North: Broken Deeds MC

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North: Broken Deeds MC Page 10

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Why don’t you sit next to me, babyface,” Blancher croons. “You can take off those bandages and let me see the burns. Have they started to heal?”

  Trey is standing next to the couch, his legs slightly spread and his hands are behind his back where he keeps his guns.

  I’m about to flip my shit but Reva surprises the hell out of me when she snorts and says, “There are no burns on my body. I cut them away with a knife so the only scars inflicted on my skin are those made by my own hands.”

  Utter fury spreads Blancher’s face. He takes a step forward and it’s as if he wants to rip away the bandages to check for himself if she’s lying. Not going to happen, fucker. In one smooth move I have her safely shoved behind me.

  “Not happening, asshole,” I growl. “The woman you’re reaching for is mine. You were able to get your filthy hands on her once, don’t ever fucking think I’ll let you come near her again.”

  The fucker smirks. “Look around you, brainless ant. I could squash you underneath the heel of my boot whenever I have the urge to do so. You’re in my domain now. The both of you. Your bodyguard means nothing, he’s dead before he can so much as twitch a damn finger.”

  “Think you have the upper hand, fucker? Think. Again,” I growl just as gunfire rings through the air; perfect timing. Though one shot sounded awfully close.

  Instead of facing Blancher I’m looking at Trey’s back as he stumbles against me. Another shot rings out and I now realize two shots were fired within this room as Trey sinks to the floor at my feet.

  My gun is already in my palm as I squeeze the trigger. The gun Blancher was holding slings out of his hand, a bullet hole replacing it. Blancher clutches his injured hand in the other one as his horror-stricken gaze hits mine. One quick glance around the room gives me the information I need.

  My gut clenches at the realization Trey just saved my life by jumping in front of me. I’m not wearing a fucking vest. “Is he breathing?” I ask Reva who’s right next to Trey as I keep my gun aimed in Blancher’s direction.

  There’s no sound coming from underneath me. Not from Reva and not from Trey. Dammit. I only divert my gaze for two damn breaths and when I glance back, Blancher is already at some glass elevator, heading for the roof. Beside the elevator is a flight of stairs leading to a rooftop terrace.

  I glance down to see Reva furiously trying to save Trey. Her gaze meets mine, pleading eyes sliding straight to my heart when she says, “He’s gone. The bullet went straight past his vest and into his chest near his arm. An inch left or right would have hit either his arm or his vest. Why? Dammit. He’s not breathing…no heartbeat…he’s…he’s gone.”

  Fuck. “I have to go after Blancher,” I state, needing to handle this before the fucker finds a way out.

  My mind is running over the exits this building holds. Running past Blancher’s bodyguard, I notice his gun with a silencer lying on the floor beside him. It’s good to see this asshole’s already left this Earth thanks to a bullet between the eyes, courtesy of Trey. I glance over my shoulder at my brother lying dead on the ground.

  To fucking think I had my concerns about him while he had my back without hesitation. Obviously, I would have done the exact same thing without thinking and now the thought hits me…this could have been Kray. This would have been Kray if it wasn’t for the last moment switch.

  Fucking hell, I need to stop wrapping my brain around this and focus on the task at hand; killing Blancher. I pick up speed and dash up the stairs. I hear Reva’s footsteps behind me and when I glance over my shoulder, I’m damn proud to see her clutching Trey’s gun. There’s no weariness in her eyes; only full focus.

  “You ready?” I mouth to her with my hand on the door, ready to open it and knowing Blancher can attack us at any second.

  “Yes,” she hisses in anger.

  I give her a nod of approval and whisper to myself, “That’s my damn Old Lady.”

  “Heard that,” she mutters. “We’re not official yet so let’s get this over with and we can handle that fussy technicality.”

  She makes the corner of my mouth twitch. “Stay alive,” I growl in all fierceness.

  “Right back atcha,” she snaps as I swing the door open.

  Not one soul in sight, just a large fire pit in the middle of the terrace, a U-shaped couch surrounding it. Fire is licking high though no one is enjoying it. I bet the fucker just likes to have fire handy at all times.

