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Flynn's Assassin (Marks Mercenaries Book 5)

Page 9

by N. J. Walters

  “I have a theory.” Vaden appeared to be the most relaxed of them all, but Flynn wasn’t fooled for one second. He knew the warrior could move fast enough to kill anyone in the room if he had a mind to.

  “What?” Flynn demanded.

  “Anyone who knows the Marks brothers knows they have a soft spot for women. Reader likely thought a female would have an easier time getting closer to you, maybe slipping under your guard, especially one who didn’t give off the vibes of a professional, one who was vulnerable.”

  “Makes sense,” he agreed. He hooked his arm around Cerena and dragged her up against him again when she continued to try to edge away.

  “And word is out that the Marks are now under Gravasian protection.” Vaden grinned, obviously enjoying himself way too much. “I doubt many assassins would take a contract on you. If they did, it would cost a king’s ransom.”

  “And Ian is a cheap bastard,” Flynn repeated what she’d told him earlier. “He knew she wouldn’t be able to say no.”

  Cerena dragged her fingers through her hair. “I wasn’t thinking and let fear guide my actions. I should have come up with another way.” She met the condemning gazes of his entire family without flinching. “I’m sorry. I know that’s not enough, but it’s all I have. I’ll have to live with what I tried to do for the rest of my life. However long that is.”

  He didn’t think she expected it to be long. He was going to have something to say about that. His family would just have to get over it. He wasn’t letting her go.

  “Got it.” Kal interrupted. While they’d been talking, he’d been working on their communication devices.

  Cerena tensed, almost quivering with excitement. “You have a location?”

  Kal looked to him, and Flynn nodded. “Tell her.”

  “You’re not going to believe it. The bastard’s gone back to Eden.”

  “I thought it was abandoned?” Flynn glanced at Vaden for confirmation.

  “At the insistence of the Gravasian King, the Alliance removed all people from the planet, but that doesn’t mean someone couldn’t go back. It’s actually very clever.”

  Flynn turned to Amos. “Set a course for Eden.”

  “Setting course.” Amos charted their course quickly.

  “So what do we do now?” Cerena asked. “Do we plan a sneak attack or do we formulate a plan?”

  Flynn grinned and dropped a quick kiss on her lush mouth. “You’re finally going to get your chance to kill me.”


  Cerena wished he wouldn’t joke about her killing him, especially with his family standing right there. Every time he did, it reminded them of what she’d tried to do. It reminded her of what she’d almost done.

  That made her sick inside.

  She couldn’t believe they were actually helping her. Of course, if it weren’t for Flynn, they’d likely have jettisoned her into space, without an escape pod or a suit.

  “Is that really necessary?” Abby asked. She might be married to a prince—and how wild was that—but seemed very down-to-earth, very practical. Tough, too. The women were all different in appearance, but they all had that in common—their inner toughness. Maybe that was a prerequisite for getting involved with a Marks brother. Or in Abby’s case, being a Marks herself. In other circumstances, they might have been friends.

  She’d never really had any female friends on Noir. The women there all looked down on her for her job. They considered her more masculine than feminine and often joked she was more man than woman. The men on Noir had been no better.

  Flynn nodded at his sister. “I believe so.” He glanced at Vaden. “What do you think?”

  Cerena realized he might bait the other man, but there was a great deal of respect between them. They were friends, of a sort.

  “Maybe.” Vaden rubbed his beard while he thought. “Maybe we should surprise him. I could take my ship and sneak down to the planet with your brothers. Cerena could contact Reader, tell him she captured Flynn and his ship and is coming in.”

  “But how would I have known where to find him? I had no idea where he was hiding until Kal told us.”

  “He hasn’t had any contact with you over the years, has he?” Vaden asked.


  “Then he doesn’t know you or your skill level, has no way of knowing what you’re capable of when it comes to tracking him.”

  Cerena frowned. “You really think it will work?”

