Their Mountain Love

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Their Mountain Love Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  “But?” Jet frowned and crossed his arms.

  “But how does this work? I’ve never dated two men at one time. Heck, I’ve never even thought about dating two me at one time. I don’t know how to do that,” she said.

  “The same way you date anyone else. We go out and eat, maybe catch a movie, have a few drinks at the bar in town. It’s not really all that different,” Tanner said.

  “But it is. There are two of you. People don’t go out with two men as a rule.”

  “You met Tammy, Gabriel, and Baldwin the other day. There are other threesomes living up here on the mountain. It’s the reason we all moved and built up here so that we could live the way we wanted to,” Jet said.

  “And everyone up here wants to live in a ménage relationship?” Lacy asked.

  “That’s right.” Tanner pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear with one finger.

  “I guess it’s all just strange to me.”

  “Can’t be too strange,” Tanner said.

  “Why do you say that?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You seem to enjoy reading about them. There were several ménage romances in your bookshelf back at your apartment,” Tanner said.

  Lacy’s face burned as blood rushed there. She knew she was blushing. He’d noticed what kind of books they were. Of course, all he’d have had to do was look at the front covers or read the back of the books to know what they were about.

  “That’s all fantasy. It’s not reality, guys.”

  “It is here. We renamed this mountain Ménage Mountain, Lacy. It’s what we want. A woman to share between us. Someone to pamper and protect and love,” Tanner said.

  “And you think I could be that person for you guys?” she asked.

  “We do. We’re attracted to you both sexually and mentally. Emotionally, I’m becoming really attached to you, Lacy,” Jet admitted.

  “Just think about it, babe. Two men to worship the ground you walk on. Two men to hold you and care for you. What’s not to like about that?” Tanner asked in a teasing manner.

  “Be serious, Tanner. This isn’t a game,” Jet snapped.

  “I am being serious. Taking care of her is what I want to do. I want to know that we make her happy and handle anything that she needs help with.” Tanner sighed. “I know I joke around a lot, but I am serious, Lacy. You are it for me.”

  “This is all so hard to get my head around. I admit that I’m attracted to both of you, but I’m afraid that one of you will change their mind, and if I’m already committed, it will hurt if you back away,” Lacy explained.

  “The same goes for us. We’re putting ourselves out there for you. What’s to say that you decide you only want me or Tanner? That would hurt the other one and eventually both of us since we’re a team. We aren’t looking for someone who can’t love both of us,” Jet said.

  “I want to believe that this can work, but I’m scared it won’t.”

  “You take that chance in any relationship, Lacy. The only difference here is that there are two of us.” Jet shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

  “Just think about it, okay?” Tanner asked.

  “Okay. I’ll think about it.” She blew out a breath. “Whew. Guess I’m not bored anymore.”

  Tanner chuckled. “Does that mean I can kiss you again?”

  “Don’t push her, Tanner,” Jet said.

  “I wouldn’t mind a kiss,” she admitted, clasping her hands in front of her.

  “See. It never hurts to ask,” Tanner said.

  She smiled when he pulled her into his arms and wrapped them tightly around her. When he kissed her this time, not only did her pussy grow wet, but her breasts tingled where her nipples were pressed against his chest. His mouth covered hers as his hands moved down to squeeze her ass. She couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he licked all along the inside, then pulled back to suck on her lower lip before moving down her jaw.

  Lacy moved her head to the side to give him more access to her neck as he nipped and sucked his way to where her neck met her shoulder. She groaned when he let go of her and swayed as Jet took his place.

  “Seeing you with Tanner makes me hard, Lacy. I loved seeing the pleasure on your face when he kissed down your neck. I know that your face has that same expression when I kiss you. It turns me on.” Jet sealed her mouth with his even as one hand snaked beneath her shirt to caress the bare skin of her side.

