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Rick: (Joey - Part 2)

Page 10

by Angelique Jurd

  "Are you okay? Can you stand?" Joey helps him to his knees. He hisses and holds his hand up. Just a minute. "We need to get you to a hospital."

  "Not going to happen." He grits his teeth and lets himself be eased the rest of the way to his feet. "The brat will never let me live it down if I end up there with them."


  "You can call Bill, okay? Just let me have a second."

  "Your kidneys could be hurt. You could have a ruptured disk. Even something cracked."

  Rick feels a little sick realizing Joey is listing off his own past injuries and he beckons him closer. He doesn't need Bill to tell him he's going to be pissing blood for a while but if it helps Joey feel better, he can check him out.

  "Let's just go back over the road." Rick looks for Charlotte. "Charlie can you sort the bar out for the damages and stuff."

  "Yeah, I've got it Ricky. Let your boy take you home."

  Now that he's upright, the pain is building again and he's less sure about walking. Maybe Bill could see him here?

  "Lean on me," Joey orders, wrapping his arm around his waist. "Mark, can you take the other side?"

  Mark LeGrand appears on his other side to brace him from the left. Where the hell did he come from? After a moment, he thinks he can manage and they begin to shuffle forward. Clustered at the entrance, are Joey's team -Will and Tina – and Jen. Will lunges for the door and pulls it open.

  "Thanks." Joey takes a step, then turns to look at Will. "Find those files."

  Rick blinks. The pain has got to be messing with him. Did Will Landry just stammer "yes, Sir"? To Joey?

  As much as he'd like to consider that further, the sight of the distance to the office catches his attention. Jesus, he made Joey walk that with bruised kidneys that night.

  "The trick is to focus on your breathing and keep it short and sharp, like a train," Joey says in his ear. "Like they teach women when they have babies."

  What the hell would Joey Harkin – his boy - know about having babies? Screw breathing; he's just going to sit here, and they can send a car.

  "And we're walking."

  Oh dear God when he's feeling better he is so dealing with that sass.



  “Thanks Derek.” Filling a cup with coffee with one hand, Joey ends the call with the other, and goes to the spare room. Rick is propped against the headboard of the spare bed with a dozen pillows behind him. Sleeping upstairs isn’t an option for the foreseeable future so Joey has brought down clothes, toiletries, kitten supplies, and his bear and installed them in the spare room. Finn, intrigued by this move has spent the day prowling around the room and the bed. Now, she tilts her head to study Rick before placing a tentative paw on his chest.

  “Oh no, no, no sweetie. You can’t get up there.” Joey slips his free hand under, curling her in against his chest.

  “Stop fussing, baby, she’s fine.” Rick holds his hand out. “Besides with those things Bill gave me, you could climb up there and I wouldn’t complain.”

  “Not going to happen.” Joey hands him the cup and perches on the edge of the mattress, scratching Finn’s ears. “They're on the way up.”

  On cue, they hear the swish of the elevator doors opening and the low sound of Charlotte and Carter talking. Still cuddling his kitten, Joey goes out to greet them. Charlotte reaches up and hugs him, taking Finn with her as she pulls away.

  “Hello cutie. How about I take you home with me?” she coos. “How is he?”

  “He’s okay, I think. Bill doesn’t think there’s any major damage just bad bruising.” Joey leads the way to the spare room. “He’s put him on bed rest until Saturday though.”

  Rick raises his hand in greeting. “Welcome to the boudoir of recovery.”

  Carter sniggers and taps Joey on the shoulder. “Heavy duty pain killers?”

  Joey nods trying to hide his smile and pulls two chairs he’d brought in earlier closer to the bed. When they decline coffee for now, he takes back Finn, crawls up the bed and tucks himself in next to Rick, head on his shoulder.

  “You okay baby boy?” Rick asks softly.

  “Mmmmhmmm, I just like being close to you.” Joey bites his lip and snuggles in as close as he dares; Ricks fingers in his hair are soothing.

  Charlotte and Carter exchange a look and Joey’s stomach tightens in fear. Now what? Please don’t say he’s out already.

  “What is it?” he asks, wishing his voice didn’t shake. After yesterday he just wants to relax and not have to think too much. Rick kisses the side of his head and hums something soft and reassuring.

  “It’s okay, Joey.” Carter’s smile is warm. Kind. Understanding. “He’s been booked and the judge was happy to hold him over without bail until the hearing.”

  The sense of relief is so huge that for a moment Joey can’t do anything except turn his face into Rick’s shoulder and close his eyes. This time the kiss is pressed to the top of his head.