  Flynn pulled her against his side and gave her a squeeze. “A live hostage swap. You give him me. He gives you your son.”

  A couple of days ago, she would have jumped at the offer. “You could be killed.” She didn’t want that. Not now.

  Flynn dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “No need to worry. You’ll protect me with your fancy knives.” When she tilted her head back, he kissed her, sending rivers of heat flowing through her. “Besides,” he continued, “I’ll be armed, and my brothers will be there to back us up.”

  “I’ll be there, too.” Lacey stepped forward as she spoke. “I know my way around Eden better than anyone here. I can sneak you in without Ian knowing we’re there.”

  “Too dangerous,” Garth told her. “Besides, he likely has a defense perimeter set. He may have mercenaries on the payroll.”

  “All the more reason for backup,” she insisted.

  Cerena had been right in her assessment of these women. They had grit and were willing to stand by their men.

  “I can negate any defensive shields and alarms,” Vaden told them. “My ship has a few surprises that the rest of the known Universe is unaware of.”

  She’d heard about Gravasian tech being advanced. They were so secretive a race that no one knew much about them. Other than the fact you didn’t want one as an enemy. It was whispered they could take control of the known worlds, if they chose. Fortunately, they seemed content to live on their own world.

  “Don’t even think about going without me,” Abby told her husband.

  “Wouldn’t think of it.”

  “You’re not taking my fucking sister into a fucking battle zone,” Flynn argued.

  “She’s my wife, and I have a present for her.”

  Cerena watched as Abby’s eyes widened. “You didn’t?” she exclaimed.

  “I did,” Vaden told her. “You have your very own Gravasian battlesuit. Totally impenetrable.”

  Abby squealed and kissed him. Cerena had to smile. Flynn’s sister was proving to be someone she could relate to. Most women wouldn’t get excited about being given a battlesuit.

  “I’m definitely going now,” Abby insisted.

  “We’re all going.” The ethereal blonde stepped forward. She really did resemble an angel—that is, if one wore a flightsuit. “We all have battlesuits. They might not be Gravasian, but they’re the best money can buy. They’re on Vaden’s ship along with all the weapons we need.”

  Rory, the redhead, stood. “I won’t be left behind. I owe this family my freedom and my life.” Kal simply wrapped his arm around her shoulder, not objecting.

  “It’s settled then,” Vaden announced. “We’ll fine-tune our approach. When we’re within a day of Eden, we’ll leave the Abigail to come in alone. I can cloak the presence of my ship and get there ahead of you.”

  “Thank you.” There was nothing she could do that would convey her gratitude to them all.

  “We’re not doing it for you,” Garth pointed out. “We’re doing it for him.” He pointed at Flynn. “We all owe him everything.”

  Well, that put her in her place. For a brief second, she’d felt as though she belonged somewhere. “Thank you anyway. I’m sure you’ll talk more freely if I’m not around.” Giving them all a curt nod, she left the control room.

  “Why the fuck did you say that?” she heard Flynn ask before the door slid closed behind her. She kept on going, walking the familiar path to his room.

  She had a purpose—to rescue her son. After that, who knew what would happen. When the du
st settled, Flynn might decide it wasn’t worth keeping her around, not if his family had such huge objections. Family was everything to him. That was more than obvious. They could come between her and Flynn. Or she could come between him and his family.

  She didn’t want either of those things. When she reached the quiet and relative safety of his room, she sat down hard on the bed and buried her face in her hands. She had so many warring emotions battling it out inside—worry over Nix, fury at Ian, regret, hope, and even love. She didn’t know if she needed a good cry or if a good knock ‘em down, drag ‘em out fight was what would level her out again. She was a tangled mess, and that wouldn’t do. She needed to be calm and focused to pull off this rescue.

  The door slid open, and she jumped to her feet, half expecting to have to defend herself against one of Flynn’s brothers, most likely Garth.

