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Seed of Sin (The House of Creed Book 2)

Page 5

by D. M. Burns

  “That’s bullshit, Brea,” Tam says as she pushes her feet forward. “Well, not the part where you want to ride Brogan’s dick. That’s only common sense. I’m talking about his whole declaration to the friend shit.”

  “No, Tam you don’t understand. Something is holding him back. I just haven’t figured it out yet.” I swing my arm out in exaggeration. I’m slightly tipsy and my speech is a little slurred.

  “Yeah, well I know what it is, and it has a name… It’s called Natalie… The bitch that was at Sky Lounge with him. Her vice around his dick is holding him back, period. Brea, he’s an asshole that’s stringing you along under the false disguise of labeling you guys as friends. Fuck him. Or better yet don’t, like ever.”

  “You really think so?” I look over at her ice blues, all four of them. She sadly nods her head at me. “You’re surprisingly stout for such a tiny framed human,” I mumble.

  “Oh, God. I’ve got to get you to your bed. And just so you know, I’d rather have that older more refined fuckable brother of muscle wrapping his Godlike built body around mine any day.” She says.

  “Tam, he’s my friendzone. It’s nothing compared to how I feel when Brogan touches me. When Channing kissed me on New Year’s everything about that was warm and comforting. The best way I can describe it would be like kissing Max.” Tam whips her head around at me and her body comes to a complete stop. Her eyes are wide in shock and when she abruptly drops her hands I almost topple over.

  “Shit, sorry Brea-bee.” She jerks forward catching me at the last moment from a pavement facial. “You just caught me off guard with that last statement because that Zeus-like man makes me want to become his personal breeding canal. I saw him that night at the bar and dear sweet Jesus. There was nothing about that man’s design that places him in a friendzone. A fuckzone-hell yes, but friendzone-hell no. Put your arm back around me.”

  I do as she says and we wobble over to the side of a building where she props me up. “I’ve got to wave down a taxi. This shit is too much of a workout.” I wrinkle my nose at her.

  “Are you calling me fat?” I ask. “My loft is only up the street.” I toss my hand out in the general direction that I believe it to be.

  “Hell, no. You’re not fat. I’m telling you I’m out of shape, period.” She giggles.

  “I’ve got her.” That low husky voice filters through the winter air warming me like a sunny beachside destination.

  My head twists to the side taking in everything Channing. One corner of his mouth tips up causing me to melt further into the wall I’m leaned up against. Being tipsy in his presence won't help my resolve one bit.

  “You can take a taxi.” Channing turns to Tamera. “I’ll get sunshine home safely.”

  “Who?” Tam asks in confusion.

  “Sunshine.” Channing points at me with a sneaky smirk and my lopsided smile creeps up. I can’t help it. He’s a really pretty one.

  “My boozy Batman has a habit of showing up on sidewalks out of the blue to save me.” I giggle.

  “It’s becoming a life goal.” He states as a matter of fact.

  A yellow cab comes to a stop right beside Tamera. Her head is bouncing back and forth between my brick wall position and Channing’s hulking frame. Channing winks at me then moves over to the passenger side window followed by hushed talking and hands-off what I suspect is cash to the driver. Tam’s eyes zone in on his backside and she turns her head back to me pointing out his perfect assets while wiggling her eyes in approval. Then she pretends to be smacking his buns of steel. My head falls back into a fit of tipsy laughter.

  “Uhm, just what are your intentions with my best friend? The same best friend that I wouldn’t think twice about committing murder over, Mr. Creed.”

  “To marry her…” Channing deadpans as he stands straight and looks directly at me. I giggle because that’s an absurd statement, but his face shows no sign of humor even through a wink. It like he has this all planned out in his head. It’s eerily sobering.

  “Right… Good luck with that Creed. Anyway, Brea-bee…” My eyes switch over to my bestie, “I encourage you to try that thing called living in sin out first. We’ve talked about it, remember?” Tamera rolls her eyes and I unattractively snort-laugh.

