Book Read Free

Deliciously British

Page 55

by Scarlett Avery

  “I definitely splurged on that bottle, but I’m happy I did because it’s worth it.”

  “Indeed it was. To go back to your question.” I change the subject. “It’s just that I spent the day wheeling and dealing without a respite. A glass or two of this”—I pause for another sip—“will take the edge off.”

  He nods in agreement. “Should I wait for you to drink a few glasses before asking about those cryptic messages you sent today? I know you just got here, but since you said you didn’t want to discuss them via text, you can imagine that you’ve piqued my curiosity. Since you know I’m not a very patient man, I’d like to find out what’s on your mind sooner rather than later.”

  Because I already know this is going to be a heavy conversation I take a few more generous sips to mellow out. I take a few seconds to savor the exquisite wine without rushing. I drop my glass on the counter and meet Xander’s inquisitive stare. I preempt his questions with one of mine. “Other than work, what have I been obsessing over?”

  “Is that a trick question?” Xander’s eyebrows knit together.

  I shake my head. “No. This is too serious a matter for me to make light of it.”

  “In that case the answer is as clear as daylight. It’s the same person I’ve been engrossed in—Delilah.”

  “The one and only,” I singsong. Xander smiles at me and in that moment I know that we’re definitely in sync. That said, sometimes you need words to validate what you already know.

  “So what is there to speak about? Everything is going so well,” Xander observes.

  “I couldn’t agree with you more, mate. That’s what I wanted us to discuss. I can’t help but realize how even one day away from her is becoming unbearable. I find myself constantly craving the warmth of her voluptuous body and I can’t get enough of watching her beautiful face as she climaxes in our arms.”

  “I know exactly where you’re coming from. The fact that you were taking an early flight this morning and she had to be in the gallery well before her usual start time prevented us from enjoying her body last night. It’s true we’ve had to be deprived for a few days, but for the most part, we’ve been together nearly every night. After bouncing from your bed to mine with her sandwiched in the middle for the last two weeks, I definitely felt her absence last night.” I can certainly understand. I ready myself to talk, but Xander gets up. “Your food must be already warm. Let me grab it for you.” Without waiting for me to agree, he’s already up on his feet and rushing to his oven. Within a few minutes he drops a plate of food in front of me.

  “Mmmm. That smells divine,” I say, inhaling the beautiful fragrance.

  “And it tastes even better. Come on, eat up.” Xander waves his finger, encouraging me.

  I grab my fork with determination and after loading food on it, I bring the perfect bite up to my lips. This is so good I chew with my eyes closed. “Wow,” I exclaim after swallowing. I take a few more quick bites before slowing down my cadence. “To go back to Delilah, it’s becoming ridiculous in a good way. I couldn’t stop thinking of her during the two-hour flight. I had good intentions of getting some work done, but it was to no avail. Not only were my thoughts consumed by her, but the erection I can’t seem to get rid of no matter how many times I wank is proof of how right she is for us.”

  “Ah, the perpetual boner.” He nods sympathetically. I take a few more bites of my food. Somewhat satiated, I put my fork on the plate and look up at him. “I’ve been wrestling with that myself since we dropped her off at the gallery yesterday morning. The only thing that kept me from spending the day wanking like a stupid teenager is the fact that I have so much on the go and I couldn’t work from home. Otherwise, I’d be taking care of my erection every other hour.” He chuckles.

  “It’s the same thing for me. I think I set a record today,” I say.

  “How so?” Xander’s failed attempt at biting off a smile suggests he already knows where this is going.

  “It’s certainly not the first time I’ve sought relief at my own hand, but it’s definitely the first time I’ve done it in a toilet twenty-one thousand feet high.”

  “It was so urgent that you had to use the loo on the airplane to masturbate way up, up, up in the sky?” Xander’s lower lip starts quivering. He drops his glass on the counter and folds his upper and lower lip between his teeth. He’s doing his best not to laugh.