  Carter clears his throat. “I talked to Mark and he said you told him you were willing to testify. Is that still the case?”

  “When did you talk to Mark?" Rick asks and Joey glances up to see confusion written in his gaze.

  “Yesterday. He told me what you were doing and that’s how I knew to come over.” Joey holds his breath, wondering if Rick will be angry. Before Rick can say anything though, Carter continues.

  “So? Are you willing to testify?”

  “Carter, come on!” Rick tries to lean forward, hisses in pain, and drops back against the pillows. Beads of sweat pop out on his forehead. “Son of a bitch that hurts. Fuck. Why do you need him to testify?”

  Joey asks if he needs something for the pain, but Rick shakes his head. “I just need to know why they want you to testify.”

  “You know why.” Carter rests his forearms on his knees. “We want to get this guy for as much as possible and to do that we need Joey.”

  “Will you be able to get him for Maisie?” Joey asks in a small voice.

  “I’m charging him with it, but it could go either way. Your case on the other hand, I think we can swing if you’ll testify.” Carter’s grin is hard and cold; nothing like the man Joey has come to know. “I’m talking to Portland about the possibility of them charging him as well.”

  “Does that mean he’d be charged for what he did to Joey?” Rick asks.

  “That’s exactly what it means but without Joey's testimony we really only have what went down yesterday and possibly Maisie. I want to throw the book at this bastard.”

  Chewing his lip again, Joey nods. “Yes. I’ll testify.”

  “Baby are you sure?” Rick rubs his hand up and down Joey’s back.

  “Yeah I’m sure.”

  “Great.” Charlotte stands up. “How about I make some fresh coffee and then we can come up with a plan for how Joey here is going to keep you under control for the rest of the week.”

  “I have some ideas,” Rick says, grinning at Joey.

  “No!” Joey can feel the heat rushing to his cheeks. “Bill said you have to behave and rest. You have to let me take care of you.”

  He curls up again, one arm draped over Rick’s chest.

  “You can take care of me for as long as you like baby boy.”

  Joey shuts his eyes and smiles. “Thank you.”



  Rick shuts the oven door and goes back to the living room. On the rug under the coffee table, Finn is chasing a ping pong ball around a plastic track. Every time it slows – or she stops it with her paw – Joey flicks it with his finger, sending it hurtling around the circuit again.

  Joey himself is stretched out on the sofa reading his Kindle. On the cushion, next to his head is his bear. He looks up when Rick approaches.

  "Smells good. Did you take your pill?"

  "Yes, I took my pill."

  His kidneys healed without too much trouble but bruising is still visible and the muscle and tendon damage could take an
other few months according to Harper.

  "Treat your back like glass for the next few months," he'd said with a knowing look. Unfortunately, Joey had heard that and has refused to allow anything more than the occasional hand job – something that, if Rick has his way, is going to end later tonight. Well, it will if the pain killer does its thing.

  Today was a beautiful day and Rick had insisted they go for a walk in the park. By the time they got home, his back was aching and of course Joey had spotted it. Rick vetoed the idea of ordering in since they'd had junk for lunch but had agreed to taking one of his hated pain pills. Now Joey won't let him have wine with the chicken stew and he knows better than to try and insist. Worth it to see Joey in his new Disney Princess t-shirt eating four hotdogs and feeding the ducks.

  Joey has a long way to go still, Rick knows that. It's not going to be easy and he's going to need professional help, Rick knows that too. But he's begun to emerge from his shell of fear and shame, something Rick can't get enough of. His moments of sass, once something that happened rarely, are now more common. Sometimes when a nightmare wakes him, he's prepared to talk about it or about the memory that triggered it. Rick knows they're baby steps, but he'll take them.

  He checks the time. Nearly six. Any minute now. Joey had wanted to check on someone when they were visiting Maisie that first time in the hospital. Had asked Carter about it but Rick had been sure it was forgotten in the drama that followed. A quick call to Carter confirmed his suspicion and together they'd hatched a plan. If Rick's right, his boy should be very happy tonight. He nudges Joey upright and sits down with a hiss; pulls Joey back down so his head is on his lap.

  Tucking the teddy bear in beside him, he strokes Joey's hair back off his face. "What are you reading?'

  Joey's eyes light up. "Your Kind of Man by JJ Harper. It's the second book in the Heavyload! Series. The first book was the one with Mikey and Callum but this one has Jem and Nate. Jem is like Maisie but I don't think Nate is like Ian. I don't know. I'm not finished it yet. But it's so good."

