Book Read Free

Deliciously British

Page 36

by Scarlett Avery

  I lose it again.

  “All right, I won’t make you beg,” I say, still laughing.

  “Thank you very much,” she says almost indignantly. “For the record, I would’ve gladly done so if that’s what it would’ve taken for you to share your saucy story with me.”

  I take a deep breath in and launch into story mode. For the next half hour, I tell my cousin everything—from Ethan and Xander’s unexpected visit to my apartment, to them taking me to their beautiful homes, to the simple yet scrumptious dinner, to the makeout session in the glass room and how it nearly had me melting like lava cake, to a night I’m not about to forget anytime soon. I also spill the beans about how much I got a kick out of channeling my inner vixen, waking Ethan and then Xander up with my lips wrapped around their cocks. I finish my tale with the part about how Ethan got all gallant on me and insisting on dropping me off at work, and his invitation for tonight. In other words, I leave nothing out.

  “Holy mother of God.” Maggie’s eyes bulge out of her skull. “That’s even more R-rated than I expected.”

  “Tell me about it.” I snort. “In the heat of the moment it all felt dirty, but the day after…” I take a deep breath in and close my eyes for a beat. “It’s even worse. Of course, I do mean ‘even worse’ in a very good way.”

  “Did you feel intimidated about being with two guys? I mean it’s been a while for you with even one guy. It had to be overwhelming. Even with all my experience with guys, I’d be a little nervous.”

  “That’s a good question. I think I felt incredibly unsure of myself the first time we got together at the club, but last night, I allowed them to do so many things to me. As you know, I’m no supermodel. Their praises and compliments broke down every single one of my hesitations and allowed me to let go. The end result was that for the first time in my life, I finally understood what the big deal is about sex. It’s true that the night was light-hearted and I had a little too much to drink, but still, being in the presence of two gorgeous hunks had me shaking in my high heels until I gave myself a good talking-to. I was too eager for them to take me there. I feel very safe with them. They made it very clear from the beginning that if I’m not thoroughly enjoying myself, then it’s not pleasurable for them.”

  “Wow. With your history of selfish men, I can’t believe you finally were able to hook up with guys who put you first.”

  “I know, right? I don’t know how long this is going to last, but so far it’s an incredible ride.”

  “Dee, that’s the way it’s supposed to be. I’ve been telling you this for years. As difficult as it may sound, sometimes kicking a bastard who disrespects you to the curb is the only way for a girl to hold onto her dignity. I’m not saying every guy you date will treat you like a princess—that would be Pollyanna-ish on my part—but he shouldn’t treat you like you don’t matter.”

  “I’m starting to understand that.”

  “Paul might not have disrespected you the way some of your past boyfriends have, but hiding the fact that he had special needs in the bedroom was a major slap in the face. In my book, it’s even worse than what your past boyfriends have done to you.” She’s right. “Hold on.” Maggie lifts her finger at me. “I have to switch hands. Holding the phone like this for this long is cutting the circulation in my arm.”

  “I’ll do the same. I think we still have a lot to talk about.”

  “Damn right. I’m not done with you yet, missy. I still have more questions about your night of illicit abandon.” We both laugh.

  Once I switch my phone from the right hand to the left one, I speak again. “Your words perfectly depict what happened to me. God sent two Adonis men my way who are quickly turning my world upside down.”

  “Sounds like they’ve shattered your good-girl image for good.”

  “Yup, they have and I couldn’t be happier.” I laugh. “Within two salacious encounters, I went from hating sex to begging for it.”

  “That’s just unbelievable. I never thought I’d live to hear those words come out of your mouth.” Maggie grins. “Speaking of which, I don’t even know how you managed to keep it together at work today. Forget about a marathon, what you just described sounds more like a biathlon followed by a hike up Mount Denali.”

