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Taking Chances

Page 53

by Molly McAdams

Page 53

  Author: Molly McAdams

  Brandon and I had done exactly what he said; I turned off the phones, grabbed a quick shower and dressed in comfortable pajama shorts and stretchy tank top. He made ham and cheese omelets, coffee for him, decaffeinated tea for me and cut up a melon. We sat at the kitchen table, my legs propped up on Brandon's lap, eating breakfast and staying long after it was gone just to talk and enjoy having our own place. The rest of the weekend was either spent on the couch watching movies, sitting out back in the evenings or curled up in bed. After complaining all throughout lunch the first day, he finally conceded to letting me stay standing long enough to help cook our meals, even though I did notice he seemed to make meals that didn't take much time to cook after he did allow my help. My family and his were coming for dinner Monday night to have everyone in our place now that it was completely done being decorated – Brandon had only let me work for five minutes an hour, and had done the rest himself, but I had to admit it looked amazing and I loved seeing him make our new place our home – and also to share our news.

  There's something I had been thinking of since Brandon and I had decided to get back together, and after he asked me to marry him, all I have been able to do was think of a way to talk to him about it. I was sitting on the bed waiting for him to get out of the shower Monday evening, and as soon as he stepped into the bedroom in only a pair of jeans, I decided right now was as good a time as any.

  “Hey, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course,” he crawled onto the bed and kissed me hard before sitting down and pulling me into his arms, “what's up?”

  I bit my lip and took in his ridiculously handsome face. His eyes were full of love and joy when he looked at me, and coming from this intimidating looking guy, it made him just that much more attractive, “I've kind of been thinking about a name for him. ”

  “Yeah?” His smile was playful and patient, we continued to go over the ten names Chase and I had decided on, and still couldn’t narrow them down, Brandon thought it was hilarious, “And what have you been thinking?”

  I took a deep breath and sat up, “You have to promise you'll tell me if this bothers you, okay?” I thought back to that day in his mom's kitchen in Arizona after Christmas, and how he'd looked in Chase's kitchen the day I told him I was having a boy.

  His smile fell, “I promise babe. ”

  “Well,” My body was shaking, I couldn't believe how nervous I was about telling him this! He'd already told me he wanted a son named after his dad, and I knew he thought of Gummy Bear as his, but I didn't know if the baby not actually being his would make a difference to Brandon. “I was thinking we could name him Liam Chase Taylor. ”

  Brandon's next intake of breath was audible, his mouth opening slightly. His brown eyes searched mine for what seemed like an eternity before he smiled and brought his mouth to mine, “Thank you Harper. ” he whispered against my lips and continued to kiss me fiercely. “I love you, thank you so much. ”

  “I take it you like the name?” I asked a little breathlessly when he moved to my neck.

  “I love it, it's perfect for him. . . for us. ” He cupped one side of my face and kissed my nose, “I understand why you would think it would bother me, but I promise I've never been happier than this weekend. I'm so lucky to have you Harper. ”

  “I'm the lucky one. ” I whispered.

  The doorbell rang, and he jumped off the bed to put a shirt on, “Can we tell them the name tonight too?” he asked pulling me towards the entryway.

  “I think tonight would be perfect. ” I kissed his cheek and answered the door. I was engulfed in hugs and kisses from my family, Mom of course started asking why I was standing, “Mom, I'm fine. I literally just got off the bed when you guys got here. ” I hugged her tightly and Bree gasped.

  “Oh my God! You're engaged?!” She screeched and hugged me again, bouncing over to Brandon to hug him too. She must have seen my hand on Mom's back.

  “Congrats Kid. ” Konrad kissed the top of my head and shook Brandon's hand.

  “Let me see, let me see!” Mom and Bree were holding my hand while Dad hugged both of us, “Konrad, are you seeing this? Take notes. ” Bree showed him my ring, then went back to inspecting it, “Did he just ask you?”

  I raised an eyebrow at Brandon and smiled, “He asked me Friday night after everyone left. ”

  Breanna dropped my hand, “Whoa wait, what? And I'm just hearing about this? You're supposed to tell me these things right away, not wait…” she counted on her fingers, “three days!”

  “That would be my fault, I told Harper it was going to just be us during the weekend, I asked her to wait to tell you. ”

  She turned her glare to Brandon, “For the next five minutes, we are not friends. ”

  We all laughed and I drug her over to the living room, before we could sit down the doorbell rang again and Brandon let in his mom and Jeremy.

