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Second Summer

Page 10

by Shirleen Davies

  She needed more time to figure out her feelings, particularly the fear that gripped her, and decide if she could take a chance on the all too eligible Heath MacLaren. He was everything she wanted yet she couldn’t shake the voices in her head telling her to be cautious.

  “Of course I’ll call him back. I’ve just been busy between your doctor appointments, my writing schedule, and the other things I have going.”

  “Like dinner with Dr. Newcastle?” It wasn’t said in a judgmental way, yet Annie thought she’d heard a certain amount of censure in her son’s voice.

  “He’s a nice man and we had plans even before your accident. The man is new in town, looking to meet more people, and…”

  “Safe?” Eric asked.

  “Well, yes.”

  “Not like Heath who has the horrible burden of sorting through too many gorgeous women who’d like nothing better than to marry the wealthy rancher.”

  “I guess.”

  “Mom, it’s time you face something here. The man is crazy about you. Even I could see it at the hospital and I was loopy on drugs half the time. He couldn’t care less about anyone else, just you.” He was quiet for a minute. Cameron, Brooke, and he just wanted her to be happy, like she was when their father was alive. Her friendship with Heath made her happy, at least until he’d taken that detour for a few months. “Give the guy a chance. I think he’ll surprise you.”

  “I don’t know, Eric. It seemed so much easier when he just wanted to be friends. Anyway, I’ve already committed to going to dinner with Barry tomorrow night plus a fundraiser next weekend. It wouldn’t be right to cancel now.”

  “Whatever you think, Mom. God knows I’m lousy at this type of stuff.” Eric adjusted the reclining chair a little and picked up the television remote, flipping through stations until he settled on the Military Channel.

  Annie knew what her son meant. He’d had one serious relationship, his high school sweetheart. They’d gone off to USC at the same time and had been an item, planned on getting married, up until a year ago when she announced she’d started seeing a grad student in the engineering department. It had been a devastating blow to Eric.

  Eric looked at Annie the minute the house phone started to ring. “Well?”

  She made a slight face and grabbed the receiver. “Hello.”

  “So you are still around.” Heath.

  “Hello, Heath,” she glanced again at Eric who sported a self-satisfied grin.

  “”What are you doing tonight?”

  “Nothing other than warming up dinner for Eric and me.”

  Eric motioned to her with his hands, telling her to take off, do whatever Heath suggested.

  “If it’s not too late, I’d like to invite you to dinner. If you feel like it, we’ll go to that place you like with the peach cobbler afterwards.” For the first time Annie heard the nervous tone in Heath’s voice.

  “Are you asking me out, like a date?” She couldn’t hide the hope that her guess was right.

  “Yes, I am. I know it’s old fashioned but I want to court you, Annie. Maybe then you’ll believe how serious I am.”

  She stood silent, still not quite believing that Heath was truly serious about her.

  “I’d like that,” was all she could get out.

  “Great. How is seven o’clock?”

  “Good. Perfect.”

  “I’ll see you then,” he paused a moment. “And, Annie, thanks.” He clicked off.

  Her heart was beating so fast and hard she thought it would disintegrate from too much effort.

  “I take it I’m on my own tonight?” Eric’s eyes never left the television screen.

  “Guess so. Hope that’s all right.”

  His head swung toward her. “Are you kidding? A night alone without parental guidance. What more could any college senior ask for?” A smile filled his face.

  Annie warmed up the dinner she’d already prepared and handed Eric a plate before dashing down the hall to clean up. She had a new pair of sleek, tight-fitting, black silk pants, a beautiful peach colored blouse with a low v-neck, and three inch heels. She hoped he was ready for her.


  Heath knocked at exactly seven o’clock.

  “Come on in, Heath,” Eric shouted and watched as the door swung open. His mother’s date walked in and placed his hat on a hook in the entry.

  “You look a damn sight better than you did a week ago. How are you feeling?” Heath held out his hand, which Eric accepted.

