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AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One

Page 27

by D. M. Shane

  Warm, familiar hands gripped mine, pulling them away from my face. Then Arkkadian’s beautiful face filled my vision. I jumped into his arms, and he held me tight against him as tears of relief leaked from my eyes. I let his body heat soak into me, and with it came the familiar healing waves he released. Despite knowing I was safe, I couldn’t stop crying. Arkkadian was here. My mate was alive!

  “Shh, love. You’re okay. Everything will be okay,” he soothed, petting my hair and kissing the top of my head as his voice cracked. “I was so afraid we wouldn’t make it in time. I thought I’d lost you forever this time.”

  “I thought you were dead!” I cried.

  “I’m right here, love. And I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

  “I love you,” I sobbed, burying my head in his neck, clinging onto him for dear life. I inhaled his scent, letting it heal me from within as I relaxed into his embrace. This man—this fierce, dominant, protective man—I was never, ever going to let him go. Never again.

  “I love you, too. Come on, let’s go home.”



  “Get me a blanket and a bolt cutter!” I shouted to no one in particular.

  Aislin’s clothes were ruined, leaving her in nothing but her bra and panties. She had since given up covering herself with the scraps of clothing piled on the floor in front of her. Her auburn locks were a stringy, dingy mess, and dirt and blood streaked her face and body. Fortunately, none of it was hers.

  I used my t-shirt and a bottle of water to wipe the blood away. Then Gideon appeared at my side and handed over a wool blanket. I wrapped it around my mate while my brother removed the shackle, and then I carried her out to one of the waiting vehicles.

  The relief that washed over me upon finding her was a boon to my wolf. The rage within had died down quickly, finally allowing me to think again. I hesitated to think what might have happened had we never found her.

  We were only about half an hour east of Eagle Ridge, in the spot where Kane had taken the young girl many years ago. Back then, this cabin hadn’t existed, and this place had been a small meadow. It’s exact location long forgotten until now. It seemed Kane had been very busy since his exile, somehow slipping under our radar all this time, reminding me once again of my stupid decision not to kill him all those years ago.

  It had still taken our trackers nearly eight hours to track Aislin here, though, as the Vamphyre’s scent trail had crisscrossed all over the woods. Fake trails had led several of our trackers in the wrong direction. Those eight hours of searching were sheer hell. The beast beneath my skin continued to rage, and I’d nearly lost control several times. Twice, I’d almost attacked one of my own. The longer it took to find Aislin, the angrier I became. The angrier I became, the harder my wolf fought to break free. I had my brother to thank for keeping a tight rein, or I’d have probably torn apart anyone who stood in the way of finding my mate, even if they were helping to find her.

  The cells in the basement left little to the imagination. How many women had Kane brought here? How many had he hurt? What happened to them? The mere thought of what might have taken place here sickened me. I should have killed Kane the day he took Aislin hostage. Hell, I should have killed him decades ago. Back then, I hadn’t realized how unhinged he truly was, though. At least he wouldn’t be harming anyone else from now on, though I regretted not being the one to finish him. Regardless, seeing his dead body brought me satisfaction all the same.

  “Are you hurt anywhere?” I asked her after she dressed, tilting her head this way and that so I could get a better look. Aislin had a few new bruises, but overall, she looked okay. The way she sat with her knees up and arms wrapped around her legs concerned me. “Are you sure? Talk to me.”

  “Can we just go home?” she whispered, burying her face in her knees.

  “Of course, love. But I need to speak to my men before we go. Stay in the vehicle, I’ll be right back.” I reached for the door to close it when her hand shot out and grabbed mine.

  “No! Please don’t go!” She looked around wildly at the surrounding trees, terrified of whatever lurked there and pulled the blanket tighter. “Don’t leave me! Please don’t leave me!”

  “It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere. Tell me what’s wrong, love.”

  Gideon joined us at that exact moment. “We’ve identified the other body in the cell. He’s the one who escaped the night of the fire. The entire cabin also reeks of the blood leech.”