  “Going to kill someone?” he asked.

  She glanced down at her hands, surprised to find her blades in them. She quickly sheathed them. “It’s you.”

  “You figured it might be someone else?” He took the two steps necessary to get close to her. “You afraid one of the others might come for you?”

  “It’s a possibility,” she reminded him. He might not see it, but she did. His family did not accept her.

  “They won’t.” She wished she could be as certain as he was.

  “Why are you here? I figured you’d all be making plans.”

  “They’re starting without me.” He looked so hard and tough with the patch covering one eye and the scars radiating out from it like a sunburst. His good eye watched her like a bird of prey would a creature it was hoping to capture. He was so big, so muscular. And she loved him with all her being.

  “Why are you here?” she asked again. Because he hadn’t followed her on a whim. “What do you want?”

  “This.” He grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her against him. His mouth crashed down on hers, bringing with it a blast of heat and lust and longing. She clutched at him, pulling him closer. Pure desire pumped through her veins. She didn’t need air; she needed Flynn’s kiss.

  He devoured her. His tongue snaked into her mouth, demanding a response. She returned the frantic caress, not able to get close enough. She was so cold inside. Only he could warm her.

  Her hands were everywhere, stroking his big body. The clothing and body armor got in the way, so she ripped at the openings.

  “I need you fucking naked.” His raw demand sent a bolt of lust between her legs, making her wet in record time.

  “Yes.” She didn’t want to talk. Not now. She wanted to feel the passion between them, taste the desire, at least one more time.

  Flynn was faster than she was, dragging her vest off, leaving her naked from the waist up. He lifted her right off her feet and turned, slamming her back against the wall. Something rattled and fell from the shelf. Neither of them cared.

  He fastened his mouth over one straining nipple and sucked it. She moaned and tilted her head back, almost crazy with need. She angled her hips rubbing her core against him. The friction through their clothes was delicious, but not enough.

  She renewed her efforts to remove his clothes, managing to get her hands inside the opening at the neck.

  She began to fight him then. Catching him off guard, she was able to shove him back. Head down and breathing heavily, he stared at her. “Get naked,” she commanded.

  He wasted no time in shoving all this clothing off. “If you want to keep those pants, get them off,” he warned. Knowing he was dead serious, she shoved them down and away.

  He leapt at her as soon as she kicked the garment aside. Skin met skin as he lifted her off her feet once again. There was no foreplay. They were long past that. There was only primal need.

  He nudged at her opening with his cock and thrust hard and deep. She cried out, locking her arms and legs around him. “So good,” she managed to get out.

  He was breathing heavily, shoulders slick with sweat, and his face buried against her neck. She knew he was struggling for control. That wasn’t what she wanted, what either of them needed.

  She squeezed her pussy around his cock. He hissed out a breath. She did it again.

  Flynn threw back his head, the corded muscles in his neck rippling. Then he began to fuck her, hard and fast. Like a runaway space shuttle, they surged together, flying faster and faster.

  She didn’t worry he’d drop her. Not Flynn. He was a mountain of strength. She stroked and touched him everywhere as he pounded into her. He grounded his pelvis against hers, stimulating her clit.

  The pleasure grew to impossible heights. She was going to die if she didn’t come soon. She peppered his face with kisses and then bit down on his shoulder.

  He growled, honest to God growled. Like an airjack, he kept on fucking her until the heat and pressure grew so great it exploded. She cried out, muffling her scream against him. He gave a mighty yell and came, flooding her with his release.

  The door flew open. Flynn moved faster than any man she’d ever seen. He’d disengaged their bodies and had her behind him between one heartbeat and the next.

  “I heard a yell. Shit.”

  Cerena buried her face against Flynn’s back and tried not to laugh. It was either that or cry.

  “Now that I know she’s not trying to kill you, I’ll be going.” She didn’t need to see who spoke to know it was Garth.

