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Aether's Apprentices

Page 32

by Daniel Schinhofen


  “Good morning, Simon,” Gregory greeted the archivist.

  “Good morning to you, as well,” Simon replied to the group. “Unless you need new books, your current ones will be waiting for you.”

  “I need a new journal from Lionel Lighthand,” Gregory said. “I finished the last one.”

  “The next of his journals will be brought to you,” Simon replied. “Not many ask to read them.”

  “The first few have been enlightening,” Gregory said slowly. “Some of his views were at odds with the emperor.”

  “The only reason we still have them is that no book within these walls can be harmed,” Simon said softly. “It was part of the surrender.”

  “Surrender?” Yukiko asked. “I want to read about that.”

  “So do I,” Jenn added.

  The others were quick to say they wanted to, as well.

  Simon held up his hands. “We have only a single book. I’ll make sure you each get it to read, starting with Yukiko, since she asked first.”

  “Thank you,” Yukiko smiled.

  “If you have any other books that we’d find as surprising, we’d be interested in those,” Ling said, with Clover nodding her agreement.

  “I… will see what I can do,” Simon said slowly.

  “And I’ll start on Lighthand’s journals,” Jenn said.

  “Very well,” Simon bowed his head.

  They thanked him before heading to their normal table.


  As they left the archive, Gregory thought about what he’d been reading.

  “Yuki, what did the book say?” Daciana asked.

  “It’s about the fall of the city to the empire,” Yukiko said. “It’s written from the viewpoint of the head of the archive. I haven’t gotten to the surrender, yet.”

  “I can’t wait to read it,” Clover sighed.

  “It reads more like a journal than a book,” Yukiko said. “There’s a lot of personal comments to be parsed through, including how the siege started to take its toll. I’ll finish it in a couple of days.”

  “What about Lighthand’s journals?” Victoria asked Jenn.

  “Lighthand wasn’t with the emperor when the Kingdom of Welton fell,” Jenn said. “He joined in when the emperor started to gather people to attack the eurtik back.” She paused for a moment before going on, “There are things Lighthand didn’t agree with at all. I think they should be discussed inside the walls of the clan hall...”

  Seeing her look around, the others did, then nodded in understanding.

  “She has a good point,” Gregory added. “More when you consider the later journals.”

  “Something to think on,” Yukiko said. “Now we’re on our way to see the children.”

  “Who’s leading meditation today?” Ling asked.

  “You are,” Jenn smiled. “That’ll mean everyone has been the lead at least once.”

  “I accept,” Ling smiled.


  They met Rufous, the clan coachman, in the stable yard of the academy grounds. The part-ox eurtik grinned when Gregory called out his name. “All of you again?” Rufous asked.

  “To the Watashi residence, please,” Yukiko said. “We’ll be having one more—”

  “I’m here!” Roshana said as she hurried toward them.

  Gregory was struck at how similarly she moved to Inda and Indara when she was in a hurry. He was sure that Roshana didn’t have the eurtik legs, but she seemed to get more bounce and speed when she was on her toes.

  “You don’t have to rush,” Yukiko told her. “Roshana, let me introduce you to the novices of Aether’s Guard and our close friends: Daciana, Nessa, and Victoria.”

  “Champion, runner-up, and final eight contestant,” Roshana said, bowing to the trio. “An honor.”

  All three women smiled and bowed back, greeting her in return.

  “We didn’t know we were having a new friend join us,” Daciana said, her eyes darting to Roshana’s ears. “Will you be joining the clan?”

  Roshana hesitated, licking her lips once before she replied, “I’m considering doing so.”

  “Considering?” Nessa asked.

  “We can talk as we go,” Yukiko said. “Rufous, thank you for conveying us again.”

  “It is my job and pleasure,” Rufous said.

  Gregory opened the carriage door. “Ladies, this way, please. I guess two people will be on laps today.”

  Roshana looked at Gregory, her cheeks heating lightly. Jenn caught the look and snickered. “He rides with Rufous on the bench. I normally sit on Yuki’s lap.”

  “I’ll sit on Nessa’s,” Victoria said.

  “That’ll be fine,” Nessa said, her eyes on Roshana. “Or... Roshana, right? You can, if you’d like.”

  Roshana blinked at being asked. It was borderline improper, and yet felt like something a close friend would offer. “I… am honored. But maybe you should let—”

  “I withdraw my suggestion,” Victoria said, quickly cutting Roshana off.

  All eyes were on Roshana and took a slow, deep breath. She turned to Yukiko. “Yuki? Your council, please?”

  Yukiko’s head dipped a fraction. “Nessa is offering, as she wants to make a strong impression. She’s interested in knowing more about someone we have spoken well of. Also, the fact you might join the clan makes her want to speak with you even more. On her lap, she’ll have your attention.”

