AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One

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AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One Page 6

by D. M. Shane

  “Then we have to do everything we can to prevent a war,” my brother stated.

  “I know. The only way this ends is with death, and it won’t be hers. I’ll kill Vane myself if I have to.”

  “Mathias deserves to know he has a granddaughter. You can’t hide this from him, he’ll be furious,” Gideon affirmed. “You need to tell him.”

  “Absolutely not. Not until we know more.” I was tense. The room once again brightened around me, the telltale sign my eyes were glowing again. The mere thought of someone harming my mate sent my canines bursting through my gums as anger boiled beneath the surface of my skin.

  “Brother, you’ve got to calm the fuck down. We need a plan, but first, you need to get this pent-up frustration out of your system. You’re no good to anyone in that state. Let’s go for a run.”

  I returned to the mantle and stared down into the empty fireplace. Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths to rein in the wolf. The more I learned about Aislin, the harder it would be for the wolf to remain calm, instinct be damned. A thought occurred to me, and I wondered if it might be possible.



  “What if Aislin’s an Immortalle? She is a product of both Vamphyre and Lycan lines.”

  Gideon let forth a string of expletives. “No. No way. There hasn’t been an Immortalle in centuries. They died out.”

  “True. You’re probably right, but I can’t help but wonder.”

  “Shit. This is a clusterfuck. How the fuck do we handle this?” Gideon slapped the desk.

  “I don’t know, but we need to act fast. There’s no way Kane doesn’t know what she is. We both know he won’t hesitate to force a bond, and actually, I suspect he already tried. When he went after her in the bar last night, she had a panic attack. I sat with her afterward, but from her behavior,” I paused, “there’s a clear history there. She was petrified. Dammit! I should have shadowed her again, but I was too distracted. Kane still holds a grudge. If Kane figures out who she is, he could turn her over to her grandfather for revenge.”

  Gideon whistled. “We’re in deep shit.”

  “I know. And she doesn’t know who or what she is. Kane won’t hesitate to take advantage of that, and there isn’t a damn thing she could do about it. I have to break that memory block. Someone had to have known about her to save her. She’s working again on Saturday evening. I’m going back, and I want you to join me.”

  “Of course, brother. In the meantime, let’s go for a run. We’ll stay out until morning.” With that, Gideon dragged me out through the front door.

  I stood a moment, taking in the fresh air and morning sun. I couldn’t hide the worry on my face from Gideon, though.

  “We’ll figure this out. We’re a team. Always have been a team. Come on, let’s go.” He was right. We were, and we would.

  I stripped my clothes off and tossed them aside; they landed on the wooden floorboards of the porch. I leaped into the air, transforming mid-jump into my wolf, the air shimmering around me until the transformation was complete.

  Gideon followed suit, landing beside me, his midnight-black wolf matching mine. The only difference between our wolves was the star-shaped patches of fur emblazoned on our chests, his a solid white and mine with a tinge of silver.

  I let out a howl, and together, we bolted off at a blinding speed across the meadow and into the surrounding woods.



  Sitting in my favorite booth, I picked at my sandwich and fries while I read. The book I’d picked out last month at the used bookstore lay open in front of me. Paranormal romances were my favorite, and the dark, sexy man with the gray eyes on the cover had caught my eye when I saw the book on the shelf. I devoured the pages, utterly engrossed, my meal completely forgotten as I read about the handsome, yet dominating wolf shifter and his beloved mate.

  When the waitress asked if I’d wanted a to-go box, I looked at my watch and noticed an entire hour had passed. “Oh, I am so sorry! I got distracted. No, thank you, I’ll finish quickly and be on my way.”

  I scarfed down my meal, paid the tab, and then hightailed it back to my apartment to grab my boots. I couldn’t wait. I hadn’t danced in way too long, and I missed it dearly. The dance floor was the one place I could escape. Where I could let go of all my worries. I could forget about all the bills I owed. I could forget about my nightmares. I could forget about Kane and enjoy just being me.

