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North: Broken Deeds MC

Page 8

by Esther E. Schmidt

  Ivy is one hell of a doctor and I need someone to check on Reva’s wounds. When Chopper kinda bribed her into letting her use his computer as long as Ivy could check out her wounds, Reva didn’t even put up a fight but followed those two right away. This gives me the time to stroll into Church and discuss my thoughts with my Prez and VP. Kray is right there with me when I close the door behind us.

  “To my understanding you want to go into Blancher’s office building, in the bright as fuck daylight, and kill the asshole in cold blood,” Deeds states.

  I slide my gaze from Deeds to Broke and notice Broke’s grin. I stiffen my spine because I’m not budging when it comes to the safety of my Old Lady. “Sounds right.”

  “Good, then sit down while Broke rallies everyone else up so we can discuss this shit to kill this fucker and his whole damn business along with it.”

  It takes almost an hour to get everyone situated, but it’s worth seeing a full table. Chopper strolls in and takes a seat next to me. The only one missing is Nash, and Deeds told us he will get a phone call as soon as someone could pick him up. We expect to do so within a few hours. Then he will have no other choice to rest up for the next couple of weeks.

  Chopper leans in and tells me, “My Old Lady made me promise to tell you that she changed the dressings and everything looks good. Reva’s a tough little cookie. Her words, not mine.”

  “Yeah, she is. Thanks,” I tell him and suddenly realize I didn’t have a piece of the pie Reva made special for me.

  Fuck. I hate missing out on something I was set to have; it pisses me off but I have to focus on setting things right instead of eating pie. Deeds is already discussing what we just mentioned and Chopper is the one who fires up the laptop in front of him to project a picture on the wall in front of it. It’s the whole structure of Blancher’s office building.

  Deeds clears his throat. “Okay, folks. I’ve only informed our one contact inside the government to let him know what’s about to go down. I had to, seeing as this will be a large company and if some of his personnel ignores the memo, we’d be screwed if local police start to interfere. Anyway, check out what Chopper and Reva found when they put their heads together. Chopper, you wanna fill them all in?”

  “As you might have heard, North wanted to bite off the head of this fucking snake by colliding in plain sight. Prez’s behind him on this, as are some of the others who heard about their plan. So, let me enlighten the rest of you to make you understand the reasoning.” Chopper taps his computer and one floor of Blancher’s building lights up. “This is where Reva and I were able to track down the most server activities. We believe it’s the heart of the black market. The people working on this floor won’t get a memo and will hopefully stay at their desks until we barge in. It’s the floor below Blancher’s office. Now Blancher himself and the rest of his floor will also need to stay in place, it’s all the floors underneath we’re gonna clear out and it’s a tricky job because it only takes one alarm to set things off. Now, Reva and I put our heads together and we’ll be taking out security and cameras along with their internal communication portal. Hopefully this will leave enough of a gap to give us the time to take out the head pieces before they know what’s happening. This way we’ll be able to take out the whole online black market and the one responsible for maintaining it. We all know it will take time for someone else to build this shit up because of the whole supply and demand shit but it’s exactly like drug dealers. Squash one and others will eventually pop up to take their place. But if we don’t take them out one by one the whole country will be flooded. The team Reva and Vienna were a part of were working on getting the head pieces along with their suppliers and everyone else connected with it. Reva and I have good hopes to gather all this intel if we do a good job in acting fast. With this, I mean take them out as I explained so their servers, computers, all their fucking intel will still be untouched.”

  “Don’t you think the fucker would have more booby-traps in place? Remember the bunker we hit yesterday? Hitting that fucker was like a bad B movie and something tells me Blancher would have his company locked tight. He’s not shy about hiding his dirty shit in plain sight, the sneaky sonofabitch will have a trick or two up his sleeve,” Treyton states, or Trey most of us shorten the name.

  He’s been with us for only a short time, a transfer from upstate. Prez had served with him years back and vouches for him. He was voted in unanimously but I still have my reservations.