  Lacy moved closer to him, rubbing her breasts against the buttons of his shirt while he twirled his tongue around hers and squeezed her tighter to his chest. She pressed tighter to him, wanting more, but not sure what exactly she was ready for. All too soon the kiss was over, and she once again swayed on her feet. Jet chuckled.

  “I love knowing that I can affect you so that you can’t stand up. We better help you upstairs so that you don’t fall down and get hurt.”

  “I think that’s a really good idea,” she said, hanging on to him with Tanner right behind them.

  Chapter Twelve

  Two days later and fourteen additional inches of snow, Lacy sighed as the sun finally came out. It wasn’t going to warm up enough to melt the snow, but the sunshine was a welcome relief from the nonstop, cloudy snow showers they’d had for nearly a week. Lacy decided that she would plan to get out at some point during the day while there was a break in the clouds. Even if it was only to stand just outside the door and breathe in the fresh air.

  She grabbed the clothes out of the dryer and carried them into the kitchen to fold. She couldn’t help but think about the last few days, and everything seemed to have changed between the three of them. Now she was acutely aware of their every move when they were around her. They’d slowly increased their caresses and were more forward with their touches when they kissed.

  Each night she’d returned to her room with wet pants and an aching pussy that she had to relieve before she could get any sleep. Masturbation didn’t completely satisfy her, but it did make it easier to relax. Every time she touched herself, she pretended it was Jet and Tanner pleasuring her.

  Why was she holding back? She really liked them. Really liked them. In fact, she was almost positive that she was falling in love with them and that scared her. It meant that now they had the power to break her heart and leave her in pieces if they changed their mind about wanting her in their lives.

  Lacy finished folding the towels and carried them upstairs to the bathrooms, then returned to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on dinner. When she looked outside it was to find that the sun was fighting the clouds in a battle she was sure it would eventually lose.

  After taking the roast out of the oven, she covered it and left it on the stove while she buttered rolls and popped them in the oven. Then she went to tell the guys that dinner would be ready when they were.

  Jet didn’t answer when she said that dinner was ready, but he rarely did the first time she called. Tanner, on the other hand, jumped up with a huge smile. She knew how to get him to do anything she wanted. Just feed him.

  “Jet to earth. Dinner is ready,” she said again, laying her hand on his shoulder.

  “What? I’m busy,” he said. “Can’t stop yet. I’ll warm it up when I’m finished.

  “Suit yourself,” she said with a grin. It didn’t bother her that he wasn’t coming to eat with her and Tanner. That happened occasionally when he was in the middle of something he couldn’t stop.

  “I’ll try to leave you something to warm up, idiot,” Tanner said.

  Jet didn’t even acknowledge him. Lacy laughed and led Tanner back to the kitchen where they ate while chatting about what he was doing and what her plans were for the next day. Once she’d finished washing up, Lacy left a covered plate in the microwave and put away the rest of the food for sandwiches the next day.

  She looked out and saw that the sun was sinking behind the mountains. She really wanted to go outside for at least a few minutes, despite the gently falling snow. She hurried to pull on her

coat, scarf, and gloves, then stepped into her boots. She walked out onto the deck and looked up into the fast approaching night sky. It was wonderful to be outside. She inhaled the fresh air and walked a little ways out onto the deck and marveled at how quiet it was with the snow dampening the normal sounds of the woods surrounding them.

  Lacy gazed out into the backyard and thought she saw something moving in the snow just beyond the deck. She grabbed the railing and slowly made her way down the steps, careful not to slip and fall. Then she waded through the thigh-high snow toward the spot where she was sure she’d seen something moving.

  As she neared the spot in the snow, Lacy stepped on something that rolled beneath her feet, and she fell in the snow, hitting her head on something hard and twisting her ankle in the process. It knocked the wind from her lungs, and the first deep breath she took filled her mouth, choking her. She sputtered and coughed, trying to clear her lungs.

  Whatever had been in the snow didn’t come to check on her. That might have been a good thing. But the bad thing was that her ankle hurt too much to get up, and her head felt like lead. She rolled over to try to get to her knees but didn’t have the strength to get up. Why was she so groggy? Had she hit her head harder than she thought?