  Upstairs, I checked my hair, and satisfied I looked presentable, I tugged my boots on. They were worn out and the loose threads barely held the worn leather soles on, but they were comfortable. Broken in and well-loved. Someday, I’d be able to afford a new pair, but for now, this tired, old, leather-scuffed pair worked just fine. If they lasted this long, they could last a while longer. With one final look in the mirror, I grabbed my keys and locked up.

  Carter ambled into the office just as I dropped my purse in my locker and greeted me with a smile and a hug. I held on a little longer than usual, needing the comfort he offered.

  “Thank you for the new clothes. I appreciate it.” Carter had been more of a father figure to me in the last couple of years than any of the foster parents I’d lived with. Most of them were just in it for the paycheck and paid little attention to me. Some were bullies. None of them were home. Carter, though, he listened. He cared. For the first time in my life, he made me feel like I belonged. Like I mattered.

  “You should have gone with her. You need to get out more, you work too hard.”

  “I know, but I’d already promised Marcy I’d fill in at the diner for a few hours today. She was short with Gina out sick, and I need the money, anyway.” With a stack of mounting debt to pay down, it wasn’t like I had a choice in working a second job. My bills wouldn’t pay themselves. I knew Carter would help if I asked, it was just his way, but I was stubborn and determined to do things on my own, so he wouldn’t push.

  Carter pulled me close and hugged me one more time. “Listen. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all the things that happened to you. If I could turn back the clock and fix any of it, I would. The least I can do is to be here for you. You may not be my daughter biologically, but I think of you as a daughter. I’m here if you need me.”

  My breath hitched, and my eyes watered. Carter was the kind of guy who would give the shirt off his back for anyone. He was the sweetest old man, but he often kept his emotions hidden. So it was rare seeing this side of him, especially after his wife’s passing. Her death had been hard on all of us, Carter most of all. He’d thrown himself into work after her death, never taking the time to grieve. Or maybe he grieved so hard that work was his only escape. I supposed we all grieved in our own ways.

  “Please don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.”

  “It’s not your fault either. You’re special, Ash. I hope you know that. You know I’m always here if you need an ear or a shoulder. Okay?” I nodded, and he continued. “I let the bouncers know that Kane and his friends are no longer welcome on the premises. They’ll make sure he never steps foot in the bar again.”

  “Thank you.” I hugged him one last time and headed toward the dance floor, feeling much lighter.

  Out front, Jimmy was in the DJ booth, so I made my way over and added a few of my favorite songs to the request list. Jimmy leaned over and looked at the requests with a grin, just like he always did.

  “The usual, I see?”

  I laughed. “You know it.”

  I could always count on Jimmy for a smile. The man was perpetually happy, and he always played all of my requests.

  “You got it, doll. You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. Thanks.” I really wished everyone would stop asking me. I knew he meant well, but I was tired of everyone worrying over me. I just wanted to dance and be free, if only for a few hours.

  “Okay. You need anything, you just ask.”

  “I will, Jimmy. I promise.” I gave him a hug and wandered back to the bar to claim
my favorite stool at the end of the bar top. It was made from redwood slabs, polished until they shined, giving the bar a rustic look. Carter had recently renovated, and it was one of my favorite features. Paige brought me two bottles of water, setting one in front of me and the other under the bar top for later. I tossed her a couple of dollar bills to cover the water.

  “It’s about time you showed up. I was about to send Jimmy over to find you, figured you got lost in that new book with the sexy man-beast on the cover.” She winked, fanning herself and pretending to be all hot and bothered. She loved to tease me about my book choices, but I knew she secretly read them, too.

  I laughed. “You know me too well.”

  “Need anything else?” she asked.

  “Just water. Besides, you know I’m a lightweight anyway, and if that asshole returns, I want a clear head.” I turned and scanned the crowd. I knew they banned Kane from the bar, but I still worried. “Anyway, tonight’s about dancing, not assholes.”

