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North: Broken Deeds MC

Page 11

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “There you are,” North says against the skin of my neck as his arms drag me against his solid chest.

  I hum in contentment while I keep my eyes on the kids, knowing they will grow up to follow in their parents’ footsteps.

  “Are you ready to head out? Kray and Vienna are waiting outside. But we can crash here if you’d rather stay.”

  I spin around in his arms and cup his face. “I’m ready to leave,” I tell him and place a lingering kiss on his lips. The grin I get in return makes my chest squeeze.

  “Good, ‘cause I saved a piece of the cheesecake you made this morning and I want to eat it off your belly before I dip lower to eat your pussy for dessert.”

  I shake my head at his crass words. “It hurts my brain to think how you can eat all the pie without gaining one freaking pound,” I mutter.

  “It’s all the sex,” he shoots back. “You make me fuck you so hard the sweat pours out in streams; best cardio ever invented. Fat has no chance to settle on my body. It’s the whole perfect balance thing life has going on, giving me the perfect wife to feed and keep me in shape with all the things I love in life.”

  “Real charmer with words,” I mutter once again but inside I’m smiling like crazy.

  He’s right, we balance each other out and it’s as life really planned it all out to throw us together as twisted as it sounds. But it’s all in the past now, our eyes are set on the future and I’m already excited to add some of our own to the bunch of kids who roam around the clubhouse.

  The future might not be set in stone but I most definitely have plans in mind I would like to see evolve to keep the balance in life going for many years to come. They all involve the man who’s leading me to his bike.

  I love the long ride home. We’re the only ones living this far from the clubhouse. Most have a home on the compound or on the property behind it. Not us. And I happen to love the way Kray and North built our homes. Together but separate which creates closeness and yet provides the privacy we all need.

  My sister and I have been keeping a secret from our men. We had to because we needed to make sure we knew all the details before we shocked them because it involves all our future. Though with the talks going through the clubhouse, we’re pretty sure there won’t be any objections.

  The four of us stroll to the house and Kray and Vienna head right as we head left. Vienna gives me two thumbs up and I can’t help but laugh and mimic her actions. Both our men just shake their heads and guide us into the house. Once inside, North grabs my wrist and heads for the kitchen to grab the pie he had in mind and drags me to the bedroom.

  “Get naked,” he growls and I’m still processing the way he dragged me to the bedroom as he rids himself of his clothes.

  He repeats, “Get naked, Reva, I’m fucking hurny.”

  I shake my head while I’m laughing inside. This is something he always triggers in me, it’s the way he is and I love how he makes me feel. Always safe, treasured, loved, and he makes me laugh. I’m very lucky to have this man in my life and be pregnant with his kids. Unless he teaches our kids to mix words together like he did just now…horny and hungry. Yes, raising kids with this man will be a huge challenge.

  My clothes hit the floor and I don’t get a chance to stroll to the bed because North grabs me around the waist as he throws me on the bed. My breath catches and my hands go to my belly. Dammit, I have to tell him right now so he’s more careful with my body.

  I gasp when he casually grabs a piece of pie with his hand and bats my fingers away from my belly as he drops the sweetness all over my stomach and mound. His eyes are already feasting on my body as the desire flows off him in waves.

  I swallow hard at the emotion clogging my throat. I know this man loves me as I love him but he’s not expecting the news I have to share. I mean, we did talk about our future and how we would like to enrich our lives by expanding our family. Hell, with Deeds telling everyone to knock up their Old Ladies so their spawn can take over the club because he wants to retire, it shouldn’t come as such a surprise, but still.

  “North,” I groan as he licks my pussy and travels up to cover his tongue with some cheesecake. He’s distracted from the licking of my skin but I can’t wait any longer and blurt, “We’re pregnant.”

  Nothing. No reaction at all until suddenly his tongue stops moving and his head slowly rises. “What did you just say?”

  “Pregnant,” I breathe.

  His eyes slide to my stomach covered with pie. North’s eyes widen and his head turns toward where I was standing before he threw me on the bed until they find mine again.

