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Impossible Tale of Nolan & Delilah Vol. 1

Page 18

by Cee, DW

  “Yeah. See ya.”

  With my relationship with Cam almost on the mend, I went to my…job.

  “What took you so long?” Donovan Taylor asked. “Is an hour later what you mean by immediately?”

  “Sorry, Sir. I needed to speak with my friend and clear my mind before coming to work.”

  “Donovan.” The other half of Ascot, Ascot, and Pemberley chided. “Leave the boy alone. May I remind you that he’s doing us a favor? It’s not as if he’s even on payroll, yet.”

  “Payroll or not, I don’t like waiting.”

  “Yeah, we all know,” Jane Davis answered with heavy sarcasm. “Hello, Nolan. Come with me and I’ll get you updated on all that’s happened since this past weekend.”

  “How much could have transpired?” I asked. “It’s been less than forty-eight hours since I last spoke with their team.”

  She cackled at my statement. “You know little of our world, Nolan. Come. I’ll show you all the work you have before you.”

  She wasn’t kidding; I wished she had been. I worked through the morning, through a catered lunch, and right up until it was time to leave for dinner with Cam. Had I not made prior arrangements, I would’ve worked right through the night. That was how much work awaited me.

  Oddly, I found patent law invigorating. The fact that the topic was a medical patent piqued my interest even further. I was wise to set up a reminder for my forgetful self. Standing up Cammie would not have been good for our friendship.

  “Hi Nolan.” That beautifully melodious voice greeted me. “You’re finally done.”

  “What brings you here, Delilah?”

  She stood there, bashful, not knowing what to say. “I guess I came to talk to you—if I had to tell the truth.”

  “All…right…” How the hell to answer that one…

  I didn’t have to answer her at all. She went straight to the point. “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I waited for you to finish so maybe we could talk while grabbing a bite to eat?”

  Damn! Damn! Damn! Why now?

  “Um…” I so didn’t want to do this, but it was necessary. “I already have a dinner date.”

  That was when it got awkward! “Oh, OK. No worries. During dinner, I wanted to tell you that I hoped we wouldn’t lose our friendship over your interest in me. You and my cousins get along well. I’d love for us to stay friends. Would that be possible?”

  What to say to this woman? I wanted to be everything to her, not just her friend.

  “Aren’t we friends, already? You’ve come a long way in a short time to becoming my friend. I thought that was established already.”

  Even more awkwardly, she said, “Oh. OK. I guess so.”

  I watched her fidget and squirm. Unlike her usual self, she was terribly unsure of just about everything.

  “What is it that you really want to say, Delilah?” I decided to be frank with her.

  “Well…I…thank you for the tickets to the Oscar de la Renta exhibit. Mom and I loved it. I’m sorry you had to give up your tickets for us.”

  This was one of the oddest conversations I’d ever had. “You’re welcome, Delilah. Those tickets were meant for you. By now you must know that I’d give up a lot of things for you.”

  “Well, good-bye. Have a great dinner.” She completely ignored my words and tried to leave. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder and turned her attention back to me.

  “What will you do about dinner since I’m previously engaged?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll figure it out.” She sounded unsure.

  “As a friend,” I wondered if I should pull this card, “may I take you to dinner one night this week for your birthday?”

  Her lips formed a perfect O before she asked, “How did you know?”

  I chuckled, but didn’t answer. “May I?”

  She struggled for an answer that didn’t come easily. “I’m not sure that’s proper,” my hope was dashed, yet again, until she continued to say, “however, you’re welcome to join us for our August birthday celebration. Mom will host the party since everyone in my family, but dad, was born in August.”

  “Should I bring a bathing suit?”

  “Always,” she said with a giggle. “Have a good dinner…” There was always so much left unsaid on her side. “Who…” she thought better and finished with, “see you later.”

  I understood what she wanted and hesitated, myself. However, where Delilah was concerned, I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want her wondering what my intentions were. I wanted her to be included in all facets of my life.

  “Cam and I are having dinner tonight to discuss a few things that I’ve let sit for too long.”

  “Oh…sure…have a great time. Tell her I said hello. No, never mind, don’t tell her since she doesn’t like me.”

  I lightly squeezed the shoulder I was still holding. “I’ll tell her hello and one day, I hope the three of us can be good friends.”

  “I’ll see you Saturday?” She changed the subject.

  “Without a doubt.” I confirmed.

