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Science Fiction Romance: The Heiress and Her Cybernetic Lover (Robot Android Love Novella) (New Adult Sci-Fi Fantasy)

Page 9

by Olivia Myers

  "What's happening?" Kimi asked as she looked around wildly. There was only one other person in the room—lead botanist Philip Roberts. He looked at her with wide eyes.

  The loud siren wailed across the entire compound of the Science Community. She stood up quickly and followed Philip out, hastening her steps as they joined other scientists along the steel pathways lined with genetically modified trees and shrubs. This was the standard protocol every time the alarm went off, which happened only about once a year.

  Kimi saw a familiar blond-haired girl in a lab coat similar to hers. It was her close friend Trixie, who worked as one of the head geneticists.

  "What gives?" Kimi whispered as she skipped people in the line to get to Trixie.

  "Don't worry," Trixie said. "It's nothing big or dangerous. I heard a fire had broken out at the greenhouse, but the cyborgs have been sent there already."

  "What? " Kimi shouted, making some heads turn. She smoothed her long brown hair with her fingers, which was a habit she had whenever she got nervous. But panic still rose within her as she imagined her treasured plants and years of hard work getting burned down.

  Trixie gave Kimi a gentle hug. "I'm sure your plants are fine," she said. "The cyborgs work real fast in any emergency situation."

  The Science Community compound was quite small compared to the other compounds inside The Dome. It consisted of only two short steel towers with several laboratories and offices, a series of buildings that served as residential spaces for the scientists, an outdoor viewing deck that required getting dressed in special protective gear, and the indoor greenhouse which Kimi considered her second home. She treated all her plants like family members, pouring her heart out into caring for them.

  The Dome was an enclosed arena situated on Planet Venora. Humans had established it about a thousand years ago. Because the outside atmosphere was not conducive to human life and glass walls did not provide sufficient protection, a thick layer of metal had been put up all around the place, as well as used to build a dome-shaped ceiling.

  Through the years, many developments and advancements had come about to make daily living for humans more comfortable and closer to the conditions on Planet Earth. For instance, it was now easier to breathe because of the highly improved oxygen levels being filtered from outdoors. It was also possible to take a walk outside The Dome, provided that a proper safety suit and helmet were worn. In addition, day and night could also be differentiated because of the automatic light system.

  The team of scientists was headed toward the Space Port next to the Science Community. It was a raised metal platform with a huge control room and a spacious parking area for up to ten space ships. Customary emergency procedure required them to gather there and prepare to board the rescue ship. It was the largest ship, and designed to withstand all sorts of elements in the universe, as well as being equipped with enough food and water to last years.

  Kimi couldn’t help wondering what was happening in the greenhouse at that very moment. She knew the cyborgs from the Police Community had been made and trained to rapidly bring back peace and order and handle emergency situations like this. Nevertheless, she would not feel at peace without seeing her beloved plants.

  As they neared the entrance to the Space Port, she sneaked away quietly and rushed to the back of one of the towers. It was difficult to move fast in her high heels and the corporate-looking dress partially hidden underneath her lab coat. But her determination and anxiety enabled her to return to the greenhouse in a matter of minutes.

  The indoor greenhouse was a modern glass facility that housed about a hundred species of plants, combining natural, artificial, and blended ones. The tall ceiling almost reached the height of The Dome. There were rows of plants inside, cultivated for food and medicine as well as for purposes of research and experimentation.

  When she approached the door, she saw remnants of murky smoke and charred walls through the glass. Upon entering, her eyes immediately flew to the row of plants on her right. There was a group of wilted and blackened flora near hers. She felt bad for her colleague Freya, whom she knew cared for these plants dearly. But at least hers were safe and sound.

  Whew, Kimi thought with relief as her fingers danced across the leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits of her cherished foliage.

  "What are you doing here?" a sharp voice suddenly called from behind her.

  Kimi turned around and found herself facing the broad armored chest of a handsome, muscular cyborg. He was wearing their classic navy blue uniform and had a gun and several other weapons strapped across his waist and around his brawny arms.

