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Dragons of Asgard

Page 40

by Logan Jacobs

  “They look good,” I praised. “Thank you.”

  I got each of us a pint of mead then and started to cook the rest of our

  dinner. The rice Kas had made was just as she said, only burnt on the bottom,

  but I still had to chuckle a bit when I looked at it. The two of them had picked

  out some veggies from the garden, too, so I sautéed those over the fire and

  then pressed our fish into the pan while the crustaceans came to a boil. It’d

  been a while since I’d had crustaceans, but I remembered them being

  incredibly delicious, so I was excited to cook them.

  I finished two pints of mead by the time dinner was done, then I made

  everyone plates and passed them out. Kas and Asta got theirs first, then I put

  Uffe’s down for him before I woke up Blar and Inger for theirs. The two little dragons yawned and walked slowly over to their bowls to eat while Uffe took

  small bites and smacked his little lips happily.

  “Mmm,” Kas hummed after she took a bite. “This is delicious.”

  “It is,” Asta sighed. “You will have to show us one day how you cook

  so well.”

  “It’s not exactly a one-day thing,” I chuckled. “Learning to cook just

  takes time and practice. I’ve had plenty of time to hone my skills.”

  “You’ve lived alone out here for a long time, yes?” Asta asked.

  “I have.” I nodded. “I built this whole place myself.”

  “That is impressive,” the elf girl said as she looked around. “I am

  grateful to be welcomed into your home.”

  “You’re part of our team now,” Kas said with a smile. “No going


  “I wouldn’t want to,” Asta murmured, and she lowered her eyes, then

  looked at me from across the fire.

  I could see the desire in her yellow eyes, and I remembered the sight of

  her in the water at the ocean earlier. She was absolutely stunning, and I

  wanted to be inside her more than anything at that moment.

  I took another drink of mead to distract myself and started to eat my

  dinner. It was delicious as always, and the crustaceans were as delicate as I remembered them being. The sun had set a while ago, and the stars were

  bright in the sky as the fire cast its orange glow around us.

  After the dragons had all finished eating, they yawned, stretched, and

  laid back down next to the fire. This time, Uffe joined Blar and his sister, and

  they once again became a tangled mass of red and blue scales.

  “I’m going to get another pint,” Kas said, and she gave Asta a strange

  look as she stood up. “Would anyone else like one?”

  “I’ll take another,” I replied, and I handed her my glass, though I was

  curious about the look she and the elf girl had exchanged.

  “Be right back,” Kas said, and she headed toward the house.

  I watched her curiously for a second then shrugged and continued to

  eat my fish.

  A second later, though, Asta was next to me, as if she’d appeared out

  of nowhere.

  “Rath,” she breathed as she looked at me with intense yellow eyes.

  “Um, yes,” I coughed as I nearly choked on my food from the surprise

  of her entrance.

  “I’ve made up my mind,” she announced, and she smiled at me softly.

  “You’ve made up your mind?” I asked, confused as to what she meant

  before realization dawned on me, and I cleared my throat and set my plate down next to me. “Oh. And you’re sure about your decision?”

  I hoped she had decided to bond with me, but I wanted her to be

  absolutely sure, which was why I’d made her take the day to think about it in

  the first place. I was eager to hear what she’d decided, but my gut wrenched

  at the thought of her decision being to not bond with me. I wanted her to be a

  part of me, just like Kas was. I wanted her to be with me in that way, but I’d

  never force it on her, it was a decision she had to make on her own.

  “I’m very sure,” the elf girl said, and she looked at me with serious

  yellow eyes.

  “I see,” I replied as my stomach turned with nervousness. “And what

  have you decided?”

  Chapter 22

  “I want to bond with you,” Asta said, and she looked down then back

  up at me through her long, white eyelashes.

  “If you’re sure this is what you want,” I replied, but I couldn’t keep the

  goofy smile from my face. “Then I would be honored to bond with you.”

  “It is,” the elf woman confirmed with a nod. “I want us to be together.

  You will be my protector, and I will live with you and care for you in the way

  that only a woman can.”

  “And you’re okay with Kas and I as well?” I asked, just to make sure

  she understood Kas wouldn’t be going anywhere.

  “She and I have discussed it,” Asta informed me. “We want to share

  you between us. We want to create a powerful family around you.”

  “Okay,” I agreed, and my grin widened.

  “Did you do it?” Kas asked as she walked back up to us with a couple

  more pint glasses of mead.

  “I did,” Asta giggled.

  “You knew what she’d decided?” I asked, and I was surprised the two

  had gotten so close.

  “Of course.” Kas nodded as she handed me my mead and sat down on

  the other side of me. “Asta asked me about everything to do with the


  “And you’re okay with this?” I questioned the blonde sorceress.

  “It will make us like sisters,” Kas said with a smile, and she reached

  across me to place her hand on Asta’s.

  “You and Kas have been so good to me,” Asta murmured. “I never

  want to leave either of you.”

  “We don’t want you to leave, either,” I said, and I reached up to stroke

  her soft cheek.

