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Voodoo (Royal Bastards MC: Ankeny IA)

Page 6

by Kristine Allen

  With the first pulse, she arched her back and screamed my name. It was all it took to make me lose it.

  “Yes! God, yes! That’s it, baby. Come all over me,” I crooned as I shot jet after jet of hot cum all the way up against her cervix. With each burst, I shattered into a million pieces. It was unlike any other time in my life.

  Without pulling out, I dropped to my elbows on either side of her. My lips pressed to the bounding pulse I could see in her neck. Needing more, I licked the salty sweat from her as I bit down on the tender skin where her neck met her shoulder. A final blissful shudder shot through me.

  Her hands dropped down to my sweat-soaked hair, and she held me against her equally damp chest. It was as if she sensed this was no casual fuck. There was something deeper at work than either of us had anticipated. I’d never planned on having a woman that I claimed as my own.

  At least not before the vision that had hit me like a ton of bricks at the restaurant.

  It explained why I’d been fascinated with her from the first day I’d laid eyes on her in those cute scrubs.

  The woman whose heart was pounding against my chest was destined to be mine.

  After dozing off still buried in her heaven, I woke to her snugged into my side. Blinking away my confusion, the events of the last couple of hours slammed into me.

  My arm reflexively tightened around her, and she moaned as she arched against my hip. Sensing the heat emanating from her perfect pussy, my cock lengthened and throbbed with need.

  Gently rolling her over, I kneed her legs open and slid inside her slick, waiting sheath. The absolute sense of rightness settled in my soul as I watched her eyes flutter open and a sigh slip from her passion-swollen lips.

  “Again?” she questioned, and I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me.

  “You complaining?” I asked before I pulled her nipple into my mouth and rolled my tongue around it. When I sucked it harder, she whimpered and arched closer.

  If I fucked her fifty times a day, every day for the rest of my life, I didn’t think it would be enough.

  “You didn’t use a condom,” she hesitantly whispered.

  Pulling away from her breasts, I stared into her hazel depths as I thrust into her hard enough to make her breath catch. “And I never will with you.”

  “What if I get pregnant?” she asked with a hint of fear in her eyes. “The pill isn’t infallible. And how do I know you’re clean just because you say you are?”

  Where that would’ve terrified me in the past to the point that I’d actually doubled up condoms, with her I didn’t care. The vision I’d had of her dressed in white and kissing me with a smile on her beautiful face told me she was… everything. I knew that regardless, she’d be mine, and one day, I hoped she’d carry my baby, too.

  Imagining her soft belly swollen with my child actually made my cock swell.

  The widening of her eyes told me she felt it.

  “I’m not worried about that, and if you need them, I can give you lab results. I’ve never been bare with another woman,” I murmured as I withdrew and slid forward again.

  She wrapped her legs around me and gripped my shoulders with her nails. The pain drove me forward. I didn’t last long, but I managed to wring two more orgasms out of her before I emptied into her tight pussy for the second time that night.

  Once we were done, I got up and padded to the bathroom. After grabbing a washcloth and wetting it with warm water, I returned, cleaned her up, and silently helped her dress. Then I pulled my now wrinkled clothes back on.

  Before leaving the cocoon of the room, I threaded my fingers through her hair in the back of her head and pulled her into a deep kiss. Reluctantly, I broke free of her intoxicating lips.

  Then, I inhaled a fortifying breath and stepped back.

  “Come on,” I said as I took her hand in mine and led her out into the clubhouse. The party was still going strong when we stepped outside.

  Ignoring the knowing looks we received after stepping out into the night, I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and stopped next to Ghost’s group. They were still sitting in the chairs but had given up their drinks for a joint they were passing around.

  Chains tried to hide his smirk at our freshly fucked appearances, but he finally gave up and shook his head with a wide grin. Taking a deep drag, he stared at me. He knew as well as I did that she’d been raptly watching him get sucked off and I’d fucked her with the thought of it in the back of both of our minds.

  “Hmm, we thought maybe you’d left,” Ghost said with a knowing grin.

