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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 41

by India R. Adams

  Sawyer tilts his head then points at me.

  My world stops. Everything around me seems to be still.

  In my mind, the cowgirl hat melts into a brown cloak. The brown cloak that has blanketed the special woman I have come to love. I thought I found her when I found Faith. I was wrong. The cloaked one from my dreams stands in front of me now.

  And it is Destiny.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  As Destiny turns to face me, the cloak from my imagination—my dream—disappears. The brown eyes I’ve always been so desperate to see are now staring at me. A rush of emotions from many lifetimes slams through me. Seeing her burned at the stake, again, my final shred of strength disintegrates. My shoulders shake as I try to inhale while sobs overtake me. “It’s you. Oh my God. It’s you.”

  Destiny gasps. Tears start flowing from those brown eyes. I stumble forward, my shaky legs attempting to carry me. Luckily, she’s pushing just as hard to get to me. We collide in the middle of this bus, our arms wrapping around each other. We suck in air with our bodies, finding instant relief. It feels as if I’ve found my sun, my source of life. I’m not the only one experiencing this. Destiny’s holding me like a lost treasure that’s been found.

  She rocks me and whispers, “You finally found me.”

  I cry even harder into her shoulder and neck.

  “Shhh, it’s okay now. It’s okay.”

  With such a reaction to someone I don’t even know, how is my Crew not asking questions or pulling me from the superstar that I’m snotting all over?

  Instead, I hear Josh ask Dereck from behind me, “Do you feel… funny inside?”

  Dereck, Jolene, and Rocco all say, in a monotone voice, “Yes.”

  Connected, Destiny and I turn to see the Crew all with their hands on their chests, staring at us. Sawyer is doing the same. With her head leaned toward mine, Destiny smiles at them.

  Standing in front of Roc, Skyler says, “Serenity has a journal. It’s yours, isn’t it?”

  Destiny studies Sky, tilting her head with a perplexed expression.

  Josh asks Sky, “The journal from the closet floorboard?”

  Destiny’s hand slams over her mouth.

  Blood drains from Sawyer’s face as he asks me, “You live in Destiny’s childhood home?”

  Dereck says, “Wide Acres Lane?”

  Flabbergasted, I look at Destiny.

  She slowly removes her hand from her mouth, appearing to be in a trance, then reaches out for my best friend. She whispers, “Sky.”

  The Crew inhales sharply.

  When Destiny’s hand touches Sky’s face, the overhead lights flicker. Lights go out. In the dark, I feel Dereck pulling me back to his chest. A generator under our feet kicks in, choking, struggling to run, but soon the lights come back on. The moment lingers as Dereck, Sawyer, and Rocco, observe each other. All have their girl’s back to their chest, their hands firmly on our shoulders.

  I say, “I thought this stance was an overly protective boyfriend thing.”

  Still watching Sky, Destiny answers, “I’m still trying to figure it out in simple terms, but there’s an energy balance involved also. Open yourself up to feeling Dereck when he does things that appear peculiar to most. I’ve noticed Sawyer always has reasons, even if he’s not aware.”

  I think back to when Dereck was so angry when I wanted to go back home—when Josh had to talk with him. Or when he didn’t want me to go to the drive-in. In every situation, he was trying to either keep me safe or have me rest or have me eat. All his concerns were for my well-being.

  Gazing around the room, I see the Wise Ones. Josh was always on me for grades and watching over me. He didn’t calm until Dereck stepped in. Jolene assisted with guidance of my heart and inner love. She didn’t calm until Faith entered the picture. Suddenly the height difference isn’t random either. Three short women, all within the hundred-pound range, always among much taller, extremely less frail beings.

  “Everyone okay?”

  We all look at the eldest, most alpha on the bus—Sawyer—and become bobble heads.

  He nods. “Good. Now, Destiny, what the hell is going on?”

  She absentmindedly touches his hand on her shoulder. “I—I don’t know.”