  I had scented the creature the moment I’d entered the empty cabin, but I had been too preoccupied with finding my mate to pay it much heed since the cabin appeared empty, at least until Corbin found the secret passage in the wall that led to the dungeon—for lack of a better word—where we found Aislin. At the mention of the Vamphyre, Aislin cowered under the blanket.

  “There’s more,” Gideon added grimly, with hands on his hips. “There’s a hidden door in the basement leading to a tunnel, and the blood leech’s scent leads that way. Two trackers followed the tunnel, and it leads back to a small gravel patch hidden by trees just off the main road. The scent ends there and tire tracks lead back out to the road. He’s gone now, but at least the son of a bitch did us the favor of killing Kane before he split. By the looks of it, we just missed him.”

  Aislin scanned the trees again before uttering a single word. “Rafe.”

  So, she knew who he was.

  “You saw him?” I questioned. Jesus. My mate had come in contact with one of the very people who would kill her just for existing. If we hadn’t gotten here in time…. I thanked my lucky stars we did.

  “Yes. Can we please go now? I don’t want to be here anymore,” she begged.

  “Of course,” I answered, cupping the side of her face. I turned to my brother. “Collect anything that looks suspicious, and then I want this monstrosity torn down. Destroy everything. I want this blight and everything that happened here wiped from existence. And when that’s done, fix those broken cameras. I’m taking my mate home.”

  As the two of us drove back to the compound, I listened in horror as my mate described everything that had taken place in that cell. Not once did she cry. Not once did she shy away from uncomfortable details. She shared it all, every last bit, and I marveled proudly at the strength she exhibited.

  Though Aislin’s uncle had done us a favor and put a stop to Kane’s attempts to harm my mate, Rafe Vane was still as dangerous as ever, which meant this war was only just beginning.

  But for now, my mate was safe and that was all I could ask for.



  One month later

  My mate lay next to me, curled against my side, sound asleep, and I knew exactly how I wanted to wake her up. Raised up on my elbow, I leaned down and placed slow, gentle kisses upon her shoulder. As I worked my way across her skin, up to that sensitive little spot just below her ear, she stirred to life.

  Aislin grinned. “I could get used to waking up like this.”

  I laughed. “Could you now?”

  With that, I began to pepper her neck with more kisses, moving my lips over her skin with a slow, sensuous passion. When she rolled to face me, I covered her lips with mine and she immediately opened, accepting me into her mouth. Our tongues collided, tangling and dancing as my mate melted in my arms with a moan.

  The scent of her arousal instantly filled the air between us. I had her exactly where I wanted her. Hot. Burning. Lusting for more. My hands wandered her body, the pads of my fingers teasing as they grazed across a nipple, down to just above where her panties covered her center, and back up across her breasts one more time.

  When my fingers grazed across her nipples, she let out a lust-filled moan. Just as she tried to pull me closer, I pulled away, tugging her out of bed with me. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her flush against me, and once more delved my tongue into her mouth. With a whimper, her legs nearly buckled. I chose that moment to slam on the breaks, leaving Aislin standing breathl
ess and dazed before me.

  “That’s enough for now,” I told her, my voice husky. As much as I wanted to continue, we had a special day planned. And I wanted her thinking about this kiss all day, anxiously waiting for what would come later.

  “What are you doing? Don’t stop!”

  “Nope,” I said, grinning mischievously.

  Unbelieving of my little trick, my mate wrapped her arms around my neck and tried to kiss me again. Instead, I pulled her arms free, spun her around and swatted her on the butt.

  “Get dressed. We’ve got things to do.”


  “Closet. Go. Now.” I laughed as she pouted all the way to the closet.

  “Arkkadian, hurry up!” My brother laughed, pulling me from my replay of this morning’s events as I stared in the mirror, adjusting my fly plaid over my left shoulder once more. “You look great. You’re gonna make us late and you know Sara will give me the what for later if we keep your mate waiting. Although, she’ll probably enjoy the fact I’ve gone commando under this blasted kilt you’ve made us all wear.”