  I slowly stalk around the couch because the blood drops I see on the ground are going in this direction. The fucker is hiding behind the couch like a damn dog with its tail between its legs.

  “Get the fuck up,” I growl and place my boot against his hip to give him a firm shove.

  “Please, please, I’ll make you rich, I’ll give you anything.” His voice shakes like a leaf in the wind and something doesn’t add up.

  My gut is telling me something is not right about this whole situation. I place my boot at his throat as I glance over my shoulder at Reva to make sure she’s safe. All I see is her back and she moves at the same time a shot rings out.

  Blancher long forgotten, I rush over to Reva but she turns her head slightly without dragging her eyes away from something she’s focused on in front of her when she shouts over her shoulder, “All clear.”

  What the fuck?

  I take her word and step back to Blancher to grab his shoulder and drag him with me to see who Reva shot.

  “Holy hell, is that…” I start, but it’s Reva who finishes my sentence.

  “Shade’s brother? The dead one? It sure is,” she states and adds with a snort, “At least now we know he’s really dead.”

  I imagine he is the reason why there was fire burning and why Blancher was heading up here to hide. He thought his half-brother would save him. Fuck, I bet these two have been working together all along.

  Damn, talk about one screwed-up family. But no worries, though. There’s only one more left now and it won’t be for much longer either. First things first; payback.

  “Reva, sweetness, can you please get me the hot stones from this asshole’s office?” I ask and she tilts her head in question but after a heartbeat or two she dashes off to grab them.

  I tuck my gun away and take off Blancher’s tie. Forcefully shoving his hands behind his back, I tie them and don’t care if I cut off his blood supply. He won’t be needing it very shortly anyway so why keep that shit in mind?

  Reva strolls up and places the box with the hot stones on the couch. I grab the box and turn it upside-down, letting all the black shiny stones tumble into the fire. From the corner of my eye I notice fire-resistant barbeque gloves. Perfect.

  With the gloves covering my hands I give the stones being licked by the fire some attention, making sure Blancher’s gaze is fully on me. Just wait, asshole, I’m going to make sure the last minutes of your life will tick by slowly and painfully.

  I glance to my right and notice Reva took a seat on the couch, her gaze on my hands lingering in the fire instead of on the amazing rooftop view. Her hands are on her lap but one is palming her gun, aimed at Blancher. Smart woman. She keeps surprising me in a good way at every turn.

  Since the moment she cut up the burns on her face it’s as if she took her life back. Hard to understand for most people but the brain is a tricky thing. Everyone functions a different way and interprets things differently.

  Good thing no one’s ever the same. My eyes slide to Blancher. Too many nutcases in this world already. Time to end this one, make the world a better place and all. I take a hot stone from the fire and throw it up in the air before I catch it again.

  I debate calling or sending Deeds a text to let him know I’m up here. How we lost Trey and how Shade’s brother died for a second time, but this time Reva made sure he stays dead for good. Or to ask Deeds if things are handled downstairs, if we managed to take all involved out. But everything slides to the back of my mind when I jerk my arm back and let the hot stone hit Blancher’s shoulder w
ith force.

  Quickly grabbing another I let it hit his gut this time. The third one hits him in the teeth and sweet satisfaction courses through my veins when his whines fill the air as blood and broken teeth fall from his mouth. I grab another one, hitting him against his chest. His other shoulder. His kneecap. My breathing picks up with the throw of each rock until Blancher is slumped over his own legs.

  Suddenly I’m aware of Reva and concern hits me. She most definitely just saw another side of me, one I can’t take back. I haven’t really thought this through but when I notice her relaxed posture, I realize yet again how strong she is. The gun she was holding is beside her on the couch but still within reach to snatch it up if something goes wrong.

  Reva’s eyes slowly connect with mine. “What? You’re out of stones? Do you want me to collect them so we can start over?”

  I have to refrain myself not to snort. “Vicious one, aren’t you?”