  "Uh, hi," she said timidly, throwing him a guilty smile. "I just wanted to make sure my plants were okay."

  The cyborg looked very human and appeared more like a famous actor in a space-themed set, with his brushed up jet black hair, dimpled cheek, and ruggedly stunning looks. He towered over Kimi and had a grim expression on his face, which she guessed was nothing unusual for him. She had never actually met any of these half-human, half-machine creatures in person before, but often heard that they were like unfeeling robots programmed to keep The Dome secure at all times.

  He stepped forward and she caught a whiff of his very human, yet pleasing, scent. Silently she wondered which parts of his body were actually made of machine. Her eyes swept over him quickly and lingered a bit on the large bulge in between his legs. Without warning, she felt her body reacting as if it had been set ablaze with fervent, roaring fire.

  "You are not allowed in here," he said firmly. "Leave now before I arrest you."

  That statement sliced through Kimi's crazy thoughts. A flash of anger replaced the burning passion that had been building up within her. Good thing she was able to curtail it before it exploded to the surface. She didn’t want to go to prison, after all.

  "Yes, sir," she muttered, before turning around and walking away.


  The next morning, Kimi was back in the greenhouse, looking fresh as always in a black pencil-cut dress that flattered her curvy figure. With her brown hair pulled up in an elegant ponytail and her natural-looking makeup barely tinting her cheeks with a faint peach blush, she knew she was looking extra pretty that day. There would be a special mission announcement, and she’d had woken up earlier than usual. Not knowing what else to do with her extra time, she’d spent more care than usual on her face and clothes.

  Her hazelnut eyes were gleaming with excitement as she walked over to the row of plants she had worked hard to nurture over the years. She greeted them cheerfully and began telling her favorite stories about the beauty of Earth, which she had only seen in old video files.

  "I can only imagine how wonderful it must have felt to walk on green meadows and feel the cool mountain breeze," Kimi murmured thoughtfully to the blooming rows of greens in front of her. "Earth seems like such a beautiful planet. How I wish humans could inhabit it once again!"

  The flora seemed to come to life before her very eyes, with the oval-shaped leaves clearly vibrating and the moss-covered stems sprouting tiny new leaves in different directions. She smiled in delight, loving the way this particular experimental plant apparently reacted to their one-sided daily chitchat.

  Out of the blue, a mental picture of her previous encounter with that pesky cyborg came back to her. A scowl immediately replaced her smile as she remembered how he had treated her. That's expected, I guess, she thought. But still it had been annoying, especially since he was so damn attractive.

  "That's so amazing," a girl commented in a sad tone, making Kimi turn around. It was Freya. "I envy you."

  Kimi felt sad for her. She could imagine the misery, frustration, and anger that Freya must have been feeling at the loss of her plants. "I'm sorry, Freya. I know it must be hard. Do you know what caused the fire?"

  Anger flashed through Freya’s blue-green eyes. "It was Philip. He'd left a flask of some chemical behind, which had exploded when one of the experimental plants emitted some sort of liquid."

  "Oh," was all Kimi could say, remembering Philip's clueless expression in the lab when the alarm had gone off. "I guess it's old age."

  "Yeah," she agreed. "But still, he of all people should know how to be extra cautious. He's been here for more than a decade already!"

  Kimi nodded, but she didn’t know what else to say. Suddenly, she recalled the special mission she was supposedly going to join. A great idea came to her. She excitedly said, "You can take care of my plants while I'm gone! Treat them as yours."

  "W-What?" Freya asked in surprise. "Are you sure?"

  Kimi smiled widely. "Absolutely! Better yet, just have them all. According to Dr. Anderson, this mission will last a long time. So when I get back, I'll probably just work on a new plant species. And I couldn’t think of anyone better than you to care for my babies."

  "Wow, thank you," Freya replied gratefully. "You're such a good friend, Kimi. I wish you luck in your mission."

