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Rebel Yell: Operation Ardent Redux: Episode 1 (A Space Opera Adventure)

Page 8

by J. L. Stowers

  Roni checked the blindfold once more before she navigated the narrow space between the hedge and the building. The action she saw from the window seemed to have died down, but the bodies remained. Then the ground began to shake again.

  As soon as the tremors began, Darla buried her face in Roni’s neck and whimpered. The buildings towering around them seemed to sway but didn’t falter.

  “Come on! We have to go now,” a voice ahead called out.

  Roni froze. There was no way to tell if the voice was friendly or not.

  She took a breath, then stepped out of the safe cover offered by the dying shrubs and peeked around the building's corner to get a better look. A small group of people, not soldiers, were heading toward where the ships were parked.

  "Move!" a voice called from behind. "There's one!"

  Roni turned in time to see one of the GC troops raising their blaster at her and Darla. She quickly ducked, holding the girl close to her. "She's just a child, asswad!" she yelled back over her shoulder as she took off running after the civilians.

  Her shout drew the attention of the people ahead of her, and they turned, two of the men laying down covering fire at the GC while Roni and Darla caught up to them.

  "Darla?" One of the women ran up to Roni, taking the girl and peeling the blindfold off.

  "Mama!" she answered, throwing her arms around the woman's neck.

  "I'm happy to help, but we need to get out of here," Roni pointed down a side street toward the city's edge.

  "But the children..."

  "They're safe. We've got the others. We need to go, now."

  The woman nodded and turned to head down the side street.

  "You too, come on," Roni shouted at the defending men.

  "We'll catch up," one answered.

  Roni shrugged and followed behind Darla and her mother until the back corner of the building came into view. She rushed ahead. She held up a hand, slowing the woman, then held a finger to her lips. The woman nodded and whispered to Darla.

  Drawing her weapon, Roni peeked around the corner of the building and into the abrupt landscape change of rock and sand. A handful of GC troops lay dead on the ground near the base of the building. The sound of shots being fired echoed from the opposite direction. Roni spun around and lowered Darla's blindfold, giving a nod to her mother.

  Roni led the way toward the commotion. Flashes of light flickered from around the building's corner up ahead, close to where the ships were originally parked. She carefully peered around the corner, her eyes widening at the sight.

  Their commandeered transport held position over the other ship, loading ramp closed but facing the onslaught. Two dozen GC soldiers fired at the open hatch as the ship’s guns returned fire. A round of shots volleyed from hidden gunnery support hatches. Weapons took up most of the opening, shielding those inside, but Roni could just make out the faces. Billy was in one, and Ryan in the other.

  The two men from before ran up behind Roni, breathing heavily. "They're going to follow us. We can't stay here," one of them said.

  Roni nodded. "How are your weapons?"

  "They might have another small fight in them," said the other.

  "Alright, you two protect the kid and her mom. See if you can get them over there." Roni pointed to a small shed somewhat close to the ships. "I'm going to try to draw their fire. Go now, while they're distracted."

  Roni's eyes were trained on the guards while the small group ducked along whatever cover they could find on their way to the shed. She crept along the edge of the building, weapons ready and trained on the GC soldiers. She wasn't sure what she was going to do yet, but she needed to make sure they didn't see Darla and the others. The kid had seen enough, and the last thing she needed was to lose her mom, too.

  A puddle splashed under her boot, the fumes drifting up from it giving her pause. Fuel. She traced the trail back to the source, a row of GC land vehicles. Roni smirked. She'd hotwired a handful of them before, and it was just the distraction she needed.

  The three open-topped land runners were abandoned, probably because they were great for transportation, but without any mounted weapons and the exposure they weren't great for combat. It didn't take Roni long to determine which one had the fuel leak. It also didn't take her long to see the flat tires on the second vehicle. But the third, the third seemed to be in prime condition. Or so she hoped. As soon as she fired up the engine, she knew she'd catch their attention.

  She popped the door open and opened the access panel to a mess of wires inside. Recalling her mischievous youth, she grinned and climbed up into the seat. A moment later, the vehicle roared to life. Crouched as low as she possibly could be while still being able to see where she was going, Roni hit the gas and swerved toward the troops firing on the ship.

