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Kingdom Cold

Page 15

by Brittni Chenelle

  Chapter 40

  Prince Young

  MY FAMILY STOOD TOGETHER outside the church, soaking in the sun before we were forced inside by the ceremony. Everyone seemed reluctant to enter, so we remained there chatting. Charlotte and the queen had joined us, but outside of introductions, they had remained quiet. I'd expected a bit of awkwardness between our two families. My parents and Charlotte’s mother. But I was too excited to see everyone together to be the bridge they needed me to be to bring our families together.

  As I gazed into the aging faces of my parents, I realized I'd been homesick. A familiar sense of comfort consumed me, reminding me of my life in Vires. It felt nice to speak in my original Viran language, though I didn't know I'd missed it.

  My parents were here. I'd known they were coming and still felt surprised to see them. Was it because I thought I'd die before I saw them again? What I hadn't expected was for them to bring the Princess of Ryosun along. She was beautiful—the kind of woman Minseo and I always imagined we'd marry, but based on Minseo's lack of eye contact and cold responses, he wasn't interested.

  My father must’ve noticed too because his posture stiffened. "At least be polite," he whispered to Minseo, his voice somehow dripping with daggers in his soft tone.

  Minseo rolled his eyes and walked a few more steps away from the princess and the rest of us.

  I pitied her. She came all this way for him to not even give her a chance. I cleared my throat. "Princess, how do you like it in Besmium?"

  "It's quite beautiful," she said, her voice musical like a wind chime.

  "That's wonderful. Was the journey here long?"

  "It was quite manageable," she said, smiling softly.

  If I'd asked Charlotte a similar question, she might tell me a lengthy and dramatic tale of her misfortunes, but Princess Mina was nothing but agreeable. In minutes of small talk and replies filled with rainbows, I was bored. My gaze wandered back to Charlotte, her face riddled with befuddlement. Had I been speaking Viran with Charlotte standing right here?

  Before I could translate, the queen of Besmium spoke. "Your Majesty," she said, gesturing to my mom, "there are some members of my counsel that are eager to meet you." She turned to Princess Mina. "We've also never hosted a royalty from Ryosun. We would be delighted if you could squeeze a little politics in before the coronation." My mother, Mina, and Charlotte disappeared into the church—leaving us to enjoy a couple more minutes of sunlight.

  I turned to my father and froze. His cold stare sent an instant chill down my spine, and for this rare moment, he looked like a king. I traced his frosted gaze to Minseo.

  "Minseo. Get over here," he demanded in a tone that set my teeth on edge.

  Minseo's posture straightened and I knew my father's transformation affected Minseo too. He walked over like a man condemned.

  "Princess Mina of Ryosun has agreed to become your intended."

  Minseo nodded. "Yes, sir."

  A vein popped out of my fathers' temple. "Then why do you mistreat her?"

  "I do not love her."

  My stomach tightened. I admired my brother's courage for such an answer, but I feared for him.

  My father thrust his arms into the air, causing Minseo to flinch. "How could you learn to love her if you do not give her a chance?"

  "I don't want her," he admitted.

  I sucked in the silence through my nose but was too afraid to exhale it. My father finally shattered it. "Immediately following your brother's coronation, you will return to Vires, where I might beat some sense into your corrupted mind."

  With a huff, the king turned and hurried into the church.

  I turned to Minseo, feeling the heat of his pain from where I stood. Was he in love with someone? I’d heard him in his room with someone. Could it be Milly? That was the only explanation. It was obvious he wasn't ready to return to Vires; his feelings bound him to Besmium as mine had. He had no choice but to obey. My father was a king—in a minute’s time, however, I'd be a king too.

  I put my hand on Minseo's shoulder. "I'll talk to him."

  He looked at me and I could swear I saw pity beaming from his sorrowful gaze. Maybe it was just sadness. One way or another I'd find a way to help him.

  As the coronation began, I contemplated all it meant to be a king. I pledged myself to Besmium, and that meant that I could no longer consider Vires my home. I took Charlotte's hand as we knelt together at the altar. We'd gotten into this together, and I knew we'd remain that way. She was the loveliest queen I'd ever seen. Too young perhaps—we both were—but it was our actions that had allowed Besmium to heal these last three months, and everyone, the council included, wanted to move forward.

