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Deliciously British

Page 87

by Scarlett Avery

  “Well, I’m happy she was on our side.” Ethan laughs. “I also called your parents to let them know. Since I’m the one marrying you, I wanted them to understand how this was going to work out between the three of us. I didn’t want them to think we were shaming God or anything like that. I was hoping they would have called back—”

  “But they didn’t,” I finish his sentence. Ethan shakes his head. “I’m not surprised.” The pain of their decision pulls at my heart.

  “Brandon will give you away. He’s so excited for you. In fact, he’s beside himself. He keeps saying how our relationship makes him believe it’s possible for him and Jonas to find a woman willing to go all the way. Connor will be here as well. He says he’s happy to know we’ll be taking care of you,” Xander explains. Of course, my brothers would have different views on my pending marriage.

  “What about Josh, John Daniel and Sean?” I ask. Ethan and Xander both shake their heads. “I guess it would’ve been too much to ask.” I can’t hide my bitterness.

  “There’s plenty of time for them to come around.” Ethan strokes my cheek. “This is ultimately your decision, but we most likely won’t get married for another six months to a year… maybe even up to eighteen months, depending on what you have in mind for our big day.” Ethan pauses when he notices my deadpan expression. “People change, Delilah.” I appreciate his soothing words, but I’m not as confident as he is about some members of my family ever being able to accept my relationship.

  All three of us flew to Austin for American Thanksgiving last November. Momma was elated at the idea of finally meeting my British boyfriend. Xander came along, but we wanted to wait until my parents and brothers had had a chance to get to know him better before pulling the curtain back on our relationship. We introduced him as Ethan’s longtime best friend and explained they were as close as brothers. We also touched on their particular living arrangement and justified Xander tagging along for the trip by explaining that he had never traveled to Texas before. No one seemed to have any issues with that. In fact, they received him with open arms. Thanksgiving dinner went without a hitch. We had fun and everybody absolutely loved Ethan and Xander.

  On Sunday, tradition calls for us to spend the afternoon at my maternal grandmother’s house. I asked Momma to make an exception because Ethan and I had something very important to share. I also asked her to invite all five of my brothers. She spent all weekend running around like a chicken with it's head chopped off getting this big elaborate meal ready because she thought Ethan was going to pop the question. She was already going on about half-Brit babies and all. When the time came, I was so nervous that I was completely tongue-tied. Ethan and Xander were the ones who did all the talking.

  I still remember my parents’ dumbfounded expression just before it changed to utter disappointment and then disgust. Most of my brothers weren’t more welcoming. Once my boys were done, the room became incredibly silent. It was excruciating. Then, out of the blue, my mother slowly got up to her feet and walked out of the dining room, followed by my father and four of my brothers. I was bleeding inside. My mother came back a short while after to ask us to leave. She didn’t want us soiling her house with our filthy perversions.

  Brandon was the only one who remained at the table. I was certain he was waiting to unleash his indignation on us or tell us we’ll all burn in hell for what we’re doing. That wasn’t the case at all. To my surprise, he invited us back to his house, which luckily is located very far away from my parents’. After a few rounds of much-needed stiff drinks, my oldest brother revealed that he and his best friend had had a relationship where they shared a woman—one they loved. When they were ready to take it to the next level, she bailed out. Both him and Jonas were heartbroken for months. Brandon shocked all three of us with his candid and highly unexpected confession. He also explained that one of the reasons he bought a house so far away from my parents’ was because he knew he was never destined for their vanilla life. He’s very proud of me for being willing to live out my love for my two boyfriends out in the open—even if it isn’t conventional. As a result of this family drama, my eldest brother and I are closer than ever.

  Connor took a lot longer to come around. We didn’t speak to each other for about four months until I got an unexpected call from him that he was in London. Apparently, Brandon had persuaded him to come for a visit and listen without the influence of our parents. I invited him to stay with us and after a few days our relationship was somewhat mended. He still doesn’t understand why I feel the need to get involved with two men at the same time instead of going the more traditional route and picking one, but he’s not willing to break our sibling bond over it. Not to mention that he said as long as this is what I want with all my heart and my guys treat me right, he’ll always support me.

  “I don’t think so, Ethan,” I say. “My parents are too religious to ever change their views.”

  “No more religious than my parents or Xander’s, and you know how both our families embrace you and accept what we have. It may not be what they would have chosen for us, but they’re willing to go with it because we love you so much and you make us very happy.”