  Nessa blinked, surprised that Yukiko was being flatly honest with her appraisal. “She isn’t wrong.”

  “Very well. I accept,” Roshana said, her cheeks darkening as she said the words.

  “I’ll get in first, then,” Nessa said. “Thanks, Greg.”

  Gregory was just as surprised as Roshana, but helped Nessa into the carriage on reflex. When Roshana came to a stop before him, he gave her an awkward smile.

  “It’ll be fine,” he said.

  “I feel I will always be safe with your friends,” Roshana said as she let him help her into the carriage.

  Gregory thought about what she’d said as he helped the others in, one by one.

  Jenn was the last, and she gave him a brilliant smile as she sat on Yukiko’s lap. “Thank you, dear one.”

  “Anything for you, my heart,” Gregory replied, giving her a smile before shutting the door and climbing up onto the bench.

  Rufous gave him a sideways glance, then shook his head. “Did you want to give it a go today?” He offered the reins as he asked the question.

  “Oh, yes please,” Gregory said.


  “Thanks again, Rufous,” Gregory said, getting down from the driver’s bench.

  “A pleasure as always, sir,” Rufous smiled. “You did well.”

  “Learning is enjoyable, and it might be a skill I need later,” Gregory replied. “We’ll see you tonight for pickup.”

  “Of course.”

  Gregory opened the door to the carriage and started to help the women out. Jenn was the first one out today, and she went right for the front door. One by one, Gregory helped them out, with Nessa being the last. He caught her when she fell toward him.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes,” Nessa said, not looking up at him. “I put my foot down wrong. Sorry.”

  “No problem, as long as you’re fine.”

  “I am, because you caught me,” Nessa said as she straightened up, giving him a shy smile. “Thanks.”

  The others were watching Nessa. Roshana kept glancing at Yukiko during the exchange, but Yukiko only smiled, so Roshana looked back to Gregory with a thoughtful expression. Nessa walked quickly toward the group.

  The door opened and everyone turned to face it. “Welcome back, magi,” Elsa greeted them. “Please, come in.”

  Gregory gave Rufous a wave, heading over to join the others. Rufous shook his head as he watched the young man follow the women.

  Elsa shut the door behind Gregory, then turned to Roshana. “Greetings and welcome to the
Watashi residence.”

  “Good morning,” Roshana said, bowing slightly to Elsa. “I am Roshana Arnab, apprentice, classmate, and friend to Yuki, Jenn, Clover, Ling, and Greg. Thank you for welcoming me into the home.”

  “Friends are always welcome,” Elsa said, dipping a small curtsy. “Will you be joining them for the Peaceful Fist?”

  “She will, Elsa,” Yukiko said as everyone changed their shoes. “Ling will be the one leading us today. Can you gather the children, please?”

  “Enzo already is, mistress,” Elsa replied. “I will see if we have an extra gi for our new guest.”

  Gregory slipped past them all, he had bent as if exchanging his shoes, but just had his enchanted boots change their appearance to look like slippers. “I’ll see you all there.”

  “We shouldn’t take too long,” Yukiko called after him. “Thank you, Elsa. We’ll be in the changing room.”

  “Yes,” Elsa said as she hurried away.


  Gregory was the first to the atrium. The children bowed to him and he bowed back. “It’s good to see you all again. Ling will be the one leading meditation today, and we brought a new friend. Please treat her kindly.”

  “Yes, Sensei,” they said.

  Enzo shifted closer to Gregory. “Greg, we arranged the desserts. Baylyss wanted me to let you know.”

  “Thank you, and thank Elsa and Baylyss, too.”

  Enzo ducked his head. “I’m just the messenger. I have no aptitude for cooking or baking.”

  “Having limitations is fine. We all do,” Gregory said. “No one else here can draw like you do. Embrace what you’re good at.”

  Enzo bowed his head. “I will.”

  “They’ll be here shortly,” Gregory told the others. “Her name is Roshana. When she introduces herself, welcome her as warmly as you do us.”

  The women arrived a few minutes later, and the kids bowed to them. Yukiko smiled as she led the others into the atrium. “We have a new friend with us today. Roshana?”

  Roshana bowed to the children, wearing a soft, sad smile on her lips. “I’m Roshana Arnab. Thank you for letting me visit and train with you.”

  “Welcome to our home, Roshana,” the children said in echo as they bowed back.

  Jenn took a minute to introduce the children one by one to Roshana. When the introductions were finished, Ling went to the center of the area. Everyone spread out at that, with Gregory helping guide Roshana.

  He tried not to give her a second look, but the borrowed gi was very snug across Roshana’s chest. “Just follow along,” he told her. “We meditate while doing this and, after a few times, it’ll likely become second nature to you.”

  “I will do my best,” Roshana said, lightly touching one of her ears.