  “I fucking threw you,” he states horrified as he scrambles from the bed and starts to pace. “What did I fucking do?”

  I dash up, the sticky pie falls from my body as I head for North to wrap my arms around him. “It’s okay.”

  He stays frozen for a moment before he wraps his arms around me and buries his face into the crook of my neck. “You don’t know that.”

  “They’re about two inches long, they’re fine,” I say in a soothing tone.

  “They?” he squeaks as Kray’s loud voice booms through our house.

  I nod and smile. “They. Vienna and I waited until we could do an ultrasound to make sure we knew since twins run in our family.”

  “Twins,” North croaks with so much emotion running through his voice.

  The door swings open and North snatches up his shirt before throwing it over my body to cover me, making sure to keep me in his arms while he lets me hide the front of his naked body.

  Kray has his eyes covered with his hand but the rest of him is naked and on full display.

  “What the fuck, Kray?” North growls. “Cover your damn junk instead of your fucking eyes.”

  Vienna comes rushing in and is wearing Kray’s shirt as she steps in front of Kray’s body.

  A giggle escapes me and I tell my sister, “Looks like it went as well as it did with me.”

  Vienna throws her thumb in Kray’s direction as she says, “He threw me over his freaking shoulder before I had a chance to tell him.”

  “I threw her on the damn bed before she told me,” North growls.

  “Note to self, ladies,” Kray snaps. “Spill these fucking details way before we’re about to fuck you.”

  “Dude,” North gasps. “It won’t happen again, we’re expecting twins.”

  “Twins?” Kray’s head whips toward Vienna as she shrugs. His eyes find North’s again. “We’re bringing four kids to the table in one go. That fucking bonus is ours.”

  “What bonus?” me and Vienna gasp at the same time.

  Both men admire their bare feet as if it’s telling them the secret of a long and healthy life.

  Kray clears his throat and spins around, dragging Vienna along with him out of the room. North strolls to the door and flips the lock after he closes it. He stalks back and grabs the hem of my shirt to slide it off over my head.

  “Now, where were we?” North croaks as his eyes slide over my naked skin while my belly is still sticky from the cheesecake.

  “With you explaining what freaking bonus Kray mentioned,” I snap.

  North winces. “I hoped you’d let it slide. It’s nothing. But if I tell you…you have to promise not to say anything to the other Old Ladies.”

  I don’t say anything and just glare at him. Like hell I will promise something before I know what exactly it all entails.

  “Deeds might have put up a huge bonus for the brother who knocks up his wife within the next few months.” The pride grin North is wearing should be illegal in these circumstances but it’s also endearing to see how proud he is about the fact he knocked me up and managed to win a contest along with it.

  “Yay you for having me and my womb to accommodate your sweet victory.” I shake my head disapprovingly but I’m having a hard time keeping my laughter in.

  Deeds is desperate, he really wants a huge second generation of the club and most definitely one from the pe
ople he respects and are a part of this tight unity. I don’t blame the guy but the fact he connected a bonus to it? Yeah, I’m telling Lips for sure. But not tonight, though. Tonight, I have the pleasure of punishing North for getting us involved in this whole expanding Broken Deeds MC one baby at a time.

  Well, four in this case. Yes, I’m sure Deeds will be thrilled and the bonus might just be big enough to cover two nurseries. Ah, yes, I’m already reaping the benefits. Like I said…not tonight…or I might just keep quiet and let Deeds pay up. Sounds like a plan.

  I glance back at the bed, pie crumbled all over it. Yikes. North follows my line of sight and winces. “There goes my plan mixing both ten pluses together.”

  I roll my eyes. “Be glad we’re only getting twins with your whole ten plus number obsession.”

  North shoots me a horrorstricken face. “Woman, don’t even joke about that shit. We’re not having ten kids.”

  Placing my palm against his chest, I raise on my tiptoes and connect my lips to his. North relaxes underneath my touch and drags me closer to his body. Our kiss ends and he buries his face against the crook of my neck.

