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Aether's Apprentices

Page 34

by Daniel Schinhofen

  The room held a sunken stone tub that was lightly steaming. The wall to his right held a row of benches and a hand pump with buckets at the end of it. There was a collection of soaps next to the buckets on a block of stone. He picked one that smelled like orange before grabbing some water and taking a seat.

  Is this really okay? Gregory asked himself. All of them agreed, and I’m sure a few of them really are okay with it, but are some of them just saying yes to not be left out? I don’t have any way of really knowing, do I? The thoughts chased themselves in his head as he washed.

  The water was room temperature— it was good in that he wasn’t covered in goosebumps, but also bad because it’d help more if it were icy. Once he was done cleaning up, Gregory stood up and took a long, slow, deep breath.

  Approaching the door, he unlocked it, then hesitated. He knocked before he cracked it open an inch. “Ladies?”

  “Come in, dearest,” Yukiko called out to him.

  Opening the door more, he looked inside. All eight women were still in the washing area. Clover, Jenn, Nessa, and Yukiko were scrubbing the backs of the other four. All too aware of his body’s reaction to the sight, he pushed the door fully open and walked over to the massive heated tub that took up half of the large room.

  “Clover, you stopped,” Ling said, turning to look over her shoulder. Ling’s eyes widened as she watched Gregory cross the room. “Oh...”

  “Ladies, it’s impolite to stare,” Yukiko said, her tone holding humor. “Greg is still getting used to the idea of mixed baths, as it is. The few times it was more than just Jenn and I in Waterrock, he had a hard time of it.”

  “He’s got a hard time of it now,” Victoria murmured too low for Gregory to hear, but everyone else did.

  “Yes, he does,” Jenn said in her normal tone. “There’s a reason for that.”

  “The fact that eight naked women are washing each other?” Roshana asked. “Limaz is a bit more relaxed about the idea of mixed bathing. They have a taboo about wasting water, so mixed baths are common. My family does mixed bathing. The only difference here is that there is a man who isn’t related to me.”

  “Buldoun doesn’t do mixed bathing at all,” Yukiko said. “In the empire, it’s not accepted everywhere. This is one of the few bathhouses in the city that is mixed and accepts eurtiks.”

  “It took you time to find a place where we could do this?” Clover asked.


  “Umm... Yuki?” Ling asked slowly. “Why?”

  “Because each of you has expressed certain interests,” Yukiko said. “Roshana is only partially included in that statement. More will be clear when you find your resonance.”

  Gregory took a seat, resting his back against the wall. He was glad the women seemed to have forgotten about him. His hope was that he would be acclimated to being in the room with them before they joined him in the tub.

  Four of them were at an oblique angle, so he really only saw their backs, except for Roshana on the closest end. His theory about her being the bustiest of the women he knew was right. The last major difference was the small, round, bushy white tail right above her rear. He dragged his gaze away from her, but that only brought his eyes to Jenn washing Roshana’s back. The disparity between them was large. Roshana was the tallest— nearly Gregory’s height— while Jenn was the shortest. Jenn’s chest was a proud handful compared to Roshana’s more robust bounty. Jenn was slim in figure, her hips only having a small flare, and Roshana had a more hourglass figure.

  So different, Gregory thought as he looked at each down the line.

  Nessa was behind Jenn, her figure clear as she scrubbed Daciana’s back. Toned and ready to run was all Gregory could think of as he let his eyes drift over her. Nessa’s legs were powerfully built, probably from her mother’s heritage. She was between Jenn and Roshana in all other ways. Her tail would flick to the side occasionally, her ears twitching. Her cheeks turned red, as she knew he was looking their way.

  Daciana’s back was to him, so he couldn’t see much of her, but her figure was lean and taut, a predator ready to pounce. Her tail was swishing side to side as Nessa washed her back. Gregory was intrigued that it came out just above her ass, looking as if her spine had split to form it. The fur on it seemed like it would be soft, and Gregory tried not to think about stroking it.

  Behind Nessa and Daciana, Clover was washing Ling. Ling was much like Daciana, but a little leaner and a few inches taller. Ling didn’t have a tail, but her ears were twitching slightly as she listened to the others around her. A single long scar marred her back, making Gregory wonder what had happened to her.

  Clover chatted away as she was prone to do. Her hands, though, had a tenderness to them as she washed Ling. Her bushy tail quivered behind her as her ears aimed at the tub, her black eyes darting glances at Gregory. Her face burned, but she didn’t turn away. In fact, she angled a little more toward him as Gregory watched.

  Gregory pulled his eyes off her, his own face heating. She’s bolder than I thought she would be. She’s like Jenn with her slender build. Clover’s a few inches taller than her and looks softer... Jenn is all hard-toned muscle, but Clover still has some padding on her.

  Looking past Clover, Gregory’s eyes stopped on Victoria’s back. She had an hourglass figure from the back with a narrowed waist, but flared hips. Gregory had no idea she had curves like she did, hidden as they normally were with the academy outfits or gi.