  “When can we do the spell?” the elf girl asked, and her small smile

  widened into a full-on grin.

  “Whenever you’re ready,” Kas said.

  “Can we do it now?” Asta gasped, and she looked at me with bright,

  yellow eyes full of excitement.

  “I don’t see why not.” I shrugged to keep myself collected, but really I

  was incredibly excited. I hadn’t known what the bonding fully entailed until

  I’d experienced the effects with Kas, but I wanted nothing more than to bond

  with Asta now, too. These two women had changed my life in such a short

  period of time, and I knew I loved both of them in different ways. I wanted to

  protect them and care for them and lay with them, always.

  Our bond was like the one I had with the dragons, I couldn’t explain it, but I could feel it, and I knew it was right.

  “I’ll get everything ready,” Kas said, and she stood up and headed


  “I’m excited,” Asta told me with a small smile after Kas left. “But also

  a little nervous.”

  “I feel the same way,” I reassured her as I took her hands in mine.

  “It feels to me as if I’ve known you forever,” she murmured, and I

  watched her pink lips move in the fire light.

  “That’s how I know we were meant to bond,” I said, and I looked into

  her deep, yellow eyes. “Are you ready?”

  “I am ready,” she whispered, and her cheeks blushed slightly.

  I stood up with her hand in mine and headed into the house
. Kas had

  the lanterns on, but dimmed so the light was minimal, and she’d built a small

  fire in the fireplace. I could tell she’d tidied up the room as well, since there

  were no clothes on the floor, and the bed was neatly made. The blonde knelt

  down in the middle of the room, and in front of her was the same piece of

  twine she’d used to bind our hands, along with the two red dragon scales and

  her spell book.

  “Please,” the curly-haired blonde said with a gesture. “Face each other

  and kneel.”

  Asta and I did as she directed, and I looked into her yellow eyes as Kas

  slowly and softly bound our hands together. The elf girl no longer looked

  nervous, but I could see the desire and lust behind her eyes. Her chest moved

  up and down quickly as she pulled in short, ragged breaths through her parted

  pink lips. Her long white hair was still in waves from our day at the beach,

  and it hung down around her shoulders and framed her small but perky

  breasts so my eyes couldn’t help but move to them.

  “Close your eyes,” Kas whispered, and I realized then just how calm

  and tranquil I felt. This whole situation felt incredibly natural, and I closed

  my eyes and enjoyed the feel of Asta’s hands in mine.

  Kas started to whisper then, and Asta’s grip tightened slightly on my

  hands, so I squeezed them back.

  Suddenly, I could feel Asta’s essence. It was similar to the way I’d felt

  Kas’ when we’d bonded, but Asta’s essence was so different that everything

  seemed new and wonderful.

  Asta and I started vibrating, and I could feel her thoughts and her body

  as we came together. Then everything went calm, an aura of tranquility

  enveloped me as Kas stopped whispering, and I closed my eyes for a moment

  to take in the feeling. My eyes opened to see Asta’s beautiful face in front of

  me, and I felt a rush of excitement at our bonding.

  The elf girl looked at me then, and I felt our togetherness and how we

  were connected. I could sense her satisfaction that we’d bonded and her

  desire to bare her flesh for me.

  “It is done,” Kas murmured, and she slowly undid the twine that held

  us together, but neither of our hands moved from where they were.

  Kas gathered up her spell book and the twin scales, then headed toward

  the door.

  “Kas,” I called out, and I took my eyes off Asta for the first time since

  I’d opened them. “Thank you.”

  “It was my pleasure,” the honey blonde sorceress said with a nod and a

  smile. “I’ll be outside for the evening so you two can enjoy yourselves.”

  I smiled at the Valkyrie, and she winked at me before she stepped

  through the door and closed it behind her.

  Before I could even turn back to Asta to speak, the elf girl lunged at

  me, threw her arms around my neck, and pressed her mouth to mine. Her

  plump, pink lips were soft, and she sighed against me as I relaxed my body

  and wrapped my arms around her waist.

  She still wore the thin white tunic she’d worn to the beach, but now the

  fabric felt softer from the ocean water, so I ran my hands down to her ass and

  cupped it as I lifted her up and walked her over to the bed.

  “Please, Rath,” the white-haired elf panted as I set her down. “I need

  you inside of me.”

  That admission had me rock hard, and I quickly pulled my tunic over

  my head as Asta writhed against me and worked on the string of my pants.

  The elf was quick, and the string came undone easily so my erection sprang

  out into her hands.

  “Oh, yesss,” she cooed as she began to stroke my cock.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, and I threw my head back to enjoy the feel of her

  hands on me.

  “You’re so big,” she breathed. “Please, I need you, it’s been too long.”

  I smiled at her begging, but I wouldn’t give in that easily. I wanted this

  to last, I wanted to feel every inch of her body before we were done, so I

  grabbed her tunic and pulled it over her head.

  Her pink nipples were already hard and tight, and she bit her lip and

  rubbed her hands down her stomach toward her entrance.

