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AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One

Page 11

by D. M. Shane

  With that thought, the image of a very naked Arkkadian popped into my head, and the room suddenly felt overwhelmingly hot. Neither man had seemed bothered by their nudity, which I found odd, especially in front of a strange woman. And Gideon was married. Did Sara know I’d seen her husband naked? Would she care? Even so, there was no way I would admit that little tidbit.

  Sara gave Arkkadian a hug as he walked in behind me. “Gideon said to tell you he’s over at the canteen with Madigan. Go. I’ll look after Aislin.” She patted him on the shoulder and turned him toward the door like she couldn’t wait to get rid of him.

  “If you need anything before I return, Sara will see to it.”

  And then Sara was shooing Arkkadian out the door. I stifled a giggle. She was sassy. I liked her already. A brief pang hit me in my heart at how much like Paige she was, and the thought of never seeing my best friend again hurt more than anything.

  Sara tugging on my hand pulled me out of my reverie. “Girl time!”

  I smiled in return, glad at having something else to think about. Breaking down in front of a stranger was not high on my to-do list.

  “Come on! I’ve got a kettle on for tea, and the cookies are almost done baking,” she said as I watched Arkkadian out the window as he disappeared from sight. “Trust me, you’ll be glad you stayed here. The guardhouse is about as entertaining as a pet rock.”

  Sara’s smile put me at ease as I followed her into the kitchen. The dining table sat in front of a huge picture window with a crystal-clear view of the entire vale and the mountains in the distance. The snowy peaks glinted like diamonds in the late afternoon sun. It was even more beautiful than the view from Arkkadian’s bedroom window. From his room, I’d only seen but a small portion of the scene laid out before me.

  “Wow! This is magnificent!” It captivated me. Cabins dotted the surrounding landscape in all directions. In the center of the vale sat a large grassy lawn and the community garden I’d noticed earlier. There was also a wooden platform on the big green lawn. A stage, maybe? On top of it stood two upright beams, and I idly wondered what they were for.

  “Isn’t it spectacular?” Sara beamed. “It’s my favorite thing about this house. Gideon put that window in for me a few years ago. I couldn’t keep staring at that amazing view through a tiny window frame any longer.”

  “It’s stunning.”

  “Oh, the baby kicked! Do you want to feel it?” Sara excitedly placed my hand on her belly. I felt tiny little pokes and jabs, and I wondered at the little miracle.

  “That’s amazing. Does it feel weird?” I asked. I’d only been here a few short minutes, and already I felt more comfortable. Sara seemed so genuine. I could picture us getting along well.

  “It’s weird and beautiful at the same time. I can’t wait until the wee babe is here. I feel like this pregnancy is taking forever,” she explained, smiling from ear to ear. The love she already had for her unborn child was clear.

  I pictured little Arkkadians running around, and my heart flipped in my chest at the possibility.

  When the kettle whistled, she brought a tray laden with teacups, tea bags, milk, and honey to the table. “Please, help yourself.”

  I made myself a cup of peppermint tea and quickly fell into an easy conversation with Gideon’s lovely wife. The next couple of hours flew by as we talked about the baby, dancing, books, and more. I found out she loved a good paranormal romance just as much as I did.

  She’d even told me a little about Arkkadian. How he was a kind and honorable man and always had the best interest of others in mind. She told me that while he was fierce and dominant, he was also fair and just, and safety had always been his biggest priority. I knew her words to be true, as I’d witnessed some of those things myself.

  By the time Arkkadian returned to collect me, I was in better spirits and much happier to see him.



  I met Gideon and the rest of my security team at the guardhouse. The four of them were in charge of security for the entire Eagle Ridge compound. I needed to inform them of our new arrival and follow up on any updates since I’d been away. Security around territory lands would increase with Aislin living here now.

  Madigan, James, and Corbin were three of our best. The five of us had grown up together, and the three of them had proven themselves time and again. They weren’t blood-related, but they were brothers just the same. Gideon was waiting out front when I arrived. The rest were inside, and I had dismissed the handful of men and women on duty until the meeting was over.