  Yukiko caught his eyes next and she smiled wider when his gaze met hers. Yukiko’s lips twisted into a sly smirk as she pivoted slightly the way Clover had, displaying more of herself to him. Gregory swallowed hard as his gaze trailed over what she offered him. Taking a shuddering breath, he looked away, his face flushed and burning.

  “You’re done, Vicky,” Yukiko said as she stood up. “Hand me that bucket and close your eyes.”

  Victoria bent forward to snag the bucket, then held it up over her head. Yukiko took it and poured water in small measures over Victoria as she rinsed off, letting the soap sluice away. Gregory had looked back to watch, only to be blessed with three more scenes of the same thing. By the time he realized they were done, all eight had turned to face the tub. His mouth went dry and his eyes widened as he stared at them.

  “Well, he doesn’t object,” Clover grinned.

  “Gregory wouldn’t object to any of you,” Yukiko said, the first one to go toward him, “but we’re being mean to him. We should join him in the water so his face might cool.”

  “Please?” Gregory croaked, clearing his throat and asking again. “Please?”

  There were giggles as they trailed Yukiko to the tub. All of them moved with a grace that had been hammered into them during physical training, but each had their own stride that made Gregory want to watch. Instead, he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

  “You’ve done well, dearest,” Yukiko said as she glided over to sit beside him.

  “Very respectful, considering this must be hard on him,” Roshana said.

  “Gregory is always respectful,” Jenn said, her smile clear in her voice, “even when we’re being mean to him.”

  “Sorry,” Clover whispered. “I… just couldn’t help myself.” All the others looked at her, and her face burned. “I… might have… shown him more. While washing Ling.”

  Yukiko snickered. “I know, I saw you. Then I did the same thing.”

  “Then he saw the same from all of us,” Victoria said. “You just got a little ahead of us, was all.”

  Clover bowed her head. “I wanted to be… more in that moment.”

  “Greg?” Nessa asked slowly, waiting for him to look at her. “Does it bother you? Some of us having tails or other pronounced eurtik features?”

  Gregory’s eyes snapped open and he met her green ones with his own. “No!” he said with the conviction that they all felt. He coughed, his face burning more. “If anything… I was intrigued, especially with the differences between them.”

; Yukiko’s hand touched his knee and he jerked, eyes wide as he looked at her in worry. “It’s okay, dearest,” she said soothingly. “This is different from a normal mixed bath, but it’s not bad. Is anyone here uncomfortable? If you are, the other bath is open for you to use.”

  None of them left the tub. None even looked to the open doorway.

  “See?” Yukiko smiled. “We’re all fine, dearest. Unless you wish to go?”

  Gregory met their eyes one by one before he nodded. “Okay. I feel awkward, but as long as you’re all okay, then I’ll be fine.”

  “Limaz has an old saying,” Roshana said softly. “‘In the bath, your words should be as naked as you are.’ When bathing with others, it is tradition to speak plainly and truthfully. Nothing said in the bath is held against the speaker. If it causes anger or pain to the one hearing it, then the two must sit and talk until the topic no longer causes those feelings.”

  “This wasn’t in the books we’ve read,” Jenn said.

  “I would be surprised if it had been,” Roshana smiled. “Grandmother says that those from outside Limaz would never understand.”

  “Hmm... We learned something, and knowledge is always good,” Ling said, her eyes on Roshana. “My family has lived near the border for generations and even I didn’t know that bit of lore.”

  “I’m more than happy to speak with any of you about Limaz,” Roshana said, “or anything else. I’d like to be one of you.”

  “And we will welcome you,” Yukiko smiled.

  Roshana’s smile grew wide. “Thank you, Yuki. I was worried that you, above all others, would be against me.”

  “You should be told the same they were,” Jenn said. “Let me explain…”

  “Greg?” Victoria asked, getting his attention as Jenn spoke softly to Roshana. “I’ve watched you with the naginata. I had a question... are you a reborn soul?”

  That got Jenn to cut off what she was saying, as Roshana’s attention had snapped to Victoria, then to Gregory.

  Seeing that he had everyone’s attention, Gregory exhaled slowly. “No lying...” he murmured. “Yes. Gin and Egil both believe I am. And yes, the skill I have with the naginata is tied to that.”

  “Do you think other past lives might be attracted to each other?” Victoria asked.

  “They can be,” Yukiko said. “Jenn and I both feel like we’ve been reborn, as well.”

  “Oh?” Victoria was a little surprised, then she smiled. “I’m pretty sure that I knew Gregory before. From the first day I saw him at the inn when he was coming to the academy, I felt a pull to him.”

  “It was the same with me when I saw him,” Yukiko nodded.

  “And me when he faced me in the arena,” Jenn added.

  “I’m not alone?” Roshana asked with wide eyes. “I thought I might be going a little crazy. It’s not just Gregory, though... it’s all of you. My spirit hums as if it’s a happy cat that found its home.”