  She props her hands on her hips and clucks her tongue with attitude exuding from her pores. This is exactly why I didn’t want to share any details with Tam. The New York thug in her can be brutal especially when it comes to me. Now I’m the cause for her hesitant vibes directed at the carefree easy-going Creed brother that has a knack for bar side rescues. Unfortunately, he’s not the brother that I wished was here for me right now. That thought gives me a punch of guilt right to the gut.

  He steps away from the taxi turning to face off with my best friend. Having them two standing side by side, I notice that they’d make a really sexy couple. Then again, Tam has plans to meet up with some guy she met in the Bahamas. What was his name? Uhm, Brian or Bob, maybe Bret. Crap, I’m too drunk to be expected to remember those details right now.

  “I understand your reluctance but I assure you that Brea couldn’t be safer if she had a police escort.” He states. “I’m a very capable man with unwavering focus.”

  Channing steps into Tamera taking her hand then covers it with his other. That’s a familiar move. God, he’s so sexy and huge. He leans in whispering something in her ear that has her nodding her head with a goofy smile. When he falls back her eyes roam to me.

  “Are you okay with this Brea-bee?” She asks.

  “Abso-freaking-lutely. Chan-the-man is like a wall of warm muscle and he makes me laugh.” I finish on a hiccup and Channing chuckles.

  “Swear to Christ, you hurt my best friend in any capacity and I’ll cut your balls off.” Tam pokes Channing in the arm with one of her razor nails and he turns to her with a wicked smile.

  “I like you.” His voice is filled with humor and she giggles. Freaking giggles. Tam never does that for anyone. This is a rarity.

  “Okay then. I’ll call you tomorrow chick. Thanks for springing the cash for the cab Creed.” He nods his head but doesn’t take his eyes off me.

  “No worries.” He waves over his shoulder at her.

  She points at me as Channing steps in my direction. I’m still holding the wall up with no desire to move now that everything has stopped spinning. Tamera nudges her head at Channing and acts like she’s humping the air while mouthing something that I’m sure is sexual encouragement to ride the Creed before me bareback. Heck, I can’t make out what any of her four faces on display are trying to say. So, I simply giggle with hiccups breaking the act up. She waves at me then climbs into the cab and speeds off down the street.

  “I haven’t heard from you since New Year’s.” I point at Channing as he steps into me placing a gloved hand on the brick wall beside my face. He’s like an eclipse concealing me from the outside world.

  “Have you missed me, sunshine?” He asks.

  “Of course, you’re my overgrown grizzly bear of a friend, less the fur,” I say.

  “And you’re intoxicated?” It’s not really a question so much as it is a factual statement and I giggle AGAIN.

  “Yelp. I sure am.” I confirm with a head-bobbing motion.

  “What’s your friend’s story.” He tilts his head to the side, and I smile wide.

  “I can set you two up if you want. Whooooa, that’d be epic if you guys fell in love all because of me.” I clap my hands together in premature excitement for possibly being a bridesmaid.

  His deep dark holes take me in for a moment. My breathing comes to a halt when he creeps forward another inch. I brace my hand against his chest stopping the other wall that is him from closing me in. He smirks at my silent way of saying no. I think he’s going to kiss me again against my protest but instead of a mouth to mouth assault he brushes his lips across my forehead then turns around.

  “Jump on, sunshine. Time for a piggyback ride. Your heels and current alcohol consumption
state of mind requires it.”

  “Really?” My voice comes out laced with high-pitched excitement. Then my mind switches over to Brogan when he carried me through BC Towers after we saw the Christmas tree together and my heart bottom’s out.

  “Your loft isn’t that far and if you haven’t noticed I’m in good shape. Let’s go.”

  “You’re also very freaking tall. So, drop down some more.” I say.

  When he does, I hop into place, and without so much as a grunt from my added weight, Channing stands to his full height securing my legs around his waist and he starts moving.

  “Are ya just going to ignore my question about Tamera?” I ask.

  “Yelp… Sure am.” He says.

  “Mkay… So, are you like a boozy Batman for the alcohol-impaired? Do you have a hero alert that goes off telling you when I’m in need of an escort home from a bar night out with friends or something?” I ask.