  I gesture at the Crew, asking Destiny, “Do you have others? Like Sky and I do?”

  Before she can answer, the bus door swings open. “Destiny!”

  She wipes tears from her cheeks, and her voice croaks. “Boys!”

  Up close, I notice smile wrinkles that somehow make her prettier, not older.

  A man I recognize easily, Austin—Destiny’s drummer—walks onto the bus. His powerful essence and scrutinizing stare remind me of Josh, instantly. Blue eyes to die for scan the bus. Then he lifts his chin toward Sawyer, seemingly wanting to know what’s wrong. Three more guys enter the bus; Destiny’s band is standing before me.

  Smiling, Destiny raises her hands. “Everything is fine.”

  “Austin!” Sky suddenly yells proudly, as if we haven’t just been through the weirdest experience imaginable. She’s beaming and so at ease with everyone surrounding us.

  I inhale, realizing how easy it is. I am also at ease.

  Sky points at me, telling Austin, “My friend is in love with Destiny and her band, so I know you all. Austin, drummer—beautiful, blue-eyed freak.” She points at the other guys. “Jessie, lead guitar. You rock, by the way. Jay, Jessie’s younger brother, plays bass and has the best smile. And my personal favorite, Blake. He plays the banjo, acoustic guitar, and too many instruments to keep track of.”

  Next thing I know, the tension has been broken, and Sky is high-fiving the whole band, who appear to have already lost their hearts to our little angel. God, I love this girl!

  Destiny seems pleasantly overwhelmed as she tells her guys, “This great group of kids is with the singer we just heard on stage, Dereck Jones.” She points at Dereck.

  Austin, still chuckling at the little blond who put their careers in perspective, says to Dereck, “Oh, hey. How are ya? Did ya say yes?” They shake hands.

  “Yes to what?”

  Destiny chuckles. “Never got that far.” She doesn’t elaborate. “Umm, boys, this is Serenity.”

  The new group stares at me as their hands slowly rise to their chests. They don’t even seem aware of this action. I lean toward Destiny. “Why do they do that? My friends do, too.”

  Putting her arms around me, Destiny leans her head on mine. “I only have part of the answers. But every time I see a palm to the chest, I grow a special bond with that person.”

  The boys and the Crew introduce each other the best they can on a now-crowded bus.

  Sky is in the center of it, complaining, “I feel like I’m attending a Stretch convention.”

  Josh and Austin shake hands, both looking mystified. Austin asks, “Do I know you?”

  “I was wondering the same thing.”

  The thinner of the brothers shakes my hand. “My name is Jay. You seem so familiar to me.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I reply, smiling, wondering what the hell to say.

  His phenomenal blue eyes meet mine. “According to your adorable friend, you already know this, but hi, I’m Austin.” I force myself to let Destiny go while Austin continues, “And this is Jessie, my partner in crime.” Jessie, the lead guitar player, looks a lot like his younger brother, Jay. We shake hands. Then Austin says, “And this is Blake—Blake? Where are you?”

  Blake is standing in front of Sky, asking Austin, “Have you ever seen anything so cute?”

  Speaking of cute, Blake, the banjo player, looks as if he just walked off the cover of a surfing magazine. He’s the shortest and youngest of the bunch and charming to the max. “Can I kiss your cheek?�
� he asks Sky, who’s nodding with enthusiasm.

  Rocco, behind Sky as usual, shakes his head.

  Blake puts his hands up. “Easy, big guy. I’m a musician. That makes me a bona fide slut. Don’t hate, just appreciate my unsubtle ways.” He turns away, catching a glimpse of Jolene. “Heart. Be. Still. Damn!” He walks to her. “Can I kiss you?”

  “What?” Josh appears to debate whether he should punch Blake or respect the brass balls on display.

  Sawyer clenches his teeth. “Blake. Get over here.”