  He seems like an okay guy but there’s a glint in his eye, one I recognize cold blood killers have. This guy doesn’t care if he lives or dies himself, he’s fine either way. Rumor is he killed his own parents and sister, needless to mention again I have my reservations, right? Even if they were in some cult who were ready to take out over twenty innocent children. Talk about a fucked-up past. Either way, I need to get to know him more to make up my mind about him.

  Besides, in the few weeks he’s been here, I’ve only been able to talk to him a handful of times. According to Kray—who spent a few hours with him fixing Lips’ car—he seems like a man carrying a ripped-up soul in his chest. Other than that, he’s good to work with. Note to self…open up to Trey, and maybe spend a few hours working alongside him to have a better opinion of the guy.

  Anyway…it’s good to question the things he just mentioned. With our jobs it’s needed to discuss every angle before we dive into shit and it also shows with how we handled the bunker. One can be prepared all you want but situations can be different once you’re in the middle of it.

  “What are your thoughts about this, Trey? I know you’re throwing that out because there’s something on your mind…there always is; let’s hear it,” Deeds demands.

  Trey’s eyes find mine and he jerks his chin in my direction. “Let him go in undercover again. I’m pretty sure this Blancher fucker would like to obtain more brains to add to his black market network and what better way is there to offer him something he wants?”

  “No,” I bellow and am on my feet with my next breath to point a finger in the guy’s face. “Leave her out of it, she’s going nowhere near him, understood?”

  I know exactly what he has in mind. He wants me to contact him for an appointment to bring Reva in with me. No. Fucking. Way. My gaze lands on Deeds to get him to back me up on this but I can see the wheels turning in his head.

  “No,” I growl in anger again.

  I feel Kray’s hand on my shoulder. “Sit down, brother. Nothing will happen until we talk shit through rationally.”

  My head whips his way. “There’s nothing to talk through. I want my Old Lady kept far away from this shit. Blancher burned her, I asked her what day it happened and she told me she didn’t see who did it because the guy was wearing a fucking mask but the day it happened? Shade was already dead. I won’t put her through this.”

  “She’s an agent, North,” Kray says in a low voice. “Vienna said she was top of her class and not just the technical shit but everything. Try not to see her as the vulnerable woman you saved from that bunker. She won’t be ever again. You have her back as do all of us. This whole situation is different and you can at least think it through and ask her. Don’t you think you owe it to her to leave the decision up to her? Besides…she might like to see you handle the fucker to make sure he’ll never hurt her again.”


  “I’m not liking this,” I snap, torn by this whole situation.

  “None of us do, brother,” Deeds sighs. “Kray, get your Old Lady and North’s. Her sister needs to have a say in this as well.”

  I have to give it to my Prez, he’s right to bring in Vienna too. Not only for Reva’s sake, but she’s also an agent who can give her point of view in all of this.

  Kray always has my back and even if Prez gives him a direct order, he waits for me to agree. I give him a small lift of my chin. They’re right, this will be her choice even if I fucking hate it.

  My fists clench at the mere thought of Reva getting hurt or to e
ven have to face the man who mutilated her. And I have no doubt he was the one. Her skin is in the process of fucking healing and even if she carved up the burns by herself it shows the underlying torment and anger of what was done to her. I fucking hate this and to have to drag her into this situation. It needs to be handled with so we can put all of it behind us.

  Delicate fingers slide over my shoulder. I reach out and grab her around her waist to drag her onto my lap to wrap her safely in my arms. I don’t fucking care what my brothers think, I need to breathe her in and that’s exactly what I’m doing; burying my head into the crook of her neck to nuzzle her and soothe the anger and frustration running through me.

  I don’t hear a damn sound but I can feel she’s fucking laughing at me. I pull back and our gaze collides. She whispers out the words, “What’s wrong?” without letting all the others hear.

  My lips move without letting any sound tumble over them. I rush everything out because I don’t want her—or any of my brothers—to hear the concern in my voice. Besides, I can add something extra into it just to inform her what the plan is. The extra part being where I tell her I’d rather have her safe and far away from this.