  “I was in the mood for Mr. Maggio’s food.” He says. “But if you want to believe that I’m your personal Batman then I don’t want to tarnish that superhero viewpoint you’ve conjured up in that mind of yours.” He says.

  “Fair enough. Did cha have a good day?” I ask.

  “Yelp, but it just got a helluva lot better.” He says. “I have a cuddly koala on my back that smells like infused cherries.” He chuckles.

  Adjusting my beanie further down on my head, I wrap my arms around Channing’s neck and rest my chin on his shoulder. “It’s actually my new cherry and kiwi lotion Tamera bought me for Christmas.”

  “Whatever it is smells damn good.” He says.

  “So, whatcha been up to since New Year’s?” I ask.

  “Business meetings and simple shit that bores me to death. It’s not worth discussing.” I can’t believe his breathing isn’t labored. It’s amazing to me how good of shape this man is in. I’d be on the ground wheezing out a lung. “More importantly, I’ve got the sunshine wrapped around my shoulders. This night can’t possibly end any better than this. By the way, I gotcha something for Christmas. Don’t thank me because it’s going to benefit me as much as it does you.” He turns his head and smiles at me.

  “Reallllyyyy, what is it?” I ask with excitement. “You got it on your person?”

  “If I say yes, will you strip-search me?” He chuckles.

  “You’re a hot mess.” I giggle.

  “And you’ll see what it is when we get you home.” He says.

  “You know, you’re like an electric blanket, right?” I pat his shoulder.

  “I’m glad I can keep you warm. You probably need food on your stomach after drinks though. What do you want from Mr. Maggio’s? The usual?” He asks.

  “Nah… I’m good. I’ve not had much of an appetite here lately but you feast out if you’re hungry. We both know you like food. Being a growing boy an all.” I shrug my shoulders and smile back at him.

  “Tell me what’s on that beautiful mind, sunshine. There’s a reason you’ve been tossing the alcohol back and you don’t strike me as the type to drink just to be drinking.”

  He’d be right too but I don’t want to talk about it. Channing stops, cranes his neck pinning me with those silver slits. He really doesn’t want me to tell him how much I wished his brother were here instead of him. It makes me feel guilty and ungrateful.

  Wiggling my legs, I decide I can walk the rest of the way. I see Mr. Maggio’s neon red sign in the storefront window and my loft is coming into view anyway. He gets the hint and lets me slide down. I shiver as soon as I step away from him pulling my coat closer to my body.

  “You sure you’re alright to walk?” He asks.

  “Yeah. I’m good. This cold weather has a way of sobering me up. Tell me what your childhood was like.” I smirk at him while trying to avoid his earlier question about my cocktail hour or three.

  “I’m well aware of what you just did there, but I’ll give that to you.” He wraps his huge leather-covered claw around mine tucking our hands into his trench coat pocket. “It’s too cold for you not to be wearing gloves.”

  Channing’s hand unsurprisingly radiates heat around mine. The guy is like a walking furnace. He focuses forward letting his footfalls cut a crunching path through the day-old salt tossed out over the snowy sidewalk.

  “I grew up in Chicago and was raised inside the walls of Stars Orphanage. I ran away from that shithole when I was barely old enough to be considered a teenager. My life on the streets taught me really quick that I wanted, let me rephrase that, I NEEDED an education. That life decision was a turning point in my life.”

  Channing turns his head to the side giving me a wink of encouragement. It’s like he knows my heart is twisting painfully inside its ribbed cage. This is his way of saying he’s okay and therefore, I should be too. I want to wrap my arms around this man and reassure him love exists in this world. Instead, I simply gulp down my sorrow for his crappy start in life.

  “After getting my head on straight, I put my mind into school and ended up at LSU. The rest is history.” When he opens the door to Mr. Maggio’s, I slow blink up at him before I realize he’s holding it open for me.

  “Oh, thanks,” I mumble. He pulls our hands out of his coat pocket and I stumble forward but he steadies me.

  “Careful, sunshine.” He whispers in my ear and I giggle. My vodka state of mind is muffled.

