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Dragons of Asgard

Page 34

by Logan Jacobs

  the pattern repeated and repeated until a small blue speck came into my

  vision. I tried to focus on the pinks and yellows and whites, but the blue spot

  grew bigger and bigger until I could feel a stinging sensation on my cheek, and I closed my eyes against the harshness of it and tried to pull myself away

  from the pain that radiated from my jaw up to my temple.

  Suddenly, my eyes shot open, and I saw Blar’s small face right above

  mine. He smacked me with his little blue paw over and over, and I pulled in a

  ragged breath as my adrenaline kicked in and my heart started to race.

  “Blar,” I breathed, and the little dragon looked at me with worried eyes

  that quickly turned to relief. He stopped hitting me with his paw and instead

  wrapped both his front little arms around my face and squished my mouth as

  he hugged me. “What’s going on?”

  I was panicked, then, as I realized I had no idea how long it had been

  since we’d arrived in Vanaheim. I had no idea what had happened since we’d

  stepped foot through the portal.

  Blar used his paws to turn my face, and I saw Asta and Kas in the

  meadow. They were both gloriously naked, and their hair was down and free

  as they spun and twirled and danced around. Kas’ gold-red hair hung down

  her back in a mess of curls that bobbed up and down as she pranced and

  danced. Her red nipples were tight and clearly aroused, they pulled her

  breasts up so they were even perkier as she twirled around and around then

  fell to the ground with a huge outburst of laughter.

  Asta’s long snow-white hair swung behind her like a magnificent flag

  that flowed from her and followed her every move. Her pink mouth was

  pulled into a permanent smile, and her small, pink nipples bounced up and

  down as she jumped through the air like a dancer. She paraded around Kas

  until she came close enough to grab the Valkyrie, and then she pulled the

  blonde back up to dance with her again. The two women giggled and swayed

  and looked up at the sky in awe, and then they’d go right back to dancing and


  I watched as the twin dragons tried to gain their attention. Inger

  jumped onto Asta and pulled at her white hair, but the elf woman paid no

  attention, she just continued to sway with her eyes closed.

  Uffe sat on Kas’ shoulder and tried to push on her face to get her

  attention, but it was no use. It was as if the two women were in at trance.

  Kas and Asta grabbed each other by the hands and spun around like

  children often do until they fell to the ground in a fit of giggles, and the little

  dragons were flung off into the grass. It didn’t deter them, though, and the

  twins got right back up and ran over to the women.

  “What the fuck,” I moaned as I watched the beautiful women’s naked

  bodies gyrate, but Blar hit me in the face again, so I turned to him with

  surprise. “What is it?”

  The little dragon pointed behind me as he jumped up and down on my

  chest, and I turned to see the portal we’d come through. It was only ten feet

  away from where I laid, I’d barely gone anywhere, but the swirling air

  seemed smaller than usual, and as I watched, it grew the tiniest bit smaller.

  “The portal’s closing!” I yelled, and I jumped to my feet, which sent

  Blar tumbling to the ground. “I’m sorry, bud, but we’ve got to go!”

  My heart was pounding in my chest like a war drum, and I felt myself

  panic as I looked around at the strange scene in front of me. I had two naked

  women who were still under whatever spell I’d been under, and three little

  dragons I needed to get through that portal immediately.

  “Kas!” I yelled, but the blonde continued to spin around and didn’t

  even acknowledge that she’d heard me.

  I’d have to get them home by force and worry about whatever spell

  they were under later.

  “Blar, get the twins!” I instructed, and the little blue dragon nodded

  determinedly before I ran toward Kas and scooped her up over my shoulder.

  “No, no, no!” the blonde yelled, and she started to beat me on the back

  with her small fists. I’d planned to grab Asta as well, but Kas wiggled, and I

  had to use both arms strapped across her legs to hold her in place. So, instead

  I ran over to the portal, which continued to close right before my eyes.

  Usually, the feel of Kas’ naked flesh against me would have been

  enough to drive me crazy, but all I could think about was getting her back to

  Asgard safely.

  I tried to toss her into the portal, but the sorceress wiggled against me,

  and I had to pull her from my shoulder then shove her backward through the

  portal in order to get her through it. She tried to cling to my tunic as I pushed

  her through, but I quickly pried her hands off and gave her one final shove.

  I turned around to see Blar and the twins in a circle around Asta. Blar

  locked eyes at me, and I could see the panic behind his little blue stare. Asta

  seemed completely unaware that her dancing mate was gone, and she now

  swayed back and forth, with her arms high above her head and her eyes


  “I got her,” I assured Blar as I ran toward the little elf woman and

  scooped her up. Immediately, she began to fight against me just as Kas had,

  but I just kept my arms around her legs and let her beat on my back as I ran

  toward the portal.