  The priest said a prayer and placed a golden crown on my head, its weight a reminder of the burden I would carry until my death. The Queen Regent of Besmium placed a crown on Charlotte.

  A swell of pride filled me. I'd done it. I was finally the King of Bes—

  The church door swung open and an audible gasp from the crowded pews reverberated around the vaulted ceilings as a bloody figure stumbled in.

  Chapter 41

  Prince Minseo

  MY HEART RICOCHETED off my ribcage as I sprinted across the church to the blood-concealed figure. Each step brought me closer, his shape becoming more familiar. Pushing past the nobles all straining to get a better look. I collapsed onto my knees and cradled the fallen soldier in my arms. "Leon!"

  I scanned for his injury but there was too much blood, most of it coming from his left side beneath his ribs. His pulse weakened. "What happened?" I gasped. "Wh—Who did this to you?"

  He opened his mouth to speak but no words came through. Nobles crowded around as his body shook. "Who did this, Leon?" I whispered, as his breathing grew more labored.

  "K—" He huffed.

  Tears blurred my vision, sprinkling his cheeks as I watched helplessly. Fear radiated from his body. I couldn't make myself ask again.

  "It's okay, Leon. Just rest."

  He turned his gaze to me, the light in his eyes fading. "K—King Emmett of Drethen," he said.

  The salt of my tears lingered on my lips as I forced myself to take a deep breath. All at once, he was gone. I froze, holding the empty shell of my friend.

  Whispered conversations scattered about the church. The council, adorned in their red robes, pushed their way through the assembly and stood beside me.

  One of the councilmen, a thin man with a pointed nose, stepped forward. "Did he say King Emmett of Drethen?"

  I nodded.

  He continued. "Perhaps he meant to say Algony."

  A portly noblewoman chimed in. "No, sir. Emmett's a fair few siblings away from being King of Algony."

  The thin man replied, "We can't trust the accuracy of a dying man's ramblings."

  "His name was Leon," I said too loudly. "He used the last of his strength to deliver that message."

  "Pardon me, Your Highness, I meant no disrespect," he said, shifting his weight nervously to his other foot. "Is it possible that Emmett married Princess Margaret of Drethen?"

  The council went quiet. An inaudible panic filled the room.

  Charlotte spoke, "They're coming for us." Before then, I hadn't noticed Charlotte and Young standing beside me. She continued, "Young, take your brother and a unit of soldiers and go find out where Leon was scouting last. If Emmett is leading his attack from Algony in the south, they could be here already. Same with Drethen in the north." Then she turned to the council. "You, write letters informing all the posts to allocate their men to either the northern or southern borders. We'll treat this as two separate wars. " She pointed at the portly councilwoman. “You evacuate the King and Queen of Vires, as well as Princess Mina."

  There was so much to do but I couldn't move. I didn't want to leave Leon behind. My father pulled me away, leaving Leon to lie lifelessly on the church floor and me covered in his blood.

  My father turned to me. "You can still return to Vires. This is not your war

  "I'm staying," I said, unable to offer more of an explanation.

  A musical voice piped up, "Then I'd like to stay as well." I turned to see Mina bow deeply to my father.

  "I cannot allow that," he said, his voice stern and kingly once again.

  "With all due respect, Your Majesty," she said, "my place is here beside your son."

  My father's gaze stung me with a warning before a robed council member whisked him away from the crowd. Charlotte called after them, "Head northeast and you should avoid all conflicts—" Her voice broke. Her body swayed.

  Charlotte toppled forward. Vomit erupted from her in two strong heaves. Instinctively, I reached out to her but stopped, as my brother’s arms were already around her.

  "Call the doctor!" he shouted. A surge of fear washed over me as Charlotte’s face paled. Young rubbed Charlotte’s back and whispered in her ear until the doctor finally pushed his way through the crowd. The doctor put a withered hand on Charlotte’s forehead, then waved over his apprentices to help him move her to her chamber. I studied the doctor’s face for clues of what might be wrong, but if he knew, he gave nothing away.