  Lacy tried crawling back toward the deck but realized she was turned around and had actually crawled deeper into the backyard. Now she couldn’t see the deck at all. The snow was coming down fast and the sun had set, so she was in the dark now. Why had she ever stepped off the deck? How stupid that had been.

  The snow continued to fall as she tried to figure out how to get to her feet with her bum ankle and pounding head. She was so tired. She’d rest for just a minute. She lay down to rest and found that she couldn’t make herself get back up.

  * * * *

  “Hey, have you seen Lacy?” Tanner asked as Jet pulled his plate out of the microwave.

  “No. She left my plate for me though. Damn this tastes good.”

  Tanner walked through the living room to the stairs and called up. “Lacy? You up there.”

  When he didn’t get an answer, he decided to check her room in case she’d decided on a shower or was lying down. When he knocked on her door, there was no answer. He cracked it open but didn’t see her anywhere, so he walked in and found the bed still made up and no sound coming from the bathroom.

  “Lacy? Are you in there, babe?”

  There was no answer, and the door to the bathroom was open. He walked downstairs and back into the kitchen where Jet was finishing his meal.

  “I can’t find her. She’s not upstairs, and she isn’t down here. Where could she be?”

  “Damn. Do you think she went outside?” Jet stood and raced to the front door. “Fuck. Her coat and scarf are gone. She did go outside.”

  “Damnit, where did she go?”

  “She probably wanted to get some fresh air,” Jet said.

  “I’ll look out the front. You look out the back.” Tanner walked out the front door and cursed that it was snowing again. He didn’t know if she’d been out that way or not. All the footprints would have been filled with snow with the way it was coming down out there. He carefully stepped off the front porch and looked around in case she was in the front yard somewhere. Nothing.

  Tanner walked around the yard, shuffling through the knee-deep and sometimes thigh-deep snow to reach the back.

  “She’s not in the front?” Jet asked from the deck.

  “No. The fucking snow’s filled in her tracks so we can’t tell where she went,” Tanner said.

  “Same here. More than likely she came out the back but where is she?”

  “Why would she get off the deck?” Tanner asked.

  “I don’t know. She knew how slippery it was out here.”

  “We’ve got to search the backyard for her. She’s bound to be out here somewhere,” Tanner said.

  They pushed through the snow, trying to figure out where she would have gone. The light from the back door only reached so far though. Tanner turned on the flashlight app of his phone and shined it ahead of him. He was just about to turn and head in another direction when he thought he saw something move ahead of him.

  “Do you see that? It looks like a snow drift, but I could swear I saw it move,” Tanner said.

  He and Jet waded through the snow to the mound and started brushing it off to find a pink parka followed by a very cold and unconscious Lacy.

  “What the fuck? What is she doing out here? Fuck she’s ice-cold.” Jet helped Tanner get her up and then over his friend’s shoulder. He supported Tanner as they made their way back to the deck, then inside.

  “We’ve got to get these wet clothes off her and see if she’s hurt anywhere,” Jet said. “Can you carry her upstairs?”

  “I’ve got her. Go turn on the water and get it hot. She needs a hot bath to warm her up as fast as possible,” Tanner said.

  Tanner let Jet ahead of him on the stairs, then carefully climbed so as not to drop Lacy. When he made it to the master bedroom, he laid her on the bed and began removing her parka and gloves. Then he began pulling off her sweater, and Jet joined him to remove her pants.

  “Hey, is that blood on the cover?” Jet asked, pointing to where Lacy’s head lay on the coverlet.

  “Fuck, she must have hit her head on something. Why did she get off the deck?” Tanner carefully turned her to her side and probed her head to find where there was a small gash on the back of her head. “Don’t think it’s too bad.”

  “Why didn’t she get back up and come inside then?” Jet asked.