  As we gathered around the conference table, all eyes were on me. Desks, chairs, and four rows of monitors lined the opposite wall. Each monitor rotated through a set of cameras placed in specific areas of our territory. We covered every square acre of our border, making it difficult for anyone to enter Pack land without us knowing about it. That said, the trail cameras needed updates anyway, and Aislin being here just gave us an excuse to do it sooner than originally planned.

  As I pulled up a chair, my men filled me in on recent activity. Some poachers were turned over to Randall, over at Fish and Game, and my men had helped rescue four lost hikers. Randall, the area game warden, was a friend to the Pack despite being human. He was one of the few we trusted with the knowledge of our existence. In return for keeping our secret, our trackers helped him with poachers and searches for lost hikers and missing children. Our Pack has lived on this land for several centuries, long before humans encroached. Long before they designated the surrounding land a national park.

  “Other than that, it’s been relatively quiet,” Corbin added. “Unless you count that blasted woodchuck that’s been stealing vegetables from the garden again.”

  Everyone laughed. That obnoxious rodent had evaded every live trap they’d set.

  “Thank you, men. Job well done. Listen, I’d like to tighten security. I want extra cameras placed around the borders, throughout the woods, and the compound. Whatever equipment you need to make it happen, do it. I don’t care what it costs.”

  “Is there something we should know?” James asked. “Other than the increased poaching lately?”

  “Yes. You’ve all heard the news about the fire down in Whitewater.” My men all nodded. “Gideon and I were there last night. We saved a woman, and she’s staying with me. With any luck, she’ll be staying permanently.” I gave the men a moment to comprehend my meaning.

  “So, you finally found—” James excitedly attempted before I cut him off.

  “Yes, she’s my Aeternus.” I grinned.

  A hush filled the room as I waited for the words I’d just spoken to sink in. I’d never bonded with anyone in my four hundred years of existence, and every man in this room knew it. Of the five of us, only Corbin and I were unmated. They all looked at each other in shock before erupting into a barrage of questions before James shushed them.

  “So what does your Aeternus have to do with increased security?” James asked, his head cocked in question, getting back to the business at hand.

  “Kane West tried to kidnap her last night, and it isn’t the first time he’s tried to harm her. I suspect he’s already tried to force a bond, but she escaped.”

  A string of curses flew around the room. They all knew what a sick bastard Kane was. All three of them had been present the night we’d found him with the teenage girl he’d taken. They’d also born witness to the challenge for Alpha that had resulted in Kane’s exile from Pack.

  Once again, my men bombarded me with questions. Who was she? Why wasn’t she with the Pack? What was she doing in Whitewater all alone? What caused the fire?

  I raised a hand for silence, and the talking ceased immediately.

  “A few weeks ago, I’d stopped in at the Black Horse on my way back from rounds. I scented her, but she wasn’t there. I’ve been searching for her ever since, and it turns out she worked there. I finally found her a few days ago, and while I was there, Kane showed up. Put his hands all over her and th
reatened her. I put a stop to it. Yesterday, Gideon and I returned to Whitewater and discovered Kane had taken her and her roommate captive.”

  More curses filled the air. When silence returned, I continued once again. “They planned to take both of them until we intervened. The apartment caught fire during the fight. We killed one, one fled, and we left Kane for dead. The apartment was burning much too fast. Escaping the flames took priority, so we’re working under the assumption he survived. They murdered her roommate before we could get them both out. My mate, however, doesn’t know who or what she is.”

  I gave my men just enough detail without alerting them to her true identity. That information would stay between Gideon and me for the time being. At some point, I would have to tell them, but for now, I felt it prudent to keep her information as close to home as possible. The more people who knew, the more they were in danger.

  Gideon was the first to speak. “If Kane is still alive, he’ll want revenge.”

  “Fuck. We’ll start on upgrades immediately,” James spoke. He was a pro with computers and entirely responsible for programming our entire security system.