  Young remained still as a statue as Charlotte was carried back into the castle.

  A gentle hand rested on my shoulder and I turned to see Mina standing above me. What a nuisance. It was too late to send her off with my father and now she was in the way. I stood. "Stay with Charlotte's mother."

  “But I must stay beside—”

  “No.” I turned away. “You must do as I ask.”

  Without another word, she vanished into the crowd.

  Young prepared for the mission ahead. Servants rushed around, prepping our horses and packing provisions, but there was still something I needed to do.

  I slipped into my chamber and pulled out the parchment Charlotte had given me. I wasn't sure if she or I would survive the night. More than ever, I burned for her to know how I felt.

  Dear Charlotte,

  I've fallen in love with you. You're the reason I can't return to Vires.



  It was all I had time for. I folded it quickly, not bothering to seal it, and headed to her chamber to check on her. I hustled through the crowded hallways. There were people rushing everywhere, but no one spoke. Fear was a thick fog that engulfed Besmium and we all disappeared into it.

  I flinched as Milly stepped in front of me. I was on edge. Everyone was. "Not now, Milly," I said, trying to pass her.

  "I want you to have this," she said, holding out an embroidered handkerchief.

  I needed to end this. "Milly, I don't want this."

  She tucked a golden strand of hair behind her ear. "Well what do you want?"

  "It's not you. It'll never be you." I pushed passed her, rushing to Charlotte's chamber. I hurried in to find the doctor sitting nervously beside her bed.

  "What's wrong with her?" I asked.

  He sighed. "I can't be sure just yet. She's resting. Will you stay with her while I get some more water?"

  I nodded, feeling relieved to have a moment alone with her without asking. Charlotte lay sleeping with beads of sweat dotting her forehead. I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand and whispered, "I'll save your kingdom."

  I slipped my letter underneath her pillow in hopes that when she woke she'd finally know the truth.

  Chapter 42

  King Young

  EVERYTHING FELL APART at once. Leon dead, my home under attack, my parents forced to flee, and my Charlotte... that's what scared me most of all. As I stepped into the courtyard, a breeze of virulent wind left the kingdom cold and surmounted the warm sun we basked in at the coronation.

  I mounted my horse and shook with anxiety as Minseo’s horse remained riderless. After several minutes, he sprinted down the stairs of the castle and mounted his horse. We rode to the soldiers to find out which direction the attack came from. Each step felt like a betrayal to Charlotte. How could I leave her now?

  I turned to one of the castle guards. "The moment you hear news of Charlotte's condition, send someone to find us straight away." Minseo paled. He must've been worried too. I secured my ruby-studded dragon blade on my belt before we set out.

  After a brief interview, the courtyard soldiers all agreed on the direction that Leon rode in from; we'd start there.

  I clenched my jaw to suppress the fear I felt swelling inside me. Emmett was out there. It was him or me this time.

  I turned to Minseo but didn't see any trace of fear in his broodish gaze. "This is a scouting mission only," I said, hoping only to comfort myself. "If we're not careful, we could easily end up like Leon. We know the enemy is close by, so we shouldn't be caught off guard." I considered taking a few more men with me, but I wanted to move quickly without being seen and needed every available man here at the castle—where Charlotte was.

  Sensing my fear, Minseo smiled. "Long live the king."

  I smirked, overcome with gratitude. I had my brother with me this time and that came with a comfort I felt nowhere else in life.

  We headed back to the forest, the warmly-colored trees hardly resembling what they had looked like in the spring. Every so often, we'd stop, hide, and listen for the sound of Emmett or his men. We rode in silence as there was too much at stake. Death hid behind every tree trunk, waiting for us to drop our guard so he could claim us.

  The forest was distressingly clear. No woodcutters or animals about. No commoners out for a late afternoon stroll. It was as if the entire world had stopped to watch the battle ahead.

  The clip-clop of horses in the distance floated around us, making my hair stand on end. We froze just to be sure it wasn't our horses we'd heard. I held my breath, hoping for silence. Click-clop clip-shloop. Nope. Minseo and I searched for cover but found none. Which direction was it coming from? We turned our horses around, ready to race back to the castle. The sound grew louder.

