AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One

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AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One Page 7

by D. M. Shane

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her radiant smile as she danced. Her skin glistened under the lights. She was beautiful, and she looked so happy compared to the frightened woman she was last night.

  When the song ended, she headed back toward the bar, seemingly oblivious to my arrival, at least until she suddenly stiffened. It was barely noticeable, but I’d caught the movement. Intuition was a funny thing, and as an Aeternus, she could sense when her mate was near now that she’d met him. Not that Aislin would recognize it yet, but the ability would continue to strengthen.

  “She’s stunning, Arkken.”

  “She is.”

  “Are you sure she’s Vane’s granddaughter?”

  “Yes. Look there, just above her shirt collar. You can see the scars crisscrossing her skin.” My reply was curt, and my beast bristled at the thought of my brother eyeballing my mate, even if it was purely innocent. Even if it was a mated male like my brother. Instincts were funny that way.

  Aislin sat facing the mirror behind the bar, pretending to sip her water while scanning the crowd’s reflection. She slowly turned around, eyes inspecting every individual in the room until they landed upon me. I dared to look straight at her.

  That’s right, darling, you feel me, don’t you?

  I quirked my lip, thinking about how she’d be able to hear me inside her head once we were bonded. Her breath hitched, and she quickly averted her gaze to my brother before returning to me again. I could feel her attraction from here, and it filled me with immense satisfaction to know the bond was working its magic so quickly.

  I stalked across the floor with one glaring purpose. Her. My mate. Her face turned scarlet, and she turned back to the mirror. I saw her body shiver from across the room and felt the wave of mixed emotions rolling off her. It was adorable the way she pretended not to notice me. She was nervous. Afraid. Embarrassed. And… was that lust? I grinned, savoring the scent of her arousal.

  “Hello, Aislin,” I said, my voice husky as I leaned in behind her. She jumped when I reached around her, placing an arm on either side of her, hands on the bar, caging her in front of me. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “It’s… it’s okay,” she mumbled, trembling, and my cock jumped. Despite her nervousness, her arousal spiked even higher. I loved having that effect on her so soon.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” I laced the question with demand as I crooned into her ear, purposely letting the warmth of my breath caress the delicate skin just below it. She quickly averted her gaze from mine in the mirror and stared down at her water bottle. I immediately picked up on her natural submissiveness.

  “N-no… not at all. Please.” The poor woman looked like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. Failing to mask her arousal, she licked her bottom lip and then pulled it into her mouth. “I didn’t expect to see you back so soon.”

  “To be honest, I wanted to see you again. I hoped you’d be here again tonight.” I reluctantly stepped back and sat down on the barstool next to her when I would have much rather wrapped my arms around her and kissed her.

  “How are you doing? You looked like you were having fun out there,” I said, tipping my head toward the dance floor.

  “I’m okay. I think. And yes, I love to dance. I don’t get to do it as often as I’d like, though.”

  “You… think?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow.

  “I’m okay, really.” She didn’t convince me. Her scent alone gave her away, like a bright beacon of light, radiating a mixture of nerves and lust.

  I pretended not to notice her friend grinning like a giddy schoolgirl at the other end of the bar.

  “You look nervous.” I laughed, trying to put her at ease. “I don’t bite. I promise.”

  She finally looked at me, quirking her lips. Her breathing quickened slightly but remained steady. “Truth be told, I’m petrified.”

  “I’m sorry, I truly didn’t mean to startle you. I just needed to know you were okay.”

  “Thank you. I just… I can’t help it.” She sighed. “There’s a lot going on right now.”

  She turned away, trying to hide the tears forming in the corners of her eyes. I hadn’t intended to upset her. I placed my hand over hers and gave a slight squeeze. To my delight, she didn’t pull away.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked. I couldn’t help myself and sent a gentle wave of warmth and calm through my hand into hers. I continued pushing until I felt her body relax beneath my touch. My ability to do so was a by-product of being a Soul Shadow. It wasn’t just memories I could affect, but energy and emotions.

