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Mafia Princess

Page 11

by S. J. Smith

  Jess' eyes widened in excitement. It was like watching a romcom. No, it was like being a part of a real life romcom.

  "Do the guys know?"

  "I haven't told them anything yet. Can you imagine though? What if this turns out to be nothing, they'd get all shitty for no reason."

  "How long do you think you can keep you two a secret from them, let alone everyone else? Someone else is bound to see you two together, and gossip spreads like wild fire."

  Alexis had to stop herself from revealing to her friend how she and Seth had kept their thing a secret for close to a year. "I know I have to tell them. Just, I like Lucas, and what if they scare him off?"

  "Well if that does happen then that just means that he isn't right for you, however I don't think it will. I have a good feeling about this one."

  "Jess, let me remind you that you also had a good feeling about Marty, and we all know how that turned out."

  "Okay, so I was wrong about Martin, but I am right now. Have a little faith."

  Suddenly the sound of classroom doors opening and students streaming out into the fresh air alerted their own teacher to the end of the period. "Alright, go refuel and we'll continue planning for your speeches next period."

  "Are you going to go spend recess with Lucas." The way Jess sang his name like a moony preteen did nothing to squash her own lovesick smile.

  "No, I don't think so, but he did mention us studying after school."

  "Yea... sure... studying... is that what the kids are calling it these days?"

  Alexis laughed at her friend, giving her a soft nudge to the side.

  "Oh, heads up. Look who's coming in at two o'clock."

  Instinctively looking up to her right Alexis saw exactly who it was. He didn't slow down as he neared her, just kept chatting to Tom Barnes. She almost thought that maybe he hadn't seen her there. That was until he looked down at her as he passed, his hand brushing the inside of her arm from her elbow down to the palm of her hand. A shiver ran up Alexis' spine and goosebumps popped up all up and down the right side of her body.

  "What was that? Jesus, did you see the look he gave you?"

  "The look who gave you?" Seth... Christ for someone so tall and notoriously lacking in grace, he managed to sneak up on them a lot.

  "Don't worry, where's Brennan?"

  Don't worry, yeah right. He'd seen that little move of Lucas' and how Alexis had reacted. They thought he didn't know what was going on, but it wasn't hard to figure out.

  "Mmhmm, sure. He's already sitting down, I just forgot something." And so the trio walked towards their favourite eating spot.

  When they arrived Alexis sat down next to Brennan. She knew that if she and Lucas actually became a couple, then she'd have to come clean to Brennan about it all. And when that happened she'd have to make sure he knew that he was still as important to her as always. The thing was, Brennan had never told her that he like liked her. All of their friends had told her that he did, but he hadn't said a word. She felt like this was more than a valid excuse for not acknowledging his alleged feelings for her, he had not yet claimed to have any. Therefore, if she treated him as though he did have feelings that she didn't return then he'd definitely know something was up. Right?

  For the next fifteen minutes the group made small talk and ate, hoping that somehow the bell wouldn't ring and they wouldn't have to go back to class. However, ring it did and when Alexis stood up she noticed that the familiar weight of her phone in her dress pocket was missing. She hadn't taken it out to text Lucas during the break because she worried that one of the guys would question her about it or somehow see the messages, but she was sure she'd put it back in her pocket before they left class. "Shit, where's my phone?"

  Scanning the grass where they'd been sitting Alexis couldn't see it anywhere. Jess dutifully joined in on the fruitless search.

  "Did you leave it in class?"

  "I didn't think so, but maybe I did?" Alexis didn't believe that she had, but maybe she was wrong.

  "Here I'll ring it," Jess offered.

  "Don't worry, I found it." Brennan held out her phone, not quite making eye contact with her, but Alexis took it back with a heartfelt thank you.

  "Where was- Why am I locked out?" One look at Brennan's face told her that he was the reason. "Did you try to get into my phone?"

  "No! Why would you even ask that? I just found it."

  Alexis backed off, but the thing was, Brennan couldn't lie to save his life. She wanted so badly to believe him, to know for a fact that he hadn't had a chance to even try, but she'd been talking to Seth and Jess, both who had sat on her other side. During the whole break she'd only really looked at Brennan when they sat down and he'd rebuffed her attempts at conversation, and then again when they got up to leave.

  "Fine, sorry," but she wasn't sorry. As she and Jess headed back to their class, Alexis couldn't shake the nagging feeling in the back of her mind. Brennan had tried to get into her phone, but why? Looking at the time left on the lock down she saw that there was just under fourteen minutes left. He must've been trying to get in for most of the break for it to be so long.

  Remembering that she'd turned off her notifications before recess, Alexis breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that she didn't trust her friends, just that she knew them too well. When she'd accused Brennan of going through her phone she had of course hoped that he hadn't done it, she knew that the chances of him conveniently finding her phone after someone else had gotten it locked for fifteen minutes... after already being locked out for a cumulative six minutes were slim to none.

