Nuclear Physics
Page 19
The most important progress in the uranium project was achieved during the year 1941. Initially some negative results were recorded. Thus, the enrichment of U(235) by the Clausius-Dickel thermal diffusion method, using gaseous UF6, proved impossible (Fleischmann, Harteck and Groth). The absorption cross-section for neutrons of the highest purity electrographite was determined in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at Heidelberg (Bothe and Jensen4), and the behaviour of pure carbon estimated from the results. It appeared, according to the information then available, that even the purest possible carbon was unsuitable for the construction of a uranium pile; whereas, as is well known, carbon has been used in the United States with complete success. Whether the Heidelberg conclusions were falsified by insufficient consideration of the chemical impurities present in commercial graphite (for example, hydrogen or nitrogen), or by deficiencies in the theory, can scarcely be assessed for the moment. In any event, the Heidelberg experiments on graphite and beryllium (Fünfer and Bothe 5) made it clear, in connection with later experiments in the Berlin-Dahlem Institute, that both pure carbon and pure beryllium were highly suitable for use as an outer cover for a uranium pile, since their low absorption cross-section and high reflecting power restrict the spread of the neutrons escaping from the pile, thus reducing its minimum dimensions.
In the summer of 1941, 150 litres of heavy water were available for the first experiments on a neutron-injected pile built up of uranium and heavy water (Döpel and Heisenberg, Leipzig). The uranium and heavy water were arranged in alternate spherical layers with the neutron source at the centre. The oxide U3O8 which was first employed produced only a slight increase in the number of escaping neutrons, which could scarcely be considered a clear proof that k > 1. The use of pure uranium metal, however, gave such a decided improvement that no further doubt of a real increase in the number of neutrons (k > 1) was possible (about February or March 1942). Here then was the proof that the technical utilization of atomic energy was possible, and that the mere enlargement of the Leipzig apparatus must furnish an energy-producing uranium pile.
At the same time, important administrative changes were taking place. At a meeting held in the building of the Reichsforschungsrat in Berlin, on February 26, 1942, the results to date were reported to the Minister of Education, Rust, and several directors of war research. The uranium project was transferred from the Heereswaffenamt to the control of the Reichsforschungsrat; and the then president of the Phys-ikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, Esau, was made responsible for the project. On June 6, 1942, there was a second meeting at Harnack House in Berlin, when the results of the uranium project were reported to Speer, as Minister for War Production, and to the armament staff.
The facts reported were as follows: definite proof had been obtained that the technical utilization of atomic energy in a uranium pile was possible. Moreover, it was to be expected on theoretical grounds that an explosive for atomic bombs could be produced in such a pile. Investigation of the technical sides of the atomic bomb problem—for example, of the so-called critical size—was, however, not undertaken. More weight was given to the fact that the energy developed in a uranium pile could be used as a prime mover, since this aim appeared to be capable of achievement more easily and with less outlay. As to the separation of the uranium isotopes, no method was known which would have allowed of the production of an atomic explosive without an enormous and therefore impossible technical equipment. Incidentally, the use of protoactinium as an atomic explosive was also considered, since its nucleus is fissionable by neutrons with energies down to 10 5 eV., with the consequent possibility of a fast chain reaction. It was, however, considered to be impracticable to prepare the necessary quantities of the element.
Following this meeting, which was decisive for the future of the project, Speer ruled that the work was to go forward as before on a comparatively small scale. Thus the only goal attainable was the development of a uranium pile producing energy as a prime mover—in fact, future work was directed entirely towards this one aim. Again during the summer of 1942, discussions were held with heat experts on the technical problems of heat transfer from the uranium to the working material (that is, water or steam). Technical experts from the Navy attended the meeting with a view to the possible use of a uranium power unit in warships. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Physik was restored to the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft, with the author as director. In preparation for investigations on the larger uranium piles planned in the Institute, a spacious underground laboratory was added (Wirtz).
About this time, however, the strain of the war on the already overloaded German industry was making itself felt. Uranium and uranium slugs were produced in such small quantities that deliveries were late and the larger-scale experiments were repeatedly postponed. Nevertheless, important progress was made. As early as 1941, a research group at the Heereswaffenamt (Diebner, Pose, Czulius) had made measurements on a large pile built up as a lattice of uranium cubes in a paraffin matrix; the subsequent theoretical investigation (Höcker) demonstrated that the lattice construction could in certain circumstances show advantages over the layer arrangement. An experiment made by this group with a model pile of uranium cubes in D2O ice did, in fact, yield a larger increase in the number of neutrons than the Leipzig pile. In a later experiment, using 500 litres of heavy water, a further increase in the number of neutrons was recorded. Measurements made in the Heidelberg Institute with a small model pile defined the relation between the increase in the number of neutrons on one hand, and the thickness of the layers on the other; while experiments undertaken by Bothe and Flammersfeld at Heidelberg, and by Stetter and Lintner in Vienna, threw new light on the fission processes occurring in U(238). A theoretical investigation by Bothe stressed the importance of the ‘stopping distance’ (Bremslänge) for the minimum size of a self-sustaining pile.
