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Science Fiction Romance: The Heiress and Her Cybernetic Lover (Robot Android Love Novella) (New Adult Sci-Fi Fantasy)

Page 4

by Olivia Myers

  He was still staring at her, moving closer and closer.

  “So, um, why are you still up?” she asked. It was an uncomfortable moment, as she did not know what to expect from a guy like him. Did becoming more human mean he was now capable of feeling attracted to another human, too?

  “I saw your friend Jessica and her boyfriend, Nick,” he said, suddenly looking quite embarrassed. “They were, uh, how do you say that? They were in the kitchen, kissing… making out.”

  Quinn almost choked, wanting to giggle. Her laughter quickly died down in her throat, though, when she saw how Ivan was looking at her. “And?” she croaked.

  “I couldn’t sleep after that,” he admitted.


  “I kept thinking about you,” he said. “I was lying on my bed, just imagining your face, your smile, the way you sometimes seem to lecture me.” He paused, chuckling a bit. Then he turned serious again. This time, his lips were only a few inches away from hers. “Quinn, I kept picturing you there beside me and I felt…I don’t know. I can’t explain it.”

  Her hammered wildly in her chest. Heat began to spread throughout her body, consuming her with great desire.

  He leaned down then, ever so gently, and planted a sweet kiss on her mouth. They both closed their eyes, savoring the taste of each other’s moist lips.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” he told her.

  Her breath caught in her throat. They were so close to each other, his muscular body almost covering her entirely.

  Then suddenly, he pressed his body against hers and kissed her again, this time with more eagerness. She kissed him back, their growing desires entwining. Her hands automatically reached up, pulling on his hair to bring him even closer. She could feel his hardening cock rubbing against her abdomen. Her body quickly responded, intense fervor and warmth gathering in between her legs.

  A deafening alarm sounded.

  They broke apart in surprise.

  The alarm grew louder, wailing like an ambulance and probably waking up everybody in the house. The front lawn and surrounding gardens were immediately flooded in bright lights.

  “What’s happening?” Quinn asked in a terrified voice.

  They heard footsteps outside the tall fences, as if people were fleeing.

  “What’s going on?” Quinn asked again, afraid to make any move.

  Ivan looked just as confused. He pointed to a few security guards heading out of the gate to check. As if acting on impulse or some kind of protocol, he grabbed Quinn by the wrist and led her inside the mansion.

  “Let’s go inside,” he said firmly. “Don’t worry. You’re safe with me.”

  In the living room, all the guests were already there, trying to peek out the windows. As soon as Ivan had led Quinn inside, he pressed a button on his tablet to automatically lock all the doors of the mansion.

  “Is there an intruder or something?” Elise said in a high-pitched voice. She sounded as if she was trying to control her panic.

  “There is no intruder,” Ivan told them. “Let’s all just calm down and stay here where we are safe.” He tapped on his tablet again. “The security’s taking care of everything.”

  Quinn took out her smartphone and navigated to a replay of the security cameras right outside the walls on the east side of the estate. She’d heard running footsteps earlier, and knew that something was wrong. With her heart racing partly from her encounter with Ivan and partly from the prospect of danger lurking nearby, she watched the footage that had been recorded just a few minutes ago.

  When she saw three strange men in their all-black gear eyeing the fence and the mansion and whispering among themselves, a wave of terror passed through her. She got even more frightened as she watched one of them take out his gun. Luckily, the alarm had sounded then. They’d run away fast.

  She looked up. Ivan and her friends and family were all busy listening to the head of the security who had just come in. He probably did not want to cause any distress or panic too, so he simply said that the alarm had been triggered by some teenagers who were passing by the road. “They’d probably had too much to drink,” he told them.

  “Are you sure it’s just nothing?” asked Andrew.

  “Yes, sir,” the security head said. But Quinn saw him throw her a meaningful look. He’d probably figured out that she had seen the footage. “Have a good night, everyone. Sorry for the disturbance.”