  She gives me a gentle but sad smile. “You know I can’t hide from this while I’m still in the middle of all of it. There’s one huge difference, though. I have you to somewhat hide behind now. If it truly is needed, I will go with you. The both of us will hate it together but isn’t it always the way in life? You can’t ignore bad things or hard times; you have to push through and hope to come out on the winning side to keep it like that until hard times come again. They always do. But it’s bearable if you don’t have to do it by yourself. It’s no longer just me or me and my sister…”

  “That’s right,” I croak, “You have me.”

  “She has all of us,” Kray states next to me.

  Loud rumblings of agreement ring though the room. Reva’s eyes widen as she takes it all in. When her gorgeous face turns back to me there’s a grateful smile tugging her lips.

  “We can do this,” she whispers.

  “Fuck, yeah, we can,” I vow to myself and to her; I will not fail her.

  I keep her wrapped in my arms the rest of the meeting while Kray grabbed an extra chair for Vienna. All of us run through the details of what’s to come and it sucks to have Reva with me on the inside because now we only have Chopper on the outside working the computer.

  Two prospects are on their way to pick up Nash and Chopper assured us his Old Lady could be Nash’s hands if they needed an extra pair to run the computer. And Deeds reached out to Areion Fury MC. Nerd can help with the computer stuff but also to have extra hands available; we need everything we have to face these fuckers and bring them down. It’s good to know an extra computer expert is joining us. Nash is injured and can’t use his arm and needs to give it complete rest.

  We need a few more hours to get things set and it should line up perfectly to hit Blancher’s building late afternoon. I’m liking the idea of confronting this fucker more and more. The things running through my mind of what I would like to do to him are only fueling my anger.

  I’m glad we have some time to ourselves before heading out. Though I’m standing in the middle of my room here at the clubhouse and my mind is still fueling anger. Gentle fingers slide over my forearm and slowly keep going until they reach my chest. “It’s going to work out. You have so many people working together it’s even more than a normal SWAT team.”

  Pride fills my chest because of her words, but she needs to be aware how danger is lurking around the corner in these situations. “We work together flawlessly but each case is different. People are like cattle when incidents happen. A herd can scatter, a few can trail off or everything can go perfectly. We’ve had many of everything. Being prepared is an understatement, no matter how many people are in our team, how many years we’ve worked together or how flawlessly we can get a job done. An accident, an unexpected angle, the slightest of things can change in the blink of an eye and it can very well mean your last breath or the guy next to you leaving this fucking Earth. I know the risks; I fucking take them without thinking twice and I’ve done a lot worse and have stood with my back to the wall knowing I could die any second. But this? Going in with you there with me? The both of us better get out a-fucking-live or I’m going on a killing spree that won’t end until everyone connected is dead and gone.”

  “Well, that was hopeful,” Reva mutters. “The killing spree part was sweet and adorable though.” The corner of her lip twitches and I can’t help myself when I pull her close and take those sweet tasting lips.

  She groans into my mouth and it fuels my desire to have her. The craving to be inside her is where my serenity lies. My escape from this fucked-up world to make it revolve around the two of us. My body is demanding I bury myself deep with my next breath but my mind is screaming for me to savor the moment.

  I have to settle with a mixture of both. I grab her hips and easily lift her onto the bed. Quickly ripping away her clothes, I have her bare in front of me with little effort. My gaze travels over her perfect body and I make sure to snatch her ankle to spread her more open. A perfect glistening pussy all exposed and ready for me.

  I drop to my knees in front of the bed and bury myself between her legs. My tongue is spearing her pussy as her taste explodes into my mouth. She’s already so damn close and it’s like a trophy hovering over a victory to show how skilled you truly are. Our connection is not only sexually, it’s the intensity surrounding us at every turn, we fit on every level.

