North: Broken Deeds MC

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North: Broken Deeds MC Page 9

by Esther E. Schmidt

  A low growl sounds as his strong arms surround me. He places me on my back on the bed with great care as his body covers mine. His cock is already lining up willingly with my pussy and with my next breath he’s sliding deep inside me in one hard stroke.

  “North,” I gasp and claw at his back, momentarily stunned by the bite of pain and pleasure as my body tries to accommodate his thick girth.

  “That’s the way the needle points, love. Toward the horizon.” His words are stated through gritted teeth as he pounds my pussy.

  Suddenly I’m being spun around and I’m hovering above North who is giving me a huge grin. “North…always on top. Not anymore. With you it’s unnecessary ‘cause being with you places me already on the top of the world level.”

  I roll my eyes but deep down he’s stroking my heart. “Way to make a girl feel special, Clive.”

  North sucks in a breath at the sound of his given name falling from my lips. I’ve heard the story about how Kray and North met, how they picked those nicknames. It’s part of their history but to me this discussion doesn’t belong in this bed with his dick sliding in and out of my pussy.

  Again, I’m being flipped. My back is hitting the mattress and North’s nose is touching mine as he growls, “Say it again.”

  He slowly slides out of me and roughly slams back in, making me gasp. He repeats the action twice more before he repeats, “Say. It. Again.”

  “Clive,” I moan in a soft plea.

  “Fuck,” he curses and picks up speed, changing the angle to hit a spot deep inside me that makes me plunge into waves of pleasure.

  His cock jerks inside me as I keep repeating his name over and over until he shudders above me and I have no more air in my lungs left to voice anything. North falls to the side and takes me with him as he drags me closer, surrounding me in his strong arms. The strength and comfort he surrounds me with is a blanket of safety and serenity I will always carry with me in my heart.

  “I never want to leave this damn bed,” North says in all fierceness between pants.

  I nuzzle my face against his chest. “Same here.”

  We both relish in the feel of our bodies together until it’s time to get dressed and get ready. North put things in motion by having Chopper send out an untraceable email to Blancher. Telling him North didn’t know what was going on when we were at the bunker and escaped, taking me along with him.

  Within a few minutes he received an email with a question asking if he knew where I was. North and the guys thought it was best to make it seem North had held me captive all those days and by the response Blancher gave, it was obvious he bought the whole story. Or he might not have cared and just wanted me and North to come to his office so he could deal with North and have me in his claws.

  A healthy dose of adrenaline flows through me when I think of facing this head on, but there’s also anxiety. The ‘what if things go wrong’. And they easily could, though with the plan they talked through a few times it’s safe to say North’s brothers have thought of every angle.

  The only thing I hope is that the part works where we get all personnel out of the building who have nothing to do with the black market, shady business Blancher is wrapped in. But even this is out of my hands and the only thing I need to focus on is keeping my ass safe; North’s words, not mine.

  We finally dress in silence but the glances we give each other are spiking my heart rate. I really wish it was tomorrow so all of this would be behind us. I do consider myself lucky in this moment. To have this man come for me all by himself the last time and now having my back and going in with me.

  Not to mention what he offers me and has told and showed me in many ways; I’m his and he’s mine. He is a bit grumpy because he wanted to get the patch tattooed to make things official between us. I didn’t know anything about this little piece of information and to be honest? It’s a huge thing instead of a ring or a damn paper to sign.

  Ink on skin isn’t something you can slide off or get a lawyer to undo. It’s basically a marking left on a body as a personal reminder. It’s a heavy contrast to the visual reminder on my face. Though it’s self-inflicted but I’d rather have the personal twist than the healing burns to look at the rest of my life.

  Because I am in control of my own life. Even though they tried to steal it away from me and left a hole I need to slowly fill back up, I will not let it define me. Baby steps as in all things in life and yet this strong man who barged into my life as my savior pushes me in the right direction while expecting me to follow him all on my own.