  My foot slipped suddenly, and we tumbled to the ground. Then I

  looked down and realized it was the girls’ clothes I’d tripped on. Asta tried to

  wriggle away from me, but I still had a hold of her, so I pulled her back up

  onto my shoulder, grabbed as much of their clothes as I could with one hand,

  and ran toward the portal.

  “Let me go!” the elf girl screamed as she bounced on my shoulder. “I

  belong here! We all do!”

  I turned around to make sure Blar and the twins were right behind me.

  They were a few feet back, but I knew they could make it.

  “Come on!” I hurried them, and the little reptiles scurried even faster.

  The portal was high in the air now, and I wasn’t sure they could reach it on

  their own, so I stopped and waited for the three of them to get near me.

  I could feel the tenseness in my body as I prepared to jump through the

  portal the instant the dragons’ feet landed on me. Asta still screamed and

  kicked and wiggled, but I had my elbow crooked behind her knees so she

  couldn’t go anywhere.

  “Up!” I commanded as the three little dragons rushed toward me.

  Blar was the first one on me, and he jumped up to my waist and clung

  to me tightly. The twins each climbed one of my legs, but before they could

  make it any further, I yelled for them to hold on and jumped through the tiny

  portal. It was barely big enough for me to fit through, and the five of us

  landed on the other side in a tangled mess of Aesir, elf, and dragon parts.

  “Is everyone okay?” I breathed as I lifted my head and body to make

  sure I hadn’t crushed anyone when we landed.

  “Oh, Odin,” Kas said as she rushed over to us while still completely


  It was dark out, and it took my eyes a second to adjust, but then I did a

ck head count of everyone to make sure we’d all made it back safely.

  Blar laid on his back next to me, and his breath was heavy as his wide

  eyes stared up at the night sky.

  I chuckled breathlessly and leaned over to scratch under his chin.

  “You saved us, little buddy,” I told him. “Thank you.”

  Uffe had taken a tumble off my leg as we landed, and he sat on the

  ground a few feet away. His back legs were spread out, and his two front legs

  were planted firmly on the ground so his belly looked incredibly fat as he sat

  there with a dazed expression on his face.

  Inger still clung to my shin, with her little eyes closed, so I reached

  down to pet her, and she jumped slightly before she opened her eyes to look

  at me.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered, and the little dragon let go and fell off me

  with an exaggerated sigh as if she weren’t sure we were going to make it.

  Asta laid partially under me still, so I lifted myself off her.

  “Is she okay?” Kas asked as she inspected the elf girl.

  “I don’t know,” I said, and I could hear the concern in my own voice.

  The elf girl seemed to be unconscious, since her eyes were closed, her head

  rested to the side, and her body was limp under me.

  I patted her lightly on the cheek until she gasped and leaned up, and

  her eyes were round as saucers as she glanced around quickly.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay,” I assured her, and I put my hand on her shoulder.

  “You’re alright.”

  The elf girl looked at me, then down at her naked body, and she

  instinctively tried to cover herself.

  “Why am I naked?” she asked, and panic was evident in her yellow

  eyes. Then she turned to Kas before she looked back to me. “And why is she


  “I’d like to know that as well,” Kas huffed as she crossed her arms

  over her bare breasts.

  “Uh,” I said, and I lifted up the clothes I’d managed to grab. “I don’t

  know what I grabbed, but go ahead and put them on.”

  “Okay,” Kas agreed, “but first, can someone explain to me what in

  Odin’s name just happened?”

  Chapter 19

  “You don’t remember?” I asked, but as I tried to recall the events that

  occurred after we arrived in Vanaheim, I realized I could only remember bits

  and pieces.

  I looked around quickly to make sure there were no other Aesir nearby

  to witness the naked women, but it was dark, and we were alone in the

  countryside. I had no idea what time it was, but we’d been gone for hours,

  and all the stars were out above us, so it had to be well into the evening by


  “I don’t remember anything,” Kas said, and there was a slight panic in

  her voice as she pulled her tunic over her head.

  “I don’t, either,” Asta agreed.

  “I… remember Blar waking me up,” I said. “Before that I remember

  just colors and the feel of the grass.”

  “Where were we?” Kas asked, and she looked at me with round violet


  “We were in Vanaheim,” I replied. “That much I remember, but most

  of it is fuzzy until Blar woke me up.”

  “What do you mean woke you up?” Asta asked, and the elf girl pulled

  her yellow tunic over her head as well, then stood up next to Kas.

  “I wasn’t sleeping exactly,” I said, and I tried to recall what happened.

  “I think I just was kind of in a daze, I couldn’t stand up or anything, all I

  could do was look up at the sky.”

  “I wonder why you remember and we don’t,” Asta murmured, and she

  looked down as her white eyebrows pinched together in thought.

  “It must be the Vanir Gods,” Kas said. “They must have put an

  enchantment or something on the whole place.”

  “The entire world?” I asked with disbelief.

  “It’s possible,” the blonde mused. “They’re known for being extremely

  powerful sorcerers, it wouldn’t surprise me that they would cast a spell to

  confuse outsiders.”