  We silently went to the parking lot and waved good-bye. No words were exchanged in all that time between the office and garage. It was a silence filled with all kinds of anxiety, wonder, yearning, and hope from the both of us. I felt it. It wasn’t just me who was affected by us. Delilah knew her heart wavered and her mind wondered. No matter what she said, we were headed in the right direction, together.

  Now, if only I could get Cam on board as a friend. That would make my life complete.

  Delilah: I...n trouble

  “Happy birthday, my fair lady!”

  “Rhys!” I jumped from my seat and ran to greet my fiancé who’d just entered our backyard. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a family commitment this weekend.”

  He returned my hug and kissed me just long enough to warrant only a glare from the men in the backyard. “Since we haven’t been getting on very well, I thought seeing you took priority over anybody else. I’ve missed you.” He went back to holding me tight. I had missed my fiancé. There were days when I’d forgotten who took priority in my life. This was the man I’d pledged to marry—not that I needed any reminders.

  “I’ve missed you, too. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Can we go somewhere and talk privately? I have a lot to say but I prefer not to do it with an audience.”

  Without asking for permission, I led him to the pool house and locked the door.

  Having Rhys here made me feel wonderful and anxious. I loved that he was here to resolve our issues, but I also wondered if our issues could be resolved. As time passed, it appeared we had more problems than we ever imagined.

  “We can talk here,” I said, leading us to the small sitting area.

  “First of all, I want to apologize for being an arse back in New York. My only excuse is that I wanted you badly. I didn’t stop to think how you might react. I apologize, my fair lady.” He did appear sorry. At least I thought so until he added, “However, I hope you won’t be skittish after we marry. I have a healthy appetite and I can’t be with a woman who doesn’t want me in the same way. We need to be especially compatible where that’s concerned.” He never said the word, but I understood him loudly and clearly. What he said annoyed me.

  “Are you apologizing or threatening me?”

  “That’s not a threat, Lilah. Why the sudden anger?”

  “Because it sounds like a threat and I don’t like it.”

  He placed kisses on my hand like an old-fashioned gentleman and explained, “My intent was not to upset you. I only wanted to explain the importance of the physical aspect of our marriage.”

  Tamping down the anger, I told him that I understood. “Sorry for jumping to conclusions, Rhys. I guess I’m a little on edge right now.”

  “What makes you nervous, Lilah?” When I didn’t answer, he encouraged me by saying, “It’s me, your fiancé. You can tell me everything.”

  He asked. I a
nswered. “I’m going to work with Nolan on our invention.” Before Rhys could object, I explained the entire spiel and all the benefits for John, Elizabeth, and Nicky. “I have to do this for my cousin, Rhys. Ellie’s been miserable since she and John broke up. If this gives them an opportunity to reunite, I need to help. Please understand. Please say yes.”

  “No. I don’t understand. I won’t say yes.”

  I just didn’t expect this stubborn of an answer. “But Rhys, can’t you understand that this isn’t for me? It’s for my cousin and her future.” I was practically begging.

  “Your cousin will find her happiness on her own. You don’t need to be that involved in her relationship, especially since that asshole probably orchestrated this scenario.”

  “Rhys, please!” I begged. “Please let me do this for my cousin. I’ll join the project, get them started, and then I’ll phase myself out. It’s not for Nolan’s sake that I’m doing this. It’s truly for Ellie’s benefit.”

  “I’m sorry, Lilah, but I can’t allow it. That damn Nolan has been a thorn in my side since he showed up at our engagement party. Why can’t you see how manipulative he’s being? He’s trapped you into a no-win situation. What kind of man seduces a woman into cheating on her fiancé? Is that what you really want, Lilah? Is this Ellie and John excuse a ruse to get together with Nolan? What’s been going on here while I’ve been slaving away, trying to finish my degree, so we can get married?”

  Ugh! This man was impossible. “You’re going to grovel, Rhys Kent, before I speak another word with you.” Talk about being an asshole. I walked out and jumped into the pool, knowing Rhys, fully clothed, couldn’t follow me in.

  I was sure he was calling my name, but I cared not to hear it. I stayed underwater until I reached the other side of the pool. Then, I jumped out, challenged DJ on the slide, and had myself a merry time.

  “You’re being childish, Lilah. I didn’t fly all the way here to argue with you.”

  All I heard was wah wah wah wah wah so I ignored Rhys and continued swimming.

