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Promise Me: Diamond In The Rough 2

Page 19

by Hart, Rebel

  “Oh. I’m, uh… you must be Clint.”

  I nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She walked toward me. “Pleasure to meet you. How are you feeling?”

  I shook her hand. “I’m feeling much better, thank you.”

  “I didn’t know you were coming over, I’m sorry.”

  “It was kind of a last minute thing. My last therapy session ended and I guess I just wanted to see Rae. I hope that’s okay?”

  She smiled. “You’re welcome here any—”

  “Aren’t you even gonna help me with these fucking food bags?”

  A man’s tinny voice resounded through the house as Rae’s mother ripped her hand away from mine. I stole a glance at Rae, watching as her face fell. She shot me a look that I think was supposed to apologize. But it happened so quickly I almost didn’t catch it.

  “D.J., it’s only two bags. Get over it.”

  Ah. The infamous D.J. The exact man I didn’t want to meet.

  Just great.

  I watched a spindly man walk through the door, carrying two food bags with him. There was an insignia of a restaurant emblazoned on them, but I didn’t catch it. The first thing I caught was the angry look in D.J.’s eye. The argument seated on the tip of his tongue. The second thing I caught was how hard he stared me down before flickering his gaze over to Rae.

  “This your friend?” he asked.

  Rae nodded. “This is Clint.”

  He huffed. “Should be more space between you two.”

  Her mother balked. “Excuse me?”

  Rae snickered. “You’re not my father. You certainly don’t get to dictate what’s too close. Especially when you’re in a house that isn’t yours.”

  “Seems like your mother needs to teach you manners.”

  I cleared my throat. “Or, you need to simply learn your place.”

  D.J. dropped the bags. “What did you say to me?”

  I stayed seated on the couch, keeping my cool. “I said, maybe you need to learn your place.”

  D.J. lunged at me, but Rae’s mother stopped him from going any further. I, on the other hand, didn’t even flinch. I was used to men like him. He reminded me a lot of my father. I heard both Rae and her mother murmuring, though I didn’t take the time to figure out what they were saying.

  Especially after Rae took my hand and pulled me up from the couch.

  “You need to cool down.”

  “I’m gonna go get a beer.”

  “Yeah, you do that.”

  “Come on, Clint. Let’s go upstairs.”

  “That boy shouldn't be taking her up anywhere.”

  “This is my house. You can it and get in there.”

  “I really hate that man.”

  “Rae, give me a second.”

  Voices swirled around me as Rae tugged me toward the stairs. She led me up them, her hand vibrating as it held mine tightly. I saw how tense her shoulders were, how angry she’d become. I took one last peek around the corner, glancing into the kitchen. Long enough to see that D.J. dickhead crack open a can of beer. He and Rae’s mother were already arguing again. Lowly. And to themselves. Part of me wanted to stay behind to make sure he treated that woman with respect. But the other part of me gave in to Rae’s tugging and pulling.

  “Come on. We can hang out up here and not be disturbed.”

  I followed her all the way down the hallway.

  Despite my inherent worry for her mother’s safety.



  I pulled Clint into my bedroom and slammed the door closed. I leaned against it, watching as he took a seat on my bed. D.J.’s voice boomed up the stairs. “Don’t you be slammin’ doors in this house!” And when he did, I heard my mother start cursing him out.

  “You bastard. Don’t you dare talk to my daughter that way!”

  “You’re the one who told me she needed more structure. And apparently, manners!”

  “Well, you sure as hell aren’t the one to teach her about those. You barely have them yourself!”

  “And now I see where she gets her wonderful tone. You think she’s gonna end up a fucking doormat like her damn mother!?”

  My lower lip trembled as I tried blocking it out. I felt something strong wrap around me, pulling me against something steady. I gripped the leather I felt against my skin and drew in a quivering breath. I buried myself against him, trying to mute the fighting as he walked me over to the bed.

  “It’s okay. I’m right here. Focus on my voice, Rae. I’ve got you.”

