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Taking Chances

Page 14

by Molly McAdams

Page 14

  Author: Molly McAdams

  I didn't say anything, just waited to see if he'd explain, and after a few awkwardly silent moments, he did.

  “I don't know how you could even think that I don't want you, I can barely keep my hands off you. ” He cupped my cheek and held my gaze, “We just met, but I already know there's something different about you, and I'm not about to ruin this by rushing into things. I plan on taking my time with you. Those girls, yeah I had relationships with them, but all they were was a distraction for me. I wanted to feel something other than being pissed that my dad was gone for good. I didn’t…” he took a deep breath in and out, “they weren’t you Harper. ” He said it like that explained everything, and in a way, it did.

  My heart thudded irregularly against my chest and I couldn't stop smiling knowing that I wasn’t the only one that was already in this deep, “Thank you. ” I whispered before pressing my lips softly to his.

  We did end up spending the rest of the day in his bed, and I loved it. We turned on a movie, but had to keep restarting it because we ended up talking throughout the entire thing. Other than sweet kisses to the top of my head and nose, all we did was stay curled up in each other’s arms. Brandon would intertwine our fingers and hold them close to his chest whenever I started trailing my fingers down his bare stomach, and eventually just ended up putting a shirt on. I had frowned at that, but knew it was my fault. We left the room to go to dinner with Bree and Konrad that night, and other than a quick trip to buy coffee and donuts for everyone on Sunday morning, we repeated our previous day in his bed. We were dozing off while attempting to watch another movie when Bree came walking in.

  “I'll be ready to go in a few minutes, do you have all your things?”

  Guess that means Konrad went back to the dorms already. “No, but it won't take long, give me a few minutes. ”

  I started to climb off the bed, but Brandon wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back down. Bree snickered and walked out the door. After it was shut, Brandon pulled me closer to him.

  “You're leaving?” He asked softly, his fingers trailing down my arm.

  “Yeah, I have to go back to my dorm. ”

  “You don't have to. I want you here with me. ”

  My first thought was of Chase and what he would think about that. I scolded myself and shook my head, “I can't, we're not rushing, remember?”

  He grumbled halfheartedly and squeezed me tighter, “If I knew you were going to leave at the end of today I would have clarified what we weren't going to rush. ”

  I giggled against his jaw and continued on with a trail of kisses. “I know what you meant. But I can't stay here. ” Lord knows I would love to wake up to his handsome face every day. But like he said, we just met and I've only been out of Sir's house for a little over two weeks. If that's not the definition of rushing, I don't know what is.


  “What about them?” I asked against his neck.

  “Will you stay with me on the weekends? You'll probably be here anyway. ”

  I sat up and looked down at his breathtaking face, “You really want me here? You're not going to get tired of me being around?”

  “Seriously Harper? I told you I wanted to keep you here. You're right though, you do need to stay at the dorm with Bree. So if I have to 'share' you with her, then I plan on using this sharing to my advantage so I get you too. ”

  I rolled my eyes and pushed against his chest playfully, “Okay fine. How about this? Unless something comes up, I will stay here with you on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. ”

  A huge smile showing off his perfect teeth and dimple spread across his face as he brought his mouth to mine, “That sounds perfect. ” He spoke around our kisses.

  “I feel like I'm the kid of a divorced couple. ” I grumbled and he laughed.

  We kissed a few moments longer until we heard Bree complaining from the hallway. Brandon hugged me tight to his chest at his door and planted a quick kiss on my forehead, “I'll see you at school, have a good night sweetheart. ”

  The door swung open to reveal Bree with our bags slung over her shoulders and hands on her hips. “Sometime today, Harper. ” After we were in her car, her fake sullen mood disappeared, “Tell. Me. Everything!”

  I laughed and turned in my seat so I was facing her. “I'm afraid I'm about to disappoint you again, nothing happened. ”

  “What!” She looked between the road and me “You guys never left his room! You can't tell me nothing happened. ”

  I shrugged and smiled, “I'm serious, nothing happened. All we did was talk and sleep. ”

  Her jaw dropped and after a minute formed into a perfect O, “He's gay?”

  “Oh my God! What? No!”

  “I'm sorry but you're going to tell me that a straight guy had you in his bed for three whole days and didn't try anything with you?”