  “You make me so fucking happy,” he states in all fierceness.

  I hug him tighter, my voice cracking with emotion as I tell him, “I love you so much, I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  “I was born to love you,” he simply replies. “Just as our kids will be born from the love we hold for one another.”

  The sweet scent of the pie enters my nose and a wave of nausea hits me. I can barely untangle myself from North as I rush to the bathroom to puke my guts out. Great. Just great. There goes my whole plan of getting some hot action tonight.

  North squats down beside me and hands me a cold wet cloth as he gently rubs my spine. “So fucking tiny and already a cock block.”

  I lean back and rub the cold cloth over my neck as I reluctantly reply, “Yeah.”

  “Come on, let’s get you into bed.” North scoops me off the floor and places me on my feet in front of the bed where he gathers the sheets and brings them to the bathroom before grabbing new ones that aren’t covered with pie.

  I’m sure this man can handle any situation. Either retrieving a person who’s been kidnapped, find a killer, making sure to keep everyone safe, and take care of a pregnant woman. Oh, and don’t forget the care of my pet reptile and the many more skills North possesses. One, any, all…it doesn’t matter, this man is mine and I’m not letting go. The father of my unborn children, my Old Man; my future.


  Five years later


  “Are you nervous?” Kray smirks. “You look a little pinched.”

  I shoot him a glare in the reflection of the mirror. “The only thing pinched is my cock in these fucked-up confined dress pants.”

  Kray’s face grows serious. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  “You think the women are ready, because I’m itching to get this shit over with,” I grumble.

  “Don’t care if they’re ready, we’re heading over now. Besides, I will have Vienna’s lipstick smeared over my cock and her stunning dress on the floor of our hotel room within a few damn minutes anyway.” Kray stalks over to the door and I follow behind him.

  When we enter the other hotel room, we find both women hugging each other, puffy eyes and shit.

  “Dammit,” I mutter and try to soften my tone when I tell them, “They’re fine, I just checked with Lips.”

  Yes, I’m the overly protective father who needs to call and send a text every hour and expect updates if they so much as let their fork fall off their plate. Lips helped us plan this little getaway and she and the other Old Ladies all will see to it that both our sets of twins are well taken care of while their parents are spending some quality time alone. Vienna and Reva glance our way, brightest as fuck smiles on their faces.

  “Oh, we know, these are happy tears,” Reva croaks as she dashes up and strolls straight into my open arms.

  “I can’t believe it’s been five years since we rushed here and were back the next day as if nothing happened. Gosh, the look on everyone’s faces once they knew what we did,” Vienna laughs as we all join in.

  Yeah, rushing to Vegas, getting married at the same time and heading back the next day without telling everyone didn’t go over very well with neither the women as all of our brothers. We had to throw them two damn parties because they missed out.

  We didn’t even have wedding pictures because none of us cared about anything else than doing this for ourselves. A ring on a woman’s finger means shit if you’re not committed with your heart and soul. A piece of paper and a signature won’t change shit either.

  Though our friends assured us we needed to make memories for our kids’ sake. So, when we had our one-year anniversary we threw a big party and have been doing it for the past few years, but now? Exactly five years later? We’re renewing our vows and doing the whole thing all over again; our way.

  Our Old Ladies look stunning in their wedding dresses and the way Reva throws heated glances my way is enough for me to know she likes seeing me in a damn suit. This time there’s one difference…we hired a photographer to make sure we have a load of pictures to show our grandkids one day.

  Grandkids. Fuck. One day at a time, North. Our twin boys have gone from newborns to infants to toddlers in the blink of a fucking eye. I’m holding my heart for when they want to ride their first bike. Nothing about this is fucking baby steps but instead feels more like walking on hot coals.

  Being responsible for tiny lives connected to us by blood is not something I’d ever thought I’d have and yet it’s the spark of life that warms my heart a little more each damn day. Along with the woman in my arms; my ten-fucking-plus.