  I ignore his mocking ways. “Yeah, I had my trousers down to my knees pumping my cock imagining Delilah bouncing on it with yours between her lips. I had to use the loo once on the flight to Nice and twice on the flight back. Do you know how bloody hard it is to keep your voice muffled when you come so hard you think you’re going to black out?” Xander opens his mouth to say something, but I keep talking. “Did I mention that it’s only a two-hour flight? I couldn’t even keep it together for that long.” Xander places his hand over his mouth and simply shakes his head. “And it’s not as if I hadn’t taken care of business before leaving this morning. No, I came twice before having my first cup of coffee of the day. I can’t get enough of Delilah. The toilet episodes were epic, I wouldn’t be surprised if a representative from the Guinness World Records caught wind of them and shows up knocking at my door tomorrow congratulating me on making the list.”

  Xander can’t hold back any longer. He explodes in laughter. He’s howling loudly, slapping his hand against his thigh and stomping his bare feet against the marble floor. For the next few long seconds I sit back and watch my best friend have fun at my expense.

  “I’m not sure what you find to be so amusing. With the size of our cocks, a constant erection can become cumbersome,” I add over his laughing voice.

  He has tears of mirth in his eyes when he comes up for air. “That’s exactly what’s so hilarious about your story.”

  “Yeah, well, I wasn’t laughing.” I roll my eyes.

  “All kidding aside, I totally understand,” Xander says when he finds his composure again. “I don’t know how many times I had to shift my cock in my trousers today. It’s incredible how a pair of perfectly well-fitted boxer briefs can all of a sudden feel tight when you’re aroused.”

  “So as usual, we’re on the same page,” I note.

  “I think when it comes to her we have been since day one.”

  “Here’s the thing, I want more.”

  Xander furrows his eyebrows. “I don’t think it’s possible for us to see her more than we already are, considering how busy all three of us have been lately.”

  “No, you’re right. Unless we resort to forgoing work and fucking her twenty-four seven—and I’m so horny right now, I could seriously consider it. But that’s not what I had in mind.”

  “Why don’t you finish up your food before it’s inedible—a cold meal is so unappealing—and then tell me what you’ve been plotting?”

  “Who says I’ve been masterminding anything?” I ask indignantly.

  “That’s how you’re wired, Mr. Gordimer. You work out everything in your head and when you know you’ve crossed all of your Ts you lay out your plan. So now I’m curious to find out where I fit in all of this and what debauchery we’re going to convince her to partake in.” He grins from ear to ear.

  “Bugger off,” I grumble under my breath before digging into my plate again. I eat voraciously and by the time Xander is ready to serve us our second glass of wine, I’ve polished off everything on my plate. “Thank you for thinking of me. That was delicious,” I say.

  “Don’t mention it. Now that you’ve been well fed and the wine is still flowing, let’s hear it. Do you want her to submit her soul to us?”

  “Well…” I tease. “No, seriously, I don’t want her to see anyone else.”

  Xander’s wine glass freezes in mid air. “Who said anything about her seeing anyone else?”

  “What we share started out in a very casual manner—”

  “As it should,” he interjects.

  “Right. So much has evolved since that first night at
Hush. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Absolutely. I can’t imagine myself sharing anyone else. She’s all I need.” Hearing him say that lets me know I’m on the right track.

  “We need to stake our claim on her.”

  “I thought we’ve already done that—several times.” He pauses. “And in public, may I add.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not talking only about sex. She needs to know she’s fully ours and that we have no intention of being with any other women.”

  “I just alluded to that fact.”

  “Xander, you’re talking to me. You and I have never discussed this with her. As far as she knows this is just a fun fuck for two guys who are used to sharing women.”

  “So you want us to talk to her and tell her how crazy we are about her? Is that it?”

  “I want way more than that. Talk is cheap.”

  “Mate, I’m really not following.”

  “I want her to be our girlfriend. I don’t know if you feel the same way, but for me it’s crystal clear.”