  Shouting, followed by a barrage of blasts from the guards, didn't deter her as she barreled toward them. Contact. With a thud and a grunt, two guards went up and over the hood, one bouncing off the side while the other landed unconscious and bleeding in the passenger seat. Roni quickly disarmed the man before reaching over to pull on the latch, kicking him out through the open door. She sat up just in time to see Darla and the others being helped aboard the ship and the guards regrouping in her rearview mirror. She turned, gun in hand, extended her arm, and fired at them before hitting the gas and steering toward the ship.

  The ground began to shake again, worse this time. She almost didn't see the rift open up in the ground in front of her. Roni slammed on her brakes as the land before her rose up. She yanked the wheel, spinning the ground runner until the side collided with the newly formed cliff that stood as high as the vehicle.

  "Shit!" she yelled as the engine died. Roni worked to restart the vehicle, but the GC troops were drawing nearer, opening fire again. Another guard hoisted a rocket launcher onto his shoulder and took aim at the ship. Roni’s blood ran cold. She wasn't sure if the ship could hold up to a gun of that magnitude. She went to fire at him, but her weapon was out of charges. Instead, she threw it at one of the approaching guards, bouncing it off of his head and causing him to stumble.

  Another attempt to start the vehicle resuscitated the engine. As soon as the engine burst to life, she hit the gas again, narrowly avoiding the barrage of fire. Thankfully, Zadria and Ryan must have also seen the rocket launcher, as the ship zipped toward the desert, away from the remaining GC troops. Roni cheered in her head until she remembered that she wasn't aboard. She steered to follow the ship's path and floored the pedal.

  The land runner's gauges topped out, and Roni cringed. She hoped it would be able to keep up, otherwise she'd be stranded when they left, which is what she knew Ryan would tell them to do. She couldn't blame him; there were children on that ship. They were the first priority, and if that meant sacrificing one rebel, so be it. But she'd be damned if she went down without a fight.

  Another land runner rumbled to life behind her, the GC troops piling in. It was the one with the gas leak, but Roni wasn't sure just how much fuel was left. "Come on," she encouraged her ride, patting the dash.

  A quick glance over her shoulder revealed that the troops in the car had the rocket launcher with them. Once they closed some of the distance between themselves and the ship, everyone would be in danger. As she turned to face forward again, she bit her lip as the ship seemed to slow, the loading ramp opening. Those fools.

  Billy held his anchor rope with one hand as he inched out onto the loading ramp, opening fire on the troops coming up behind her. Over the noise of the engine, she couldn't hear what Billy said, but his extended hand told her what she was expected to do. They wanted her to jump into the ship. And, with tendrils of smoke creeping out from under the hood of the ground runner, she probably wouldn't have much time.

  Roni hastily set the cruise control, hoping it would hold out long enough for her to get aboard before she climbed over the section of frame supporting the windshield. A burning flash hit her shoulder as one of the shots made contact. "Yup,
suit is definitely out of charge." She grunted as she crouched on the hood, trying to use the windshield as cover.

  "Come on!" Billy yelled.

  The ship was closer now, and the flow of smoke from the engine grew thicker around her. Now or never.

  She steadied herself to standing, then leapt, reaching for Billy's extended arm. She hit the loading ramp, hard, as the ship abruptly shifted. The air rushed from her lungs, and despite her gasping, she couldn't manage to replace it. Billy caught her wrist as the ship spun. He slipped from his feet, down onto his side, dropping the gun and grabbing Roni's arm with both hands.

  A pop and a pain in her shoulder caused her to cringe as she tried to reach for him with her other hand, finally managing to capture some of the sweet oxygen around her. She kicked her leg up, managing to catch her boot on the loading ramp door as they worked together to pull her up, the centrifugal force making it difficult. But the reason for the sudden turn became evident as an intense heat assaulted her back. Roni glanced over her shoulder at the pillar of molten rock erupting from the ground. Her land runner plunged into the lake of lava at the base, and the guards' vehicle rolled sideways as they jerked the wheel and jumped out, rolling in a cloud of dust and curse words.