  I give him a smile as I watch him strap weapons onto his body. He mentioned how he’s slightly annoyed he can’t wear his cut or have the Kevlar vest he usually wears over his shirt when they go in. Needless to say, he made me wear one. I have to add it’s super light and at first glance you can’t even see it underneath the baggy sweater I threw over it.

  I don’t understand why he can’t wear one underneath his shirt and when I asked, all he answered in return was how he couldn’t risk it if he was searched. Something about trust and agitating a killer. All my mind screams is safety first, but there’s no way I can talk this man into anything he already set his mind to.

  I have to place my trust in him, my sister, and all the members of Broken Deeds MC. They are a unity, one big family who support each other. The way Chopper’s Old Lady, Ivy, took care of my wounds showed her skills as a doctor but her kind words during all of it meant so much more. She gave me comfort and in the short time we spent together gave me a load of information to process.

  Never hold back. It’s something she kept repeating. When things fall apart and you feel as if nothing can save you, reach deep down and grab hold of your fears. It’s an instinct created for the fight or flight mechanism. Some use it to obtain their adrenaline high, others let themselves drown in it and eventually they barely keep their head up in an effort to survive.

  It’s the whole reason she explained never to hold back, taking everything life has to offer and reap the benefits. Best advice ever because I’m scared shitless but I won’t let it drown me; I’m using it to keep focus.

  “Ready?” North questions and deep down I want to scream ‘No!’

  I take a deep breath and remind myself of Ivy’s words. “As I’ll ever be. Let’s get this over with, the sooner we can go home and dive into bed, right?”

  North chuckles and reaches out to cup the side of my face, letting his thumb slide over my bottom lip. “The sooner, the better.”

  His lips land on mine and the sensual, no rush while holding nothing back is evident in his kiss. The promise of where the both of us stand and where we would like to be heading; a solid promise this is just a bump in the road we’re facing to clear the long drive home.

  North groans as he pulls back. “We need to go or I don’t think I’ll ever be able to leave.”

  I nod in agreement and pat his pecs. “We have a guy to kill, a company to burn to the ground and people to save.”

  “Fuck, yeah,” he agrees, and it’s the first time I actually voice my thoughts out loud.

  I don’t want Blancher to live; I want him to die. North didn’t blink at my statement and I know he feels the same way. There’s a world of difference when you’ve always worked to bring people to judgement, leaving it to others to handle the rest as long as we’ve gathered all the evidence, captured them, and pulled the bad guys off the streets.

  It’s mainly why I was fascinated by Broken Deeds MC because they are everything rolled into one. Research, information, decisions…judge, juror, executioner. Though I’ve heard they have left some for the local authorities to handle but the main players most times end up dead.

  It has nothing to do with the way they live or how they handle cases, but everything to do with the cases they take on. When a case lands in their lap it’s already beyond the government’s ability to bring them to justice. Last line of defense and I’m damn proud to be a part of this, even if it could be the last thing I do

  When we head out, I’m surprised to see the long line of bikes. I have no clue why but I seriously thought we would be heading out in cars. I shake my head at my own stupidity, they’re bikers and these are the kind of people you can’t simply shove into a few cars. Though I am curious how they plan to hide the noise.

  North’s lips touch my ear. “We meet up at a parking lot two streets down. Only Chopper, Ivy, and Nerd will be in a van near Blancher’s office building. We’re going in first. The email correspondence we had with Blancher made him aware I’m taking one person along with me beside you. At first Kray would come with but Deeds decided last minute it should be Trey. I’m aware you don’t know him but my Prez vouches for this guy, okay?”

  Concern burns a pit in my stomach. “Why would he rip you and Kray apart? Don’t you two always face things together? You two don’t need words to communicate. It’s the most logical choice.”

  I simply don’t understand, and why would both North and Kray be okay with this?