In preparation for further experiments with larger quantities of heavy water and uranium metal, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut fiir Physik in Berlin began a study of the effect of graphite and water as an outer cover for the pile. Resonance absorption in uranium had been studied by Volz and Haxel and by Sauerwein. Further, the absorption cross-sections of a series of different substances were measured by Ramm, as well as by Volz and Haxel at the Berlin Technical High School. As regards the question of thermal stabilization of the energy production resulting from the temperature broadening of the resonance lines, experiments by Sauerwein and Ramm with the Berlin-Dahlem high-voltage plant were significant.
In the spring of 1943, the Norsk Hydro electrolytic plant was put out of action in a Commando raid. Its reconstruction was begun, but finally the responsible army command in Norway reported that effective protection of the plant, particularly against air raids, was impossible. In October 1943 the plant was completely destroyed in a heavy air raid. Nevertheless, about two tons of heavy water were available in Germany at the time: a quantity which, according to our calculations, was just enough for the construction of an energy-producing pile. The Reichsforschungsrat had made no effective provision for the construction of a new heavy water factory in Germany, and the pilot plant at I.G. Leuna made slow progress. It was proving, in fact, barely possible, in view of air raids and the overall strain on German production, to undertake such big building projects. The production of uranium slugs came to a temporary standstill after the raids on Frankfurt in the spring of 1944.
Even then, some progress was achieved by the Harteck-Groth—Beyerle group. As early as 1942, this group had succeeded in developing an ultracentrifuge for the enrichment of the isotope U(235). It was planned to use uranium enriched with the rare isotope in the construction of improved uranium piles, possibly in conjunction with ordinary water. At about this time, the direction of the uranium project was transferred from Esau to Gerlach. Gerlach had taken over the physics section of the Reichsforschungsrat, and he strove to promote more particularly the scientific side of the uranium problem; and at that, not only the physical, but also the medical aspect. In con
nection with the medical applications, the construction of a low-temperature pile, in liquid carbon dioxide, was undertaken on Harteck’s suggestion. Such a pile, even of small dimensions, could be expected to yield profitable amounts of radioactive elements for tracer research, in view of the decreased absorption in the resonance lines at low temperatures.
In the winter of 1943–44, a model pile of 15 tons of heavy water and about the same weight of uranium plates was constructed in the Dahlem air-raid shelter through the co-operative efforts of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes for Physics in Berlin and Heidelberg (Wirtz, Fischer, Bopp, P. Jensen, Ritter). The number of neutrons injected from the internal source was multiplied by the factor 3, a performance approaching considerably nearer to what we called the Labilitätspunkt, at which the ratio k increases beyond limit and at which the uranium pile begins to radiate independently of the neutron source and thus to produce energy. The relation between neutron increase and layer thickness fulfilled expectations. Further, the stopping distances of the fission neutrons in carbon and heavy water were redetermined (Wirtz) and the former inexact measurements considerably improved. These experiments were made in the air-raid shelter of the Institute during the heaviest air raids on Berlin, and were naturally to some extent hindered by the raids. On February 15, 1944, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie received a direct hit. In the meantime, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Physik had been partly evacuated to Hechingen. On the instructions of Gerlach, a cellar cut out of the solid rock, situated in the village of Haigerloch, was equipped for the rebuilding of the uranium pile. It was not until February 1945, however, that the greater part of the necessary material (about 15 tons of heavy water, 15 tons of uranium, 10 tons of graphite, cadmium for the regulating rods, etc.) was finally assembled at Haigerloch, and a new pile, this time built up of uranium cubes in heavy water, with an outer cover of graphite, constructed (Wirtz, Fischer, Bopp, Jensen, Ritter). A branch of the Reichsforschungsrat at Stadtilm was allotted the remaining quantity of heavy water and a great part of the available uranium. The Haigerloch pile yielded a sevenfold neutron increase. The material available at Haigerloch, however, was just insufficient to attain k = ∞. A relatively small amount of uranium would in all probability have sufficed; but it was no longer possible to obtain it, since transport from Berlin or Stadtilm could no longer reach Hechingen. On April 22, Haigerloch was occupied, and the material confiscated by the Americans.
When we compare the German work reported here with the corresponding Anglo-American effort, so far as it has been made known, then the beginning of 1942 seems to be the turning point. Up to that time, both sides were dealing predominantly with the scientific problem as to whether nuclear energy could be utilized at all, and what fundamental methods had to be employed to that end. Both sides had arrived almost simultaneously at very similar results, if one excludes the field of isotope separation, in which the Anglo-Americans had made much greater progress. Furthermore, in the United States far more attention had been given to laying the groundwork for subsequent full-scale development of the uranium project; so that the first self-supporting pile was functioning as early as December 1942.