  “James, is there a way to set up the cameras to detect motion?” I asked.

  “Yes, I can program that easily enough. I can also program it to alert for body heat. Would that work?” he answered.

  “Yes. If Kane tries to enter Pack land, I want to know. I also want alerts sent in real time to our phones, complete with live feed. Can that be done?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  I dismissed the team, and Gideon and I returned to his cabin together, where Sara invited Aislin and me to stay for dinner. I’d wanted to spend dinner alone with my mate, but once I saw the smile on Aislin’s face, I agreed. Apparently, she and Sara had become fast friends. I was thrilled and took it as a sign that my mate would be okay here.

  Even though Aislin was quiet through most of the meal, she looked like she was enjoying the conversation. Before we said our goodbyes, Sara hugged her and begged her to come back. Aislin assured her she would.



  The heavenly scent of bacon woke me up. I sat upright in bed and stretched, trying to work out the kinks. Despite the enticing aroma of breakfast wafting upstairs, I felt awful. We’d stayed late at Gideon’s place, and then I’d not slept well at all last night. Nightmares had plagued me all night long, as usual. Sleeping in a strange bed hadn’t helped, either. I was starving, though, so I climbed out of bed, determined to have a good day.

  Little did I know, it wouldn’t be.

  Arkkadian had slept on the couch in the den last night, his attempt at giving me some privacy. I’d offered to sleep on the couch since I was a guest, but he’d insisted I take the bed. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, but I suspected it was his way of monitoring me in case I tried to run. I wouldn’t lie, that very thought had crossed my mind several times, but I still didn’t know my way around, and his warning about predators in the woods was enough to slow my roll for the time being.

  After a quick shower, I found Arkkadian in the kitchen. He was at the stove, scrambling eggs in a skillet.

  “That smells lovely,” I told him.

  He laughed when my stomach grumbled. It seemed to do a lot of that lately. Food was in abundance here, something I hadn’t really had in a long time. Paige and I squeaked by on the bare minimum most of the time.

  “Good morning. Breakfast is almost ready if you’d like to set the table.”

  I quickly busied myself with the task while he carried food over. All the tantalizing smells made my stomach rumble again, which left us both laughing. Arkkadian and I enjoyed easy banter as we ate, passing the time quickly. Honestly, I could get used to this. But near the end of the meal, my food turned to ash as uneasiness filled me. It shocked me at how easily I’d become comfortable here, but did I really want to stay here with a stranger?

  “Is everything okay? I can get you something else if you’re still hungry.”

  “No, I’m fine. It was wonderful, thank you. It’s just… what happens now? I can’t stay here forever. I have a life. I need to go home. Not that I have one anymore.” I would have to find a new apartment. A new job. A new town. I wrapped my arms around myself, despair filling my gut faster than a thousand-pound anchor plummeting to the bottom of the sea.

  “We’ll work it all out. You just need to have patience.”

  “But I can’t stay here. This isn’t my home, Arkkadian. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I don’t know anyone here. I don’t even know where here is, and I barely know you.” I let out a long, frustrated sigh, the last words barely spoken above a whisper.

  Those mesmerizing eyes studied me. “Listen. I know this is upsetting, but your place is here. Your safety is of the utmost importance, as is the safety of this community. Your safety is tied to every single man, woman, and child outside my front door right now. I not only have a duty to keep you safe, but a duty to keep my people safe. Your presence here presents a substantial danger to my people. You won’t like some things I have to say, so Gideon and Sara are coming over shortly so I can explain everything. I want them here for support because upsetting you is the last thing I want to do.”

  I shook my head, confused. “I don’t understand. What does my safety have to do with anything?”

  “It’s best we wait for Gideon and Sara. Trust me.”

  “Trust what? Am I just supposed to take your word?” His evasiveness was frustrating, as was the fact that every time I felt comfortable, the rug was yanked out from under me. This rollercoaster of never-ending fuck with my emotions tug of war was maddening.