  “We know you will,” Gregory told her.

  “First position,” Ling said as she took the position. She turned to face Roshana. “I won’t meditate, so I can help you if needed.”

  “Thank you,” Roshana said as she copied everyone.

  “And we flow to the back foot,” Ling said as she put action to words.

  Chapter Forty-one

  Roshana relaxed as she copied Ling— there was a peacefulness to the exercise that made her want to meditate, but because she didn’t know the routine at all, she would fail if she lapsed. She let her mind drift. She was just aware enough to follow along, but not enough to find the aether cavern. As she moved, Roshana could feel her body stretching. The exercise, while slow and controlled, was still training her body.

  A mix of body and spirit path? How intriguing, Roshana thought. Something about it feels natural, though, as if I’ve done this before... That thought pushed her the rest of the way into meditation and the cavern formed around her. She was still moving in the pattern as she stood in her cavern. Ling’s voice was a dim sound on the edge of her hearing.

  Sparks began to drift up from her aether and float to the walls of her cavern where the small indentations were. The smoke that drifted out of the channel had her wondering about it. “It really is training both paths,” she said in awe as she continued to follow Ling’s directions.

  When meditation came to an end, Roshana blinked, breathing harder than she thought she should be. Wiping at her forehead, she found sweat. “Goodness... that took more out of me than I thought.”

  “The first few times, it taxes you more than you expect,” Yukiko said. “You’re straining your body more than you think you are, which is why it trains you as it does.”

  “Body and spirit,” Roshana said. “I saw little sparks leaving my fire.”

  Ling blinked at Roshana. “You were able to meditate?”

  “It was at least half over before I lapsed into the cavern, but yes. The katas felt natural… like I’d done them before.”

  Yukiko and Jenn exchanged a glance at her words.

  “I know what you mean,” Victoria said softly.

  “Maybe it was her being so used to the spirit path?” Clover suggested.

  “That’s possible,” Nessa nodded, “and the mind ring she wears could have helped. If it was past the halfway point, it makes sense.”

  “Because it’s the same repetitions of katas,” Daciana nodded.

  “That’s a plausible answer,” Gregory said, but he was clearly wondering about something else.

  Baylyss appeared in the atrium archway. “I’ll have brunch ready when you all finish bathing. Elsa, if you will be in the first set, I could use your aid.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Elsa said.

  “Let’s not keep her waiting,” Yukiko said, going to Roshana’s side. “This way. We split up, since there are so many of us. The boys bathe after we finish, so we try not to linger.”

  “Yes, Yuki,” Roshana said, letting herself be guided away.

  Gregory motioned the boys toward him. “Why don’t we relax while we wait? Maybe a story about the last tournament?”

  That had all the boys hurrying over to sit near him. Enzo was a little slower, but he was wearing a grin as he watched the younger boys rush forward.


  When Gregory led the boys into the dining room, he was smiling. “Thank you for refreshing the water for us.”

  “We thought it might help speed things along,” Yukiko smiled back.

  Taking his seat, he saw Roshana sitting between Yukiko and Ling. “So, how was it?”

  “It was amazing. I was tired, but now, I feel energized,” Roshana said. “I will continue to practice that, if that’s alright?”

  “It’s called the Peaceful Fist,” Gregory said. “Lionel Lighthand created it.”

  “Did he?” Roshana asked. “It feels older to me.”

  “As far as we know, he did, but he might have learned it from someone else,” Yukiko said.

  The door opening cut off their conversation. Baylyss and Elsa pushed carts into the room, and Elsa pushed hers down to where Gregory was sitting.

  “Magi, we have an extra special brunch today,” Elsa said. “Your clan leader inside the walls of the academy sent us bane boar to prepare for you. We’ve grilled it with a spiker fruit glaze. To go with it, we made steamed rice with pieces of spiker fruit mixed into it.”

  Gregory grinned at the meal. It was special to him and Yuki, but he’d like that to be the case for Jenn, too. “Thank you, Elsa.”

  “Dessert will be served afterward,” Elsa continued with a knowing smile on her lips. “We hope you enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure we will,” Yukiko said. “Jenn, I hope you like this, too. It’s a favorite of mine and Greg.”

  Jenn thought back to a conversation where Gregory had once said it was his second favorite thing.

  “It’s my third favorite now,” Gregory said, having seen her look and thinking of that same conversation.

  Jenn’s cheeks heated slightly, but a smile grew on her lips. “I’m glad. I enjoyed it when we had it together before, so I’m sure I will enjoy it again now.”

  Victoria missed part of w
hat was said, but caught the gist of it, while the others with their superior hearing caught the entirety of the byplay. Covert glances were cast at the three at the head of the table.

  “We hope you all enjoy,” Baylyss said as the last plate was set on the table.


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