  “Says the man who tries to stone an asshole to death,” she says matter-of-factly and her attention goes to something over my shoulder.

  She reaches for the gun but stops. The footsteps I hear behind me must be from someone she recognizes because she gives a tiny smile and nod in greeting. Turning slowly, I come face to face with my Prez.

  “Havin’ all the fun up here while we work hard downstairs to survive while eliminating criminal activities, eh?” Deeds grumbles as he plunks down on the couch across from Reva.

  His hand is bleeding and it looks like a bullet wound. He holds it up in front of his face as if to check if he can see through it. Nutcase.

  “My Old Lady is going to be fucking piiiiiii-hissed,” Deeds growls. “I got a fucking knife straight through my hand a few months ago. It finally fucking heals, and now this. I’m getting too old for this shit. You should hear Depay whine. Something about his bee tattoo, or butterfly, moth, whatever the fuck he has inked is now ruined by a bullet hole. The fucker is covered in ink, it’s not like anyone would notice one tiny bee. And Lochlan took one in the shoulder. Pretty sure I can already hear him complaining for weeks until he can ride his damn bike again. Shit. My damn hand, I can’t ride myself. Not to mention Roan is going to nag how Broke almost got his balls shot off. She shouldn’t complain. We all thought those tiny golf balls weren’t functioning anyway and he still managed to make her squeeze out their kid. Like I said…I’m getting too old for this shit, we all are. Why the hell don’t our kids grow faster so they can take over, huh? I need some old man time sitting on a fucking porch while drinking whiskey as my woman serves me a piece of meat from the barbeque as she gives me a lap dance. Yeah. That’s what I want. But it won’t happen ‘cause she’ll be pissed because of my hand. And you know the real reason why? Not because I got hurt…but because my hand got hurt and she needs it for me to smack her fine ass as I fuck her from behind. Dammit, now I’m pissed myself because she’s right, it’ll be weeks before I can do that again and it’s one of my most treasured pastime activities, fuck.”

  “Are you done sharing way too much information?” I sigh. “Trey is dead. He caught the bullet meant for me.”

  “Yeah,” Deeds grumbles. “Saw him before I went up here.”

  Something about the tone of his voice worries me, as if he knew Trey wouldn’t get out of this alive. “Mind sharing a little more with me? And I’m not talking about the other brothers or your Old Lady. I’m talking about Trey.”

  A sigh rips from his mouth as his eyes find Reva. “You’re his Old Lady? Getting the patch inked as soon as we’re back at the clubhouse?”

  Reva doesn’t even blink as her stare hits mine. “Yes.” One firm fucking word holding so much value it tightens my chest.

  “Good, that means I have your loyalty not to repeat anything I say. And this fucker over there is half-dead so it’s only me, you, and North left, and my next words will never be filling the air again, understood?”

  “Understood,” I vow to my Prez as Reva nods.

  “As we all know Trey had a troubled past. He couldn’t cope with that shit but he kept breathing. His request for a transfer to us wasn’t because he wanted a change of scenery. The man wanted to die with dignity. He found out he only had a few more months to live. Fucking cancer eating him up from the inside out. He didn’t want anyone to know but his request to die in the line of fire was agreed upon by the higher ups. Trey requested to back you up and I guess he got his wish, huh? But you have to understand this wasn’t a suicide mission. I mean, the fucker wanted to die before his body gave up, but if he really wanted it, he wouldn’t have worn a fucking bulletproof vest, you know? But still…yeah.” Grief spreads over his face as we all take in his words.

  “Fuck,” I croak, as respect and a different look on things concerning Trey slide through me.

  “That’s so sad,” Reva whispers. “Yet, so honorable.”

  Silence wraps around us until Blancher starts to groan in pain.

  “Oh, shut up,” Reva snaps, palms her gun and shoots him in the head.

  My gaze connects with Deeds. The corner of his mouth twitches as he shrugs.

  “You guys up here?” Lochlan shouts as he comes into view, blood dripping from his shoulder.