  Austin reaches around and smacks the back of Blake’s head. “And this is Blake. As you heard, guitar, banjo, and whatever else his brilliant ass feels like learning.”

  Blake throws his arm around the back of Jay’s neck while looking at me. “Tell me, when did I buy a ticket to the beauty assembly?”

  Besides us, Sawyer grumbles, “Good God, Blake.”

  This time Jessie smacks Blake upside the head.

  Jay rolls his eyes. “Blake’s my best friend, and I have no excuses for his lack of restraint.” He shakes Dereck’s hand. “Great vocals, dude.”


  Jessie asks Dereck, “You said you wrote that song?”

  “Yeah. I mean, it needs work, but—”

  “Close to solid, kid,” Austin says, with honest admiration.

  “Damn, thanks.”

  “You tied up in a contract?” Jessie asks.

  “Oh, God no. Just a little pipe dream of mine.”

  I giggle.

  Destiny asks, “What?”

  “His mama says singing is what he’s meant to do.”

  “She must be wise. And I happen to agree.”

  “I like him. Let’s set something up and see if there’s anything there,” Austin suggests to Destiny.

  Jessie raises his hand. “I second that motion.”

  Blake asks, “All the pretty girls come with him?” This time he ducks as hands swing for his head. Blake laughs. “It’s hormones! I’m not to blame!”

  Destiny peers up at Sawyer, who’s standing behind her. “And that’s how it begins, right?”

  “Looks like it, angel.” He gazes at her as if there’s simply no one better in the world. Sawyer says to us, “Can we exchange some numbers?”

  Dereck and Sawyer talk while Destiny grasps my face. “I will see you soon, Sugar Plum.”

  I hold her hands to my face, not wanting to lose her touch. My eyes well. It’s time for goodbye.

  Her eyes tear also as she whispers, “I’m so happy to be with you again.”

  I need to hear it out loud. Just some confirmation that I’m not insane. “My—my dreams?”

  Her tender smile and slight nod is all the confirmation I need. I’m not crazy. I nod, with so many emotions taking over my soul, my will, my heart, my sanity that I’ve questioned so many times.

  I sense the words she has written, vibrating off memories in her soul. She kisses my forehead. “A conversation for another day. Okay?”

  Looking around at all the people talking, I inhale deeply and agree. “Another day.”

  The need to hug Sawyer overcomes me, so I wrap my arms around his waist and press my cheek to a chest that contains a heart that has loved me before—

  Dereck starts the plane’s engine as I watch Sawyer through the cockpit window. His tears show he’s brokenhearted at watching me go. Sawyer stands on the runway as Dereck’s plane wheels past him. Two men run up to Sawyer on the ground. They all watch Dereck and me take flight, then touch Sawyer’s shoulder. Sawyer turns, and the three of them run… The two other men were my Josh and blue-eyed Austin. Sawyer got the help he begged for as Destiny and I were burned at the stake for being witches.

  After Zane sees us back through the gates with a kind and warm goodbye, we all stand there, staring at each other. There’s no denying our minds are blown. Eventually, we all end up looking at Josh.

  He blows out air. “Okay. Serenity, is it safe to say this is more than what we’ve talked about?”

  I nod.

  “Are you confused like we are?”

  I nod again.

  He peers down. “Sky? Any words to share?”

  “Blake is hot?”

  “Sweet Pea!”

  “But he’s no badass Tower.”

  “Thank you.”

  Josh stands there with jaw to the ground. “Could you two please focus?”

  Sky shrugs. “Why? No one was hurt. So what if we’re all connected in some cool, mystical way? Why do you think I call you all freaks, freaks? It’s nothing new.” She shrugs. “I joke, I tease, but in all reality, I know Rocco is my forever. I’m so sure of it that it’s not of this world. Do you understand? There is no other for me in this life. Are we being forced to marry for some unknown reason? No.” She gazes up at her Tower, who is beaming. “I don’t need a piece of paper to solidify what we have.” She gestures. “As for the rest of you, you people are my world. No matter what we learn about each other, that will never change for me.”