  “Get out before I kill you,” Flynn told him.

  “I’m gone.” The door closed, leaving them alone.

  “Fuck.” Flynn said so much with that one word that she started to laugh. He sounded angry and disgruntled and all around put out.

  He whirled around to face her. The expression on his face made her laugh harder. “Find this funny, do you?” he asked.

  She doubled over, clutching at her stomach. Flynn lunged toward her, taking her down onto the bed. As soon as he touched her, the laughter turned to tears.

  “I’m sorry.” She apologized, hating the tears.

  Flynn heaved a huge sigh. “It’s okay, baby.” He pulled her into his arms. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No. It was wonderful.”

  He settled her against his chest and simply held her, running his hands over her back and arms. She placed her hand over his heart, the heavy thud settling her until their hearts beat in sync. There was nothing else to be said.

  Chapter Ten

  “Approaching Eden,” Flynn announced. The days had passed quickly. Between making plans with his family and working out all the logistics, he and Cerena hadn’t had a lot of alone time. There’d been no more frantic lovemaking, no more laughter or tears. He’d managed to crawl in beside her to sleep on occasion, but his family, and the situation, seemed to be conspiring to keep them apart.

  Vaden and the rest had departed a planetary day ago, as per the plan. He had to trust they were in place as they couldn’t risk communications being intercepted. Cerena stood beside his captain’s chair, her silence deepening. She was so still, so focused.

  “You ready?” he asked her.


  “We’ll get your son back.”

  “Don’t make promises, Flynn.” He had a feeling she might be talking about more than just rescuing her son. She’d been pulling away from him in subtle ways. Now the divide between them seemed as wide as when they’d first met.

  He wasn’t having it.

  He yanked, toppling her into his lap. “What the hell?” she yelled. He kissed her, silencing her protest. She remained stiff and unyielding for about thirty seconds. Then she kissed him back with a desperation and passion that left him breathless and had his cock aching.

  “You won’t get rid of me that easily,” he warned. His family could attest to his stubborn nature. Whatever walls she tried to put between them, he’d just batter them down.

  She heaved a sigh and rested her forehead against his. “I’m scared.”

  Of course she was. Her son’s life was hanging in
the balance. He understood. Abby was his sister, not his child, but the emotions were the same.

  “You’re not alone,” he reminded her. “All of us are going to do everything possible to get Nix back.” He wanted to meet the boy. He was a part of Cerena, and she loved him with all her heart.

  “I still find that hard to believe.”

  “Believe it.” When the communications beeped with an incoming transmission, he lifted her off his lap. “Showtime,” he told her.

  She took a deep breath and pulled the blaster he’d given her. Her knives were in place. He wanted her to wear a battlesuit, but there’d been no time or place to buy one for her. They were custom and took time to construct. Plus, she’d vetoed the suggestion, as she’d have no reason to own one and feared it might tip off Reader that something was up.

  “Remember the plan. I’m your hostage.”

  She stood off the side with the blaster aimed right at his chest. It was disconcerting, even though it wouldn’t hurt him if she fired since his battlesuit was under his clothes.

  “Communication on,” he ordered, falling silent when Reader appeared on the screen.

  “What are you doing here, Cerena? How did you know where to find me?” Reader’s dark hair was combed, his short beard trimmed. He was impeccably dressed, his pants and shirt clean, his boots gleaming. None of that disguised the dark circles under his eyes. This was a man short on sleep. That made him dangerous. It also meant he wasn’t at the top of his game and might make a mistake.

  “I brought you a present.” She motioned to where Flynn was seated. “As for finding you… I’m not without skills.”

  “That’s not what I heard,” Reader shot back.

  “I keep my business close. People only know what I want them to. You called me several times on the communicator you left me. I decided to take the initiative.”

  “You were supposed to kill him. That was the deal.”

  Cerena snorted. “You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t exactly have faith in you. You’re known for running out when things get tough.”


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