  Andrew placed an arm around Quinn’s mom’s shoulders and led her back to the room. “Let’s not worry, everyone. Let’s go back to sleep.”

  Jessica and Nick looked very sleepy and immediately retreated to their own room too.

  “Aren’t you going to sleep yet, Quinn?” Elise asked.

  “Yeah, I am,” Quinn said with a reassuring smile.

  Elise yawned. “See you in the morning.”

  “You better have some rest now,” Ivan told Quinn when it was just the two of them left.

  “I’m not sure if I can,” Quinn started.

  Ivan gazed at her. They seemed to communicate with their eyes but neither of them spoke. Gently, Ivan led Quinn to her bedroom upstairs.

  He climbed onto the bed beside her. “There’s no reason to be afraid.”

  Quinn nodded, closing her eyes. In her mind, she knew that what she was beginning to feel for him was reason enough for her to be afraid.


  It was a bright, sunny morning. When Quinn opened her eyes, all the memories of the previous night flooded her. She sat up at once, looking around her empty bedroom. Ivan must have left in the middle of the night.

  Checking the clock on her bedside table, she saw that it was already past eight in the morning. She went to the door quickly and could hear jovial chatter from the kitchen, filled with enthusiasm.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” her mom greeted her with a smile. She gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Hope you had a restful sleep despite, you know…”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Quinn said, smiling back. Coming into the kitchen, she was surprised to find Jessica and Nick as the designated cooks.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” Nick said when he saw her. “We kicked out the chef and his assistants.”

  Jessica and Elise laughed. Quinn laughed, too.

  “You can pay us what you’re paying them,” Jessica joked.

  “No problem,” Quinn said good-naturedly. She sniffed the air excitedly, feeling her stomach grumble. “Smells delicious in here.”

  Elise was positioned by the huge center island, pouring coffee for everybody. “Get your coffee here, Quinn,” she offered. “This is my specialty!”

  Quinn took a cup and sipped from it. “Ooh, relaxing.”

  “I told you,” Elise said. “You can hire me to make coffee everyday here.”

  “You little rascal,” Julia said, laughing.

  The kitchen had been filled with the aroma of bacon and eggs, combined with bagels and muffins. Quinn sat down on the counter and took a bite of a yummy-looking muffin. “Where did you get this stuff?” she asked. “They look freshly baked! And they taste delicious!”

  “Oh, I think Ivan bought them downtown this morning,” Julia said. “He’s out by the pool with Andrew.”

  “He probably didn’t get enough sleep,” Quinn murmured with concern.

  “Yeah, probably,” Julia agreed. “But he looks quite relaxed, if you ask me.” She leaned closer to her daughter and whispered, “Is there something I should know about the two of you?”


  “I’m just asking,” Julia said with a laugh, throwing up her hands in the air. “I know you’re old enough to decide. And besides, I think he’s a great guy. Doesn’t matter if he’s cybernetic or what.”

  Quinn couldn’t help smiling. “Thanks, Mom. But really, we’re just friends.” At that instant, an image of the kissing passionately under the tree flashed in her head. She quickly pushed it away.

  “Breakfast is ready!” Jessica suddenly exclaimed, car
rying a tray toward them. “Eggs benedict ala Jessica and Nick, with bacon, cheese, and mushrooms! Plus French toast on the side!”

  Everybody cheered.

  Elise groaned. “You’re going to make me fat!”

  “That’s because you’ve already finished off two muffins and a bagel!” Jessica countered.

  They all laughed in response. Quinn felt happy, the bothersome events of the previous night almost forgotten. Quality time with family and good friends was indeed an amazing way to start any day.

  After a morning nature walk in the nearby mountainous area and lunch in a charming café in town, everybody was ready to get together for a movie in the mansion’s home cinema. Afterward, the ladies opted to enjoy a massage in the home spa area while the men had a game of pool and darts.

  Quinn was lounging on one of the sofa beds, curled up with a book and drinking a fresh fruit shake. Jessica had gone somewhere with Nick.