  “Pretty good, given the circumstances.” He nodded toward the hall. “I haven’t seen her since she hung up the phone with you. Grab yourself a drink and have a seat. Who knows how long it will be. Unless you’ve already exceeded your quota of liquid courage.”

  Heath chuckled at the accuracy of Eric’s statement. He had reached his limit. It had taken two whiskeys and a shove from Jace to get him to pick up the phone.

  The men looked up as Annie approached. She stopped just inside the family room, unaware that Heath had already arrived.

  “Oh, hello, Heath.”

  Heath didn’t answer. He was still trying to close his jaw which had dropped to the floor at the sight of her. Shit, he thought and his mouth went dry. She was stunning.

  “Heath, are you all right?” The distress in Annie’s voice was real. Maybe she didn’t look as good as she thought.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Heath’s voice was low, thick. “You look gorgeous, Annie.” He walked over and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  “I hope it’s all right for what you planned.”

  “Oh, it’s better than all right. Way better.” He turned to Eric. “Guess we’d better get going. Anything you need before I steal your mother away?”

  “Nope, I’m good. Got my chair right here, the channel changer, a soda, and bag of chips. Life’s good.”

  Annie placed a kiss on Eric’s cheek. “Call if you need anything.”

  “Don’t worry about me. You two have fun and behave yourselves. Curfew is ten, well maybe eleven.”

  Smart ass, Heath mouthed as he led Annie to the door and outside before helping her into his car.

  Heath walked around and climbed into the driver’s seat before turning to Annie. “You look truly gorgeous tonight, you know that?” He leaned over, placed a hand behind her head, and brushed her lips with his. He pulled back a fraction, then took her mouth again, this time with more urgency, sweeping inside to taste her. He pulled back. “I’ve waited all week for that.” His eyes darkened and his voice had grown rough.

  Annie cleared her throat and she straightened in her seat. “So, where are we going?”

  He started the car, backed out, and turned toward town. “Sheldon’s, if that’s all right.”

  She loved Sheldon’s and he knew it. “It’s better than all right.” She turned a bright smile toward him.

  Her smile was like a bolt of lightning to his system. “Music?” he asked before he said something stupid, like, dump the doctor, you’re mine. He needed to settle down, get a grip.

  He used the valet parking and escorted Annie inside. Their table was ready, a quiet corner in the back that Heath had requested. They passed several people they knew and said their hellos before Heath’s warm hand on her back pressed her towards their table. He didn’t want to waste a moment of this night with anyone except Annie.

  They perused the menu, which was just a formality as the few times they’d come here each had ordered the same thing.

  “What may I get you tonight?” the waiter asked.

  “Lamb,” both answered in unison, looked at each other, and laughed.

  “Good choice,” the waiter grinned, took the rest of their order then left them alone.

  Heath held up his glass of wine toward Annie. “To many more nights like this.”

  Annie touched his glass and hoped it was so.


  Chapter Fourteen

  “Okay, give. How was your date?” Caroline asked as she sat outside on Annie’s de
ck juggling a glass of ice tea in one hand and a list of things she needed to go over with her friend in the other.

  Annie thought of last night and a warm feeling passed through her. “It was wonderful.”

  “And has he told you he loves you?”

  “He told me that over a week ago in Los Angeles.”

  “What? And I’m learning about this now?” Caroline looked a little put out yet Annie knew it was partly an act.

  “I wasn’t sure he meant it knowing how he felt about relationships.” She ran a hand through her long, blond hair and thought about going inside to put it up in a ponytail until her cell phone rang. She dug it out of her pocket and answered. “Hello.”


  It’s Heath, she mouthed to Caroline. “Hi, yourself. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, at least not at the moment. There was a lot to take care of this morning, now it’s quiet.” He paused. “Guess I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  Her gut clenched at the knowledge that he’d missed her, wanted to talk. “I had a wonderful time last night.”

  “Then how about tonight?”

