Their Mountain Love

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Their Mountain Love Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  “How is your soup and cornbread?” Tanner asked.

  “Delicious. It really hit the spot with the cold weather. Plus, it’s nice to eat someone else’s cooking occasionally,” she admitted.

  “I don’t know how you could get tired of your own cooking. It’s amazing,” Tanner said.

  “Lacy cooks for us,” Jet explained to the others.

  “That’s great. Maybe I can get a few recipes from you. I’m an okay cook but nothing fancy,” Tammy said.

  “I’d be glad to share. I love to cook, but I don’t make anything all that fancy. Most of the dishes I fix are down-to-earth meals,” Lacy told her. She gave the other woman her phone number. “Call anytime.”

  Lacy really liked Tammy. She was smart and funny. She’d shared some interesting tidbits about living with two men. She hoped to learn more from her when she called. If she called.

  “Ready to go to the grocery store?” Tanner asked once they’d returned to the truck.

  “Yep. We’ll need two carts, so you can each grab one, and I’ll do the shopping,” Lacy told them.

  “We’re the workhorses. I see how you are,” Tanner said with a mock frown.

  Lacy just shook her head and chuckled.

  She led them up one aisle, then down the next filling the baskets with what they would need for several weeks. When they finally reached the meat section, she asked their preferences on some things and soon had the second cart just as full as the first one. The men made it look as if they could barely push the buggies as she finished off their shopping in the produce section where she got two bags of potatoes as well as onions, bell peppers, and various fruits. The clerk at the front who checked them out didn’t seem at all phased that they had two packed carts. More than likely, she was used to people stocking up in the winter.

  It took over thirty minutes to check out, bag the groceries, and load them in the truck. Jet had her sit in the truck with the heater going while they tended to the groceries. She was thankful since it seemed to have gotten colder since they’d first gone inside.

  “Fuck, it’s cold,” Tanner said after returning the cart to the store.

  “Everyone ready?” Jet asked before he backed out of the parking spot. “Lacy, do you need anything else before we head back up the mountain?”

  “Nope. I’m ready to go back.” Lacy had almost said home. What was up with that?

  She thought about that all the way back to their place. Was she thinking of their place as home now? She’d only been there a few days and nights. True, she’d been working for them for nearly a month now, but she’d gone back home each night prior to this snow storm. It was something she’d need to carefully think about later.

  “You’re awfully quiet, darling,” Tanner said.

  “Just thinking about putting everything up when we get back. Wondering if we’ll have room for all of it,” she told him.

  “Whatever we don’t have room for we can store on the shelves in the garage. With the door down, nothing can get in to get to it. Plus, it’s insulated so though it gets below zero outside, it’s a little warmer inside,” Jet said.

  “Well, hopefully we can fit it all inside. I don’t think it would be good to freeze any of it,” she said.

  They unloaded the car while she unpacked the groceries and put them away. She left their personal items on the table for them to put up. Tanner took the items for the office and put them away while Jet helped her finish stocking the pantry.

  “Looks like everything fit in the end,” he said.

  “Barely. The freezer is bursting. You definitely want to consider a second freezer for next year,” Lacy said.

  “I agree with you. We can go longer during snowstorms. We’ve only been on the mountain for a couple of years, so we’ve never had a really tough snowstorm come through yet. I hear that it can close you in for two to four weeks at a time when one comes through like that,” Jet said.

  “That’s scary,” Lacy said. “What happens if you run out of fuel for the generator?”

  “We’d keep warm with the gas fireplace and still be able to cook on the gas stove. We just wouldn’t have electricity for light at night. We’d keep things cold by setting them out in the garage since it would be cold enough out there for that.”

  “I guess. Still, wouldn’t you go stir-crazy cooped up like that?” she asked.

  “We’ve got enough juice for the generator to watch movies and stuff for about a week. After that it would be cards and board games during the day when we could see,” Tanner said.

  “I better get to work on dinner. How does lasagna sound to you?” she asked.

  “Great. I love that with garlic bread. Lots of garlic bread.”

  “Duly noted.”

  Lacy got out the packages of hamburger meat and sausage she’d kept out of the freezer and threw together the ingredients for the Italian dish and shoved it into the oven before making garlic butter to slather on two loaves of French bread. She really liked the garlic bread, as well. Despite it going straight to her ass, she’d eat her share right along with Tanner.

  While she waited on dinner to cook, Lacy gathered dirty clothes and thought about the men as she washed, dried, and folded the clothes for them.

  Where Jet was more intense than Tanner, both men were sweet to her. Tanner kissed like he couldn’t get enough of her while Jet was focused and insistent with his kisses. Of course, she didn’t have a lot of experience with them, but so far, they’d wowed her with their affections. She was falling for them. Was she more attached to one over the other one? Lacy didn’t think so.

  They’re different, but I like them the same. Maybe Gail is right, and I just need to give them a chance to see where this leads. If things don’t work out, I just go back to how things were before.

  Lacy was afraid, though, that if they weren’t as into her as she was to them, working for them would prove to be too hard. She really didn’t want to complicate things. She loved the job. Loved cooking for them. What else could she do if she ended up quitting? Would she have to move back to Billings and look for a job there again?