  “Wow. You’ve really put a lot of thought into this. That’s a big step.”

  “One I’m ready for. Are you saying you’re not?” I’m surprised he’s not more enthusiastic.

  “Did you hear me say that?” His tone is edgy. “I don’t want to play devil’s advocate, but I will. Isn’t she going back to New York City in early autumn? Are you talking about a case of summer loving?”

  “I want her to know that she’s ours. September is far away. So much can happen by then. Circumstances change. Who knows? Ashley and Mr. Walcott might extend her contract even if Samantha comes back. If that’s not an option, I have enough clout and connections in the industry to find a way for her to stay. As long as I know well in advance, she might not have to leave London after all.” Quite frankly, I’m not sure if that’s even possible because I’ve never had to deal with foreign work permits before. That said, I’ll be damned if I allow that to stop me from building something more solid with Delilah. “If things don’t pan out and she has to go back, you and I both fly regularly to New York City.”

  “Mate, a long-distance relationship with an ocean separating you is problematic enough when it’s with one person. Two? That just sounds like a jigsaw puzzle that’s impossible to solve. Not to mention, we don’t always visit the Big Apple at the same time.”

  Okay, he’s got me there. “Worst-case scenario, we’ll have enjoyed a few unforgettable months with her without holding back,” I quip. “If we allow her pending departure to affect what we have—or what we could have—then we’re both cheating ourselves and her. Neither of us has ever played that kind of lame game. We always go full out or we don’t even bother trying. I don’t want any restriction in terms of us enjoying her.”

  Xander considers me for a few long seconds before speaking again. “No, we’re not known for doing things halfway, but my question is how are you going to handle things if she has to leave the city? If you remember correctly, you were crushed after Adele.”

  “That’s a completely different story. We’ve talked about that at length,” I say, raising my voice. “Adele chickened out on us because her family brainwashed her into believing that a more traditional relationship is the only way to go. How quickly she was willing to distance herself from us nearly gave me whiplash. This begs the question, did she ever really love us to start off with or was she riding the novelty and once we were ready for more, she ran?”


  “Seeing her with that fame-hungry fake gangster Gotti Monroe suggests Adele prefers to play it safe—one guy at a time.” I’m so worked up, I interrupt Xander. “As you so accurately pointed out, I doubt she shares with that idiot a fraction of the depth of emotions she shared with us when she was fully engaged in our relationship.” I’m still so taken aback about bumping into our ex. I hope to God it doesn’t happen ever again.

  “I don’t think we’re talking about love here with Delilah?” That’s a good question.

  I shake my head. “I’m not there yet. I doubt she is and I don’t think you are.”

  “We’ve only been seeing her for a couple of weeks. Although things are going amazingly well and neither of us can get enough of her, we both know from experience that it takes longer to build something solid when three people are involved.”

  “You’re right, Xander. Just like you, I don’t want anyone else in my bed. If things were to get any more serious with our spirited Texan, I’d love to believe that she’s the type of woman who would be willing to stand her own ground and not cop out.”

  “She’s feistier than Adele will ever be.” Xander smiles.

  “I agree. When it comes to Delilah, it’s about us living this relationship to its fullest—one month, two, three, four, longer? Who knows?” I shrug. “Regardless, it’s about giving her everything we have to give every single time we’re together.”

  “I’m with you on that one.”

  “If we’re having a frank conversation, I’ll admit that she’s the kind of woman I can easily see myself falling for,” I confess.

  “Wow. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard you talk like that about a woman.”

  Xander is right. Just like him I’ve had a very long list of conquests—few I’ve wanted to see more than a couple of times. Delilah definitely breaks the mold. “Can’t you see it?”

  He nods. “As clear as day. I can’t say I blame you for going down that road. Delilah is so delectable in so many ways.”

  “She really is, Xander.”

  “In that case, we’re on the same page. Making her our girlfriend is the only logical next step.” He grins from ear to ear. Now we’re talking. “Since tomorrow is Friday, let’s plan something special to let her know of our intentions.”