  I drew in a shuddered breath. “Fucking D.J.”

  “Let it out. Whatever you want to say, I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “He’s such a fucking maniac. All the damn time! Especially the last time around. He used to not give a shit about what I did. He never used to think he owned this house until he just got back with my mother. I don’t know what the fuck she told him, but I can’t stand it.”

  He rubbed my back. “There we go. There it is. Let it all out.”

  He sat back down on my bed, pulling me into his lap. And I freely went along with him. It felt marvelous, having someone here with me. Not being alone while I listened to Mom and D.J. go back and forth at one another downstairs. Clint leaned back against my bed, drawing me deeper into him as I fell against his body. The bed bounced. But I stayed right there with him. Snuggling into him and wrapping myself around him, until our limbs were tangled up so tightly I wasn’t sure where I ended and he began.

  Clint kissed my forehead. “Is it always like this when he’s around?”

  I nodded slowly. “Practically. He’s an absolute dickhole, too. Hits her. Uses her. And thinks he can get away with it because he pays some bills. I was so proud of my mother for putting in applications. For finally kicking him out and standing up for herself. I believed her, Clint. Really, truly believed her that it was over. That this nightmare of a man—”

  “I want you to get one thing straight, Rae. That idiot down there? That’s not a man.”

  “I know. I know.”

  “No, I don’t think you do. Look at me.”

  I slowly panned my eyes to meet his. “Yeah?”

  He gripped my chin. “D.J. isn’t a man. He’s a child, masquerading in the body of a man. He’s got no clue what it means to be strong. To fight. To enjoy what he’s got in front of him. The only thing he knows to do is take. Drain. And take advantage when he can. He’s no better than my father. In fact, I’d easily put them in the same field together. They’re one and the same. Understand this, Rae. He’s not a man.”

  I sighed. “Why can’t Mom leave him?”

  “I don't know, Rae. Sometimes, women are raised to believe they don’t have any other options. Or maybe she’s got a hole of hurt she’s trying to fill that she doesn’t know how to fill any other way. What I want you to know is that D.J. isn’t a man. And even if he was, what he’s saying down there should have no bearing on who you are, or what you do with your life. Ever.”

  “He’s just an absolute asshole. He charges in here and starts demanding shit from people like he owns the fucking place. I can’t stand it. I told him the next time Mom came home with bruises on her skin, I’d be calling the damn police myself.”

  He grinned. “Good for you. I hope you keep your word on that.”

  “I plan on it.”

  “And Rae?”

  I sighed. “Yeah, Clint?”

  “At any point in time, you can call me. I know I don’t have wheels right now, but my stepmom would have no issues coming to pick you up. Anytime, day or night. You call, and I’m here.”

  I smiled softly. “Thank you.”

  He kissed my forehead. “It’s the least I can do for what you’ve done for me.”

  My eyes fluttered closed and I melted into him. I let the sound of his kisses drown out the sound of D.J. and Mom fighting. I curled into him, letting him hold me. I cried softly against him, allowing myself to be weak with him. Part of me still felt stupid
. But the rest of me was thankful to have Clint there. It felt nice, having him support me like this. Having him weigh in on this issue and talk some real, solid sense into me.

  Because some days, I wasn’t capable of doing it myself.

  I felt something vibrate against the bed and figured it was my phone. Until I peered over Clint’s body and saw my phone still sitting on my bedside table. I furrowed my brow as the vibrations happened again. Only this time, Clint sat up. Taking me with him before his arms moved away from me.

  “That’s my phone.”

  I nodded. “Get it. It might be Cecilia.”

  He looked at me. “Are you sure?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t want to interrupt what we’ve got going on right now. I mean, she’s probably just calling to see when to pick me up. I can easily call her back.”

  I placed my hand on his knee. “Clint, pick up the phone. I won’t take offense. It’s fine, okay?”

  “Are you sure?”

  I cupped his cheek. “I promise. Thank you for listening to me. And for your reassurance.”