  "You're welcome," Kimi said. They hugged. With an affectionate look at Kimi’s plants, Freya excused herself.

  Returning to her precious plants, Kimi felt happy. She was certain Freya would take great care of them. "You guys are going to have a new mommy soon!" she whispered to them in a sing-song voice. The leaves that had sprouted earlier then grew a few centimeters longer and wider, making a rustling movement that seemed to express their joy.

  "Looking good," a deep male voice suddenly whispered beside her.

  Kimi felt a strong arm slithering around her waist and then dropping to her full-sized butt. She jumped a bit in surprise before turning to her colleague Henry Harris. He was also a botanist, tasked with experimental plants that could supply food more quickly and regularly and provide humans with their much-needed energy and resistance.

  "Hey," Kimi greeted him, feeling self-conscious because she wasn't sure if he was referring to her or her plant with his comment. With his hand on her butt, though…

  Henry was much taller than her, very handsome and muscular, one of the smartest scientists of their generation, and a big flirt. He fingered the overgrown oval-shaped leaves of her plant and looked at her meaningfully. "Kimi, Kimi," he began in a teasing tone, "I see you like them big, round, and long."

  She smirked, then threw him a playful smile, recalling their quick rendezvous in the pantry one evening last week when everybody else had gone home.

  "Yes, I do," she agreed with a mischievous glint in her eye. "But unfortunately, I don't always get my wish." She gave him a meaningful pout and wink before walking away. Ha! Gotcha! she thought triumphantly, knowing that she had struck a chord and stomped hard on his ego.

  Just before she stepped out of the greenhouse, though, she turned around quickly to sneak a glance at him. He appeared to have recovered, as he was now openly flirting with Ellen. For a while, Kimi felt disappointed that their wild tryst might not be repeated. But then again, she was used to one-night stands and month-long affairs.

  Yes, Kimi Wilson had never had a real boyfriend. But at least she knew how to have fun. She had long accepted this fate because even in this modern world she lived in, most men were still jerks who preferred skinny over curvy, submissive over assertive, bimbo over intelligent. Hence, big-boned, brainy, and strong-willed women like her just had to settle for purely sexual relationships that hardly ever grew into more.

  Later that day, Kimi was eating lunch with her friend Trixie when a ping from her watch showed a message from Dr. Anderson, the all-around boss in the Science Community. A serious yet young-looking man in his fifties, he was a well-respected scientist in their human society and had been leading their entire group of scientists for about ten years now.

  "Sorry, Trix," Kimi said hurriedly. "Gotta get going. The boss is calling."

  Trixie nodded with a grin. "Sure, no problem. But don't go sneaking into forbidden areas." She said that last part with great emphasis.

  Kimi laughed. "Don't remind me about that cyborg! I swear, he's probably got wood for balls. Splintered wood!"

  "Too graphic for me," Trixie replied, laughing and making a face. "But I can totally feel your wrath!"

  "You bet!" Kimi agreed, standing up and gathering her things.

  "Well, you never know," Trixie teased. "You might just hook up with a cyborg one of these days and discover what they've got concealed beneath their uniform and beneath that serious, stern façade."

  "Yeah, right!" Kimi said, snickering and waving goodbye.

  As she made her way toward Dr. Anderson's office, her thoughts shifted to her mission announcement. She wondered what special mission she was to take part in. Perhaps she would be sent outside to collaborate with Planet Venora's aliens. Their communication abilities were quite limited, but at least they had welcomed humans into their sphere and appreciated humanity's contributions to their world.

  Maybe she would be assigned to care for the plants in the other communities within The Dome. She loved meeting new people and exploring new places, and the prospect of going back to the School Community where she had earned her degree in Science was definitely something to look forward to. She could also drive her mini electric car to get to the farther edges of the enclosed human city and perhaps conduct a food supply survey among the people who lived there.

  There were so many possibilities. It was one of the reasons she loved her chosen career. Apart from her innate adoration for plants, she was an adventurer at heart who could not stay cooped up inside a laboratory for long.

