Tough Talking Cowboy

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Tough Talking Cowboy Page 15

by Jennifer Ryan

  Trinity stood and took a step toward him. “I never said that. I don’t mean that.”

  “You all think it. I’m not good enough for someone as beautiful and perfect as her.”

  Declan leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “Is that what you tell yourself? I think that IED fucked up your head worse than your leg.”

  “If you two are together, then why not say so? Why hide it?” Tate asked on a yawn.

  “We are not together.”

  “So this is a rebound thing?” Trinity asked. “You’re using her to get over Melanie?”

  It took everything in him not to explode with rage that Trinity would accuse him of that. “Adria got exactly what she asked for. She came to me. But thanks for thinking I’m a fucking asshole because I took her up on her offer.” He walked out and up the stairs to the room he’d redone and Adria would never see, because after tonight his family would be sure to end whatever the hell he had with her.

  They’d embarrass her.

  They’d tell her she deserved more.

  And she did.

  He should just get out of her way and let her get on with finding out now that he’d well and truly fixed her inhibitions about sex.

  With that thought came a dozen unwelcome ones of her with other men that sent his fist through the wall the second he walked into his room. He welcomed the stinging pain and fell on his bed on his back and spent the rest of the night staring at the dark ceiling, seething at himself for thinking even for a second that he and Adria could ever be more.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chills raced up Adria’s arms. She stepped out onto the porch with Noah and stared down at the brand-new white-and-black Jeep Grand Cherokee again. She screamed earlier when they arrived and surprised her with the amazing gift.

  Roxy was too generous.

  Adria told her she couldn’t accept it. But just like the graduation gift that helped her open her business, Roxy wouldn’t take no for an answer. Not when they’d both grown up the way they had, only having each other to rely on with mothers like theirs.

  As much as they all hated what their mothers did, the Wild Rose Ranch money made it possible to get Juliana the help she needed.

  It bought Adria a new vehicle, so she didn’t have to rely on Trinity to cart her back and forth to the shop. She’d intended to buy a new car when the store opened and she had a steady income. Roxy took care of it, just like she’d taken care of her and Juliana when they arrived at the Ranch when they were ten.

  She missed Juliana more each day, but she was so happy to have Roxy and Sonya in her life.

  Noah stepped down one of the porch steps and smiled at her. “Roxy’s been worried about you. I’m glad the Jeep made you happy.”

  She hugged Noah and held on. “I love it. Roxy is the best. And I’m so happy she found love with you.”

  Drake’s pissed-off face came into view a second before he grabbed Noah’s shoulders, pulled him away from Adria, spun him around, grabbed him by the shirt, and got right in his face. “Don’t ever fucking touch her again.”

  The deadly tone chilled Adria. “Drake, let him go.”

  “Tell him you don’t want to sleep with him because you’re with me.”

  Adria sucked in a surprised gasp, tried not to smile, despite how angry she was, and took the few steps down toward Noah and Drake and looked Noah in the eyes. “I don’t want to sleep with you.”

  Noah gave her a lopsided frown. “I feel oddly rejected.” Merriment danced in his eyes.

  Adria smacked him on the arm. “You’re sleeping with my sister. I think you’ll get over it.”

  Noah smiled. “I am so in love with that woman.”

  Roxy walked out of the cabin, took in the scene, walked down the two steps, stayed on the one above Noah, and wrapped her arms around Noah’s neck and stared over at Drake, who still looked ready to kill. “Let him go. He’s mine.” She flashed the diamond ring on her finger.

  Adria had enough. She touched Drake’s arm. “Look at me.”

  Drake’s breath billowed in and out in hard gasps. Black smudges marred the underside of his tired and furious eyes. “No one touches you.”

  She let her anger fly. “I decide who touches me and who doesn’t. You don’t have a say in who I’m with.”

  Drake let go of Noah, but not without a little angry shove.

  Thank God, Noah took it in stride. The last thing she needed was a brawl in her front yard.

  Drake took a menacing step toward her, but it didn’t intimidate her. “What if I want a say?”

  “You made it clear you weren’t looking for anything more than what we agreed to.”

  “Fuck that damn deal we made.” He raked his hand over his head. “I’ve been up all night thinking about you, that deal, what I want, what you want. You know what keeps repeating in my head? Roxy’s words.”

  “Mine?” Roxy raised a brow, still holding Noah’s back to her chest. Both of them an avid audience.

  Drake ignored Roxy and stayed laser focused on Adria. “‘She doesn’t do anything without putting her whole heart in it.’ I’ve seen that. I’ve felt it every night I’m with you. I don’t want that for just a couple hours every night. I want it every hour of the day.”

  Adria didn’t know what to say. Her feelings had grown these last weeks. The connection they shared in the night had been unexpected and surprising and wonderful. And she had no idea what to do with all that, so she’d ignored it and focused on what they did have, not what she didn’t think he wanted to give her.

  “You made it clear that after Melanie broke your engagement, you didn’t want a relationship.”

  “This isn’t some rebound. This isn’t about proving that IED didn’t permanently break me. I wouldn’t have almost killed Roxy’s fiancé—”

  “There’s not a scratch on me,” Noah pointed out.