  Rick chuckles and presses his lips against Joey's temple and closes his eyes, only half listening to Joey continue talking about his new book. Maisie was released from hospital yesterday and Joey insisted they cook a meal for them and Ian to come home to. Rick had compromised by arranging for a gourmet meal to be delivered to them. Whatever it takes to keep his boy happy.

  Carter called while they were out to announce that it looks as if Portland is going to extradite Danvers after all; they have a series of hate crimes that seem to point to him and with the similarities with Maisie's case they want to investigate it further. Joey had clung to him for five minutes after the news, then straightened his shoulders, and wiped his eyes.

  "Good. Can we feed the ducks now?"

  Smiling at the memory, Rick checks his cell phone to make sure it's on. Joey and Finn look up at him from the screen making his smile widen. To his relief, the pain killer is kicking in and the vice around his lower back is loosening up, which means he should be able to sit here and enjoy Joey's reaction.

  The cell phone chimes. He thumbs the screen and holds it out to Joey.

  "It's for you baby boy."

  Confused Joey shakes his head and mouths "who?"

  "Someone wants to talk to you."

  Joey takes the phone and presses it to his ear.

  "H – hello? This is Joey Harkin." He listens for a moment then joy fills his eyes and he leaps to his feet. "Leanne? Is that really you? Are you okay? Oh my God how did you get this number?"

  Rick doesn't bother to try hiding his smirk as he watches Joey listen to Leanne tell him how they'd called her, told her what had happened to Blake, and that the man she helped escape is safe. Joey gropes for his hand and covers it in kisses as he listens, breaking in with the occasional question.

  Yes, Rick is feeling very pleased with himself and doesn't see any reason to hide it. Why would he?

  Joey – his Joey - is safe and happy and that is all that matters.



  Rick has been the hardest thing I've written to date and for quite a while I wasn't sure I would be able to finish it. With that in mind I have to thank some people who refused to let me give up on it.

  First of all, The Drafon Slayers – you all know who you are – and in particular May who saw me through the entire nightmare without giving in to the urge to have me gagged.

  JJ Harper who patiently and persistently kicked my ass on a regular basis and who so kindly let me use her boys to entertain Joey – and insisted that my endings don’t have to be so abrupt. Yes, she’s the one to thank for that.

  That brings us to Penny. Penny not only kindly stepped up and took up the role of The Beta she did so with kindness and honesty. When the story was stalling, she helped me figure out how to fix it. When I muddled my characters up because I was stressed from trying to get the story right, her eagle eye caught it.

  I'm deeply indebted and grateful to all of you. Thank you.

  As with Joey, I am in awe of and grateful to the men and women who shared their stories with me. If at any point you, as a reader, think Blake's behavior is not the figment of an overactive imagination, please believe me when I say – it's not. There are sadly a lot of Blakes in the world.

  Finn, the kitten, should you be interested, is a blue point Tonkinese. I have two Tonkinese, one of which is a blue point – Rick has no idea what he's left himself in for.

  A very special thanks to:

  JJ Harper (again) for allowing me to use her lovely books – My Kind of Man and Your Kind of Man (;

  Andi James and Lila Wilde for the use of the so adorable Teddy and His Bear (;

  Matthew Olshefski – The Shirtless Violinist – for agreeing to his cameo in this part of Joey's tale. I know Joey enjoyed it Matthew – thank you. (

  As always none of this happened without my family being so supportive. They outdid themselves this time… everyone did.

  Finally, to all of you – especially those of you who loved Joey and who have been waiting so long for this story – thank you for being so patient. Most of all thank you for breathing life into Joey and loving him as much as I do.

  Until next time, stay kind.

  ARJ - June 2019

  About Angelique Jurd

  Writer, researcher, acafan, Buddhist. Angelique is owned by three cats, three adult children, two temperamental computers, and a very patient boyfriend (not a partridge in a pear tree).

  She likes cold champagne, hot coffee, neat whiskey, loud Springsteen, and the Winchester brothers kicking butt. When she's not writing she likes coloring, watching movies, and getting more tattoos.

  Also by Angelique Jurd:

  Jesse’s Smile

  Jesse’s Smile

  The San Capistrano Series

  Book1: The Beach House

  Book 2: Tides of Love

  Book 3: Winds of Change

  Book 4: Stormy Seas

  Book 5: Scattered Shells

  Haunted Seas

  Book 6: Safe Haven

  The Mason Jar

  The Mason Jar

  Daisy, Yellow




  Connect with Angelique:





  Instagram: https://www.instagram/angeliquejurd/



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