  I laugh. “I’ll be honest, riding Xander’s and Ethan’s cocks is far more pleasant than trekking up an Alaskan mountain… although something tells me my body wouldn’t be as sore.”

  “Well, if I were in your shoes, I doubt I’d be able to walk this morning. Secondly, I doubt I would be able to focus because I would be reliving every sizzling hot moment.”

  “Who says I was able to keep it together? It’s been a Herculean effort for me all day to stay in the present and not drift away. Thank God I have the upcoming gala to keep my thoughts reeled in. If I were working on boring cataloging or inventory stuff, everyone at the gallery would’ve easily noticed how distracted I was. And…” I lower my voice and move my hand so my phone is closer to my face. You’d think I’m not fully aware that I’m alone in the apartment. “Between you and I, when I wasn’t focusing on getting things ready to receive Calysta, I was too busy relishing in the sensation of my throbbing clit at the thought of Ethan’s mouth pressing against it until I came screaming or Xander’s long fingers closing in on my node as his cock rams into me from behind.” I’ve been turned on all day, but my confession just took things to a whole other level.

  “Well, there goes a perfectly good pair of underwear,” Maggie says, fanning herself. Her revelation catches me completely off guard.

  “You’re too funny.”

  “I beg to differ. When your best friend lives out a fantasy that most women would be willing to give up a vital organ for, it’s of the utmost seriousness.”

  “Oh, gosh, I almost forgot. Since Xander was still sleeping, Ethan and I took a shower together this morning.”

  “You did?”

  I nod. “So far, taking a shower has always been about cleanliness and being courteous enough to avoid killing other people around you with bad odor. Today, Ethan has proven to me that sexy shouldn’t be confined to the bedroom.”


  “Yup. We didn’t have sex or anything like that—no blowjobs or hand jobs either. That said, I can assure you that the steam in the bathroom wasn’t only from the hot water. It was also from all of the passionate kissing and the sensuality of his touch.”

  She purses her lips and draws her eyebrows together. She brings her fingers to her chin and caresses it for a few strokes before speaking again. “Note to self, must take more showers with boyfriend.” We’re at it again laughing until we’re out of breath. Suddenly, she stops, brings her hands under her eyes to wipe away a few tears of joy and she looks at me with a thoughtful expression on her face “Wait a minute.” Her eyes go wide. “Did you say Ethan dropped you off at work?”

  “Yes. He did.”

  “Did he drop you off right in front of the gallery? Do your coworkers know you’re together?” she shrieks.

  “Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say we’re together. It was one night, after all.”

  Maggie brings two fingers up in the air and waves them at me. “Soon to be two,” she corrects me.

  “You’re right.”

  “And I’m just going to out on a limb here, I foresee many, many, many of these type of sexy encounters between you and your boys in your future.” She shoots me a dead certain look. From your lips to God’s ears.

  Even though I’m trying my darnedest, I can’t help but smile. “I really hope so. To answer your question, Ethan was careful. He dropped me off close enough so it would only be a short walk for me. He didn’t want to drop me right in front of the gallery because he wants to keep what we share between the three of us.”

  “A hot lover and a gentleman all wrapped up into one? What more can a girl ask for?”

  I shake my head not because I disagree, but because I’m still fairly bemused by everything. “I know. Meetin
g Ethan and Xander after Paul is like going from driving a beat-up rusty nineteen eighty-seven Serbian-made Yugo to a fresh-off-the-lot Jaguar F-Type convertible that’s been pimped up from here to eternity. Yeah, a world of difference.” Maggie cracks up.

  The only reason I know of the Yugo is because my brother Connor is a car freak. I mean on a scale of one to ten, his obsession is at a solid three hundred. It’s been evident for a long time. In fact, my parents knew from the time he was five that he’d inevitably end up working in the industry. After a Bachelor of Industrial Design, Connor is now one of the top designers at Chrysler.