  Annie hesitated as she realized she had a date with Barry tonight. “I’d love to but I have other plans.”

  The silence stretched on. Annie worried her lower lip. It was too late to cancel yet she wanted to be with Heath, not on some date with a man she liked but didn’t love.

  “Heath, are you still there?”

  “Yeah. Another date with the doctor?” His voice had grown hard and she could feel the tension build even over the cell lines.

  “Yes, with Barry.”

  “I guess I’d better let you go. I’m sure you have lots to do before tonight.”

  “Not that much. It’s casual, dinner at Jersey’s. Nothing special.” She hoped he could hear the regret in her voice.

  “Another time.”

  “Yes, another time.”

  “I’d better get going. Talk with you later.” He hung up.

  Heath stared at the phone before pushing his chair back to stand. They’d had a good, no, a great time last night. He’d pulled off the road a block before her house and they’d necked like teenagers. It had taken every ounce of will power he possessed to not take her right there, in the front seat of his car. She’d been sweet, clung to him when he kissed her goodnight, then waved when she closed the front door. Now this.

  His disappointment was acute. Heath was more than ready to move forward with this, have as many dates as needed to get her to believe his feelings for her were real. He could direct companies, make each business a virtual money machine, lead hundreds of employees, yet he couldn’t find a way to get one woman to believe he loved her. Worse yet, he couldn’t figure out why she was still dating the local doctor. He’d wait a few days and try again, give her time to think about what she wanted.

  Annie heard the click and looked down at her cell to see the call had ended. All the joy she’d felt from last night fled as quickly as the end of his call. She sat back and stared out at the grove of trees in her back yard. Sitting on the deck always relaxed her, today it made her edgy. Annie didn’t understand why she hadn’t said yes and called Barry to cancel the date. It would never go anywhere, not with her feelings for Heath.

  She and Barry had kissed twice. Each one brief yet she’d felt none of the passion or desire to pull him close like she did with Heath. If they ever did make love she was afraid she’d devour Heath. She smiled at the thought.

  “I’m guessing he wasn’t happy about you seeing the doctor tonight.”

  “No, not happy at all.” She looked at Caroline. “What am I to do? I’d feel horrible canceling dinner tonight, yet I don’t want to go. If Heath does love me I don’t want to spend another moment with someone else.”

  Caroline set down her tea. “You’re right, you can’t cancel, but you can use it as an opportunity.”


  “To tell the doctor you’re in love with someone else.”

  She’d have to tell Barry sometime, and she’d never do it over the phone, so why not tonight?

  “Of course.” She hugged her friend. “That’s a brilliant idea.”

  “Good. Now that that’s settled, I have a list of stuff to go over with you.”


  “You look lovely tonight, Annie,” Barry said when she met him in front of the restaurant. He’d been held up at the hospital and called to ask if she’d be okay meeting him. That was perfect. She wasn’t looking forward to him taking her home after learning they’d just had their last night out.

  “Thank you. I know Jersey’s is casual.”

  They walked inside and took a table by the front window where they could watch the goings on across the street in the town square.

  “Long day?” Annie asked.

  “Yes, very. A member of the high school baseball team slid into home and broke his leg in two places. Nasty business. I hate this part of my job, watching young people get injured in a way that will impact the rest of their lives. His playing days may be over.” He sipped his wine and continued to stare out the window.

  “The good news is that you’re good at what you do. If any doctor can give the kid another chance, you can. He got the best treatment available, doctor.” Annie held up her glass and toasted him.

  He offered a tired smile. “Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea. I may not be the best company.”

  Annie thought of waiting, but now seemed like the opening she needed. They hadn’t ordered dinner, he was tired, wanting to get home, and she needed to unburden her heart.

  “Barry, I need to say something.”

  He turned his gaze from the window and focused on her. “This doesn’t sound good.”

  They weren’t in love but she was fond of him, didn’t want to cause him hurt.