  “Hey. Stop yelling and borrow my suit. You’re both ruining the birthday party.” Scottie threw a pair of swim trunks at Rhys.

  While Rhys huffed back into the pool house to change, I said, “Thanks a lot, Scottie. Now I have to continue this argument.”

  “Why are you making the rest of us miserable? Just break up with the guy and let’s all live in peace!”

  “Some older brother you’re turning out to be. What happened to offering your help when I’m in trouble?”

  Scottie’s retort made me roll my eyes. “From where we’re watching, you’re the star of this ugly show.”

  As luck would have it, three not-so-stellar things happened at once. Scottie stopped reprimanding and started walking away. Rhys walked out in a set of swim trunks and headed my way. Nolan—whom I’d forgotten was coming—called out my name and dove into the pool, gunning straight for me.


  Nolan: I...mpossible (Part 1)

  So much, too much, seriously, way too much happened today!

  How did one even begin to explain the ugliness of one morning?

  Before getting to the crux of the matter, I needed to talk about brunch.

  Last night, I was headed to dinner with Cam when she called to say she had an impromptu family dinner. Since I had nothing going on until later in the afternoon, I was happy to reschedule. It would give me some more time to think through our conversation.

  “Hey, Cammie Cam!” I greeted my best friend with a tight hug. “Everything OK with your family?”

  “Yeah. None of us was clear on why we were told to meet last night, but even before we could ask questions, Brent proposed to Amy, and we all understood.”

  “Your cousin, Amy, got engaged?”

  “Yep! After ten years of dating her man, they’re finally getting hitched.”

  “That’s wonderful.”

  “It is.” Cam agreed. “Let’s order.” Like her usual self, she got down to business.

  I watched Cam take control and order all our favorites. Watching her made me realize that maybe I had a type. On the outside, Cam and Delilah had similar features. They were both blonde-haired, blue-eyed. Delilah had many inches on Cammie, but both ladies had knockout bodies—not too thin, curvy in all the right places. Either lady would be considered any man’s dream. As beautiful as they both were, Delilah’s features leaned toward the innocent beauty and Cam’s looks could be viewed as sexy. Neither was prettier than the other. My heart had just always belonged to Delilah.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?”

  Without a second thought I answered, “How beautiful you are.” By the smile on her face, I knew omitting Delilah’s name was a bright idea. All those degrees resulted in a bit of common sense.

  “Stop with the bullshit and get down to why we’re here.”

  “Can we not have a meal together without a purpose? Don’t we usually hang?”

  She, too, was quick to answer. “Not since Delilah has come into your life. Now we’re practically strangers when she’s around.”

  “All right.” If Cammie Hillhurst wanted to play hardball, I would. “Let me say what’s on my mind and I want you to tell me what’s on your mind. Let’s have it all out and then decide where we want to go from here.”

  “OK.” Her sigh didn’t make me feel good but this conversation was long overdue.

  “Though odds are against me, I need to have my try with Delilah. Her attitude toward me has changed, considerably, since New York. We didn’t end well in San Francisco, but I believe I have a chance. I can’t give up.”

  “All right. So you’ve told me what you want with Delilah. Where do I fit?” The once-confident Cammie wilted with my statement.

  “I love you, Cammie. I’ve always loved you. You will be my best friend for life no matter who I marry. Since I’ve only ever thought of you as a friend, I don’t know how I feel about loving you any differently, though the idea doesn’t turn me off, either.”

  “So, what you’re saying is a yes with Delilah and a maybe with me?”

  “Damn. I didn’t want to come off as an asshole, but that’s how I sounded, huh?”

  “Basically, you want to have your cake and eat it too.”

  “Shit, Cammie. I don’t know. What I know is I don’t want to lose you as a friend.”

  “And if I said it was me or Delilah?”

  “Would you really do that? Would you really make me choose between you and Delilah?”

  Her look of anguish turned to an almost evil look of triumph. I didn’t like it.

  “Listen. I’ve put myself out there for you. All you’ve done is hedged your bets. You don’t not want me, but you also don’t want me. You can’t have it both ways. You say you need to try with Delilah. I say I need to try with you. If you don’t want me, say so and we’ll be done in every way. I can’t be your best friend, smiling at your victories with Delilah Taylor. I’m sorry I can’t be a bigger person. It’ll kill me to watch you so in love with your woman.”

  “Dammit. You’re killing me, Cam.”


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