  Leave it to Xander to want a fanfare. Normally, I’d tease him unmercifully for wanting to go over the top, but not today. It’s important that we make a big deal out of this.

  “I’m way ahead of you. I just wanted to talk to you first before rolling things out. This isn’t the kind of conversation that’s appropriate for a restaurant. Let’s bring her here and let’s enchant her. I’ll go back to Purple House Farm so you don’t have to think about cooking. The focus should be entirely on her.”

  “I agree,” Xander cheers. “What do you have in mind for after?”

  “You mean when things get a little hot and heavy?”

  “Of course I do. After we make her ours, we need to celebrate. I hope you didn’t plan for us asking her to be our girlfriend and then for us to just sit around and chat for the rest of the evening. My dick would protest mightily.”

  I have no doubt that it would… and so would mine. “Not a chance. The only action my tongue will be interested in is between her wet pussy lips… unless I’m licking her ass.”

  “Good, because by the time we see her again we’ll have been deprived of her body for three very long days. I’m all for dessert, but nothing is quite as sweet as her pussy. My cock is in need of relief as we speak. I can only imagine how desperate I’ll be when she’s here with us tomorrow. Alas, for tonight, there’s only one way out for me.” He gesticulates his right hand up and down as if he’s masturbating.

  I tilt my head back and laugh. “I’m likely to be doing the same thing myself.” We grin at each other. “Unless it’s us making her lose her senses with our dirty talk, I won’t waste my breath tomorrow night. I was planning on letting things evolve naturally because she always ends up where we want her. Why push it?”

  “That’s one approach…” Xander lets his words hang, piquing my curiosity.

  “Clearly you have something else in mind?”

  “I had a very kinky dream about a little naughty play I’d like us to try with her. What better night than when she becomes our girlfriend?” It might seem premature for us to already consider this a done deal since we’ve not talked to Delilah yet, but everything is so bloody right between us, she can only agree to all three of us being committed to
each other.

  “I’m afraid to ask.” Wasn’t he the one accusing me of having a master plan all laid out? Seems like he has one of his own.

  “Do you remember all the times she’s lamented about not being able to survive what we submit her to?”

  “Yeah, but she always does.” I say with a smile tugging at my lips.

  “Well, this time she might be right.” He chuckles.

  “I don’t know what you have up your sleeves, Xander, but if that over-confident smile tells me anything, it’s that your wicked intentions might break her.”

  “Oh, dear friend, you have no idea. Let’s just say that if you’re on board with this, we’re going to take kinky to stratospheric levels.”

  “That’s an offer I’d be a fool to refuse.”

  We both laugh.



  It’s Friday. It’s Friday. It’s Friday, I sing in my head as I wiggle my hips, heading to Piper’s office. It’s a bonus that the weekend is at our doorstep, but the idea that in a few hours I’ll be with my boys just makes a good thing freaking fantastic. I haven’t slept nestled between their perfect bodies since Wednesday morning. Every part of me is tingling at the idea that I’ll be with them again.

  To my surprise and pleasure, Ethan called me this morning instead of just texting to let me know they have a special night planned for me. Needless to say, I’ve already worked out the outfit I’m wearing—and the saucy lingerie and super-high heels—in my head. I don’t want to waste any time when I get back to the apartment. Not only do I have to primp myself, I also have to pack a bag since I’m not coming back to my place until Sunday night. I’m counting the minutes until this day ends. I’m so looking forward to this weekend that if there were a way to incentivize time to pass faster, I’d be the first one in line waving a fistful of Benjamins to whoever has that kind of power.

  Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. As eager as I am, I must say that the buildup is making me crave them even more. Contrary to usual, Ethan and Xander aren’t picking me up. They’re sending a cab. When I questioned the sudden change, Ethan simply chuckled and hinted at the fact that it was all part of the special night. I don’t know what they have planned, but as long as it’s the three of us, I’m a happy girl. Yeah, it’s good to be me.


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