  “You are eager,” I chuckled breathlessly.

  “I need you,” the elf girl moaned, and she writhed on the bed beneath

  me as if it was uncomfortable to not have me inside of her.

  “Be patient,” I whispered as I leaned down and brushed her long white

  hair from her neck so I could kiss it. Her skin was soft and tasted salty from the ocean, and I felt her press her body upward against mine as she reached

  around to dig her nails into my back.

  I slowly ran my fingers up her thigh as she gasped and moaned, but

  just before I got to her sex, my fingers changed course and instead moved up

  to cup her small bare breast.

  “Ohhh, please,” Asta gasped, and she wiggled against me. “I want you

  so bad. Please, Rath. I want to join with you. I want you to fill me with your

  seed. I want your child growing in my womb. I want you to own me.”

  My cock grew harder every time she said that, but I controlled myself

  and kissed down her collarbone to her nipples. The elf girl jerked upward as I

  took one into my mouth and pinched the other between my thumb and

  forefinger. I suckled on her until her hips bucked under me, and she moaned

  high and tight as her first climax rolled through her body. The elf girl was so

  sensitive, and the knowledge of this made my cock throb hungrily. Then I

  slowly kissed down to her sex, and she splayed her thighs out so I could

  wedge myself between them.

  “I want to taste your come,” I said as she looked at me with heavy

  yellow eyes and pulled in shallow breaths.

  I kept my gaze on hers as I lowered my mouth onto her lips, and she

  threw her head back and gasped with pleasure. Her natural juices tasted sweet and salty, and I lapped up every bit of her before I finally raised myself onto

  my knees and pulled her hips toward me.

  Her pussy glistened in the fire light, and I could feel her wetness in my

  beard, but I didn’t care. She was drenched for me, and me alone, so I reached

  down and slipped a finger into her.

  “I’m ready for you,” she whimpered as I pumped my digit deep inside

  her tunnel. “Please, take me.”

  “You’re so wet,” I groaned, and I brushed my thumb over her slick and

  engorged clit. Then I slipped a second finger inside her fluttering walls, and I

  curled them until she clutched her white hair and bucked wildly beneath me.

  “No more teasing,” she begged after her small climax had relaxed.

  “Please, Rath, fill me with your cock. Gift me with your seed.”

  Her plea made my blood ignite in my veins, and I couldn’t hold back

  anymore. So, I grabbed her hips, palmed my shaft until my head was nestled

  between her slick and swollen lips, and thrust myself into her. She was

  incredibly tight, but her wetness was like the ocean, so her tunnel took the

  whole of my erection easily.

  “Soooo goood,” I groaned as I bottomed out against her womb.

  “Oh, yessss,” Asta moaned into my ear, and the sound made my cock

  twitch, which only made her moan louder.

  I slowly pumped my hips back and fo
rth, and I brought my erection

  nearly out of her each time before I thrust it back in and enjoyed the sound of

  her continuous gasps.

  After a minute, I could feel her body tense, and I knew she was

  experiencing my pleasure as well as her own. A moment later, the elf girl lost

  control, and her pussy clamped down and pulsated around me as she dug her

  nails into my shoulder blades and screamed into my ear. Then Asta’s warm

  juices gushed out onto my inner thighs, and the wet sounds of my cock

  slipping in and out of her tunnel made me groan.

  Her pleasure only heightened my own, and I lifted myself up onto my

  knees, grabbed the small, white-haired woman by the waist, and flipped her


  Asta spread open her long legs and stuck her ass up into the air for me,

  and I slipped my cock inside her with a groan before I reached up and

  grabbed both of her shoulders. I needed to overtake her, I needed to be as

  deep as I could possibly get, and I needed to fill her with my seed. Every

  fiber of my being vibrated as I thrust in and out as hard as I could.

  “Oh, Raaaaath,” Asta moaned, and she looked over her shoulder at me.

  “Harder, please, I’m going to…”

  Her words were cut off as I pulled her back against me hard, and I felt another wave of pleasure course through her. The feel of her pussy squeezing

  my cock was enough to drive me over the edge, and I pounded against her

  furiously as I waited for my seed to arrive.

  “You feel amazing,” I growled. “I’m going to…”

  “Fill me,” the elf woman panted. “Fill me with your seed, Rath. I want

  it. I need it. Pleaseeeeee.”

  “As you wish.” I let out a powerful growl as my balls tightened, and

  my cock pulsated with pleasure as I poured my seed into her.

  “Ohhhhhh!” Asta shrieked through her third climax, and our combined

  pleasure coaxed pulse after pulse of my sperm to fill her womb.

  Lightning raced up my spine as the elf girl’s pussy milked me, and I

  held her tightly against me as every last drop filled her. Once my shaft gave

  one last valiant spurt, we collapsed onto the bed together and laid there as we

  tried to catch our breaths.

  “Thank you, Rath,” Asta murmured as she cuddled up against my

  chest. “I am yours now.”

  “Mine,” I sighed, and then my eyes fluttered closed as my body

  relaxed into the elf girl’s embrace.


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