  Finding another job in Billings won’t be any easier than it was to begin with. I might have to work as a waitress somewhere just to make ends meet.

  She sighed and finished putting away her clothes after setting the men’s things on their bed for them to put away. Lacy walked back downstairs and almost ran into Jet.

  “Something smells fucking delicious, darling.”

  “Lasagna,” she said. “I’m surprised Tanner didn’t tell you.”

  “Bastard’s closemouthed when he’s working. Can’t wait to eat,” Jet said.

  “Should be ready in about fifteen minutes. I’m going to put the bread in the oven now,” she said.

  “Perfect. I’ll go approach the dragon and let him know it’s nearly ready.”

  Lacy chuckled. She’d heard Tanner refer to Jet as a dragon when it came to work before. It was funny. Jet was always sweet to her. Intense at times, but nice nonetheless. She hadn’t seen that side of him. Of course, she rarely went into their office when they were working to interrupt them. He might bark at her if she interrupted him. She had no way of knowing unless she tried it.

  But did she really want to find out about that side of him? She kind of liked the illusion that he was nothing but nice to her. It would totally screw up her illusions of the two men. Still, if she were going to experiment with being with them both, she needed to know the best and the worst. She’d interrupt him to tell him that dinner was ready once the garlic toast was ready.

  Just thinking about it had little bugs running up and down her spine.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lacy hesitated at the door leading into the office. Was she sure she wanted to do this? Well, no. But if she were going to pursue the possibility of a relationship with both men, she needed to know how Jet reacted when she irritated him. She didn’t think he’d be physical, but she really didn’t know that for sure.

She knocked on the door to the office, waiting to go in until someone said to.


  Really? He hadn’t heard her knock? What about Tanner. He was in there, as well. She decided to just walk in and interrupt both of them. What was the worst that could happen?

  Not going there.

  When she walked into the room, neither man looked up from what they were doing. She sighed and clapped her hands.

  “Dinner is ready, guys.”

  Tanner looked up and grinned. “I’ll go wash my hands.”

  “Jet? Did you hear me? Dinner is ready. Are you coming?” Lacy asked.

  His grunt was the only indication that he’d heard her. She walked over to stand next to his chair and shoved her hands on her hips.

  “Jet. Get your ass up and wash your hands. Dinner is ready, and if you miss it, you’ll have to warm up your own meal.”

  Jet looked up with a scary scowl, but it quickly changed into a frown.

  “Sorry. I was concentrating and didn’t hear you the first time. You didn’t have to chastise me like a five-year-old,” he said.

  “Then don’t act like one.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He saluted her before standing and pulling her into a reassuring hug. “I’ll try to listen better. Tanner is always screwing around with me when I’m trying to work.”

  “I can see that. He’s mischievous, to say the least,” Lacy said.

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes. Need to close down this program so I don’t lose anything and wash my hands.”

  “That’s fine.” Lacy hugged him back, then stepped out of his embrace even though it wasn’t what she really wanted to do.

  If she’d had her way, they’d have kissed again, but she wasn’t brave or confident enough to initiate something so intimate with them.


  Lacy returned to the kitchen to find that Tanner had snitched a piece of garlic bread and was happily chomping down on it.

  “Tanner. Stop it. You can eat all you want once we sit down at the table. Now stop it.”

  “Can’t help it. Love, love, love garlic bread,” he said with a wide smile.

  “Jet is on his way. You can put the lasagna on the table, and I’ll get the garlic bread since I can’t trust you not to eat it all before we’re all at the table.”

  “That’s cold,” Tanner said, poking out his bottom lip.

  “Not you, too. Are both of you really five-year-olds? I swear you are.”

  “What?” Tanner asked as he set the casserole dish on the table.

  “What?” Jet asked as he strolled into the room

  “Nothing,” Lacy said. “Have a seat and let’s eat before Tanner demolishes all the garlic bread and there’s none for us.”

  “He is a glutton,” Jet said.

  “Fuck you, man.” Tanner flashed him the one-finger salute as he sat.

  The two men traded insults throughout most of dinner much to her amusement. They never seemed to get too serious with each other, so she took it as the natural way they showed each other affection.

  Both men helped her clean up afterward before the three of them settled down in the living room to watch some TV. They offered to let her choose the channel, but she refused.

  “You guys choose. I don’t care. I’ll just fall asleep anyway.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll make sure you’re tucked in bed if you do,” Tanner said with a waggle of his brows.

  She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Just wake me up and point me in the general direction of the stairs. I can handle it from there.”

  “You take the fun out of all of it,” Tanner said.

  “Don’t listen to him. He’s incorrigible,” Jet said, frowning over at his friend.

  Lacy smiled and relaxed on the couch with the men on either side of her close enough she could feel their body heat though they weren’t touching. She wanted them to touch her but was afraid that if they did, she’d embarrass herself and jump on them.

  Jet selected a sports show, and the two men commented on the action as various football teams were showcased. Lacy yawned and leaned back, intending to only close her eyes for a few seconds. Evidently, that lasted for over an hour because Tanner was calling her name, and she realized the room was quiet. They’d turned off the TV.