  “I won’t lie, Arkkadian. You scare me. Men scare me.” She looked away, embarrassed.

  I cupped her chin and turned her head to face me, surprised when she didn’t fight me. “I promise you have nothing to fear.”

  She tried to turn away, but I held her chin firmly, so she averted her gaze instead. There was the resistance I’d previously expected.

  “Aislin, I won’t hurt you. Ever. Please look at me?” I gently coaxed. When she did, I let go of her chin and replaced my hand over hers. “There, that’s better.”



  I was giving him too much information! I didn’t know Arkkadian from Adam, and yet I couldn’t help talking to this beautiful man. His presence completely captivated me. Despite the emotions he called up inside me, I couldn’t deny the words that flew from my mouth when he asked if I wanted to talk. When he’d placed his hand on mine, I could have sworn I’d felt a tingle of heat spread out, soaking into me like warm sunlight. I had to be imagining things. Talk about a mind fuck.

  For a man who exuded so much dominance and power, he seemed genuinely concerned about me. I peered into his cerulean eyes, instantly riveted by the ocean of blue I saw in their steely depths. I wanted to get lost in them. I wanted to sail away in them. I wanted to sink down into their inky depths and let him pull me back to the surface again, where he would revive me with but a single breath.

  Breaking the stare, Arkkadian turned and flagged Paige down for a drink. I shook myself, taking the moment to look for the other man who had come here with Arkkadian. He was still sitting at the same table, watchful and alone. A petite blond woman in a denim skirt and flowery blouse asked him to dance, but he politely declined, and she shuffled away in disappointment.

  “Who is that man over there? He looks like you.”

  “That’s Gideon. My younger brother.”

  As if he’d heard us, Gideon turned in our direction. He smiled, and I smiled back. Just then, my favorite two-step song came over the speakers, and I perked up.

  Arkkadian held out a hand and grinned. “Would you like to dance, Aislin?”

  “You dance?”

  He laughed, his eyes twinkling. “Yes, I dance. And very well, I might add.”

  I noticed several women scowling as he led me out onto the hardwood, their faces failing to hide their jealousy. When Arkkadian placed his arm around my waist, the word mine flashed through my mind unexpectedly. Where did that come from?

  “Two-step?” he asked.

  “I’d like that very much.” I nodded with glee. I so rarely ever got the chance, especially since I’d been avoiding men for the last several months. I hadn’t even trusted my regular dance partners after that night. But somehow, I trusted Arkkadian.

  Waylon and Willy sang about a town called Luckenbach, Texas, and I easily followed Arkkadian’s lead as he gracefully and expertly led me around the dance floor. We moved together so naturally, like two pieces of a perfectly matching puzzle. I soon became giddy, smiling and singing along with the music.

  After the song ended, I gladly let him lead me through several more songs. Before long, we’d become the center of attention as the crowd gathered. Arkkadian held me firmly without caging me. He was strong but gentle, knowing when to give and when to take. He was the perfect blend of dominant and sweet.

  When the latest song ended, he thanked me for the dances and escor
ted me back to the bar, hand in hand. Arkkadian interlaced his fingers in mine, and I smiled. His hand in mine strangely felt right.

  “That was fun. It’s been a while since I’ve done that myself. I’d love to do it again sometime.”

  I felt the heat in my cheeks rise. “I would as well. You’re an expert lead. I’m quite impressed,” I admitted. The evening was drawing to an end, however, and soon the bar would close for the night. “Really, thank you so much. I had a wonderful time, but I think it’s time for me to go. It’s nearly midnight. I hope I’ll see you again?”

  “Of course, Aislin. Before you go, can I at least introduce you to my brother?”


  Arkkadian didn’t let go of my hand as he led me over to his brother’s table. “Aislin, this is my brother, Gideon.”

  Gideon stood and shook my hand with a smile. His grip was strong, hands callused. Working hands. They were rough, yet gentle. I returned his smile and told him it was a pleasure.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you also, miss,” Gideon said, but then he took a step back, suddenly aloof, and I looked up to see Arkkadian glaring at him. What was that about? Was he possessive already? It should have scared me, but I found it incredibly sexy.