  “Oh Harper, look at your cute belly! You look like you've gotten bigger just over the weekend! You look great honey!” Carrie hugged me and when we pulled back I flashed my ring. She squealed and grabbed my hand, “Oh my goodness, congratulations you two!” She smacked Brandon on his arm, “How could you not tell your own mother that you were going to ask her! I would have given you pointers. ”

  Jeremy hugged us and was smiling wide, “I'm really excited for you guys. ”

  “Thanks Jeremy, and Carrie trust me, he did a great job!” I laughed and told everyone how he proposed while we walked them through the house to show off everything.

  Everyone gushed over our home, and by the time the tour was finished, all the women were ushering me to the couch. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything, I was just glad to have them there. The guys went out back to put the burgers on the grill, while I talked wedding with the women. They all loved the idea of a Christmas wedding and agreed that waiting until after the baby was born would be best. Carrie and Claire started discussing watching their grandson so Brandon and I could have some sort of a honeymoon, even if it was just a night or two alone in our house.

  “Hey, Bree?”

  “Yeah friend?”

  “Are you mad at me for not telling you sooner?”

  She snorted, “Not at all, I was joking. I'm so excited for you!”

  “Well since you're not mad,” I smiled and winked, “will you be my Maid of Honor?”

  “Um, YES! Of course I will! Who else are you going to ask?”

  “Just you. I know sometime while they're out there, Brandon is going to ask Konrad and Jeremy. It will be uneven, but I'm not really friends with anyone else other than everyone here. Brian and Marissa haven't talked to me since the funeral, so I can't ask her. ”

  “I think it will be just fine to only have Bree. Either both guys can escort her up the aisle, or they can be with Brandon already and she can walk herself down. ” Carrie added.

  “Do you think we'll be able to put something together by then? It really doesn't have to be anything extravagant. I just want to wear a dress, I want all of you there, and I want to marry him. Other than that, we can get married here for all I care. ”

  “Oh no,” Bree shook her head, “Mom has connections. It will be awesome. ”

  “I do indeed!” Mom agreed, “We can definitely come up with an amazing wedding by then. ”

  I smiled, “Okay! I think Brandon and I decided on December fifteenth, if we can't get that day, we can do the weekend before or after. Oh my word I can't believe all this is happening. ”

  “Are you happy Harper?” Mom asked.

  “I'm so so happy. ”

  The three of them smiled wide at me and we went back to talking about the baby and wedding plans. When dinner was ready, we ate outside, adding the guys into our earlier conversation. Brandon had already asked Konrad and Jeremy to be in the wedding, we got the colors figured out, and figured out a few venues to look at this week. Most of Brandon's friends
had graduated this year, and though we planned on sending them invitations, we weren't sure if they would all fly back out here. The majority of the guests would be his, and the Grayson's, extended family. Mom said we could try to reach Sir again, but I wasn't going to get my hopes up. I hadn't received even an e-mail back from him since I told him I was pregnant, and didn't expect that to change now. After it got dark we went back to the living room and were all lost in different conversations when Brandon spoke up.

  “So we have something to tell everyone. ”

  “You're getting married?” Bree guessed.

  I gasped, “How'd you know!” Everyone laughed and Brandon tried again.

  “Okay we have something else to tell you. ” He looked at me and his face was so elated my breath caught, everyone snickered. “Sweetheart, you want to tell them?”

  “We decided on a name for the baby. ” I was smiling so wide my cheeks were hurting, I tore my gaze away from Brandon to look at our family, “We're going to name him Liam Chase Taylor. ”

  It sounded like they all gasped at once, and instantly started on how perfect it was, and how they loved it. Soon everyone was crying and hugging each other. When we all sat back down, Brandon held me tight.

  “I don't think there could be a more perfect name for him. ” Robert said, and the rest of the group agreed.

  “That's what we think too. ” Brandon responded “Thank you all, for being there for us through everything. We've all gone through a lot of hard times to get to where we are now. But Harper and I are very thankful for your support, it means a lot to us. ”

  I kissed his jaw and rested my head on his shoulder. I couldn't have said that better myself.

  “Breanna,” Mom leaned over and gave her a look, Bree quickly got out of her seat and walked toward the kitchen and came back with her large purse, “We made something for you two. Do you still plan on telling him about Chase?”

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