  “Or me,” Jolene says as if she couldn’t be prouder of her baby girl.

  “Whattaya say, ol’ wise one?” Sky asks Josh.

  He smiles so big. “I say I couldn’t agree with you more. Let’s go enjoy the concert.”

  The lights on the stage fade till we’re in a blackout. Destiny’s little shadow and that of her strapped-on guitar walk to the microphone at the front of the stage. The crowd screams! A giggle echoes over the mic. The crowd gets louder.

  From behind his drums, Austin yells, “One-two. One-two-three-four!” The lights slam on full blast, and music soars. Destiny strums her guitar, singing into her mic with all she’s got. Then she backs away and breaks out into little dance moves with her boys, Jessie, Jay, and Blake—the four of them with their instruments and lightly choreographed feet.

  Back at her microphone, Destiny finishes the song. The lights go out, and the audience, including us, goes mad! Again, I hear her giggle in the dark. The lights slowly come up to expose her standing there, smiling, tenderly waving.

  Someone from the crowd screams, “I love you!”

  She seems bashful and sincere. “I love you, too.”

  As another song starts to play, she says, “I want to dedicate this next song to a very special young woman. All I can say is… God works in mysterious ways. To my Sugar Plum.”

  That’s me.

  I remember seeing the music video at Dereck’s house, what now seems like eons ago, as Destiny sings:

  I close my eyes to see you, always in my dreams

  But even with my eyes open, it’s never what it seems

  Standing on my cloud of hope, I let this prayer fly

  In our flower field of stars, I smile to the sky

  I’m calling to you

  I’m calling to you

  Wondering where you could be

  Knowing it’s me you need to see

  Deep, deep memories

  Our past rushing through my mind

  Reaching out to my heart

  Know baby, baby of mine

  I’m calling to you

  I’m calling to you

  I’m blown away. That song was for me all along.

  “So, we have been in the studio, working on another album—” Destiny doesn’t get to finish. The crowd is roaring too loud. She smiles. “Best fans in the world.”

  Yes, we get louder.

  Destiny starts laughing, looking at her band. “Should we play a new song for these fine, fine folks that came to see us tonight?”

  The sea of people advances with excitement. The lights dim to almost nothing but a blue glow.

  Austin starts to play a haunting riff on his drums. It sounds like a drummer f
ollowing soldiers to the battlefield in the Civil War. The crowd quiets, anticipating a special ride. When the drums cease, there’s nothing but silence.

  Dereck leans down and whispers, “This will be a military song. And this is Texas, baby. Men and women fighting for our freedom ain’t no joke here.”

  I nod, now understanding the dark setting of lights and the mood shift in the crowd. In the eerie quiet, Blake begins to play on his acoustic guitar. My heart starts to pound. Destiny slowly sings a song that will stay with us forever…

  Fear of unknown and what’s to come

  Lining up, one by one

  Sergeants yelling, muscles in pain

  Only the beginning of Soldiers in the rain

  In the dark forest and soaking wet leaves

  Mud to their ankles and blood on their sleeves

  Guns on their shoulders as the sky opens up

  Just another battle for Soldiers in the rain

  Destiny’s metaphor for rain is hair-raising and has captured the whole audience. We’re in the palm of her hand. Maybe that is why her emotions are an open book for us all to see.

  … Letters and cards to carry them through

  Memories and pictures of all that they knew

  Crawling through the grass with enemy near

  Shoulder to shoulder, ear to ear

  One takes a hit as bullets fly by

  No time to cry for the Soldiers in the rain

  The music stops. I believe we all have stopped breathing. Every one of us in this crowd of thousands stays silent with respect for soldiers all over the world. Just before I think I will combust with such a performance, Destiny begins to sing again. This time, with only Blake on guitar before the rest of the band follows.

  Lying down in their final resting place


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