  I glance to my left and meet the eyes of my brother, even if not by blood we’ve become part of a family besides the connection we have through Broken Deeds or the best damn friend for life. Through our women we’re brother-in-laws, our kids share a blood connection and who fucking knew all those years ago when I strolled into a bar and handed him a beer, we’d end up here?

  Damn grateful we were both fucked over by the same woman. Life can hit your gut with the weirdest of curveballs and yet in the end everything seems to fall into place as if it’s meant to be.

  “Let’s get this over with so we can get naked,” Reva mutters.

  A chuckle falls over my lips and when I glance at her face, I have to cup it with both hands and kiss her hard. Damn. I’m so fucking lucky to have this woman in my life. The mother of my children, and the keeper of my heart to lead my soul forward one day to the next.

  “Yeah, let’s get those pictures over with,” I tell her and am about to turn to guide her out of the house but her shriek of horror hurts my damn ears.

  “Pictures,” Vienna echos as they both dash off into the bathroom.

  “Fuck,” Kray grumbles. “Here’s to another few dragging minutes in this monkey suit.

  “Deep breaths, my man, deep breaths. Hours of pleasure are waiting after torture, remember?”

  The smile on his face is back in place after my words. “Fuck, yes.”

  The mere reminder of our wedding night is enough for me to focus. She was wearing the sexiest white lace thong I’ve ever seen and till this day I regret shredding the flimsy material because it was the one and only time she was able to wear it. Reva strolls back into the room and my cock twitches, anxious to get inside her.

  She’s back in my arms and with my lips next to her good ear, I tell her, “Did you manage to buy the same thong or something similar? I promise not to rip it to shreds this time.”

  Reva’s head rears back and there’s mischief written all over her face when she tells me, “I invested my money in something more solid this time.”

  Confusion hits me and the little minx relishes in it. She inches closer and her tongue traces my earlobe before her teeth sink in to nibble, making my cock hard as fuck.

  Her hot br
eath burns through my whole body when she says, “The only thing I’m wearing underneath this wedding dress is a crystal anal plug.”


  “We’re ditching the wedding,” I growl and get ready to drag her into the bedroom. I have no damn patience left, I need to replace that damn plug with my cock, right fucking now. Shit. Who knew I’d ever be jealous of a damn crystal plug?

  “Oh, fucking, no, you don’t,” Kray snaps. “We’re doing this. Think changing diapers and your sons pissing everywhere when you change that shit to talk your cock down. If I need to go through this, so do you. Come on, right now or none of us will get these fucking pictures done to save for posterity.”

  “Dammit,” I growl.

  My gaze hits the ceiling to think of anything except for that shiny crystal plug preparing her tight ring. Just waiting for me to replace it with my cock while I slowly pump my fingers in and out of her tight cunt as I feel myself claim her body. Fucking hell this shit ain’t helping.

  I lean in next to Reva and tell her, “If I have a boner displayed in those pictures it’s all on you, understood?”

  She smirks and cups me through my pants, giving my junk a tight squeeze. “Let’s memorialize this so I always know that after all these years we’re still burning hot for each other since the first day we met.”

  I crash my mouth against hers in a punishing kiss that’s cut way too short when someone hits my shoulder over and over.

  “You’re ruining her damn lipstick and now we have to wait longer for everything to be done and over with. Do I need to remind you about the fact you two aren’t the only ones who want to jump in the bed and get naked as soon as these formalities are over?” Vienna growls.

  My gaze never leaves Reva as I let my thumb slide underneath her bottom lip to wipe away some of her smeared lipstick. No matter how many years we’ve been together, I’m still captivated by this woman in so many ways.

  All of us rush out the door and I think it’s a new world record for the time we spent taking our vows and getting enough pictures done so we can head back to our rooms. Even in the damn elevator going up to our room I can’t keep my hands off her. It takes everything in me not to take her right here and my cock is finally escaping the confinements of my pants when the hotel room door slams shut.


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