  North sighs and looks at his boots. “Something about not thinking clear and both having our cocks tied to our guns. He’s the Prez, he gives orders, we trust him to make the right choices and we follow.”

  I can tell he’s having the same doubts about this as I am and it’s not a good thing. I try to shove my anxiety down and firm my voice. “I’m sure he has the President patch stitched to his pecs for a reason. Where one takes all the heat so others can follow to face the fire as a whole, there’s no reason for doubt or second-guessing actions, right?”

  His eyes flare and he growls, “Right,” before his mouth crashes against mine, taking my breath away and filling me with the hope we’re going to pull through this together; we just have to.

  We leave in small groups to prevent drawing unnecessary attention. Kray is riding next to North and I’m pretty sure I’m wearing the same huge grin my sister is sporting as she wraps her arms tighter around Kray’s waist. I can’t think of words to describe this feeling, being plastered against North’s back as the bike rumbles underneath us.

  Sadly enough, the ride is over before it really starts and we’re huddled in groups to go over things one more time. North, Trey, and I will go in first followed by a small ten-minute window when the people in the building will receive a message to clear the building. By then there will be a few Broken Deeds MC members on each floor making sure everything goes smoothly.

  Deeds has called in a favor to another MC called Areion Fury MC, who will be standing outside to guide all people coming from the building safely to a place where they will be double checked to make sure they are not involved in Blancher’s business.

  This also gives me a confidence boost, knowing there’s a whole extra MC backing them up. Normally we have different teams working together when we roll up a gang or a bunch of criminals. You work months and months on a case and it all revolves around the one day where the hour of truth can flip both ways. I’m confident enough to say we have a big chance to get out of this unharmed. Because dying isn’t an option. Not while there’s so freaking much to live for.

  “Time’s up. Chopper texted me, they’re in position and will hit the timer the second you three stroll through the door. Ten minutes, folks. Ten fucking minutes, and if you’re waiting in the hall because the fucker is jerking off in his office…So. Be. It. We’re coming in ‘cause we’re not taking any chances. You’ll hear when shit escalates but I’m hoping we can keep this silent. Quick and efficient. If it does escalate, shoot the fucker on sight. Don’t do stupid shit, North. Vengeance sometimes only needs a bullet between the eyes to prevent things from dragging on, understood?” Deeds pins North with a fierce glare and I have no clue what he’s talking about.

  “Understood,” North finally snaps.

  The guy introduced to me as Trey smacks Deeds on his arm. “Don’t worry, we’ll handle it.” He lifts his chin in the direction of Blancher’s office and tells North, “Let’s rock ‘n roll, dude.”

  I’m confused as to why Deeds would remind him about the vengeance part. I know they want to take out Blancher and like I mentioned to North, he needs to die but why remind him…oh, shit. That’s why Deeds made Trey go with North instead of Kray. Kray would always back North up in whatever decision he feels is necessary to make.

  Dammit. I grab North’s arm and tell him in a firm voice, “Don’t screw around or take unnecessary risks. Like Deeds said, one bullet between the eyes is equally satisfying.”

  North doesn’t acknowledge my words but keeps striding at a firm pace. My eyes meet Trey’s and he gives a little shake of his head. “No worries, darlin’, we got this,” is all he says. And I really hope it’s the truth.

  Chapter 11


  My whole body is vibrating with the need for vengeance. Fuck what Deeds said. This fucker needs to die slowly. He deserves to feel the pain he inflicted on Reva tenfold. It doesn’t matter if she has a high tolerance for pain, she has to carry the scars with her on her skin and in her brain for the rest of her life.

  There’s no way to ever justify that shit but dying painfully slow by my hand would soothe some of my anger for this scumbag. Though I have enough brain cells working on top of my shoulders to keep my head in the game. If there’s any risk, I’ll take him out in the blink of an eye. But if there’s a possibility—a window of oppor-fucking-tunity—I’m taking it to kill him slowly.