  “Good. Go get your boot scoot on. Make sure you hide your water under the counter when you go dance. Don’t want anyone messing with it,” Paige said as she turned to help the couple next to me.

  I turned on my stool, facing the dance floor. I didn’t know the current dance; it was relatively new, but I was good at picking up the steps just by watching.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Jimmy giving me a wave. That was my cue he was about to play one of my requests. Alan Jackson’s “Chattahoochee” came over the speakers and I jumped off my seat. The Tush Push was one of my all-time favorite dances. It was an oldie, but a goodie, and still popular. I let myself get lost in the music and movements. This was exactly what I needed, and I felt much better. Lighter. Relaxed. Happy.

  Song after song, dance after dance, I ignored the world until, during a water break, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  Arkkadian was here.

  How did I know that? Spooked, I sat down and faced the mirror behind the bar and used it to scan the crowd. The tables and dance floor were full of people. He could be anywhere in the crowd.

  On the first pass, I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe I had imagined things, but when I turned back toward the dance floor, he was there. Arkkadian. The man who’d saved me from that asshole. The man with eyes as hard as steel and the color of warm cerulean waters. Eyes that said if I looked deep enough, I could see primal oceans and savage, hypnotic waves crashing onto rocky shores. He looked directly at me like he wanted to devour me. All of me.

  My breath hitched when our eyes met. I could almost feel that primal ocean surging around me, pulling me into a swift current of raw power. A power that came from the very essence of his life force. An irresistible life force that commanded full attention. My very soul had been summoned, and I suddenly felt the need to be dominated. My skin flushed with hot desire, and for a moment, I hungered fiercely for this mysterious stranger.

  Then just like that, I snapped back into reality, the spell broken. Embarrassed at having been caught gawking, my cheeks grew hot, and I quickly averted my gaze. Maybe if I pretended I hadn’t seen him, maybe if I ignored him, he’d go away. Wait, no. I wanted him to join me. Wait. No, I didn’t. Oh, my God, I was so confused! Between my brain and my body, I couldn’t reconcile the mixed signals.

  Fear. Attraction. Desire. My anxiety suddenly kicked into high gear. Did I stay, or did I run? This handsome man with the cerulean eyes intrigued me, yet part of me was frightened of the inexplicable magnetism pulling us together.

  A man of similar age sat in the chair next to him. They could have been identical had it not been for the shock of blond locks upon the other man’s head. Were they brothers? I turned my gaze back to Arkkadian, and when our eyes met, he stood up and walked toward me.

  I suddenly felt very hot and quickly turned back to the mirror. I glared at my water bottle, willing him to go away before suddenly wishing he would stay. The closer he came, the more I sensed that raw power tugging on the other end of the tether that somehow linked us together. Tingles raced up my spine, making me tremble as both fear and excitement coursed through me.

  And then that deep, smooth-as-whiskey voice caressed my ear. He was so close I could feel his warm breath upon my skin, and I jumped in my seat.

  “Hello, Aislin.”

  Two words. Two simple words were all it took for me to melt like warm butter.



  Several hours later, the tension I’d felt earlier this morning finally eased. My temper had disappeared, and I was feeling more like myself. Mostly. Gideon and I crested the ridge above the mountain lake located a mile north of Eagle Ridge. Thirsty, I loped quickly down the hillside, toward the water’s edge and drank in long, slow gulps. Once sated, I shifted back into my human skin, and next to me, Gideon did the same.

  I waded out into the cool, crisp mountain water and dipped under the surface before popping back up again. The normally refreshing chill of the water against my warm skin left me wanting, and a whisper of uncertainty tickled my senses before taking up residence in my gut. I suddenly feared for my mate, and all the tension I’d previously lost returned. The longer I stood there, the more it nagged at me.

  “What’s going on?” Gideon questioned from the shoreline, picking up on my distress.

  “We need to go. Something’s wrong. I feel it in my gut,” I uttered.