  I laughed in return. “It’s a tradition! And you love it!”


  Centuries ago, our ancestors had called Scotland home, and there were still some traditions we hadn’t given up, like wearing kilts during weddings.

  With one last look in the mirror, I turned to my brother and grinned. “It’s happening, isn’t it? Four hundred years I’ve longed for this day, and now that it’s finally happening, I’ve got the damned collywobbles.”

  “Come on, big brother. Relax. Just think how happy your wolf will finally be when it’s all said and done.” He clapped me on the back, and I followed him out of the cabin and down to the commons to wait for my beloved.

  Gideon, as my Beta and brother, would officiate our hand-fasting ceremony. His mate, Sara, would stand in as Aislin’s matron of honor. She and some of the other ladies had worked diligently on the flowers decorating the stage and had put together an entire buffet over at the canteen to celebrate afterward.

  Unbeknownst to Aislin, I’d reached out to her grandfather, Mathias. He’d been ecstatic to learn about his granddaughter, though he’d been pretty pissed I hadn’t contacted him sooner. Fortunately, he’d understood Aislin’s safety had been my top priority, and he’d easily forgiven me. He and several members of his Pack, including Aislin’s Uncle Gryphon and Aunt Kendle, and their sons, Brendan and Rowan, would be in attendance. Her grandfather would have the honor of walking her down the aisle, and I couldn’t wait to see her reaction.

  On the walk down toward the commons, my thoughts turned to the past four weeks. My near-death experience and Aislin’s subsequent abduction a month ago had given us a lot to think about. Though things had been relatively quiet since Rafe Vane’s escape, she and I both knew the lull wouldn’t last forever. Another storm was brewing on the horizon, and together, we would weather it as best as we could. Until then, I vowed to maintain a life as normal as possible for my mate. Nearly losing her—twice—had shaken me to the core, and I would do everything in my power to prevent it from happening again.

  Listening to her describe the horrors of her abduction on the ride home that day had made my blood run stone cold. I’d entered that cabin intending to kill Kane West, only to discover him dead and disemboweled, my work already done for me by Aislin’s Vamphyre uncle. I was grateful Kane could no longer haunt my mate, but I was still angry I hadn’t been the one to avenge her. Everyone knew Rafe hadn’t saved his niece out of the goodness of his heart. No, that bastard didn’t have a heart. Unlike his siblings, Rafe was as cunning and wicked as his father, Arden.

  Eric, the young guard partially responsible for Aislin’s kidnapping, was relieved of his position on the security team. I’d sentenced him to twenty-five lashes and three months in the brig. I would have made it longer, but the young wolf had apologized endlessly to me and my mate. No punishment given would make him suffer more than the remorse he already felt. Once his three months were up, Eric would have to spend the next year doing community service before he would be eligible to reapply for a spot on the security team. And because of Eric’s flagrant misstep, we were revamping our entire training program.

  Despite the abduction, Aislin still insisted on attending the memorial for her loved ones later that same day. I’d relented, but only on the condition that we took not one, but two security teams as a precautionary. The memorial had been difficult for her, but my mate had handled everything with grace as she said her final goodbyes to those she had lost. Finally having that closure was a blessing to her troubled soul after everything that had happened.

  Aislin had also surprised me greatly over the past month. Since Kane’s death, the nightmares that had plagued her had mostly disappeared. Though one would crop up here or there, they were relatively mild and nowhere near as disturbing as they used to be. She was no longer prone to panic at the drop of a hat and had instead shown a quiet strength and confidence she didn’t know she had. She’d come a long way from the easily frightened young woman she was when I first found her. Truth be told, I believed the magic that worked to strengthen our bond was partly responsible. Whether or not it was, I was just thrilled at the improvement.

  When I wasn’t working with my security team or attending to the needs of the community, I spent every waking moment with my mate, determined to give her the home and love she deserved and craved. I worried she would struggle with the transition from a human life to one among immortals, but she took it all in stride. Not a day went by where she didn’t make it a personal mission to meet someone new and get to know them, and so far, everyone she met had become quite taken with her. Especially the children. I was proud of her. She was an Alpha through and through.