  “No, he just came,” chuckled Angel like a prepubescent boy. Kira covered her face and groaned. I rolled my eyes and pulled her into my side and kissed the top of her head to tell her I had her.

  “Forgive them, they have no manners,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Rumor has it we might’ve been raised by wolves,” chortled Phoenix before he took a heavy toke and started coughing.

  Chains took the joint from Phoenix as he rolled his eyes. Then he muttered, “Some of us could’ve been so lucky.”

  “Quit hogging it. Puff, puff, pass, asshole.” Ghost jokingly backhanded Chains on the elbow. For doing so, he took a massive drag and blew the smoke in Ghost’s face.

  “You’re such a dick,” Ghost muttered. While Ghost was waving the smoke out of his face, Angel reached across the circle and took the joint from Chains and stuck it to his lips.

  Ghost opened his eyes after waving wildly and saw Angel with the joint. “You all are a bunch of fucking assholes,” he grumbled as he slouched back in his seat. Croc laughed and damn near tipped his chair over.

  “Are they always this nice to each other?” Kira asked with an expression of uncertainty.

  They all busted up laughing. “Yeah, babe. Pretty much,” said Angel as he gave me a wink.

  I took the empty seat that Squirrel had vacated and pulled Kira down into my lap. The guys all watched us with one eye as they continued to joke with each other. I knew they weren’t missing a thing and were likely biding their time to give me shit.

  I took a single drag from the joint that Angel passed me and blew the smoke away from Kira. Out of courtesy, I held it up in offering to Kira, but something told me she wouldn’t take it.

  “No, thank you,” she politely declined. I decided to have mercy on poor Ghost. Handing it on to him, I smirked as he gave a harrumph to the rest of my brothers.

  We sat and bullshitted with everyone for a while. When I noticed she was starting to doze off, I figured I better get her home. Though I’d love to keep her with me all night, I didn’t know if she was ready for that.

  Fucking was one thing. Staying the night was a whole other level.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” I murmured in her ear. She snuffled into my neck, and I had to fight the chub that wanted to pop. “Kira,” I tried again.

  “Why don’t you just take her back to your room? You obviously wore her out.” Angel snickered.

  “Can’t. Zaka is loose in the house because I didn’t plan on being gone all night.”

  “Oh, shit. Yeah, that monster will eat your house in half if you don’t go home,” Angel said with wide eyes. Angel had been there the first time I came home after leaving Zaka out of his crate all night. It wasn’t pretty.

  “Well, you can leave her here with me,” offered Chains with a grin.

  “Fuck you,” I said, though there was very little heat behind my words, since I knew he was only fucking with me.

  “So is that serious?” Angel asked me with a straight face as he motioned toward the woman dozing in my lap.

  Not wanting to admit what I’d seen and where my head was, I shrugged. Angel leaned forward with his elbows on his knees as he stared in my eyes.

  “Don’t lie to me,” he said quietly. He and I had been friends since I moved in next door to him twenty-three years ago. We knew each other better than any of the other brothers.

  “I don’t want to talk about it yet,” I ad
mitted reluctantly. My gaze dropped to the dark golden head resting on my shoulder. Emotions heavier than I was ready for shot through me like a bolt of electricity.

  “Well, that’s at least honest,” he said as he looked up through the dark hair that had fallen across his eyes. “If you want, my truck is out back. I can bring it around if you want to drive her home.”

  The thought of being cooped up in his truck, no matter how nice it was, sent a shudder of revulsion down my spine. I sighed. “Okay, fine. Thanks. I’ll bring it back tomorrow morning.”

  “No rush. I have my bike,” he said with a shrug.

  He went to go pull his jet-black Dodge around and stopped on the driveway. He left it running and hopped out.

  Standing, I tried not to jostle Kira, because I actually loved carrying her. Once I got close, he opened the passenger door, and I settled her in the seat. With her seat belt fastened and her mouth falling open, she continued to sleep. I chuckled and closed the door.

  “You sure you know what you’re doing?” he asked me.