  “It wasn't that, we talked about it on Saturday and decided we aren't going to do anything for a while. ”

  Her eyebrows scrunched together and she looked more confused than I'd even seen her, “But. . . why?”

  “I think he's afraid of rushing me, and to be honest, I'm kind of glad. I can see how easy it would be to get too carried away to stop, and I feel like everything about us has already moved so fast. Not that I'd change anything so far, but I'm happy we're going to wait. When I think about it, I know I'm still not ready to go there. He's my first boyfriend, and it's only been a couple days. ”

  “Huh. I guess when you put it that way. ”

  “Is it safe to assume you and Konrad had a good time?”

  She beamed a smile at me before turning back to the road, “I actually think I like him. Who knows, I may even try to date him!”

  I just shook my head. She's just like her brother. How people could be like that was totally beyond me.


  “Ooo, don't look now, but someone's man is at our one o'clock. ” Bree nudged into my side as we walked towards our second class of the day.

  Of course, I had to look then. I saw Brandon with a couple guys and a girl I didn't know standing off to the side. His deep husky laugh reached us then and I smiled at the sound of it.

  “Well are you going to go over there?”

  I stopped walking for a few seconds then continued on the path we'd been on, “No, I don't want to bother him. ”

  “He's your boyfriend Harper! You're supposed to go bother him. ”

  I smiled and dropped my head hoping my hair would hide my blush, “I'm just kind of worried he doesn't like me as much as I like him. I didn't think I could feel so strong about someone after such a short time, and I'm sure it's because I've never dated anyone. I'm afraid I'll be too much for him, and he'll get annoyed with me quickly. ” I’d seen that more than enough times with the guys on base. I knew how frustrated they’d get with their clingy girlfriends.

  “Okay, I know you don't have much experience in this department, but let me clue you in. You didn't see that boy when Chase had you in the room. Guys don't go all hero over some girl they don't feel strongly about. And they definitely don't worry about protecting their innocence. ”

  I shushed her and looked around to see if anyone was listening.

  “I'm just saying, Brandon's in deep. Trust me, I don't think it's one sided. ”

  “If you say so. ”

  “I do. So stop trying to be invisible and –” She looked over my shoulder and smiled, “looks like someone beat you to it. ”

  Before she could finish her sentence, Brandon had me scooped into his arms and his lips planted firmly on mine. I ran my hands over his buzzed hair before clasping them around his neck.

  “Hello to you too. ” I mumbled against his mouth.

  He smiled and rested his forehead against mine, “I missed you this morning sweetheart. ”

  His voice warmed my body and I bit my lip in an attempt at hiding my idio
tic grin, “Only three more and then I'll be there. ”

  Bree's annoyed tone broke through, “Uh, rude. It's like I'm not even here. ”

  Brandon's eyes didn't leave mine, “Good morning Breanna. ” He gave me another quick peck and set me on the ground, capturing my hand in his.

  She snorted, “He's in deep alright. ”

  “Bree!” I hissed.

  “Yeah,” Brandon laughed huskily and squeezed my hand once, “yeah I am. ”

  I hid my face in his chest so he couldn't see my red cheeks or elated expression. He wasn't having that though, his fingers tilted my chin up and he bent down so our faces were almost touching.

  “My class is about to start, I have to get going. See you at lunch?”

  Nodding, I kissed his hard jaw, “See you then. ”

  He turned to leave and called over his shoulder, “Take care of my girl Bree. ”

  My smile fell as I caught the glare of the girl from the group he'd been talking to earlier. Was she another ex? I leaned into Bree and whispered, “Hey, you wouldn't happen to know that girl, would you?”

  “You mean Psycho Barbie over there? She was at lunch with us a couple days last week. You don't have to worry about her though, he kept turning her down, and that was before he met you. ”

  Not another ex, but still another girl that wants Brandon. “Everywhere we go some girl ends up shooting daggers at me. ”

  Bree grabbed my arm and turned me toward our English class, “Um, have you seen your boy lately? Don't hate me, but he's freaking hot. I swear he should be a model. Lots of girls are going to want him, especially the ones who go Underground and see him fight, just remember he's yours and there's a lot of people ready to kick his ass if he forgets it. Me included. ”

  My eyes widened but she cut me off before I could say anything.

  “He's not going to, I was just saying. He just let everyone in the immediate area know he's taken. Brandon's a goner when it comes to you, roomie. ”

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