  “Thank you for saying that, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. My father is more easy-going, but my mother can be pretty stubborn when she wants to. It’s okay.” I shrug. “Brandon, Connor, Maggie and William will be here to represent my side of the family. I’m happy with that.” I wish my parents would have a change of heart. That would be the icing on the cake for me on my wedding day. That said, if they don’t, I’m not willing to give up what I have with Ethan and Xander. I love them way too much. It’s not that I love my parents any less, but I should be entitled to love who I want. I have a right to happiness. It kills me to be at odds with my family like this, but I’m not giving up what I have with Ethan and Xander to follow their narrow views on love.

  The tension in the room is heavy. It’s unfortunate that my family’s disapproval looms over my relationship and taints this perfect moment.

  Out of nowhere, Xander starts to chuckle. “Did I miss something?” I ask.

  “What’s so funny?” Ethan frowns his confusion.

  “Just a thought.” Xander brushes his hand dismissively in front of him.

  “Care to share it with your best mate and your fiancée?” Ethan presses. Fiancée. God, I love that word.

  “I’m sure that Mr. and Mrs. Babcock will come around once our wife starts popping out my big beautiful babies.” Xander’s comment comes from left field.

  “What?” Yeah, Ethan doesn’t look too impressed right now.

  “You heard me. No one can resist adorable babies. I don’t care how mad or upset you are. Babies have a way of bringing people together and mine will do just that.” He puffs his chest out proudly.

  “Who says our kids will be yours?” Ethan’s voice might indicate that he’s upset, but I’m not falling for it. His mocking smile betrays him.

  “Please, mate, my swimmers are much faster than yours.” Xander rolls his eyes. “We’re talking Olympic speed here.” He crosses his arms over his chest to make his point.

  “And you have scientific proof to back that up, I assume?” Ethan doesn’t miss a beat.

  “Don’t be daft. I don’t need it. I feel it in my bones. In no time, there will be tons of little adorable Emerson babies running all over this place.” Xander waves around the glass room. “Gosh, there’s so much for us to baby-proof,” he adds. “We wouldn’t want my babies to get hurt while they’re playing together in the glass room.”

  “You’re fucking delusional, Xander.”

  Here we go again. They’re so competitive.

  “Not at all,” Xander says. “I’m simply warning you. Don’t be surprised when all our kids end up looking like me.” I clear my throat. “Well, like Delilah and me,” he clarifies.

  “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but out of the twelve kids Delilah will have, you’ll be lucky if one is yours. Your swimmers m
ight be at Olympic speed. Mine break bloody world records for breakfast.” Ethan lifts his chin up defiantly.

  Huh? So far I’ve been too amused watching them go at each other to interject, but now I have to put my foot down. “You expect me to have a dozen kids?”

  “Yeah,” they both answer in unison.

  I place my hands against my hips and tap my right foot impatiently. “And I don’t have a say in the matter?”

  “All kidding aside, it’s your decision, love,” Ethan pacifies. “I have to side with Xander. I believe that once we start our family, your parents and brothers will come around. They’ll know for sure what we have is forever.” From his lips to God’s ears.

  “He’s right. I also think it will be a turning point in your relationship with them,” Xander encourages. I hope so. “Whether you give us one or fifteen babies, your two husbands will be happy and we’ll still love you.”

  “Oh, so now the number has gone up?” I say.

  “I just wanted to see if I could trick you. After all, the more the merrier, right?” Xander reveals with a cheeky smile. “It didn’t work?”

  I shake my head with a grimace painted on my face. “Not really.”

  “Damn.” He purses his lips and snaps his fingers.

  We all laugh.

  “On a serious note, I was thinking more along the lines of six kids,” I say. “I know it was a different experience for you two because you didn’t have any brothers or sisters—well, not blood-related ones.” They exchange a complicit look. “For me, it was an anchor. It was great growing up with that many siblings. I want that for my own kids. Our kids.” I let out that last part in a low voice.

  Ethan traces the bottom of my lip with his thumb. “We’ll take as many babies as you want to give us. We’ll always be there for you. You’ll never have to go at this alone.”

  “You’ll always have two husbands loving you and protecting our family,” Xander concludes. His words tug at my heart. “How does that sound?”

  I close my eyes for a beat, basking in my good fortune. I open them again and let out a little sigh. There are so many amazing and life-changing things to soak in that I find myself completely ecstatic about it all. God has given me more gifts than I can count. I shift my gaze from one of my boyfriends to the next—I guess they’re my fiancés now. And soon-to-be husbands. Wow.

  Ethan and Xander are both staring at me with so much love. My heart is so full, I fear it’ll burst. I’m truly blessed. “It sounds like all my dreams have finally come true.”

  And They Lived Happily Ever After!

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  Bad Boy SEALs

  Much love,

  Scarlett Avery

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  The End




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