  Arkkadian took my hand in his again. “I hope we can do this again.”

  It wasn’t lost on me how quickly I became comfortable around him, and he sure seemed taken with me.

  “Yes, I’d love that. Thank you.”

  Before I turned to go, he raised my hand to his lips and placed a sweet kiss across my knuckles. A warmth passed from his hand into mine. The sensation sent shivers through me, and I welcomed the sensation. What was that? Was he doing that or was his presence just naturally calming? I suddenly wished the night didn’t have to end.

  “Good night, Arkkadian. Goodnight, Gideon.” I smiled one last time before leaving.

  By the time I’d reached the back door, my heart was pounding and my breaths came in quick, excited bursts. Holy crap, I was aroused. My heart leaped into my chest at the memory of his scent. Cinnamon and cloves. Two of my favorites. I loved them because they were warm and inviting. Cozy. Just like Arkkadian. Once you got over all the dominance. And I wanted to get to know him better. For whatever reason, it went against my better judgment, but there was just something about him that pulled me in.

  “Are you going home?”

  I jumped at the sound of my best friend’s voice. I hadn’t heard Paige come up behind me. I turned to face her, my heart still bouncing around in my chest like an erratic ping-pong ball. “Jeez! Don’t sneak up on someone like that!”

  “Sorry!” Paige laughed. She could be such a brat, but I loved her.

  “And yes, I’m heading back up.”

  Paige beamed. “You looked like you were having a lot of fun out there tonight. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you smile that much. You looked happy.”

  I blushed. I knew what she alluded to, but I refused to take the bait. I purposely avoided mentioning Mr. Tall, Dark, and Mysterious. “I am happy. There’s just something about dancing that makes the world melt away.”

  I thought about his steely blue eyes, the ones I’d spent most of the evening staring into. Warmth radiated from my core, and my panties were drenched as liquid heat pooled down low.

  “I’m not talking about dancing and you know it. Your face is redder than an apple right now. Be honest, Ash,” Paige teased. “It was Mr. Sex on Two Legs, wasn’t it?”

  I groaned. Not this again! Heat moved from my core to my face, and my cheeks burned.

  I was so embarrassed right now. I didn’t know how to handle the mixed gamut of emotions I was experiencing, and Paige’s teasing only made it worse. I was drawn to Arkkadian, excited by him, aroused by him, but I was still nervous around him. Why did he make my heart flutter so hard?

  “Listen, I’m not sure what I feel. It’s hard to explain. I just want to go soak in a nice hot bath with a good glass of wine. And maybe swoon a little.” I winked.

  “Swoon. Right. I have batteries if you need them.” She laughed mischievously.

  “Oh, my God! Paige!” I didn’t even own a vibrator, and she knew it! In fact, I’d never even tried one….



  I watched Aislin walk away, eyes honed in on her delectable ass. What I wouldn’t do to get my hands on it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she strutted that way on purpose. Minx! I took a final swig of my beer as I watched her leave through the back door.

  “Let’s go. I want to make another sweep around the building,” I told my brother.

  “Arkken, you’re being paranoid. We checked the building once. I’ve been watching the crowd all evening. There’s nothing going on here,” he said, clapping me on the shoulder. “Come on, let’s go to the safe house. It’s getting late. I doubt Kane will try something so soon with you in town.”

  He had a point, and the safe house was only a few blocks away.

  I followed my brother toward the door, glancing over my shoulder for one last look, but my mate had already left. When I turned back, I smacked straight into the wall that was my brother’s solid frame. His body was rigid with alarm and veins bulged in his neck. My hackles went up. I almost shoved him out of the way when the fresh stench of sweat and tobacco hit me. Son of a bitch!

  “Move! Now!”

  I raced off to the left, Gideon to the right, and we circled around the building. Peeking around the back corner, I spotted my mate climbing the steps. The alley was quiet. Almost too quiet. The only movement came from my Aeternus as she stuck a key in the deadbolt. Then I spotted Gideon poking his head around the opposite corner. The light in her window kicked on just as we met beneath the stairs.