  Minseo exhaled loudly. "It's one of ours," he said. Relief poured into me. Minseo ran his hand through his hair, a sure sign he was relieved too.

  A Besmian soldier rode into view from the direction of Cadere. He was a guard I'd seen around, with a distinctly curved mustache that rested on his upper lip as if it could be blown away by the slightest breeze. "Sir," he said, "there's news of the queen." I dismounted my horse and Minseo followed.

  My eyes widened. "What is it? How is she?" I asked. I braced myself for pain, the kind that didn't heal and had no remedy.

  He shifted. "Perhaps you should read it yourself, sir." He held out the unsealed letter.

  My stomach dropped. The news was too horrible for him to speak. She's dead. The wind pushed against me, a lump rising in the back of my throat. Unable to grab the letter, I clutched my stomach and hunched over.

  Minseo snatched the letter, his gaze oscillating rapidly back and forth across the parchment. "Impossible," he whispered. "Th-the queen is with child." He turned to me, his eyes a cyclone of terror and confusion. He scrutinized my reaction, but I was frozen.

  I inhaled a sharp gust of air, tears stinging my eyes and laughter burst out. My cheeks stung from smiling. "She's okay," I breathed. "More than okay, she's—" I looked up at Minseo, his cold stare a monument of agony.

  He spoke, "It's impossible. You faked the ceremony."

  Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I did, but since then—I mean, I guess it's not exactly impossible."

  Minseo drew his sword and swung, splitting the corner of a nearby tree with a loud snap.

  "Minseo, stop! Emmett could hear—"

  He turned away. "I don't care!"

  I shot forward and reached out for his shoulder. "Minseo, what's wrong? What happened?"

  He spun and held the sword to my throat. "I challenge you," he choked.

  Chapter 43

  Queen Charlotte

  "I'M PREGNANT?" I ASKED, rubbing my stomach in suspicion. "Yes," the doctor croaked. "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

  My cheeks burned as my body filled with
a flutter of nerves and excitement. My mind flashed with memories of the last few months. How I'd been so afraid of the consummation ceremony that Young faked the whole thing. How we'd grown closer each day. We rebuilt this kingdom and our lives together until one night Young finally returned from spending a few weeks away. I lay beside him unable to sleep. His breath evened, so I knew he was asleep or nearly there. “Young, are you awake?” I whispered. I held my breath and waited for him to stir but he didn’t. Perfect. There was something I wanted to say to him, but I hadn’t mustered the courage when he was awake. “Young,” I whispered, “lately I’ve been feeling like... Well, what I mean is when you’re close to me like this, I feel this ache inside and I think it’s because I’m in lo—” Young’s palm cupped my cheek, startling me. My pulse raced as I remained frozen halfway through the word. He guided my face down to his and tasted the last two letters on my lips. It was the key that unlocked the final door between us. Without hesitation, or fear, he pulled me in for more, but the more we took, the more we craved until every unspoken word between us had been tasted or felt.

  It all happened on its own.

  Even the memory of it permeated adrenaline into my body, sending shocks of tingly electricity through my extremities.

  I wanted to run to Young, tell him everything and see his reaction. Somehow, I thought it might help me determine what my reaction was.

  Now felt like a terrible time for him to leave me alone. I looked down at my stomach. Only I wasn't alone—not anymore.

  The doctor gave an unconvincing smile. "It's probably best if you rest a while," he said before exiting my chamber. I sat back and sighed. A baby.

  I vaulted up. Yeah, right—rest? With the kingdom under attack? This was not the world I wanted to bring my—I gulped—baby into. Despite all the things I'd lost these last few months, I had so much to live for, so much to fight for. I inched up to my mirror and pinned my curls out of my face. I looked very much like the bratty teen that had protested her engagement, but in almost every way I wasn't her. I was queen, I was a wife, and now I was a mother. I gripped my dagger. I was battle-tested, I had killed, I had survived. The only thing that limited my abilities was my fear—and I wasn't afraid. Not of dying and certainly not of Emmett.


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