  “Hi, Quinn! How are you?” an eager, chirpy female voice said, cutting through the silence of the lazy afternoon.

  Quinn looked up from her book with a start. She smiled when she saw that it was her attorney, Carmela Rodriguez. “Hello, Carmela. I’m great, thanks.”

  “I heard your folks are here, as well as your best friend?” she asked, sitting at the edge of the sofa.

  Quinn straightened up. “Yes, although I really don’t know where they’ve gone now. We just had a massage in the spa.”

  “That’s wonderful! I’m sure they’re enjoying their stay here.”

  “Yes, very much,” Quinn said. “So what brings you here?”

  The sparkle in the older lady’s face waned a bit. “I must admit, I came by because I have a big favor to ask of you. Sorry I showed up unannounced, but I couldn’t contact your phone.”

  Quinn looked at her quizzically. “What’s up?”

  “I know you hate publicity, Quinn, but…I really must ask you to go to the gala event tonight. It’s a national gathering of businessmen in the country. James Morgan had been chosen one of the Top Ten Businessmen of America this year. I was scheduled to go and accept the award on his behalf, but my aunt got rushed to the hospital this morning and there’s nobody else to see to her. I’m her only family.”

  She was out of breath when she finished talking. With pleading eyes, she waited for Quinn’s reply.

  Quinn couldn’t believe it. A huge part of her wanted to say no, but she knew there was nobody else who could go. It was a very prestigious and important award, after all. It was the least she could do for her grandfather after he’d left everything to her.

  “Okay, I’ll do it,” Quinn finally said with a deep breath.

  “Oh, thank you so, so much!” Carmela said, giving her a quick embrace. “This means so much. And I know that James is smiling down from heaven.”

  “I hope your aunt recovers quickly.”

  “I hope so too.”

  Quinn suddenly thought of something. “But I have nothing to wear. Where is it going to be, anyway?”

  “It’s in New York, dear. But don’t worry because I’ll arrange for the chopper to take you. Somebody will clean and prepare the penthouse for you. And I can get someone from Vera Wang’s team to dress you for the event. I know it’s short notice and you won’t have time to rest and all, but you’re going to look amazing, I swear! It will be a memorable night, for sure”

  “Chopper? Penthouse? Vera Wang?” she almost squeaked.

  “Yes, you’ll be fine.”

  She was mostly worried about leaving her guests behind. “How about everyone here?”

  “I understand they’re scheduled to head back tomorrow. I know you’re just getting settled here, but maybe you’d consider going with them? You could always buy another house, closer to your family and friends.”

  “I guess you’re right.” Quinn was too overwhelmed to say anything else. That was actually one of the options she had been contemplating—to go back to the city where she used to live. But it was a shame to leave this mansion behind or even to sell it.

  “Think about it, Quinn, and let me know. You can always make this your vacation house or something.”

  “Yes, that’s a good idea,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry, but I need to go back to the hospital now,” Carmela said, standing up. “I’ll come back here tomorrow so I can at least meet your family and friends.”

  “Okay, thanks. Is there someone going with me?”

  “Ah yes, you’ll need a date to the gala,” she answered. “Ivan already volunteered.”


  “Uh-huh,” Carmela said. “Just go to the helicopter pad at the back after an hour. Call me if you need anything else.”

  She left in a hurry after that, leaving Quinn openmouthed.


  Quinn’s heart was beating furiously, both from the thought of speaking in front of all the successful businessmen in the country and also from the fact that her “date” couldn’t take his eyes off her from the moment they met in the lobby of the hotel.

  Even she had not recognized herself in the mirror when the beauty experts were done with their work. Dressed in a midnight blue lace gown that emphasized her curves and showed off her tanned back and shoulders, she looked like a celebrity. Her blond hair had been swept up in an elegant low bun and her evening makeup made her blue eyes seem more dramatic, and her lips fuller and sexier than usual.

  Meanwhile, her cybernetic partner was quite the gorgeous gentleman too. He was not just stunning in his black tuxedo, but had been extra attentive and caring as well. Despite the many beautiful ladies in the ballroom, he seemed to only have eyes for Quinn.