  “Kane’s scent is everywhere,” Gideon growled. “He’s marking his territory, Arkken. He’s challenging you. I’m sorry for not believing you.”

  “I know. I’ll be damned if he gets a hold of her. She’s mine! No more waiting. We’ve got to take her and go. She’s no longer safe here.”

  Though still alert for threats, I didn’t sense anyone else at the moment. That didn’t mean they weren’t there. Kane’s scent could be masking others. The beast simmered just under my skin, keening for a fight. I was ready to tear Kane limb from limb, but Gideon stopped me before I could rush the stairs.

  “I don’t like this. His putrid scent has smothered everything. It’s impossible to track where he’s gone. Let’s be smart about this, brother. I doubt Kane’s alone.”

  I inhaled deeply, noting our surroundings. “You’re right, it stinks back here, but I can’t scent anyone but Kane. Circle the building again. Check all the vehicles. Text me if you find anything.”

  He quickly withdrew around the corner as I slunk back into a dark alcove across the alley. From this vantage point, I had a clear view of the apartment while remaining hidden in the shadows. Moonlight failed to penetrate the surrounding darkness.

  Thirty minutes later, Gideon reappeared, and I waved him over.

  “Have you come up with a plan yet?” Gideon asked, crouching down next to me.

  “We’re not leaving. Her friend hasn’t left the bar yet, which means my mate is still alone.” I sat on the ground, legs bent in front of me, fingers drumming impatiently on my knees. Gideon eyed me warily, sensing my agitation.

  A few minutes later, Aislin’s friend appeared, followed by their boss. He waited for Paige to enter the apartment before disappearing back inside the bar again.

  A woman’s shadow passed by the lit window just before a larger shadow appeared from behind and grabbed her. The woman flailed in the arms of her captor before being dragged out of sight. Then the light went out. Fuck! Aislin! I’d kill the motherfucker!

  Gideon and I were instantly on our feet. I raged inside, the wolf barely contained below the surface.

  A crash and a scream sent us running across the alley. Gideon took the stairs quietly while I climbed the fire escape to the side window. In th
e darkness, I could see nothing through the curtains. Gruff voices and the sounds of whimpering reverberated through the glass. Three men. I recognized the voices of Kane and those two Lycan creeps from the other night. The other two were wolves, but not dire wolves like Kane, my brother, and myself. They would be an easy takedown.

  “We’ll take them both, but the Aeternus is mine,” Kane growled on the other side of the door. “I don’t care what you two do with the human, but you won’t touch the other one. She’ll be mine. Permanently.”

  Dark laughter echoed. I nearly exploded into wolf form, pure fury painfully seething underneath my skin, every nerve ending on fire. My vision sharpened. Kane intended to force the fucking bond on my mate. Not if I had anything to say about it.

  The instinct to protect raced through my veins, but I had to play this smart. We didn’t need witnesses, and we didn’t want the women getting hurt. An all-out brawl was out of the question.

  Looking for another way inside, I noticed the window on the fire escape was unlocked and slightly ajar. I signaled my intention to enter through the window, and Gideon nodded. They would not hurt my mate. I would not allow it. I would kill for her if I had to.

  Voices filtered through the open window.

  “So, are we taking them back to the cabin to play?” one of them asked, his voice gravelly.

  The other one laughed. “Damn right we’re gonna play! How about a little tag team? A hole for you, a hole for me!”

  More lascivious laughter followed, and it made my skin crawl. There were very few things that angered me as much as someone hurting a woman or child.

  I was nearly foaming at the mouth by the time I opened the window the rest of the way. Gideon tried the doorknob. It was unlocked, but I waved him off. I stuck my head inside the darkened room and pushed the curtain aside. Aislin’s bedroom. The room was dark and quiet, and her scent was everywhere. I let it soothe the wolf, cleansing my head enough to think. A framed photograph of her and her friend sat on the nightstand. The door was closed, giving me the opportunity to slide through the window.


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