  “Miss. Brea… Do you want your meatball calzone to go?” Mr. Maggio calls out at me before his eyes glide over my shoulder scanning up Channing’s towering size. “Well, what do we have here tonight? My best customers come to visit me together… Channing, my boy. You want your usual too?” Mr. Maggio’s smile is a fatherly sight as his crinkling eyes bounce between us.

  “Yes sir, but can we get it to go Mr. Maggio?” Channing asks.

  “Oh, yes-sure-sure… No problem. Coming right up.” Mr. Maggio takes off to the kitchen in the back and I turn to Channing.

  “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your mom?” I whisper out. He reaches out and brushes a piece of hair off my face while shaking his head slightly.

  “After giving birth to me she died.” His eyes watch my reaction and I can’t help but bite down on my bottom lip. Jesus. Both him and Brogan lost their moms after birth but unlike Brogan, Channing had no one. Not one single person to turn to or love him.

  “Hey, no… Stop that. I’m self-taught and my lessons by way of hard knocks were needed. I’m proud of the mistakes along the way. The hardships helped to shape the man you see in front of you today. If anything, I’m stronger for it.” He winks at me. This guy is impressive and so much more than I originally thought.

  “How did you find out about Brogan?” I ask.

  “Before I enrolled into college, I did some checking around into my mother’s background. I visited one of her former co-workers who turned out to be a close friend of hers before she passed. I learned about Grant Creed and well as any kid would be, I was curious. I snooped and learned of Brogan.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “Did you ever approach your father?” He shakes his head no.

  “Grant Creed knew nothing about me. When I figured out that he was my father his health was declining. I simply choose to leave things as they were. There was no sense in disrupting the lives around me.”

  “That hurts my heart for you,” I whisper out and look down at the brown tiled squares under my feet. Channing slips his finger under my chin tilting my head back until my eyes land on him and he smiles wide.

  “Don’t do that, sunshine. So far, my life has been meaningful and I feel blessed to be standing exactly where I am right now.” He nods his head. “I wouldn’t do a damn thing differently because if I did, I might not have met you and those are facts.”

  Before I can respond, not that I have words for that, Mr. Maggio rounds his way back into the room. “Well, here you two go. Hot out of the oven.” Mr. Maggio holds his hands out in offering with two large bags, one in each hand. Channing slips money into Mr. Maggio
’s front shirt pocket and takes the bags.

  “We thank you, Mr. M.” I smile wide.

  “Enjoy. It warms this old man’s heart to see you two together. You take care of my girl.” Mr. Maggio pins Channing with a stern but playful look.

  “That’s the plan. See you in a couple of days, yeah?” Channing says.

  “Oh, wait a minute.” Mr. Maggio’s Italian accent comes out thick. “This is too much money.” He pulls the cash out of his pocket and shakes his head no.

  “That’s for taking care of my girl. Plus, a little something for the holidays.” Channing says while he adjusts the bags to one hand. I try to offer help but he shakes his head no and wraps his free hand around mine pulling me toward the door.

  “Well, that’s nice of you. Thank you, son. You two have a good night.” Mr. Maggio says while trudging back behind the counter.

  “Bye, Mr. M,” I call out.

  As soon as we’re out the door, I look back at Channing while making my way up the side stairs to my building entrance. “That was really sweet of you to remember Mr. Maggio.” I hold the door open to my building, but he steadies it with his business kicks and motions his head for me to move on in.

  “He’s a hardworking man. Plus, he feeds me more often than I’d like to admit.” He says as we move up the stairs.

  “And I thought that was for taking care of your girl.” I smile wide and Channing nods his head.

  “That too.”

  Once we move into my loft, I kick my shoes off and toss my coat over the back of the chair then slow melt onto the fluffy rug in front of the couch. Channing sets the food down on the counter and I bury my half-drunk face inside my arms. I hear his footsteps in approach, but I stay completely still. The furry carpet feels warm and after that walk coupled with way too much vodka, I’m bummed out on the booze.

  “If you eat, you’ll feel better, Brea.” He says as he towers over me. I don’t have to look to know he’s there. The heat radiates off this guy.

  “Forewarned cha, I’m not in the mood for the food dude.” I chuckle into the floor.


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