  “And now to accept the award for Mr. James Morgan, let us welcome on stage his granddaughter, Quinn Morgan!” the host announced.

  The entire room was filled with applause. Quinn stood up gracefully from her seat and made her way to the stage, trying to control her quickly beating heart. Just get it over and done with, she told herself.

  She took the Top Businessman award with a big smile and for a minute just stood there speechless. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on Ivan amid the sea of faces.

  You can do it, Ivan mouthed to her with a huge smile.

  Quinn took a deep breath and finally spoke on the microphone. “My family is deeply honored. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would have loved to know my grandfather, and to have gained his wisdom. Nevertheless, from all the people I’ve talked to who knew him, I came to know him in my own way. More than the empire he’d built over the years, his kindness and generosity are his legacy. For this, I am proud to be a Morgan. Thank you very much.”

  After the award ceremony was over, Quinn was immediately swarmed with well-wishers. Ivan stood in the background, beaming at her.

  New faces surrounded her, everybody eager to meet the only heiress of James Morgan.

  Eventually, the crowd thinned out and she was left standing there, looking like a princess waiting for her prince.

  Ivan strode toward her and gently took her hand. “May I have this dance, Miss Morgan?”

  He looked so gallant, she was dumbstruck at first. But she found herself nodding and allowing Ivan to lead her to the dance floor where a few couples were already swaying to the soft, sweet melody being played by a live orchestra.

  “You are breathtakingly beautiful,” Ivan whispered, his eyes intent on her.

  Quinn blushed. “Uh, thank you.” Then grinning, she joked, “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  He grinned back, bringing her even closer toward his body. She could feel the heat building between them, spreading throughout her body and into her limbs.

  “Thank you, Quinn,” Ivan whispered in her ear, his voice tickling her lobe gently and causing a shiver down her spine.

  “For what?” she asked.

  “For helping me to feel human again.”

  Quinn pulled back a bit to look him in the eye. “Like how?” she wanted to know.

�I’m more independent and I can make my own decisions now,” he began. “And more importantly, I am more in tune with my emotions. My heart is beating so fast right now, and it feels amazing.”

  Quinn’s own heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest.

  Ivan moved his head closer to hers. “You make me feel all sorts of things,” he said. “You drive me crazy.”

  Their eyes locked, their lips just an inch apart. But both of them were still trying to control themselves.

  “I think it’s time we ditched this party,” Quinn found herself murmuring.

  “Yes,” Ivan agreed. He took her hand and led her out of the ballroom.

  It was quite late already so the lobby was almost deserted. They got into an elevator, and the heat between them increased exponentially.

  As soon as the doors closed, Ivan pressed Quinn toward the wall, pinning her with his body as their lips found each other in a passionate kiss. The kiss grew more intense as the elevator climbed, their tongues pushing into one another’s mouths and dancing erotically.

  Quinn felt her body burning with desire, especially when Ivan’s hand began stroking her breasts. She let out a soft moan, her own hand dropping down to his groin.

  The elevator doors opened. Shocked, they pulled apart hurriedly and turned to the hallway. It was empty.

  They tumbled out, kissing and groping each other. “Wait,” Quinn breathed, moving toward the entrance to the penthouse. She placed her palm on the sensor beside the door to have it scanned.

  Ivan wrapped his arms around his waist, rubbing his growing manhood against her ass and making her insanely stimulated. His hands went to the top of her gown’s bodice, pulling it down to reveal her breasts.

  Quinn heard a clicking sound. She eagerly turned the knob and stumbled into the dark receiving area, her gown unzipped and falling past her waist.

  Ivan was at her back. He kicked the door shut behind him and started kissing and licking her neck and shoulders while his hands fondled her breasts.

  He paused for a while, just long enough to pull down the rest of her dress. He turned her around and began licking each breast as he squeezed it gently with his hand. His tongue flicked across her nipple teasingly, making it taut and causing her to moan again.


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