  “Do you remember when I told you I had a friendship with Heath MacLaren?”

  “The rancher who flew you to Los Angeles?”

  “Yes, that’s him. Well, as it turns out, we’ve just realized we’re in love.”

  Barry watched her a moment then let out a deep sigh. “I didn’t realize you’d seen much of him lately.”

  “I haven’t and that’s probably why this came about. Both of us needed space to realize our friendship was so much deeper than we’d thought. Strong enough that neither has a desire to be with someone else. I’m sorry, Barry. I hope you understand.”

  He reached over and placed his hand on hers. “Annie, as long as you’re sure, then yes, I understand.”

  She started to rise but he held tight to her hand.

  “You’ll call me if you change your mind?”

  “Yes, I’ll call.” He was a good man, kind and compassionate. Being with him was an honor.

  He stood and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Best to you, Annie, and to Heath. I know you’ll make it work.”

  “Thanks, Barry.” She started toward the door. “You know you’ll still be seeing me when I bring Eric in for his exams.”

  “I’ll look forward to it. Goodnight, Annie.” He sat down and turned back to the window.


  Annie drove home, restless yet glad she’d ended it with Barry. Now she could concentrate on Heath. Her heart jolted at the thought that they might truly work this out and create a life together.

  She walked in the front door and saw that Eric had already hauled himself down the hall to his bedroom. He hated feeling helpless. The first thing he did after the doctor gave his approval was to practice getting in and out of his wheelchair with most of his left side in casts. He’d learned how to position the chair, leveraging with his good right side, and sliding into the seat in one smooth movement. Annie was stunned the first time he’d showed her.

  She poked her head into his room. He was already asleep even though it was still early. Annie knew he’d started studying for finals, which were just a couple of weeks away. At least he could take them online.

  Annie turned off th
e lights before making her way to her own room. She undressed and crawled under the covers, grabbing a book and settling against the headboard.

  It was hard to concentrate on the story even though it was good. Her mind kept wandering to Heath and what his response would be when she told him about her conversation with the doctor. She couldn’t believe how excited she was to speak with him tomorrow. Annie knew he’d call and looked forward to whatever he had planned.

  Heath didn’t call the next day or the following. No texts, no emails. She’d decided he needed to make the next move even as her mind told her to call him, explain what had happened.

  Friday night came and went, and still no word from him.

  “He’ll call, Mom. He’s just a busy guy,” Eric had assured her.

  Saturday morning dawned with clear skies and brilliant sun. Annie woke at six and dressed for a workout before settling into her office to work. She had no plans, having kept herself open for whatever Heath had planned.

  By five o’clock that afternoon and no word from him, she decided to gather her courage and drive to his place. She wouldn’t call, just show up to talk. It would be fine, she was sure of it.


  Annie showered, dressed, forced down some fruit then grabbed her keys. It was almost eight o’clock. She’d decided to give him more time to call. He hadn’t.

  It was a twenty minute drive to his front door. She saw a new sports car out front but didn’t think anything of it and parked her small SUV. She reached for her purse, checked her image in the mirror, and satisfied, walked to the front porch. It took her a couple of deeps breaths before she wound up the courage to knock.

  It took a minute before the door was yanked open. “Yeah?” It was Heath. He wore trousers but no shirt and his feet were bare. He held the door open but had yet to look at who’d knocked. Finally he turned to see Annie. “Annie? What are you doing here?”

  “I thought we could talk, that is if you have some time.” Something wasn’t right, she could feel it.

  “Now may not be the best time…” Heath started before a voice from inside interrupted him.


  Annie looked behind Heath to see Diana in an almost there outfit, barefoot, and holding a bottle of wine in one hand.

  Reality dawned like a sledgehammer to her solar plexus. The intense pain almost doubled her over. She stepped back from the door.

  “I, uh, I guess this is a bad…” she couldn’t even get it out before she turned and ran. Tears already filled her eyes, blurring her vision.


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