  “Now hold on. You can’t go running off half-cocked. What’s your plan when we get to town?” he asked me.

  “I don’t know yet, but we have time to come up with something. I suggest you follow me if you’re coming with,” I told my brother.

  Wading out of the water, I shifted and took off at a dead run toward home. Gideon followed close on my heels, then veered off the main path toward his own cabin while I raced up the front steps into mine.

  I quickly pulled on a black t-shirt, jeans, and heavy work boots. I filled a backpack with a few overnight necessities in case we didn’t return right away. The plan was to return immediately to Eagle Ridge with my mate in hand, barring any emergencies. But this way, I’d at least have a change of clothes since they were usually shredded in the event of a fast shift. I didn’t particularly care for the sweats we kept stashed in Pack vehicles.

  Gideon greeted me on the porch as I locked up. I started the vehicle just as Gideon’s mate, Sara, approached with a cooler. He rolled his window down, and she passed it through.

  “I packed you both some sandwiches and drinks. Gideon said you’ve got a long drive, and knowing the both of you, you won’t stop once you’ve set your mind to something. May as well eat on the way. I don’t know what’s going on, but please be safe,” Sara said.

  Gideon leaned through the window and kissed his mate. Then she waved as I reversed out of the driveway.

  Mile by mile, snow-capped peaks passed us by as we traveled south down old, bumpy mountain roads. The normal drive back to Whitewater took about three hours on hidden winding roads since the average speed limit was fifteen miles per hour for the first two and a half hours of the trip. After that, it was another half an hour down the highway. We made the trip in half the time.

  It was nearly eight o’clock by the time we arrived in town. Brilliant reds, pinks, and oranges painted the sky as the sun slowly sank toward the horizon. They said that a red sky at night meant a sailor’s delight, but I had the feeling tonight would be anything but delightful. Neither my brother nor I had spoken much the entire drive. The worried churning of my gut made it difficult to think, let alone speak.

  “Let’s make a perimeter sweep. I don’t want any surprises.” I reached for the handle, but Gideon stopped me before I could open the door.

  “Do you even have a plan? You’ve not said more than a dozen words to me since we left home,” Gideon inquired.

  I couldn’t answer. I was strung out with worry. My wolf paced just below the surface, growling and snarling on the periphery of my mind. With every mile closer to Whitewater we t
raveled, my wolf became more and more agitated.

  “I honestly don’t know, Gid. I can’t think straight. The closer we got to town, the more alarmed I became. Something’s wrong.” I jumped out of the vehicle and scented the air. I instantly recognized the pungent odor of sweat, musk, and sickly sweet tobacco wafting across the air currents. I’d know Kane’s scent anywhere.

  “Kane was here,” Gideon added, having scented him.

  “Within the last hour, give or take. I’m sure he’ll be back. You take the right; I’ll take the left and meet you in the alley. Aislin’s apartment is above the bar. Once we’ve cleared the area, we’ll go inside,” I told him and disappeared around the corner before he could respond.

  In the alley, I waited at the bottom of the stairs for my brother to join me. When he appeared at my side, I said, “Wait here,” and bounded up the steps three at a time. The door was locked, so I leaned over the railing to peek through the window. Satisfied no one was home, I descended the steps, and we returned to the bar.

  Notes of cinnamon, vanilla, and citrus wafted upon the air, making my dick jump in my pants. I didn’t realize I was staring until Gideon tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to a table. I followed, not taking my eyes off the smiling young woman on the dance floor. The tether connecting us rippled with vibrant energy, her happiness as bright as the sun on a cloudless day.

  “Is that her?” Gideon asked. “No wonder your wolf can’t stop pacing. You’re worse than a female dog in heat. Her scent… wow. She’s definitely an Aeternus.”


  I continued to watch my mate. Like last night, she wore a simple blue t-shirt, holey jeans, and those same well-worn boots that had seen much better days. Guilt filled me at the sight of her worn clothing. She should be dressed better. How long had she done without? I would have to remedy that.


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