  Arkkadian stood up from the table, dirty plate in hand, and reached for mine. I pushed it across the table toward him, refusing to look him in the eye. Anger seeped through my pores like black tar, sticky and foul, mucking up my ability to keep my emotions in check as usual, and I hated it. I was literally a poster child for the phrase “hot mess.”

  “Are you still hungry?” he asked, picking up my plate.

  “No. Thanks. I just want you to tell me what’s going on,” I demanded. “Whatever game you’re playing, please just stop.”

  “It’s not a game, it’s your life. And mine. It’s the life of everyone in this entire community.” There was a dark, heated edge to his voice. I knew that tone. I was treading on dangerous waters, but I was too furious to care at this point.

  “Trust me, you’ll want the support. You won’t like what I have to say. In the short time that I’ve known you, I’ve discovered you’re prone to angry outbursts and panic attacks, and I don’t want that to happen.”

  “I’m angry now!” I shouted. The longer he delayed, the more irate I became. I burst out of my chair so fast, it clattered to the floor behind me. “Please, just tell me what the fuck is going on!”

  I glared at Arkkadian, and he carefully set both plates back down on the table. I was fired up. The angel on one shoulder told me to back down, but the devil on the other egged me on as I continued to shoot daggers at him with my eyes. I was unprepared when he stalked toward me; I backed up until I hit the wall. Arkkadian didn’t stop until we were inches apart, his imposing form towering above me, pinning me in place. I felt every ounce of power without him even touching me.

  “Stop.” The command was savage on his lips. Lethal. The irises of his eyes flared to life, little blue bolts of static swirling around, charging the air as a storm brewed between us. Every instinct told me to back down. Told me to kneel and submit to my Alpha before the lightning struck. But did I listen to those instincts? Nope, I listened to the devil and issued a challenge.

  “Fuck. You.” Two words, succinct and unapologetic.

  “Watch. Your. Tone. Need I remind you that behavior will not be tolerated? I will take you over my knee.” Arkkadian glared back. I watched the lightning swirl in his cerulean eyes, and I knew I should shut up. Instead, I continued to run my stupid mouth like a runaway freight train. Take me over his
knee? I’d like to see him try.

  “Excuse me? Watch my tone? You dangle a carrot in front of me without telling me anything at all and expect me to just trust you blindly! You took me from my home and planted me in the middle of nowhere! And you want me to watch my fucking tone? I don’t fucking believe this! I’m going home, even if I have to walk! You can’t keep me here!”

  I stormed off toward the stairs, and that’s when the lightning finally struck. I didn’t make it three steps before Arkkadian flipped me upside down over his shoulder. I had a direct view of his delicious backside, and for a moment, I forgot why I was angry until a harsh swat on my backside caught my attention.

  What the fuck? Did he actually spank me just now?

  I lost my shit.

  “Let me go!” I screamed, kicking and flailing for all I was worth. Stupid, stupid girl. I just couldn’t shut my mouth, could I?

  “No. You listen. I explained yesterday what happens when you misbehave, did I not? I warned you again just now.” His voice was low and dangerous, which should have been my final cue to stop. It wasn’t.

  “Punishment? You’re fucking kidding me! I thought you were joking!” I yelped when a second swat landed on my backside.

  “I don’t joke about things like that.”

  “Put me down!”

  “No. And watch your mouth or I’ll wash it out with soap,” he warned. I bounced over his shoulder with every step up the stairs. “I will not tolerate your blatant disrespect. I won’t hurt you, but I will punish you. Maybe then you’ll stop acting like an insolent child. You’re lucky your punishment will be a spanking in the privacy of my bedroom and not out on the green in front of everyone.”

  What? He couldn’t be serious. The platform flashed in my mind and I knew. I knew exactly what they used it for.

  The bedroom door squeaked as it swung open, and then I was unceremoniously tossed onto the bed. I bounced when my backside hit the mattress. Jaw clenched, I glared daggers at the sexy, beautiful, angry man towering above me. How could he be so hot, yet make me so furious?


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