  Swallowing hard, I ran a hand through my hair. “Fuck, no,” I said. Despite my gift, I had no idea what the future might hold other than the fact that Kira Baranov was mine.

  “Sex On Fire”—Kings Of Leon

  My phone ringing woke me up, and I groaned. My hand thumped around on my nightstand for it. Finally coming into contact with it, I dragged it over to the bed.

  “Hello?” I mumbled with the pillow over my eyes. I ached every-fucking-where. In the best of ways, but Ogun hadn’t been lying when he said I’d never forget that night. He’d shown me how incredibly blah my sex life had been before him.

  “Kira,” the Russian-accented voice snapped.

  I shot up to a sitting position so fast, my pillow fell to the floor. Sasha’s head rose from the bed as if sensing danger.

  “Father?” I hated how my voice wavered as I spoke. But he did that to me. No matter how accomplished I thought I’d become, he always had the ability to knock me back down to the little girl of my past.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” His voice dripped disdain, but I honestly wasn’t sure exactly what he was referring to. We hadn’t been in contact for over a year.

  Not since I’d refused to be his pawn and marry the man he’d chosen for me.

  Except before that, he’d essentially disowned me when I ran off to Iowa to college. He’d been against me going to college as much as he hated the idea of me becoming a veterinarian. Hence the huge student loan debt I’d been saddled with.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I replied. It shouldn’t surprise me that he kept tabs on me despite our distance and lack of communication. Yet it did.

  “Don’t be stupid, Kira.”

  My fist clenched, and my heart ached. He always treated me as less than my brothers because I’d been born a girl. But the worst part was the verbal abuse I’d endured because of it. He’d called me stupid, worthless, a waste, vapid; you name it, if it was derogatory, he’d likely addressed me with it. Unless we were in public. Then I was his perfect little princess.

  “Considering you haven’t spoken to me in over a year, how would I possibly know what you’re talking about?” I was proud of how I’d grabbed myself by my lady-balls and said what I wanted.

  “You might want to remember who you’re talking to, Kira.” He spat my name out like it left a bad taste in his mouth. “I’m going to need you to think twice about who you’re associating with. It’s bad enough that you want to work with animals. But to be seen cavorting with a bunch of bikers, specifically those bikers of all people, is beyond reprehensible. Don’t let me hear that you’ve been seen with them again. Unless you want me to make life very difficult for them. Do you hear me?” he demanded.

  “Yes, I hear you,” I said between clenched teeth. What I didn’t say was that while I heard him, it didn’t mean I was going to obey him. I was a grown-ass woman, for fuck’s sake.

  He didn’t even bother saying goodbye. The call simply ended. Sasha whimpered as she nuzzled her head against me. Absently, I petted her to tell her it was okay.

  “Fucking asshole,” I muttered. Then I wondered how he knew. Had he sent one of his damn minions to spy on me? Or was it one of my brothers? That hurt if it was, because I missed them and would’ve hoped if they were in town they would’ve at least said hello before tattling. Well, all of them except for Anatoly. He was the oldest and a prick. Worse than a prick. I hated him. Viktor and Dmitry I loved desperately.

  Viktor was older than me, and Dmitry was younger. Dmitry was a professional hockey player like our cousin, Jericho.

  Suddenly, my perfect life that I thought was mine and mine alone seemed so much more fragile.

  Dropping my gaze to my phone, I realized I’d slept ridiculously late. I was surprised Sasha had let me sleep so long.

  There was also a message from Ogun that actually made me smile.

  Zaka’s Dad: Hope you slept well

  My heart thumped ridiculously hard upon reading his words. One date, and I’d hopped in the sack with him. Granted, in my defense, he’d been asking me out for months. It wasn’t like I’d met him last week.

  Biting my lip, I started having second thoughts about what I’d done. Not because he was in a motorcycle gang. No, a motorcycle club. Also, not because they smoked weed. Because I couldn’t care less what people did as long as they didn’t push it on me, which they didn’t.

  Glancing down at my phone, I fought an internal debate on whether to answer or call this all off. It really wasn’t fair to dump all the shit that came with me on his doorstep.