  When the timer finally ran out and Alexis was able to successfully unlock her phone, the first thing she did was check her messages. Two texts from Lucas sat in her inbox.

  10:35 - How about we have lunch together?

  10:36 - Also I have some ideas for our next date ;)

  Before she replied to either message, Alexis went to her photo gallery. Something that Brennan didn't know was that when she'd gotten her new smartphone, Alexis had installed some decent security. This security included an anti-theft feature which took photos with the front facing camera whenever an incorrect password was entered. Now of course this had led to Alexis having to delete some terrible unintentional selfies, but in this instance, she was glad the feature was active. Sure enough, Brennan's face slowly growing more and more frustrated. Alexis wondered for a second if he'd kept trying the same old password he knew or if he'd actually tried something else. Not that it was really important, but it would definitely say something if he hadn't.

  It was time to deal with this. Brennan wouldn't tell her the truth to her face, so she had to message him. It was a short message, straight to the point.

  10.55 - Brennan, be honest with me, did you try and get into my phone?

  She didn't have to wait long for a reply, almost as soon as it was sent it came up as having been read.

  11.00 - Yeah sorry, I was just messing around.

  Alexis didn't buy that excuse or that he was sorry for a second. If he was just messing around then he would've owned up to it from the beginning, not lied to her.

  11.01 - Okay, so what were you trying to do?

  It was a simple enough question, it didn't call for any kind of hostility, but that was all she was going to get from Brennan today apparently.

  11.04 - Why are you so paranoid all of a sudden? I didn't think you would get mad about it, jeez.

  11.08 - I'm not paranoid. It's the fact that you tried to go through my phone behind my back. If you'd done it in front of me then I would've just laughed and taken it away from you, but you were doing it behind my back.

  11.15 - Alright I get it. I wasn't trying to find anything, the worst I would've done was send a snap to someone.

  Alexis rolled her eyes to herself before she passed her phone over into Jess' lap, the chat screen still open. Jess let out a confused sound before understanding set in. Scrolling up to where the conversation had obviously started, Jess quickl
y figured out what was going on.

  "Is he high?" Not being able to exclaim the way she wanted to, a whispered shout was the best Jess could do, and Alexis was quick to follow suit.

  "Right! Good God, does he think I came down in the last shower of rain? He knows something, he has to."

  "I swear I didn't tell him anything."

  "Oh hun, I know you were with me the entire time. I trust you. How does he kn-"

  "Saturday night,” Jess cut her off. “When he and Seth came over to find out where you were, they mentioned how when they called you, some guy answered the phone. While Lucas' stunt was hilarious it definitely tipped them off that you were on a date, and if it didn't, then they really are idiots."

  "Ugh, I knew that was going to come back and bite me in the ass, but god it was hot. Especially when he told Seth that I was gorgeous. Honestly, I could've listened to him say that all night. But if they know then why haven't they said anything? It's not like them to stay quiet this long."

  "Well they probably suspect, but they don't know for sure, and they know if they ask, then there's a good chance that you'll dodge the question."

  Alexis had to admit that Jess' logic was sound. While she had planned on telling the guys about Lucas eventually if they had asked her straight out this morning then there was a good chance she would've changed the subject.

  "You really should tell them, they'd be happy for you."

  Alexis couldn't help the scoff that came from her mouth. "Yeah sure, happy. That's an emotion that most people would feel, but I doubt that they would." Alexis took her phone back from Jess, sent one last message and copied down what had been written on the white board.

  11.18 - Definitely yes to lunch. Where should I meet you?


  Alexis was almost home free after last period finally let out. Lucas and Em were standing by talking about some English assignment they both had while Alexis put her books in her bag. That was when she realised that she'd left one of her human bio books in the science room. "Shit, guys I'll be right back, I left a book in class."

  "Do you want us to come with you?"

  "No, no it's fine. I'll be like thirty seconds tops."

  Leaving her bag behind Alexis made her way back to her sixth period class. Thankfully Mrs Lesch had forgotten to lock the door and Alexis was able to get in and grab her book from where she'd left it propped up against the leg of the desk.

  It should've been straight back to her friends and then to the pickup point. Unfortunately, as Alexis rounded the corner she realised that it might not be quite so straight forward. Huddled together yet blocking the entire walkway was April's siblings. Well the ones still young enough to attend Themis College. Joel was a year above them, Carter a year below and April's only sister, Bella, was the youngest at thirteen. Other than their looks, the siblings also shared the same pissed off look. Instinct told Alexis that there was about to be trouble, or maybe that was just pure common sense.

  "Sup guys, long time no see ai?"

  "Shut up bitch. April had to have stitches because of you." Bella might've been younger than all of them, but she was also wider and had April's mean streak. She bullied others to stop them from bullying her, it was basic eat or be eaten mentality.

  "Well actually, Mr McNeil ruled April's injuries as being her own fault. Sorry that I can't be your scape goat today."

  "Yeah well here's the thing. April managed to tell us what really happened. Did you know that because of your lies she's been locked in her room? We're not even allowed to see her. We had to talk to her through her window while our parents were out."