  “Me, too,” Clover said suddenly, standing up. “My blood sings with joy around you all. Ling was the first, and it hummed when Gregory was in weapons class with us, but when we met you all in tactics… I felt more alive.”

  “I’ve always felt like that,” Daciana said. “It’s why I was so certain about joining the clan.”

  “I was uncertain, but being with you four in tactics always felt like being home,” Ling said slowly. “Comfortable, warm, and welcoming.”

  Nessa’s brow furrowed. “I’ve always felt comfortable around you, but I hadn’t thought of it being connected to past lives… what would the odds of all of us being connected like that even be?”

  Gregory swallowed. He looked at Yukiko, silently asking her.

  “Ladies?” Yukiko asked softly before exhaling slowly. “There’s a reason that you all feel like this. And yes, as deeply as I believe in Aether, I believe that there’s a reason. I can’t tell you what... not right now, not until you’ve all found your resonance and have faced the truth about yourselves. I ask you to trust in me. There is a reason and I will tell you, if your souls prove true.”

  The six women not married to Gregory all stared at her, then bowed their heads, accepting what she’d told them. Gregory swallowed as he watched them all. He silently asked Darkness if this is what his dream had been the night before.


  They lounged in the tub for a while making normal small talk. Gregory knew they would have to go soon, so he took a slow, deep breath and stood up, getting everyone looking his way.

  “We should get going,” Gregory managed, his throat a little tight as his body responded to all the eyes focused on him. “Figured I’d go first.”

  The only way out for him was past the others. He took a step forward, the water making small waves away from his thighs. He’d chosen Victoria and Nessa to move toward, figuring them the most likely to move aside for him. They hesitated and Victoria licked her lips, her eyes focused below his navel, but she slid aside when Nessa did.

  Face burning, he climbed out, and started walking to the second room. “See you all in a bit. I’ll just lock the doors on my way out.”

  “That’s fine, dearest,” Yukiko called after him. “We’ll be along shortly.”

  “How do you manage to take all of—?” Daciana started to ask, but was cut off when Nessa slapped a hand over her mouth.

  Gregory’s ears went crimson, as he’d heard that before he shut the door.

  Chapter Forty-three

  Gregory was amazed at how quickly the next two weeks flew by. Everything had gone right back to routine... well, mostly back to routine, if he was honest. There was some awkwardness among the group now, with glances and muted conversations about Gregory.

  Gregory wasn’t much better; he let his gaze linger at times, recalling what he’d seen at the bathhouse and how interested each of the women had been. Clover, especially, since she’d been the most daring of the bunch, besides Yukiko.

  Roshana would place her hand on Gregory’s back or shoulder during tactics class now, leaning more to discuss things when they worked together. Gregory was acutely aware of her bountiful nature in those moments, but he was able to keep his mind working.

  Other than those small differences, the routine of class and training settled right back as it had been. Gregory started to feel the different magics easier— he was able to pick out each person’s magic, even when the instructors’ and students’ strands intersected each other.


  Gregory smiled as he settled in to sleep with Jenn and Yukiko cuddled up next to him. The novices had been excited when they broke apart to go to bed. They’d been keeping track and were certain they would be ranking up again in a day or two.

  Eager to be apprentices, Gregory thought. I don’t blame them. Being among the best of their class is something to be proud of. Kissing both of his wives one more time, he slipped off into slumber.

  When he opened his eyes a moment later, he chuckled. “Darkness, my heart, how are you?” He turned to face her and his breath caught for a second. The darkness had faded more, and he could make out the shape of a person sitting in the shadows.

  “Yes, you are growing stronger, which peels back my shadows,” Darkness’ voice held her joy.

  “Still a darkness among shadows, but even that makes me glad. It means I’m getting closer to you, dear one.”

  “Yes,” Darkness sniffled. “Another couple of tiers and you will be ready to see me and, maybe… touch me briefly.”

  “I want to. I will grow in power as fast as I can, Darkness.”

  “I know,” Darkness replied. “I am helping, but I am also mitigating.”


  “If I did not help you, you would have bulled through the novices ranks much faster than even your friends have,” Darkness said. “I siphoned off the excess and have it set aside to give back later, for you, your wives, and friends. Training three paths should have had you growing at least thrice as fast as anyone else.”

  “But doing s
o would’ve made us stand out even more,” Gregory murmured. “Thank you.”

  “You already stand out, my heart. I do not want you garnering the wrong attention before you have a chance to grow enough to defend yourself.”

  “Yuki would agree with you, and I do, too. Wait, is that why the novices are a little more powerful than we were?”

  “Yes. I am using them to show that the clan grows fast, but also so they overshadow your growth a tiny bit.”

  “I’m not comfortable with you using them as bait.”

  “They are not bait. They are misdirection,” Darkness reassured him. “I will keep them as safe as I can, for you and for them.”


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