  Except, when I asked myself how I’d feel about seeing him at his next appointment and knowing he might’ve moved on with someone else, the ache in my chest was my answer.

  Before I could change my mind, I tapped out a reply.

  Me: Like a rock

  His reply was immediate, and it caused a silly smile to spread across my face.

  Zaka’s Dad: Interesting. Wonder why

  Me: Gee I wonder

  Zaka’s Dad: You think you’ll have trouble sleeping tonight?

  It was impossible not to start giggling. Geneva must’ve been awake, because at the sound of my laughter, there was a knock at the door. Sasha jumped up and ran to the door with a bark. “Yeah?”

  The door cracked open. “You decent?” she asked from the other side.

  “Yes, you dork,” I replied with another laugh. Sasha darted around her legs, and I heard the doggie door rattle as she rushed out into the backyard.

  “Well, someone must’ve had a good time last night.” Her smirk accompanied a waggling of her brows, and I threw my pillow at her as I tried not to give in to the schoolgirl giggles from earlier.

  “Stop it,” I said through the smile that escaped and my eye roll.

  Knowing few boundaries, she plopped onto my bed and propped her chin in her hands. “Spill. You can’t go out with someone that hot and that bad without sharing it.”

  “Says who?” I chuckled. My phone dinged again, and I read the next message.

  Zaka’s Dad: Is that a yes? No? Don’t leave me hangin

  Before I could type out a reply, Geneva grabbed my phone and rolled away.

  “Give it back, you shit,” I said and crawled toward her, scrambling to get at it. She played keep away with it as she read my messages.

  “Oh my God! Tell me you played hide the salami with that sexy beast of a man. Please,” her eyes were wide and excited. Hugging my phone to her chest, she batted her eyes.

  I held my hand out.

  “Not gonna kiss and tell,” I said, then wiggled my fingers, demanding my phone. She shook her head.

  “Uh-uh. Spill, Ki. Cuz something happened if you’re saying you won’t kiss and tell.” She was biting her lip and almost jumping up and down with glee. I shook my head. “Tell me or I’m gonna tell him you need a repeat performance.”

  “You wouldn’t,” I said in warning.

/>   “Fess up. I need the dirt.” She gave me a cheesy, smug smile.

  “No. Give me my phone,” I said with narrowed eyes.

  A devilish gleam flickered in her gaze and she started tapping on my phone as I squealed and darted toward her. She ran away from me, I chased her, she jumped up and ran across my bed as I crawled after her over the mattress.

  “Sent!” she boasted, panting from our brief escapade.

  Mouth hanging open, I tried like hell to keep from killing her. With a devious chuckle, she tossed my phone to my bed. I swooped it up and unlocked it, kicking myself for ever giving her my unlock code.

  Me: I’m going to need a repeat. STAT. If not, I might not sleep for days

  Zaka’s Dad: Say no more

  “Oh my God, Geneva! What the actual fuck?” I shouted. Because though I’d answered his text, I knew I needed to chill with him until my father calmed down.

  Me: Ogun wait.

  He didn’t answer. I sat on the edge of the bed and waited another few seconds.

  Me: Ogun!

  No answer. So I called.

  It rang.

  And rang.

  “Maybe he’s busy,” I rationalized.

  “Maybe he’s on his way,” she gloated.

  “Shit.” I jumped up and ran to the bathroom to shower. As the water heated up, I frantically brushed my teeth, finishing the job in the shower. With a cursory wash of my hair and body, a good wash of the lady bits, I ripped the shower curtain back and toweled off.

  I’d barely wrapped the towel around my hair when I heard a bike pull up. “No.” I ran to the window and peeked through the curtains in time to see a hint of sexy step onto the front porch and out of sight.

  The doorbell rang as I was wrapping my second towel around me.

  As I jerked open the closet to get clothes, my door opened and closed, and I spun around.

  “Don’t bother, you look perfect the way you are.” He began stalking toward me. Ineffectively, I held out a hand, thinking it might actually ward him off.


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