  Roni clutched her shoulder as Billy helped her to her feet inside the ship, before hitting the button to close the loading ramp.

  "See, I told you she was a superhero," Darla exclaimed proudly as she pointed at Roni.

  Chapter 8

  Roni stared out of the small, circular viewing window as they continued to gain altitude. Red, glowing lines branched out across the planet's surface like a shining road map of destruction. The rumble of the engines drowned out any thoughts as they witnessed the quiet destruction of the planet below. Numerous volcanoes and magma-filled pits now spotted the surface, giving the once dead-looking planet an entirely new appearance. They all knew that Hera wouldn't ever be the same, but it would endure, like planets do. The seismic activity would eventually slow, though it was hard to say how long it would take the planet to stabilize.

  "Roni," Ryan's voice came from the cockpit. She walked across the ship, her eyes on the miners, civilians, and children aboard. She'd done her part to liberate them from the GC, but now they were here, in her care, with absolutely nothing. She knew from experience that starting over was hard and hoped they'd endure to see happier times.

  "Yeah?" she asked, stepping into the cockpit, looking at the darkening sky above.

  "Where are we going?" Ryan asked.

  She took a deep breath. It was against regulation to bring any recently acquired ships back to the rebel home planet. There was too great of a risk that a tracking device or some other danger was aboard.

  "There's a moon, circling the gas giant just out of orbit. It's cold there. Food is scarce. But they're good people. I don't think it'll be a problem," Billy said quietly from the doorway.

  "Uh, guys?" Zadria asked, her voice wavering.

  "Yeah, Z?" Roni said, turning back toward the front. Her throat tightened. Zadria's nervousness was caused by the GC fleet in orbit above the planet.

  “Do you trust me?” Ryan asked.

  Roni hesitated. She wasn’t sure if she did trust him, but the looming fleet didn’t give her much of a choice. “I guess… but if you screw us over…”

  “I won’t, but I’m going to have to make it believable. Hide. Let me handle this,” Ryan ordered.

  Roni didn't hesitate. She grabbed Zadria and Billy by the arm, dragging them back into the cargo area.

  "What are we going to do?" Zadria asked. "This ship can't handle space battle. I don't even think it could handle another ground battle."

  "Shh," Roni hushed her, straining to hear Ryan through the door.

  "Yes, sir," Ryan's voice was strong, sure. "That's right, sir, they're onboard. I'll begin docking procedures shortly."

  Roni’s stomach turned, and the look on Zadria’s and Billy’s faces hinted that they were just as nervous. Now, more than ever, she hoped Ryan knew what he was doing. There were too many innocent people on the ship for him to mess this up.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, sir.” Ryan paused. “I see. Yes, I understand.”

  Roni waited until the radio was silent and then knocked on the bulkhead door.

  “Guys, sorry. This is going to suck, but I really need you to trust me a little more.” As soon as Ryan finished speaking, the vent above the door began to hiss.

  Zadria turned a shade of green as Roni backed away from the vent. “Dammit, Ryan,” she mumbled as people started slipping into unconsciousness around her. She caught Zadria as the girl stumbled toward her, eyes rolling back in her head. Then Billy's strong arms wrapped around them both, easing the three of them to the ground and into the darkness.


  The pain woke Roni from her slumber. Mostly in her head, but also where she was shot and in her shoulder. She looked around the dimly lit room as the haze cleared from her vision. Most were still asleep. Billy was up, pacing from wall to wall. They seemed to be in some kind of oversized cell. The standard GC white surrounded them from floor to ceiling.

  "Hey," Roni grunted as she got to her feet.

  "I have a plan." Billy stopped in front of her, whispering.

  "Oh, alright." Roni tried to shake the grogginess from her mind. "What happened again? And where’s my stuff? I’m getting really tired of waking up without my stuff.”

  "Do you ever even sleep willingly anymore?" Billy smirked.

  "Listen here, short pants—"

  The door opened.