  “Perhaps this is why nobody knows what it looks like,” Asta said, and

  her eyes grew wide with the realization.

  “Exactly,” Kas said with a nod. “I bet plenty of people have stumbled

  across Vanaheim, but they either couldn’t remember it or…”

  “Or?” Asta asked, and her yellow eyes were full of concern.

  “Or they were so overtaken by the spell that they never came back,” I

  said, and Kas nodded sadly.

  “That’s awful.” The elf girl frowned.

  “If Blar hadn’t woken me up, then we would have been stuck there,

  too,” I said solemnly, and I glanced down at the little blue dragon, who

  looked up at me proudly.

  “He must have been immune somehow,” Kas observed. “Your powers

  with him might be the only reason you’re able to remember anything.”

  “Everything is still fuzzy,” I sighed, and I put my hand up to my


  “At least you weren’t naked,” Asta muttered, and she blushed and

  looked down.

  “We’re just lucky Blar was immune,” Kas said. “And that we were

  able to get out of there in time.”

  “Yeah, that wasn’t easy,” I chuckled. “Both of you fought me, so I had

  to carry you to the portal and throw you through.”

  “Well, thank Odin you did,” Kas said with a shake of her head. “We

  were in there all day.”

  “I wonder if Blar and the twins were affected at first,” I mused, and my

  eyebrows pinched together in confusion.

  “What makes you think that?” Kas asked, and I could tell her interest

  was piqued.

  “Why else would it have taken so long for him to wake me?” I asked.

  “Huh, that’s a good question,” Kas said.

  I crouched down by Blar then to ask him some questions, but I noticed

  his little face looked slightly guilty, and he refused to make eye contact with

  me. He also tried to move his front paws so I couldn’t see his belly.

  “What are you hiding?” I asked with narrowed eyes, and I grabbed the

  little blue dragon and held him up to reveal a large, round belly.

  “He is so full!” Asta gasped, and she stared at his stomach with


  “Mhm,” I responded with a disapproving stare, and Blar stared at me

  with his little blue eyes, then quickly looked away. I set him down onto the

  ground with a sigh, then lifted up the twins to see they had the same fat little

  bellies. Uffe just looked at me as if he knew he were in trouble, but Inger

  batted her little eyes and tried to appear innocent. “Well, that explains it.”

  “You think he waited to wake you so he could eat?” Kas asked, and

  she tried to stifle a laugh behind her hand.

  “I think that’s exactly what happened,” I said with a shake of my head,

  but I couldn’t help but smile. The whole situation was quite funny, though I

  didn’t want Blar to know that. At least he’d still woken me up in time to get

  everyone home, that’s what mattered the most, and I was still grateful to him

  for that, even if he’d probably spent a good ten hours eating fruit from the

  land of the Vanir Gods.

  “You are so bad,” Kas scolded Blar, but it was framed wi
th a laugh, so

  all the little dragon could do was look at her with big puppy dog eyes that

  feigned innocence.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I chuckled at the little reptile. “Come on, let’s get back

  to the house. Some of us haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

  I glared at Blar as I spoke the last sentence, but he glanced around as if

  he hadn’t heard me at all, so I just rolled my eyes and headed back home. The

  little dragon had quite the personality, and he was definitely a pain in the rear

  end at times, but he always came through when I needed him most, and I

  loved him for it.

  I couldn’t imagine my life without him or any of my little troop.

  We made the walk home, and I realized halfway there that the girls

  were both barefoot. I’d have to make a note to get them some shoes since it

  seemed theirs had been left in Vanaheim. At least I’d managed to grab their

  tunics, though, and their weapons and armor were attached to them, so I’d

  saved us some trouble in finding them all new gear.

  Still, the grass was soft, and it wasn’t cold out, so neither of them

  complained, and we arrived at the house soon enough.

  “I’ll start a fire,” I said as we entered the courtyard. “Kas, would you

  grab us some mead?”

  “With pleasure,” the blonde agreed.

  Even though we couldn’t remember most of it, it had been a long day,

  and I thought we could all use a bit of a drink after what we’d been through.

  “What can I help with?” Asta asked, and she looked at me with bright

  yellow eyes.

  “Oh.” I paused and thought for a moment. “You could get me some

  vegetables from the garden.”

  “Okay,” the elf girl agreed, and she turned to leave, then turned back to

  me so fast her hair whipped around in a wide arc of white. “What kind of


  “Whatever looks good to you,” I told her with a smile.

  “I’m not all that familiar with your vegetables still,” she replied with a


  “Just give them a smell and bring me a few you think will go

  together,” I told her, and she nodded and walked away.

  After I got the fire going, I gathered a pot and a pan from the pantry as

  well as some rice to cook with our vegetables.

  Kas returned first with the mead, and she handed me a pint, then set

  one down where Asta usually sat beside her.


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