  “Oh, my God, that’s the funniest analogy ever… especially considering you weren’t able to”—Maggie lifts her fingers in the air to form quotation marks—“test-drive the reliability of Paul’s Yugo, while it seems that Ethan and Xander’s engines are in tip-top shape.” I laugh. “Vroom-vroom.” She motions her wrists as if she’s revving up a motorcycle for effect. That sends me over the edge.

  “Holy shit, you’re hilarious. That imagery will be permanently etched in my memory for as long as I live,” I pant between fits of laughter. Now we both lose it again. I’m not talking about just loud laughs. I’m talking about full-on belly laughs. Bringing up memories of Paul has always been a sore spot for me. So far, I’ve found the whole thing way too bizarre to even make light of it. Leave it to Maggie to find something comical about my failed relationship with him.

  “So… speaking of engines…” she sings.

  “Yes…” I mimic her.

  “How big are they?”

  “Magnolia Leigh Babcock,” I scold.

  “What?” she asks with feigned surprise. “Your experience sounds like it was out of this freaking world. I just want to know. After your salacious tale, you can’t blame me for being a little—okay, a lot—curious.”

  “How long have you been waiting to ask me that question?”

  “Since the part about your inner vixen finally coming to life.” She widens her eyes like a kid who’s been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

  “You’re impossible.” I roll my eyes.

  “That may be so, but you still love me.” That’s a given.

  “It’s not like I pulled out a ruler and measured them—not that the thought hasn’t crossed my mind because I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. They’re both very big boys. If I had to guess, I’d say they’re easily twice as big as Paul.”

  I might never have had Paul inside me, but I’ve had him inside my mouth plenty of times to be able to judge.

  “But you said Paul wasn’t that big.”

  “Well, he liked to boast that he was the average size and that most men on the planet don’t have porn-star cocks. So to answer your question, no, he wasn’t.”

  “So your guys are ten inches?”

  I shrug. “I think.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Maggie pants.

  “Remember, I’m not an expert or anything like that. After all, I haven’t been with that many guys. What I do know is when they enter me, I feel full. It’s never felt like this with my past boyfriends. Both Xander and Ethan have incredibly long and very thick cocks. It definitely took some getting used to.”

  “You’re such a lucky girl. I’ve had guys who were seven and eight inches and I had a lot of fun riding them, but it’s nothing—and I mean nothing—like William’s masterpiece.” She laughs.

  “Now you have me curious to find how big they are.”

  “You should totally ask them.”

  “What? You mean just like that?”

  “Guys love talking about their cocks. Trust me on that one. If your guys are packing like you say they are, they’ll be so proud, they won’t have a problem letting you know exactly how many inches they’ve been stuffing you with.”

  “You’re so freaking funny right now.” I laugh. “You know…” I contort my mouth to the side and look at the ceiling. “Maybe I will. I’ve never cared about size before, but these two are quickly changing that for me.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about.” The expression on Maggie’s face clearly indicates she’s enjoying my story. A lot.

  I know I’m being devious, but I decide to up the ante. “Did I mention they have the most perfect mushroom heads?”

  “How the hell do you even know that term?” She’s obviously shocked.

  “I didn’t really know what that was until Xander insisted on adding new words to my vocabulary. Lord, have mercy. Until last night, I never realized how freaking beautiful a cock can be.”

  “Jesus, Dee. You hit the jackpot. I’m not complaining, it’s just that you have two of them—two perfect cocks, two adoring men, two pairs of hands sending you to heaven and back, two strong chests to cuddle against when it’s all done and you get to fall asleep nestled between two bodies.”

  I grin. I know. “God is making up for lost time, Maggie. Their cocks are hungry, powerful, veiny and very demanding, yet their skin is so velvety soft. I can’t get over that dichotomy. I love stroking their cocks against my cheek and lips. I enjoy gazing at them longingly. I love holding their pulsating erections in hand when they feel very warm to the touch.” My confession just spills off of my tongue. I’m on a roll now. “I, Delilah Belle Babcock, enjoy giving oral sex to a man—it turns me on. And I, Delilah Belle Babcock, am able to make said man come while roaring through his climax. It’s true that Paul came when I gave him blowjobs, but it was all about him—and only him. With my two sexy Brits, it’s as much about giving them pleasure as it is about me taking from them. It’s never been like this for me.”

