my husband.

  I stop running and shake the barrier. My heart climbs up my throat and out my mouth. I’m clinging to the fence, and my anguish is for all to hear. “Dereck! Open your eyes! Please, Dereck!”

  Josh and Roc glance up and stare at me as if I have demanded something of them also. Paramedics and the coaches are saying something, pulling Josh and Roc’s attention from me. Grabbing his chest, Josh looks back up at me and gestures that Dereck’s eyes are now open.

  I partially collapse into the fencing. “Thank you. Thank you.”

  Six men lift Dereck as the yellow board is slid underneath him. Scissors cut his jersey down the middle. His padding is untied but not removed. The man standing over him kneels and slides his hands under the opened chest gear, then he holds Dereck’s neck as another man gently and slowly slips off the helmet. I know Dereck needs medical attention, so I’m surprised to see four men taking the time to expertly maneuver him to take off his pads.

  Behind me, someone says to their neighbor, “They need his chest exposed in case they need paddles or anything while en route to the hospital. And they can’t take any X-rays with that gear.”

  Dereck is strapped down and carried off the field in a rush. Josh starts running across the field to Jolene, Sky, and me. Rocco follows the mobile stretcher but stays behind as Dereck is loaded into an ambulance.

  Jolene yells to Josh, “What hospital?”

  They exchange messages as I stare at Dereck being driven farther and farther from me. Sirens. More damn sirens. I never want to see another set of those flashing lights ever again.

  My hand is grabbed, pulling me from my dark place. Josh is yanking on me, forcing me to run. Jolene and Sky are ahead of us, beelining to Jolene’s car.

  Josh yells into his cell, “Faith!” as he throws me in the backseat with Sky. Jolene is already buckling up in the front passenger seat. Faith is away at another conference where she’s speaking. Josh slides behind the wheel, peeling out of the parking lot in a blink of an eye. He keeps saying to Faith, “I’m so sorry. He wanted to quit. I pushed him to this.”

  “No!” I yell. “No, I saw him.” Josh glances at me in the backseat with such sorrow and fear in his eyes. I tell him, “You’re right. Dereck loves this.”

  At the hospital, the front desk clerk insists that we’re to wait and take a seat. As I turn from the desk, swinging doors leading to the emergency room give me an eyeful. Dereck’s huge cleats hang off a stretcher.

  As the door swings shut, Josh nudges me and whispers, “Go. Go.”

  I rush through the doors. Josh follows me, trying to block a nurse hot on our tail.

  “You can’t…” But all she has to say fades from my ears as I see Dereck losing his mind.

  “Tell me what the fuck is going on!”

  I run to him and touch his sneaker. “Dereck,” I say as Josh fights off the nurse.

  “Serenity?” Still strapped down, Dereck can’t move his head to see me.

  “It’s me.”

  “Serenity!” Dereck sounds desperate.

  The doctor tries to get answers as he’s shining a light into Dereck’s eyes. “Mr. Hamilton, if you could just—”

  The nurse blocks me, telling an arriving security guard,
“She needs to wait outside.”

  “Serenity!” Dereck now sounds borderline aggressive.

  “Just let her talk to him,” Josh pleads to anyone willing to listen.


  “I’m here, brother.”

  The doctor eyes Dereck. “Hamilton.” Then he eyes Josh. “Dukes?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Please let me see him,” I beg the security guard clutching my arm.

  Josh points at security’s hold on me and sarcastically whispers, “Not a good idea.”

  Dereck unravels, fighting his restraints. “Let her go!” The gurney starts to creak and violently rock.

  The doctor immediately tries to hold Dereck down by his shoulders. “You will further your injury.” After Josh shrugs and points at me, the doctor inspects me then tells security, “Let her go.”

  The guard does, looking stunned. Dereck can’t even see to know I’ve been grabbed, yet he reacted as if he could see perfectly well.

  I rush into Dereck’s view. As soon as I touch his face—“Shhh, I’m here, I’m here”—he stills.

  Josh tells the doctor, “She can help you. I promise.”

  The doctor asks me, “And you are?”

  Dereck pants. “She is my wife, damn it.”

  “Shhh.” I need him to calm down before they drag me away for good.

  The nurse says, “She can’t be older than twelve. How could they be married?”

  The doctor eyes my ring. It features a delicate, extremely light-pink stone Dereck recently admitted is heavily insured. That’s how I’ve guessed my simple ring is worth some cash. Doc nods to the nurse. “We’re fine here.”

  She acknowledges him and exits with the guard.


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