  “I don’t know. Let’s get her into the tub and get her warmed up.”

  Tanner lifted her once more and carried her into the bathroom, then lowered her into the water, careful of her head. He looked down at her gorgeous bod and noticed her left foot and ankle looked swollen.

  “Jet, check her left foot out. Maybe that’s the reason she didn’t get back up. It looks swollen to me. Does it to you?”

  “Yeah, and it looks like the beginning of a bruise at the top of her foot. I think you’re right. She probably fell for some reason and hit her head, then couldn’t get up because of her ankle.” Jet moved it around some and felt her ankle. “I don’t think it’s broken, just badly sprained.”

  “Damn, I sure hope there’s nothing seriously wrong with her. There’s no way we can get her down the mountain in this snow. The plows don’t come up the mountain. What are we going to do?” Tanner asked.

  “First we get her warmed up, then we’ll worry about the rest.”

  “She’s shivering now.”

  “That’s good. It means her body temperature is coming up. A few more minutes and we can dry her off and get her in bed. Go turn on the electric blanket,” Jet said.

  Tanner hurried to turn it on, then returned to help Jet get Lacy out of the tub and dried off. They put her in the bed, and both men began to strip. There was nothing better than body heat to warm someone up. They climbed in on either side of her and spooned her to share their body heat with her.

  “What if the head injury is worse than we thought?” Tanner asked.

  “We’ll deal with that if she doesn’t wake up soon. As soon as she seems warm enough, we need to wrap her ankle to give it some support.” Jet was always the voice of reason.

  Tanner ran his hand up and down Lacy’s arm even as his other hand rested on her hip. If she hadn’t been hurt, he would have relished the touch of her bare skin against his, but now all he could think about was that she was hurt, and they almost hadn’t found her in time.

  After about thirty minutes, she began to moan and move between them. He sighed. Movement meant she was okay. Now all she had to do was wake up, and he’d feel much better about her condition.

  “Ahh.” Lacy opened her eyes and tried to turn over.

  “Easy, babe. You hurt your head. Do you remember what happened?” Tanner asked.

  “Why am I naked?” Then her eyes flew open. “And why are you naked in the bed w
ith me?”

  * * * *

  “We found you out in the snow. You were nearly frozen, Lacy. Why did you go off the deck? We almost didn’t find you,” Tanner said.

  “I don’t remember. I don’t know why I would have done that. God, my head hurts.”

  “You hit it on something out there. You’ve got a small gash on the back of it,” Jet said. “You did something to your left ankle, as well. How does it feel?”

  “It hurts, too.” Lacy wished she could remember why she would have gone out into the backyard. It didn’t make sense.

  “So, could we all get dressed now?” she asked.

  “Not yet, babe. We want to make sure you’re thoroughly warmed up first,” Tanner said.

  “I feel warm enough,” she said.

  “I’m going to go get something to wrap your ankle with. Stay in the bed with Tanner until I get back, darling.” Jet climbed out of bed, and she couldn’t help but notice how nice a view he presented.

  His ass was tight and bitable with thighs that were toned. Then there was the strong-looking shoulders and the lean back. She should have felt embarrassed at looking at him, but instead, she felt her body heat at the thought of having been all up and personal with the man in bed.

  She watched him walk out of the room, then remembered that she still had Tanner in the bed with her. His hot, naked body was pressed up against her back. His very hard body. She tried to think of something else like ice-cold snow and what she would cook tomorrow, but thoughts of how good his body felt against hers intruded. She could tell he was just as well-built as Jet had looked.

  “How are you feeling?” Tanner asked.

  “Better. My head still throbs, but so does my ankle.”

  “We’ll get you some pain relievers for the pain. The gash on your head didn’t look like it needed stitches, but it bled a good bit.”

  “I’ve always heard that head wounds bleed a lot. I’m sure it’s okay. I just wish I could remember what I did. The last thing I recall is wanting to go outside after I fixed Jet’s plate for him,” she said.


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