  “Booyah.” Maggie lifts her hand in the air and fist-pumps triumphantly.

  “And you know what else they’ve done for me other than boost my confidence to unprecedented levels?”


  “They’re making me see myself through new lenses. I’ve always thought of myself as stylish because I’m such a fashion whore, but not in a million years would I have ever described myself as sexy. Now, I don’t find it so ludicrous to refer to myself that way.”

  “Wow. I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that. I’ve been saying that to you for years, but I’m slightly partial.” She winks. I smile. “These guys are so good for you, Dee,” Maggie marvels.

  “They are. I’m officially addicted to them. Not only do they make me feel like the prettiest girl in the world, but they’ve helped me become the woman I never thought I would. Last night they gave me so many orgasms, I lost count.”

  “No way.”

  “Not a word of a lie. I was able to count up to three—and that’s because I was dead certain after two times, my body would shut down. That never happened. It seemed that with each climax my body became more and more alive. After that third one, I can’t tell you if it was five or ten more times. I wouldn’t know. My mind went completely quiet, allowing all my senses to be on alert. I could no longer think, but boy, could I ever feel. The only thing I know for sure is that I’ve never been on such a high pinnacle before in my life.”

  “Girl…” Maggie shakes her head. I think she’s as astounded about my experience as I am. “Once again, welcome to the O Club.” Maggie grins mischievously.

  “This is one club I’m glad to finally be part of. Another great thing is that I know now it’s not a one-time fluke. Not with them. Every time they touch me, they set me off.” I pause and smile when a scene from last night flashes in front of my eyes. “Every inch of them is damn near perfect, right down to their dirty-talking mouths, which they use to torture me. And for the record, I can’t get enough of it. Everything that’s happening to me leaves me in awe. It begs the question, when will the other shoe drop?”

  “Tsk. I don’t want to hear that kind of talk from you,” Maggie scolds. “Stop questioning it. Just enjoy it. Go with it. Wholeheartedly. Lose yourself in those two hunks and squash any nagging voice that tells you otherwise.”



  Thank God I
ditched the office and came home. I feel human again. I must admit that the satiating lunch with Xander, the heart-to-heart that confirmed we were on the same page and the quick power nap helped a lot. After a leisurely shower that involves me rubbing my throbbing cock until I come roaring imagining Delilah’s mouth sucking me dry, I have enough energy to do something productive.

  I spend a few hours on the phone calling up my list of best clients so they’re aware of the impending auction for Calysta Knight’s sixteen never-seen-before masterpieces. These are top buyers who aren’t afraid of dropping whatever money is necessary to secure the best of the best. The fact that I work from home allows me to ease into things and ramp up as the minutes tick away. My day might have started slow, but it definitely ends strong.

  Of course, choosing to be on the phone all afternoon is a strategic move on my part to rein in my thoughts and steer them clear from last night’s debauchery. Alas, Xander wasn’t so fortunate. He had no choice but to get his head in the game. He has a recording session booked for an up-and-coming artist he’s representing. He’s had this day etched in stone for a long time so he couldn’t skip it. Always the consummate professional, Xander left a few hours ago to go and create magic.

  By four o’clock, he texts me to let me know the chances of him making it back to the house so that we can both go and pick up Delilah look fairly grim. After receiving his message, I decide to put an end to my day in order to get ready to entertain our delicious redhead. I’m not due to pick her up until seven-thirty tonight, but I want to make sure I give myself enough time to get everything just right. Not to mention that the hour commute because of the heavy traffic shaves off some of the time.


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