  "Welcome, Kimi Wilson." Dr. Anderson motioned for her to join the other four individuals who had already gathered inside his spacious, avant-garde office.

  Kimi recognized them all—timid and nerdy IT expert Lia, award-winning botanist Raissa and her pilot husband Tim, and veteran all-around scientist Ned. She smiled at them, wondering what they had in common and what mission awaited them.

  Dr. Anderson snapped his fingers, causing a laser-induced screen to hover in the air in front of them. He used the tips of his fingers to pull out seemingly invisible slides. He said, "The four of you will make up this team. Your mission is to double-check if flora has indeed grown again on particular parts of Earth. The vegetation and greenery are indications of life and can thus speed up our studies on the planet's recovery and the possibility of humans moving back there. You must also gather samples of the flora and return them here."

  At the mention of Planet Earth, everyone burst into excited chatter. Dr. Anderson held up his hand to signal for silence, and the five participants immediately obliged. He continued, "You need protection, of course, because we can’t be sure that it’s safe there. You will therefore be given the proper gear and other supplies, enough to remain there for a month. Furthermore, I understand that it is possible for other life forms to have occupied the Earth while humans were not present. Thus, utmost security is crucial. It is in this regard that I will be sending one of the best security cyborgs we have—Lee 5."

  A cyborg?! Kimi thought with obvious repulsion. She groaned silently as she imagined herself trapped inside a space ship with a real live cyborg, someone like the cyborg who had chastised her the other day. He would dampen her high spirits with his austere ways.

  "You have one whole day to prepare your things, say goodbye to your family and friends, and do whatever you need to do," Dr. Anderson went on. "I expect to see you all at the Space Port tomorrow at noon. Should you have any concerns, give me a call as early as possible. Thank you. You're dismissed."

  As Kimi headed out of the office, Lia told her how excited she was because this was her very first special mission. She said this with such a straight face and serious tone that Kimi almost laughed out loud. Of course she didn't. Instead, she simply nodded and expressed her excitement too.

  Meanwhile, Raissa and Tim were engrossed in discussing who would be taking care of their home and children while they were away. Kimi watched their animated conversation and looked at the woman she had been idolizing for quite some time now. Raissa had won all kinds of awards for her
legendary work with plants, and Kimi couldn’t wait to share some conversations with the scientist and watch her in action.

  But of course, it was not only the mission itself and the prospect of learning from her idol that thrilled her. It was going to be a very long trip so she had to at least have some sort of dating life while she was away from home. She had her eye on Ned, who had always captivated her with his old school charm and good looks. He was in his early forties, and still looked handsome and energetic. It made her wonder how he performed in bed. She'd recently heard that he had gotten a divorce, so that meant he might be receptive to some recreational sex.


  After packing her things the following day, Kimi went off to see her parents at the Retirement Community compound. This place never failed to relax her and make her feel at peace. Her parents, along with the other elderly men and women in their neighborhood, wished her good luck.

  "Take good care of yourself, Kimi," her dad said before giving her a hug. He used to be a scientist, too, and was most definitely excited about the latest developments on Earth.

  Meanwhile, her mother, who was a retired teacher, said with confidence, "I'm sure Kimi will complete this mission with flying colors! She was the best in her virtual class back in college."

  Kimi smiled at both of them. She was happy to have such caring and supportive parents. Giving them each a peck on the cheek, she said her goodbyes, then proceeded to visit her sister Kyra at the School Community where she was busy working on a module at the computer center.

  "Go get 'em, Kimi!" Kyra told her with a tight embrace. "I'm so proud of you."

  Kimi giggled in response. "Did you mean get the plants, get the boys, or get the Earth invaders?" she asked teasingly.

  Her little sister smiled even more widely as she pulled away from their embrace. "All of the above!"

  Kimi laughed. "I'm going to miss you, Kyra. Keep in touch, all right?"

  "Yes, of course," she replied. "I hope you come back home with a boyfriend!"


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