  "Right, well thankfully your sister's Rapunzel issue isn't my problem. Your parents were shown the overwhelming proof and agreed that April was in the wrong, so if you don't mind I'm going to go.”

  Not believing anything Alexis had to say, the siblings had other plans. Carter rushed her and while she tried to dodge it, the fucker was fast. He looped an arm around her waist, dragging her back towards his brother and sister, his other hand was wrapped firmly over her mouth. Not one to go without a fight Alexis struggled against him, but it didn't seem as though her heels making contact with his shins was doing much.

  Pushing her against the brick wall, Carter stepped back so that the three of them surrounded Alexis. She had no way of getting past them. It was in that moment that she truly felt fear for the first time in her life. She couldn't joke her way out of this. The Hale siblings were out for blood, she could see it in their eyes. They were like a pack of hyenas and she had a choice, let them beat her to a bloody pulp and then hopefully leave, or fight back and possibly just make them even angrier.

  When Bella threw the first punch, Alexis' body made the decision for her. Years of blocking surprise attacks from her cousins had given her some preparation for this moment. Ducking out of the way of Bella's straight punch, Alexis retaliated by swinging her elbow into Joel's face. When he stumbled back Alexis saw her chance and danced past him, just as she was out of their circle someone grabbed her hair and pulled her back. Reaching up to grab the hand that held her ponytail, she twisted back to face the brat who learned too much from her sister, breaking the hold.

  "Bella you always did fight dirty." Not wanting to break the nose of a thirteen-year-old girl, Alexis pushed Bella backwards while also kicking one of her feet out from under her.

  The bigger they are the harder they fall.

  Carter caught Alexis by surprise and she didn't have time to block his swing before his fist made contact with her face. Everything after that was a blur. Alexis was aware of what was happening, but she couldn't feel it. Her body snapped back upright and charged at Carter. Before she could get within swinging distance though, Joel came up behind her, wrapping both his arms around her waist and lifting her up off the ground. Bella was back on her feet and the brother and sister stood in front of her flailing body held tight by their big brother. As soon as they were close enough Alexis kicked her feet out. She managed to catch Bella in the groin and Carter in the stomach. Not having time to wish it had been the other way around, she flung her head back into Joel's nose. She heard the crack and he involuntarily let her go. Looking up, Alexis saw Lucas and Em at the other end of the breezeway and started towards them.

  The last thing she remembered before blacking out was Lucas shouting her name and something solid shoving her to the side.


  Later, when she was told about what they saw, Lucas and Em explained she was only out for a minute, but by the time she regained consciousness it felt like it had been longer.

  Miss Lesch realising that she had forgotten to lock the classroom door came back on her way to her car. That was when she'd heard the sounds of fighting and rounded the corner just in time to see Carter shove Alexis into the wall. She'd yelled at the siblings to stay where they were, but they gathered themselves up and stumbled off. Lucas was ready to chase after them, but when he heard Em calling Alexis' name, he stopped short and knelt beside her limp body.

  Miss Lesch was already on the phone calling an ambulance. By the time she hung up Alexis was opening her eyes and the three breathed a collective sigh of relief. Lucas gently propped Alexis up in his arms, needing to see her and hold her at the same time.

  "Lex, you okay?"

  "That depends. Am I dead?"

  Emilia let out a snort. "Not quite Rocky."

  "Well that explains why I hurt like a bitch."

  "The ambulance is on its way, and Mr McNeil is coming to help get you to the office." Miss Lesch surveyed the area, making note of the blood leaking from Alexis' temple and cursing that she didn't have anything clean to press against the wound.

  "Don't worry about it, we'll meet him there." Lucas scooped Alexis up into his arms and stood. Not waiting, he set off for the front office. Alexis pressed herself against Lucas's chest and marvelled at how strong he was. She was vaguely aware of Mr McNeil appearing next to them, and someone mentioned a wheelchair. It was at that moment t
hat Lucas' hold on her tightened. Like he never planned on letting her go. Looking up at his face the best she could, Alexis saw a tightness in his jaw.

  "Luke?" When he looked down at her she saw how hard his eyes were, she expected them to soften, but if anything, the anger on his face only became less hidden. "Luke, what's wrong?" He didn't reply, but a muscle in his jaw twitched. Alexis suddenly wished that he'd just put her in the wheelchair.

  She didn't need to worry for much longer though. Before she knew it they were being rushed through the administration and back to the sick bay where Lucas gently set her down on one of the beds. Em followed them into the room, sitting on the end of the bed, clutching what looked like Alexis' textbook. She'd forgotten that she'd dropped it during the scuffle. The front cover looked ripped. Alexis looked around the room for Lucas and saw him leaning against a cupboard on the other side of the room. He was staring right back at her. Their eyes met only for a moment before he stormed out of the room. Alexis tried to call after him, but a pounding had started in her head, and all she wanted to do was close her eyes and go to sleep.


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