  “What?” she asked, rubbing her hands over her face.

  “Time to go to bed sleepyhead,” Tanner said.

  She came awake realizing that she was all but draped over Jet’s lap.

  “Oh, Jet. I’m sorry. You should have woken me.”

  “Nonsense. What man would ever complain about having a pretty woman on their lap? I enjoyed watching you sleep, darling. You can sleep on my lap anytime,” Jet said.

  “That goes double for me,” Tanner added. “I got your feet this time. Next time I get your head and Jet gets your feet.”

  Lacy’s face heated as she realized she’d stretched out between them. What must they think of her? She was supposed to be their cook and maid. That didn’t encompass falling asleep on them.

  She swung her feet to the floor and stood, smoothing her shirt back down where it had ridden up while she’d been snoozing. She probably looked like a hot mess after having wallowed on the couch.

  “I’m heading up to bed. I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Lacy started to head to the stairs when Jet grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

  “Not before we get our goodnight kisses,” he said with a smirk.


  “We get goodnight kisses, remember?” Tanner asked with a broad smile.

  “Um…okay?” Lacy didn’t have a clue how to answer that.

  Jet pulled her into his arms and kissed her, soft at first, then more demanding as she opened to him. He swept his tongue inside her mouth, sending heat straight to her pussy. God, would she always get wet when they touched her like this? He sucked on her tongue, then thrust his deep into her mouth before slowly pulling back to look into her eyes.

  “Good night, darling. Sleep well.”

  Before she had a chance to recover, Tanner was there pulling her up against his chest and swooping down to claim his kiss next. He nipped at her bottom lip, then delved in with his tongue to thrust and retreat before sucking on her bottom lip. All the time that he was kissing her, his hands were running up and down her back, stopping just short of her ass. Now her pussy was drenched and probably her pants, as well.

  “Good night, babe. See you in the morning,” Tanner whispered before he left one quick kiss on her nose. “Dream about us.”

  Well, that was a given. After the kisses they’d laid on her, she’d be dreaming about them for sure. In fact, she’d been dreaming about them since the first day she’d met them. In her dreams, she’d had them just about any way a woman could have a man. Did she want her dreams to come true?



  * * * *

  “Are you kidding me?” Lacy stared out the window at the blowing snow.

  “I told you it would snow again. They’ve been forecasting it all week,” Tanner said, sounding much too happy about the entire thing.

  “This isn’t just snow, it’s a freaking blizzard,” she said, throwing her hands up in the air.

  “What’s the matter, Lacy?” Jet asked walking into the kitchen.

  “It’s a blizzard out there. I’m never going to be able to go home,” she said.

  “Do you want to go home? I thought you liked it here,” Jet said.

  “Are you tired of us, babe? Is that the reason you’re so upset?” Tanner asked.

  She turned from the window to see the frown on both men’s faces. They looked like someone had kicked their cat or something.

  “No. I’m not tired of you guys, just of being cooped up. There’s nothing to do. I’ve cleaned every inch of this house and cooked enough dishes to put in the freezer to last for weeks. I’ve watched enough TV to make me blind, and I’m sick of playing solitaire,” she said, winding down from her tirad

  “If you’re bored,” Tanner began. “I can think of something to do to pass the time.”

  “Tanner.” Jet’s tone of voice sounded serious.

  “Just saying,” Tanner said, staring at his friend.

  “No pushing.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Lacy demanded.

  “Nothing,” Jet said.

  “Why not? She knows we’re interested in her. She hasn’t turned either of us away,” Tanner said.

  “It’s too soon. She’s just getting used to us.” Jet ran a hand through his hair and glared at Tanner.

  “What are you guys talking about? Too soon for what?” Lacy was pretty sure she knew what they were talking about now but wanted to hear it from their own mouths.

  “You know we like you, right?” Tanner asked.

  “Yeah. I like you guys, too. What has that got to do with anything?” She narrowed her eyes at the two men.

  “We don’t think of you as just a cook and maid, Lacy,” he said.

  “Then what do you think of me? I mean I am your cook and maid. That’s my job,” she said.

  “We don’t see you like that anymore,” Jet said with a sigh. “Honestly, I don’t know that we ever thought of you like that.”

  “I’m confused, guys. Why did you hire me if you didn’t want me to cook and clean for you?” Lacy asked.

  “Because we wanted you close to us. You’ve intrigued us since the first time we saw you, Lacy. There was something about you that attracted us to you. Both of us want to take our relationship to the next level, babe,” Tanner said.

  “Our relationship? What are you saying, Tanner? That you want to date me?” she asked. “Both of you?”

  “Yes, for want of a better word,” Jet said. “We want to date you and see where it goes. We really like you, Lacy. You’re smart and fun all at the same time.”

  “And you cook like a damn chef,” Tanner added with a wink.

  “I—I’m not sure what to say,” she confessed.

  “Say that you want to get to know us better, as well. Say you’re just as intrigued with us as we are with you,” Tanner said.

  “I like you.” She looked from Tanner to Jet and back again. “Both of you. We get along great. Jet doesn’t even snap at me when I interrupt him when he’s working.”


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