  All of that aside, the little minx had driven my wolf crazier than a mad hatter over the past few weeks, stealing kisses and tender touches, slinking around in skimpy nighties. To be fair, I bought them for her, but she delighted in teasing me. I had wanted to complete the bond much sooner, and she probably would have let me, but when Aislin confirmed something I’d long suspected—that she was still a virgin—I slammed on the brakes as fast as I could, much to my wolf’s chagrin. She wasn’t thrilled when I told her I wanted to wait until we were hand-fasted, so she’d spent weeks teasing me on purpose. As difficult as it was, I never gave in.

  For the past couple of months, the instinct to bond had been a driving force, albeit a force I couldn’t follow through with because of the circumstances. Aislin needed to come to terms with her new life first. So, I’d spent the last month behaving myself as much as possible, though I admit I did my fair share of teasing back, such as that kiss this morning.

  Now, with the hour finally upon us, I stood on the stage with joy in my heart, watching as members of the Pack found their seats. I waited impatiently for the ceremony to begin, thanking the heavens for clear blue skies. We couldn’t have asked for a more gorgeous day.

  A hush fell over the crowd when my beautiful mate appeared at the end of the aisle. My heart swelled at the sight of her. She was positively stunning.

  Aislin wore a vintage Celtic, floor-length, off the shoulder dress made of white crushed velvet with long flowing sleeves in pale blue chiffon. Matching blue ribbons laced up the front and back of the form-fitting bodice. The neckline and waist were trimmed with traditional gold Celtic braiding. Her sun-kissed auburn hair was styled in a Dutch braid with a low bun, and a wreath of white daisies, sweet alyssum, bluebells, and purple heather sat atop of her head like a crown. She carried a matching bouquet of daisies and heather.

  Aislin’s face lit up when she saw me, but before she could take her first step down the aisle, Mathias appeared beside her with his arm out. She was taken aback by the big, bearded, barrel-chested man with silver eyes just like hers. He looked just like her father. She looked from him to me, and back again.

  “Grandfather?” she asked, her voice cracking with emotion.

Yes, my darling.” He reached forward and cupped her chin. “You’re just as beautiful as your mother was, but you have your father’s eyes.”

  “But why? How?” My mate smiled at me, though shock clearly showed on her face even as happy tears pricked her eyes. I stood there grinning like a Cheshire cat as she jumped into his arms. Mathias wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. Despite his big-bellied laugh, his eyes were watery with emotion.

  “Your mate. I guess he wanted to surprise us both. Don’t cry, darling. This is a joyous day! May I have the honor of walking you down the aisle?” he asked, wiping a tear from Aislin’s eye. “Your beloved is waiting.”

  She quickly nodded and took his arm as the harpist played a delicate version of Pachelbel’s “Canon in D.” Together, my mate and her grandfather made their way down the aisle. Every step she took personified the grace and beauty that she was, and I watched with bated breath, impatiently waiting for the moment she would join me.

  When they reached me, Mathias passed her hand to mine, gave her a kiss on her temple, and then turned to me with a tear in his own eye as he shook my hand.

  “Thank you. Thank you for finding her. For saving her. And thank you for bringing a part of my son back into my life. I thought I’d lost him forever, but with Aislin, I know he’s still here. I can never repay you for what you have done, Arkkadian. Please, go forth with my blessing. Take care of her. Cherish her. And love her.”

  “I will,” I said, looking him in the eye, man to man, before he returned to his seat. “Ready?” I whispered to my mate.

  “Yes,” she whispered in return, beaming with great pride as she gazed upon her grandfather sitting in the front row. “Thank you, Arkkadian. This means the world to me.”

  “You’re welcome,” I replied, and when she returned her gaze to me, I continued. “You’re so beautiful, my love.” Seeing her so happy right here at this moment made my heart swell with pride.


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