It remained to determine the technical sequel to these results. In the United States, the final decision was taken to go for the production of atomic bombs, with an outlay that must have amounted to a considerable fraction of the total American war expenditure; in Germany an attempt was made to solve the problem of the prime mover driven by nuclear energy, with an outlay of perhaps a thousandth part of the American. We have often been asked, not only by Germans but also by Britons and Americans, why Germany made no attempt to produce atomic bombs. The simplest answer one can give to this question is this: because the project could not have succeeded under German war conditions. It could not have succeeded on technical grounds alone: for even in America, with its much greater resources in scientific men, technicians and industrial potential, and with an economy undisturbed by enemy action, the bomb was not ready until after the conclusion of the war with Germany. In particular, a German atomic bomb project could not have succeeded because of the military situation. In 1942, German industry was already stretched to the limit, the German Army had suffered serious reverses in Russia in the winter of 1941–42, and enemy air superiority was beginning to make itself felt. The immediate production of armaments could be robbed neither of personnel nor of raw materials, nor could the enormous plants required have been effectively protected against air attack. Finally—and this is a most important fact—the undertaking could not even be initiated against the psychological background of the men responsible for German war policy. These men expected an early decision of the War, even in 1942, and any major project which did not promise quick returns was specifically forbidden. To obtain the necessary support, the experts would have been obliged to promise early results, knowing that these promises could not be kept. Faced with this situation, the experts did not attempt to advocate with the supreme command a great industrial effort for the production of atomic bombs.
From the very beginning, German physicists had consciously striven to keep control of the project, and had used their influence as experts to direct the work into the channels which have been mapped in the foregoing report. In the upshot they were spared the decision as to whether or not they should aim at producing atomic bombs. The circumstances shaping policy in the critical year of 1942 guided their work automatically towards the problem of the utilization of nuclear energy in prime movers. To a German physicist, this task seemed important enough. The mere possibility of solving the problem had been rendered possible by the discovery of the German scientific workers Hahn and Strassmann; and so we could feel satisfied with the hope that the important technical developments, with a peace-time application, which must eventually grow out of their discovery, would likewise find their beginning in Germany, and in due course bear fruit there.
1 Naturwiss., 27, 11 (1939).
2 Nature, 143, 470 (1939).
3 Naturwiss., 27, 402 (1939).
4 Nature, 143, 239 (1939).
5 Z. Phys. 119, 696 (1942).
6 Z, Phys., 120, 450 (1943).
7 Z. Phys., 119, 568 (1942).
8 Z, Phys., 122, 749 (1944).
9 Z. Phys., 122, 769 (1944).
Publication of results for which no source is cited was prohibited during the War.
Physical Constants
Ionic Charge (Faraday) = 96,520 coulombs per gramme atom of univalent element.
Velocity of Light (in vacuo), c = 299778 × 1010 cm. sec.−1.
Electronic Charge, e = 4803 × 10−10 e.s.u. = 1602 × 10−20 e.m.u. = 1602 × 10−19 coulombs.
Rest Mass of Electron m0 = 9107 × 10−28 grammes.
Ratio of Charge to Mass of Electron, e/m0 = 1759 × 108 coulombs per gramme.
Loschmidt’s (Avogadro’s) Number (Number of Molecules per Mole), L = 6024 × 1023.
Planck’s Quantum of Action (Planck’s Constant), h = 6624 × 10−27 ergs × sec. and h = h/2π = 10543 × 10−27 erg × sec.
Rydberg’s Constant (R = 2π2me4/c h3) = 109,737 cm.−1.
Mass of Electron = 5486 × 10−4 a.m.u. (Atomic Mass Units).
Mass of Proton = 100758 a.m.u.
Mass of Hydrogen Atom = 100813 a.m.u.
Mass of Neutron = 100895 a.m.u.
Mass Ratio Hydrogen Atom to Electron, M/m0 = 18375.
Physical Units
1 Million Electron Volts: 1 Mev = 16 × 10−6 erg = 3·83 × 10−14 cal.
Energy Equivalent of Mass: 1 a.m.u. = 1·49 × 10−3 erg.
Rest Energy of Electron, moc2 = 0·51 Mev = 0·8184 × 10−6 erg.
Classical Electronic Radius, re = e2/mc2 = 2·82 × 10−13 cm.
Elementary Particles
Chart of the chemical Elements and their Average Chemical Atomic
Nuclear Neutron Excess (N–Z) as a function of
Atomic Number (Z) for the known nuclei.
Nuclear Neutron Excess (N − Z) as a function o
ne Atomic Number (Z) for the known nuclei.
Physical Weights of Isotopes; Abundance and Radiation Characteristics of the Light Elements.1
Z = Number of Protons; N = Number of Neutrons in an Atom; T = Half-Life, Relative Abundances indicated in percentages.
I. Short Popular Treatises
1. P. DEBYE, Kernphysik, Leipzig, Hirzel, 1935.
2. L. MEITNER and M. DELBRÜCK, Der Aufbau der Atomkerne, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1935.
II. Introductory Text-books
1. G. GAMOW, Der Bau des Atomkerns und die Radoiaktivität, Hirzel, Leipzig, 1932.