  Drake glared hard at him, his shoulders tense, hands fisted. “Trust me, it was a near miss.” He focused on her again. Frustrated and agitated, he rocked from one foot to the other. “The point is, I wouldn’t be standing here in front of your family completely fumbling over some meaningless fling. Losing you matters more to me than Melanie ever did.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You asked her to marry you.”

  “Yeah. Take that in, because it’s causing all kinds of havoc inside me.”

  He loves me.

  No one had ever loved her. Well, not no one. Juliana loved her. Her sisters loved her. Maybe her mother loved her once, but now it felt like a lie, because her mother only cared about herself.

  But no man had ever loved her.

  No man had ever wanted her like this.

  Drake took a step closer. “Say something.”

  She truly didn’t know what to say.

  Frustrated by her silence, Drake’s eyes narrowed a split second before he reached out, grabbed the back of her neck, stepped close, and crushed his mouth to hers. He kissed her long and deep. His fingers softened on her neck and caressed her skin. He broke the kiss and touched his forehead to hers.

  He didn’t open his eyes as she watched him, but his deep voice sank into her. “Tell me you don’t feel that. Tell me you don’t kiss me with everything inside you. Tell me you’re satisfied pretending we don’t exist in the day and only having my hands on you for a couple hours at night.” He opened his eyes and stared into hers. “Is that enough for you? Because it sure as hell isn’t enough for me. Not anymore.” He leaned back and stared down at her. “If it’s the scars, I’m having surgery next week. They won’t be gone, but they’ll be better.”

  She slapped her hand against his mouth, to shut him up. “No.”

  If she’d bashed him in the chest with a wrecking ball he’d have had no less of a reaction than the giant step back he took as his body took the blow from that single word. He turned away, his face a mask of pain and loss.

  “It’s not enough,” she called to him. “That’s what you asked me.”

  He turned
and stared at her, desperate hope filling his eyes.

  “The answer is no, Drake. Even with all we pack into those few short hours, it’s not enough. Sneaking peeks of you out in the stables with your brothers isn’t enough. Watching you ride off into the pastures alone when I want to be with you sucks. Not knowing how your day went or if you’re okay makes me worry.”

  Drake gave her back the truth. “I spend my whole damn day counting down to when I can sneak over here and see you. It’s been forever since I ordered my siblings to bed, but every night I want to lock them in their rooms so I can see you.”

  She laughed, because she could imagine how hard it was for him to hold back those orders.

  “So you want to be my boyfriend?”

  He smiled and it was filled with all kinds of boyish charm. “Yeah. Whatever you want, because all I want is for you to be mine.”

  She already was, so she gave him the order that started it all. “Go.” She leaped off the steps and launched herself into his arms.

  He caught her against his chest, held her close, and kissed her again.

  “It’s your lucky day, sis. You get a new car and a boyfriend.” Adria heard the smile in Roxy’s voice.

  Drake ended the kiss and held her tight, looking over at Roxy and Noah. “Sorry I lost it.”

  Noah, her sweet soon-to-be brother-in-law, defended her. “Keep working on your shit. Because you leave a mark on her, I leave you in a hole.”

  Adria released Drake and stared up at Noah. “I’ve never had a brother. It’s kind of fun.”

  Noah notched his chin toward her. “If you’re happy, Roxy’s happy, and that means I’m happy. So keep us all happy, Drake.” Noah eyed the big man behind her, who hadn’t taken his hands off her hips even though they could see.

  It would take some getting used to, this not having to hide the way they felt in front of others.

  “Believe me, if she’s not happy, she’ll let me know about it. It’s one of the things I admire about her. She tells it like it is even when it’s hard to say. And hear.” He gave her hips a little squeeze.

  She snuggled back into his chest. “Get used to it.”

  Roxy released Noah’s shoulders and gave him a little push toward their truck. “Let’s go, cowboy. We’ve got horses to feed.”

  Drake glanced at the Speckled Horse Ranch logo on the truck. “I bid on one of your horses at auction a couple years back. It went for a pretty penny.”

  “They all do,” Noah boasted. “If you’re interested in buying anytime soon, come on by. I’ll make you a good deal.”

  Roxy hugged Adria goodbye and whispered in her ear, “You picked a tough one.”

  “I can handle him.”

  Drake overheard and smiled at her again. It seemed to come easier since they’d opened themselves to the possibilities they’d kept to themselves and couldn’t wait to share with each other now that they’d admitted what they really wanted.

  “Get out of here so she can handle me in private.”

  Roxy’s lips tilted in a cheeky grin. “Dirty and naughty.” She glanced back at Adria. “Have fun.” Roxy made it an order to remind Adria it was okay to let go of her past and enjoy what she had right now.

  Roxy and Noah climbed into their truck and took off with one last wave goodbye.

  Drake took her hand and pulled her up the steps to sit with him on the top one. He held her hand, fingers entwined, and stared out at the horses grazing in the pasture. “I’m sorry I leaped to the wrong conclusion and shoved Noah.”

  “He’s a big boy. He can take it.”