  He turned his face, kissing my palm. “Anytime, Rae. Anytime you need.”

  He pulled his phone out from his back pocket before his eyes widened. He picked it up in a hurry, and I wondered what was going on. Who was on the other line? It didn’t sound like Cecilia when he picked it up. I scooted closer to him, trying to take stock of what the man’s voice on the other end of the line was saying.

  But, I couldn't understand a word coming from Clint’s phone.

  “Uh huh. Yes. I understand. Really? You found them? I—thank—I can’t—thank you, Officer. Yes. Yes, I can. Just let me know what time and I’ll be there. No, no. I’m good. I’ll have a ride. My stepmom, yeah. I’ll make sure of it. Yep. Eleven?”

  He looked over at me like he was searching for something. All I could do, though, was shrug.

  I mouthed to him. “Who is it?”

  And when he mouthed back ‘the police,’ my jaw dropped open.

  “Yes, Officer. Just—let me ask someone something really quickly. Uh huh. Hold on.”

  Then, he put his hand over the speaker of his phone. “They want me to come in at eleven in the morning tomorrow.”

  My eyes widened. “Did they find those boys? Did they catch them?”

  He nodded. “That’s what they’re saying. They want me to come down to the station tomorrow and try to I.D. them.”

  “Holy shit, Clint. You have to go. You have to do this. Those boys deserve every ounce of justice the system can bring down on their fucking heads.”

  “Cecilia’s probably going to take me.”

  I nodded. “Do you think she’d let me come along? You know, to help I.D. them, or something?”

  He breathed with relief. “I’m glad you offered, because I was struggling with the words to ask.”

  “I’ll be there, Clint. Just confirm with them the time. Okay?”

  And with a nod, he returned to his phone call. “Officer? Yes, hey. I’m back. Sorry about that. Uh, eleven tomorrow in the morning works just fine. I’ll be coming with my stepmother and the girl that was with me that night. Yes, the girl that found me. Uh huh. Yeah, she got a glimpse of them, too. A good one. Yep. I’ll ask her if she can. But, either way, I’ll I.D. them and answer your questions. Uh huh. I’m sure she will, too. Yep. I’ll make sure she’s prepared. Again, thank you so much.”

  He hung up the phone and tucked it away in his back pocket. I clamored on top of him, the argument raging downstairs already falling to the back of my mind. A massive smile crossed my face as Clint’s hands fell to my hips. Holding me steady in his lap. Our foreheads fell together. I giggled as I touched his nose with mine. I slid my hand through his hair, silently wondering if he’d keep growing it out. Because it felt nice in between the slats of my fingers.

  Clint sighed. “Thank you for coming with me in the morning.”

  I nodded. “Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way.”

  “They said they might want you to try and I.D. the guys if you got a good look at them.”

  “I’ll never forget their faces.”

  “And they might have some questions for you. You know, to wrap things up and make sure all their letters are dotted and crossed.”

  I nodded. “If your stepmom can pick me up, we’re good.”

  “I know she will. She likes you.”


  He snickered. “Yeah. She calls you ‘my girl’ already.”

  I shrugged. “I mean, I kind of am your girl.”

  He grinned. “I suppose, kind of. Sure.”

  I gasped, feigning shock. “Why, Clint. I never! How dare you betray me in such a way?”

  “I have betrayed thee in no such fashion!”

  I burst out in giggles and covered his face with kisses. His back fell to the mattress, and I went right along with him. I followed his every move as I peppered him with my lips. Kissing his cheeks. His forehead. His neck. His shoulders. He rolled me over, pinning me beneath his comforting weight. And as the argument finally died down below us, I smiled up into Clint’s face.

  “You’re not going to get rid of me any time soon. So deal with it.”

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “Wouldn't dream of it, gorgeous.”

  “Plus, I’m ready to see those assholes get what’s coming to them.”

  He chuckled. “And the truth really comes out.”

  “Hey, I can be supportive and vindictive at the same time. Girls are great multi-taskers.”