  Deeds stands and gives me a chin lift. “Yeah, we’re done here. Let’s round things up and head over to Zack. After I have my hand looked over, I need to check up on those fuckers who worked with this asshole.”

  “Hey, isn’t that the dead brother?” Lochlan asks in surprise.

  “Reva made sure he stays dead this time,” I tell them and rip off the fire-resistant gloves before holding out my hand to Reva.

  She accepts my silent request by dashing up and lacing our fingers together.

  “Go find Kray and Vienna and head back to the clubhouse you two,” Deeds says. “Get those patches inked. It’ll keep my wife busy and happy for a few hours. Don’t tell her I hurt my fucking hand again.”

  Lochlan chuckles, “She’s gonna have your balls.”

  “Don’t fucking remind me,” Deeds groans. “I bet she’d be okay with me getting shot in the balls instead of the hand.”

  I give Reva’s hand a little squeeze. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  One last satisfying look in Blancher’s direction makes me aware everything is now behind us. No more hiding or keeping her safe from harm and looking over our shoulder at every turn. The death of Trey leaves a black veil and masks my burst of happiness. Though the explanation Deeds gave us indicates he wanted it this way. He was ready to face death at any time but wanted to give what he had to give to protect life in the line of fire. Yet, in the end…no one wants to die and we all hurt for the loss of someone who was ripped out of our lives too damn early.

  It’s in this moment I treasure the woman following me down the steps even more. Life is filled with ups and downs where we can get hit by the unexpected at every damn turn. Whatever the future might throw in our path, I’m going to make sure I’ll have this woman by my side.

  There’s always tomorrow isn’t a motto I’ll follow. The here and now, fast and hard as in all things…I won’t slow down in any of it. I fell fast for this woman and will love hard. It’s the exact way we will rip through life to enjoy it to the fullest; together.

  Chapter 12


  I soak in the warm family vibe flowing freely through the air as I watch the kids play while the parents and all other members enjoy themselves too. These late-night barbeques are a foundation for the heart of this MC. Easy and casual talk, the kids roam around freely while no outsiders are allowed. It’s reserved for members of this MC and their Old Ladies.

  I never in a million years expected to be a part of this. I’ve always respected them from afar and had this thing in mind how they would be bounty hunters, taking on cases to fill their pockets and soothe their kinky need to blow off steam the legal way from time to time. Not that I had any judgement because they got the job done.

  How wrong I was. These guys couldn’t care less ab
out the money other than providing for their families. They care about the cause and to make this world a little less populated with assholes who ruin it for others. This is my home and job now too.

  Well, I’m not allowed to do any field work anymore, not since the day North brought me home after we handled Blancher and all of us made sure to wipe out the black market he was running through his software company. We found evidence proving he was working with his half-brother all along to take Shade out. Beau even faked his own death to plan a second attempt to take over. Not that it matters anymore, it’s all been handled.

  Areion Fury MC helped and I’ve met some of these guys and their Old Ladies over the past few months. Lips is Zack’s sister, and Zack is the Prez of Areion Fury MC. That alone built the solid connection they have between these two MC’s and the reason Deeds reached out for help when he needed more men at the last minute.

  Where my twin and I have been just the two of us for the last five years since our parents died one year apart from each other, we now gained a huge family to share the ups and downs of our lives with. The solid friendship between the Old Ladies is something I’ve also never experienced.

  Sounds like a dream come true, right? Yes, I have to admit, over the last few months I pinched myself a few times to verify this was the reality I was wrapped in. Going from kidnapped and dragged through hell, to getting rescued and swooped off my feet doesn’t happen very often.

  And maybe that’s just it, the uniqueness of this whole situation. But if I let my gaze travel over these people, the women who adore their husbands while their husbands would gladly give up their last breath to make sure their women are safe and treasured lets me know there are more good people walking around this world.

  Even when I’ve come from a dark place and had my fair share of running into the darkness some people harbor inside, it’s this right here where I find comfort. Knowing the world is a better place as long as Broken Deeds MC rides the road of the living.


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