  “It shouldn’t have happened. I need to get a grip on my anger and not fly off the handle all the time.”

  “You don’t fly off the handle all the time.”

  He eyed her.

  “Okay, not anymore. No harm, no foul. You saw me with him and wanted me back. Is that about it?”

  Drake pressed the heel of his hand into his eye socket. “Yes. The thought of someone else touching you, being with you . . .” He shook his head. “No. I can’t.”

  She leaned into his side. “Good. I feel the same way about you.”

  “Look at me. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  She punched him in the arm.

  “Ow! What was that for?”

  “Being stupid.” She took his face in her hands, then traced her fingers over the scars on his cheek and jaw. “These don’t make you less than. If my sisters weren’t engaged, I’m pretty sure I’d have to fight them to the death to keep them away from you.”


  “Yes. Right. Don’t you think I’m attracted to you? Don’t you feel it when I look at you and touch you?”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips, softening in his beliefs, she hoped. “Yes, sweetheart. I feel everything you pour into me.”

  “Do you think I’d lie to you?”


  “Then believe me when I say the scars don’t matter. They don’t detract from how sexy and gorgeous I think you are.”

  “I want to erase them because they remind me of what happened.”

  “Are you having this surgery because of that or because you think I want you to?”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “I know you don’t care. I believe that. I really do. But physical therapy isn’t enough to restore my mobility. I’m stronger, but I still can’t move my hip very well. It hurts. But yes, having the scars cleaned up will make me feel better, too.”

  “Okay then. I’ll come with you.”

  “You don’t have to. I know how close you and Trinity are to opening the store.”

  She shook her head. “Nothing matters more than being with you.” She meant that. If she’d learned anything from her life and being with her sisters it was that the people who care about you and you care about make your life. Not a car, a business—nothing was more important than the relationships that enriched your life.

  He kissed the side of her head, pressed his lips to her hair, and whispered, “I want you with me.”

  “As long as you do, I’m there.” She settled into him. She hadn’t thought a real relationship would ever happen for her, but then Drake came into her life. He taught her to trust in him and herself.

  Who knew what they could have now? But if it was as good as what they already shared, it was worth the risk to her heart that had ached for more with him these last weeks.

  She hoped Juliana got better and found something special, too. She deserved that. They both did.

  It took being with Drake for her to finally believe it.

  Drake leaned back and stared down at her. “There’s something else we need to talk about.”

  She gave him her full attention, interested in what else he wanted to discuss with her. “What’s that?”

  “Trinity saw us last night?”

  She remembered all too well the way she’d practically jumped him on the porch and kissed him. “Not the way I would have wanted to tell her, but okay, she knows. Is she mad that I kept it from her?”

  “I think she’s pissed I’m using you for sex.”

  She scrunched her lips and hated that’s how he put it and how it made him look bad while it sounded like she was naive and unaware. “First, that’s not true. I’m the one who proposed the deal.”

  “When I told them that, they didn’t exactly believe me. Especially Trinity, who said something about you not being like that because of your background.”

  “Because my mother’s a prostitute, you mean?”

  He winced. “It’s not the same thing.”

  “I never said it was, but is that what Trinity thinks?”

  “No. Hell no. She thought I was using you and didn’t know that I could damage you by not knowing about your past. She doesn’t want me to hurt you.” Drake rubbed his fingers in his close-cropped hair. “Seriously, sweetheart, I don’t know how this is going to go. I’m still not anywhere near a hundred percent in the head. The las
t thing I’d ever want to do is hurt you. I hope you know that.”

  “I know your intentions are good and honest. I understand your condition and that you’re working on it. That’s good enough for me.”

  “And you’ll let me know when I’m being a dick.”

  “Even when you don’t want me to.” She bumped her shoulder into his, not having the same apprehensions he did. He was too hard on himself. If she kept things easy, maybe he’d lighten up. “Just go with it, Drake. Let yourself be happy. No one, not even the friends you lost, would begrudge you that.”

  He turned his head, set his chin on his shoulder, and stared at her. “You make me happy.”

  “Then let’s be happy together.”

  “Will you tell my sister and brothers that I’m not holding you hostage?”

  She laughed. “Of course. In fact, I need to get to work. Weren’t you supposed to help Declan and Tate put up the shelves today?”

  “I blew them off after they gave me the third degree when I got home last night and went for a ride this morning to clear my head.”

  “I guess that didn’t work out so well for you. You were still pissed off when you saw me with Noah.”

  “I was pissed off because all I could think was that I could have saved myself the grief and stayed with you last night.”

  “Well, you know how much I enjoy you in my bed. I’d certainly never kick you out.”

  “I hope you mean that, because I plan on staying with you tonight. After I take you out to dinner.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Really? A date?”

  “We may have done this a little backward, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make up for it and do a few things better.”

  She gave him a cheeky smile. “Oh, honey, you are good at so many things.”

  He finally smiled again. “Like this.” He leaned in and kissed her, taking his time, teasing and tempting her to take the kiss deeper. When he did, she leaned into him, wanting more.

  With him, she suspected she’d always want more.


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