  Roni froze, finger extended just under Billy’s nose as Ryan walked into the room. She shifted, folding her arms across her chest. “You have some explaining to do.”

  “Yeah, so—” Ryan started.

  “Pretty sure you didn’t actually have to gas us. Where are we, anyway?” Roni interrupted.

  “What else was I supposed to do? Let them blow us into space dust?” Ryan frowned. “Do you want me to explain, or not?”

  “Well… no. Obviously not. But where’s my stuff?”

  “If you’d stop asking questions, I’d be able to answer you,” Ryan said with a laugh. “I have a plan.”

  Roni narrowed her eyes at him. “This better be good.”

  "Okay." Ryan leaned in. "So, here's the thing. You know how the GC is all about image? How they always want to look like the good guy?"

  "But they secretly destroy planets and kill millions? Yes. Yes, I'm aware."

  "We play into that," Ryan said, beaming.

  Roni exchanged a glance with Billy. "That's... it? That's your plan?"

  "Well," Ryan stammered. "I mean, I think it could work. I've already been working on the captain."

  "Uh-huh." Roni folded her arms across her chest before turning to Billy. "What's your plan?"

  Billy shrugged. "Taking out the crew, stealing the transport, and flying these people down to the moon."

  "See." Roni pointed. "Now that's a plan. Not 'make nice with the GC.'"

  Ryan shrugged. "Alright, you guys have fun with that. By the way, we're on a Class B transport ship."

  "Wait," Roni said as she reached out and grabbed Ryan's arm as he turned to walk away. "Fully staffed?"

  He shrugged his way out of her grip. "As far as I can tell. Good luck."

  She turned to shake her head at Billy. "Your plan won't work. These ships are huge. There's no way to get everyone back down to the hangar without being noticed. It'll be a bloodbath. Look at them, they can't fight."

  Some of the others in the hold had woken up and were watching the trio discuss their escape plans.

  "So, what's our play?" Billy asked.

  Ryan stood nearby, smiling.

  "Tell me everything," Roni said with a sigh.


  Roni drummed her fingertips on her thigh as she scanned the hold. Everyone was on the same page. She knew it was a lot to ask of them considering everything they just endured, but they all knew
it was their only chance. Play into the GC's ego or get dropped off to die somewhere uninhabitable, or worse.

  The door slid open, and Ryan strolled in, followed by a chisel-jawed taller man.

  "As you can see, they're quite docile," Ryan said as he gestured around the room.

  "Mm," the man grunted.

  "Thank you so much for rescuing us," Sarah said as she stood, rubbing her pregnant belly. "You are such a kind soul to take us in."

  "Thanks for saving us, mister!" a young boy chimed in.

  "Excuse me sir." Billy cleared his throat and extended his hand. "It's an honor to shake hands with the Hero of Hera."

  Roni sat quietly in a corner, Darla on her lap, watching the scene unfold just as they had rehearsed. Zadria sat nearby, still groggy from the gas. While Roni, Ryan, and Billy had built up a resistance in their rebel training, Zadria hadn’t. She was in no condition to play along, and everyone agreed it would be best if Roni stay quiet. Something about being unable to mask her facial expressions. She had quit listening at that point because all she could think about was kneeing the captain in the groin. Maybe they were right. She stifled a chuckle.

  The group slowly circled the captain, offering compliments, handshakes, and a few women and children even hugged him as he stood there awkwardly.

  "You, sir, deserve the highest accolades." Ryan beamed at him. "I am going to recommend you for a three-ring promotion."

  "Too much," Roni whispered as Ryan mentioned the award typically reserved for war heroes. Her body tensed as she awaited the captain's response.

  He turned to look at Ryan.

  "Three-ring Captain Barnabus," Ryan said with a grin.

  "But—" Zadria protested. Roni held up a hand to silence her.

  Slowly, the contemplative stare melted from the captain's face, and a smile bloomed. "I like the sound of that."

  Relief washed over Roni's body, and she relaxed back against the wall. Zadria looked at her questioningly, and Roni simply shook her head. It was doubtful the captain would actually receive the award, but if a nomination was what it took to get these people someplace safe then it was enough.


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