  I fist Reva’s shirt on the small of her back the second we step inside the building. It functions in more than just the outer visual indicating I’m in control of her. Seeing it also allows me to pull her behind me if things go wrong.

  All of us have memorized the entire structure of the building. It’s mandatory to know where the exit points are on each floor. If shit does hit the fan we’ll need a way out, a quick way to maneuver through the building or somewhere to hide.

  If we were to go in blind, we’d stand a lesser chance. And in this situation I don’t want to leave anything to chance. The elevator ride is nerve wracking, inching closer to the fucker who hurt her. I can feel her tensing up and I damn well hate it.

  Trey leans in and tells me in a hushed tone, “Calm down, this will be over before you know it. Quick and painless, you’ll see.”

  “Fuckin’ hope so,” I mutter.

  Reva’s head turns to me, confusion spreading her face and I know she missed the words thrown back and forth. I give a little shake of my head to tell her it’s nothing. All she gives me in return is a tiny smile before her gaze slides toward the doors again.

  Top level. That’s where the elevator stops and where we get out. Underneath this floor is where we suspect the cover for the black market is. Well, not for long; it ends today. No more easy access to illegal shit such as organs, weapons, hitmen, or anything else the underworld needs or can supply.

  The doors slide open and a woman is waiting for us with a clipboard clutched to her chest. “Mr. Walker and Miss Lockbaksy. Wait, and you, Sir? Are you the plus one whose name is lacking on my list?”

  “He’s with me,” I tell her in a firm voice and take a step closer.

  The woman looks slightly panicked. Trey leans in and I hear him whisper some words to the woman but I don’t understand them at all. The woman does since a giggle slips over her lips while her cheeks flush.

  She quickly clears her throat and spins around as she says, “Follow me, please.”

  The three of us fall in step behind her to a large brown door. She knocks three times and opens the door immediately after announcing, “Mr. Blancher. Your appointment is here.”

  The woman excuses herself and closes the door behind her, locking us inside a large office. The floor to ceiling glass wall shows the skyline while the rest of the walls are a dark blue. A man is leaning against the wall with his hands folded in front of his crotch as if he’s been placed there for a time-out.

  Leaving the security guard for what he is, I glance over the whole room one more time to focus on my surroundings. I st
roll to my left and now notice Blancher who is standing near a massage table buttoning up his shirt.

  A tiny dark haired woman is clearing out what looks like hot stones. Good to know this fucker is all Zen when I kill him. I’d like nothing more than to take the crate filled with nice black stones and keep throwing them at his head until he stops breathing.

  “Ah, Mr. Walker.” Blancher calls me by the fake name I used when I communicated with him. “Good to see a smile on your face. It reassures me we’ll be doing some fine business together, wouldn’t you agree?”

  I had a perfect time visualizing a torture session involving you, asshole. My mind offers in reply as to the reason I was fucking smiling.

  “Brought your own bodyguard I see? Smart,” Blancher continues full of himself, having a discussion as if there’s no need to reply to him. “Good thing you let me know up front or we would have had a problem, seeing as I have one of my own at all times…who am I to judge, right?” The fucker laughs as if the joke’s on him.

  I make no effort to introduce Trey. The clock is ticking for this fucker so there’s no need.

  Blancher’s eyes slide to Reva and it instantly makes my blood boil. Reva freezes under my touch and takes a step closer to me. I want nothing more than to rip this fucker’s eyeballs out and shove them down his throat to choke on.

  But instead I snap, “Eyes off the merchandise.”

  Blancher glances to the little woman who just gave him the hot stone massage. “Out,” he snaps. “Leave everything as it is and get out of here.” The woman scurries off as if her life depends on it.

  My mind is trying to count how much time has passed since I stepped into the building. Are our ten minutes up yet? Will everything go smoothly or will there be gunfire? The door falls shut with a loud click and Blancher points to the two couches on the left side of his office.


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