  The way she can calm my nerves and the raw protectiveness I feel toward her. Feelings and emotions pushing and shoving me at every turn; it makes me feel alive. The possibilities are endless when our eyes connect. I can see the same intensity bouncing back and wrapping my heart with the kind of heat that will never die.

  Her nails rake over my skull and draw me more firmly against her pussy. Her hips are grinding and she’s chasing the pleasure I’m giving her. My teeth graze her clit and when I cover it completely and start to suck…she falls apart in my hands. I groan along with her moans and relish in the way my name spills from her lips in a soft plea.

  When she’s done riding the orgasm against my face, I draw back and wipe my mouth on my forearm. “I could eat you every day for breakfast and every night for dessert.”

  Heat flushes half of her face and she turns the bandaged side away from me. I know why and it slices through my heart. I grab my cut and slide it off, throwing it on the chair in the corner as I grab the hem of my shirt and let it fall to the floor. I stand to toe off my boots and ditch my jeans.

  Standing before her naked, I grab my cock and slowly slide up and down as I pin her with my gaze. “Look at me, sweet vision of mine. All of this is yours. You see me shying away any part of me? I will never fucking turn my cheek and I won’t tolerate it from you, understood?” My words might hold the kind of harshness that doesn’t belong in a bedroom but I don’t fucking care; she needs to know. “You’re mine. I fucking love what’s mine. Every damn inch belongs to your body and even if it’s a dark spot on your soul or a scar inflicted by life on your skin or a bad memory; it’s mine to bear with you. Day one was yesterday, we already fucking doubled it and will add countless others to it to build ourselves a solid future we can tell our grandkids about.”

  The bandages on the side of her face soak up the tears spilling from her burning eyes and yet they don’t hold any pain or grief; they hold the kind of warmth love is made from. And I damn well relish in them.

  Chapter 10


  I adore this man. There is not a single person walking this Earth who has the ability to make me feel this special, treasured, and valuable. You can say the sexual tension is skyrocketing in this room but it’s tainted with adoration.

  The raw feelings we throw at each other are honest, real, and open. Freely given and received with our heart in our hands trading the simplicity of a vow holding o
ur shared future. Barely started and yet there’s no end in sight; our gazes in the same direction.

  “You ready for me, sweetheart?” he croaks.

  “Always,” I whisper and let my eyes travel to the thick, hard dick he’s stroking roughly with one hand.

  I lick my lips as he slides his thumb over the tip to spread the pre-cum. Without a second thought I dash up and have my face on dick level with my next breath. With our eyes connected I lean in and let my tongue tease the tip as he keeps his dick in a tight grip and slowly tugs it.

  I hear muted curses but I tune them out when his fingers slide into my hair. With one hand on his dick, the other guiding my head, it makes my whole body heat with desire as he starts to roughly take my mouth.

  With each thrust he slides down deeper and when he hits the back of my throat I concentrate on relaxing my muscles. Luckily, I have no gag reflex and can deep throat him and make sure to swallow when he thrusts deep.

  Both hands are now gripping my hair while he keeps me in place and plunges his dick inside me all the way until I feel him go rigid, pulsating hot streams of cum flowing down my throat. My name is being ripped from his body along with curses and praising words.

  His dick falls from my mouth as he steps back and guides me up to give me a rough kiss. Apparently, he doesn’t mind tasting himself because his tongue is swirling around mine to make sure I know just who I belong to. As if there was even a question in my mind left after the orgasm he gave me with that mouth of his.

  The kiss ends way too soon. “I fucking adore you so damn much.”

  “So. Damn. Much,” I reply and grip his face with both my hands to drag his mouth back to mine to repeat the scorching kiss he graced me with.

  His hands start to roam my body, his dick caged in between our bodies is growing hard again. Reaching down I cup his balls and gently knead them, moving up to stroke his shaft. He’s too distracted by my movements to maintain a good kiss. His lips rip away from mine and make a trail down my neck where he leaves me a wet openmouthed kiss while I keep stroking him and teasing his balls.


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