  “So, does that mean you can kiss. And. Hold. A. Conversation?”

  He punctuated his words with fluttering kisses to my lips. Pulling me deeper into his atmosphere and refusing to let me go.

  I giggled “Mm. I. Think. So.”

  He kissed me deeply. “Or, we could just do that.”

  And as I rolled him over, straddling his hips once more, I figured we could do a little more than that.



  I saw Rae sitting on the front porch as we pulled up to her house. I sat in the front seat with Cecilia, but the second I caught a glimpse of Rae’s face, I booked it to the back seat. I got out and slipped inside, leaning over to open Rae’s door. And when she dropped down next to me, I saw the blank stare on her face. The way her lips were softly downturned. She had bags underneath her eyes and a tremble to her hand as she gripped the excess fabric of her jeans.

  I reached over, settling my hand on top of hers. “You okay?”

  But all she did was shrug.

  “You guys ready to go?”

  I nodded at Cecilia’s question, then felt her ease us out of the driveway. I wanted to press the questions. I wanted to pull out of her what was wrong. But I didn’t want to do it in front of my stepmother. Rae wasn’t okay, though. And I had a feeling it had something to do with last night.

  I watched as Rae gazed out the window. She watched the world pass us by as she sank heavier and heavier into the leather seats of the car. She didn’t speak. Not one fucking word. And I desperately wanted to ask her what the hell happened after I left last night. I called Cecilia to come get me around midnight, and D.J. was still there. Her mother and D.J. had still been downstairs, going back and forth at one another. It was like they never stopped. She’d say one thing and he’d clap back. He’d say something wrong and she’d chew him out for it. It made me sick, leaving Rae in that kind of environment last night. I almost had a mind to ask Cecilia if she could come back with us.

  But I figured that might’ve been crossing a line with Rae’s mom.

  Had D.J. done something to her? Said something to her? Because if he had, he was done. If he’d touched her, or berated her, or said anything to her that wasn’t a compliment or asking her how she was, that asshole was dead meat. I didn't care that he was decades older than me. I didn’t care that Rae’s mother would probably hate me for it. The only thing I cared about right now was Rae’s well-being.

  And her being wasn’t well at all.

  Calm down, Clint. Focus.

  I drew in deep breaths as I held Rae’s hand. She didn’t move. Didn’t budge. She kept her eyes trained out the window and she didn’t move her hand. She didn’t flip it over so I could lace our fingers together. She didn’t scoot closer to me so we could cuddle. She just leaned against the door. Heavily. Like she wanted to burst out and run away.

  “All right, you two. We’re here.”

  I softly squeezed Rae’s hand. “Ready to get out?”

  Rae ripped her hand away from mine and pressed out of the car. And after catching Cecilia’s worried stare in the rearview mirror, I quickly followed behind her. The deal was for my stepmom to wait in the parking lot for us so we could make the quickest getaway possible. That, and I didn’t want her worrying over my shoulder while I answered questions and did a lineup. If anything, I wanted to be there for Rae. I wanted to support her and help her through this. And I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do that with my stepmother looming over my shoulder.

  “Rae. Rae. Stop. You’re walking—stop!”

  I gripped her arm and spun her around just outside the precinct doors.

  She sighed. “What?”

  I furrowed my brow. “You haven’t said a damn thing all morning. What’s going on?”

  “I just want to get this over with.”

  “You want to try not lying to me this time?”

  She bit down on her lower lip. “Can we talk about it after we get this over with?”

  I nodded. “I’ll take that.”

  I slipped my hand into hers and away we went. We walked into the police station and checked in with the front desk. And I felt her holding my hand tighter than ever before. I slipped my arm around her as an officer came out, ushering us back into a room. There was a table with a photo album of pictures. A harsh light beamed down onto the laminated pages. I looked over at Rae before we walked over, my eyes fluttering over the pictures in front of us.

  And before the officer could even tell us what the fuck was happening, I saw it.

  Rae nodded. “That’s the car.”


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