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Christmas in Pine Ridge: Clean Contemporary Romance (A Pine Ridge Romance)

Page 6

by Holly Stevenson

  “Just a hot chocolate to hold me over until you guys got here. I ordered some eggs and toast in the room during your class, but now I’m in the mood for pancakes.” She laughed and gave a little shrug. “At this rate, I’m surprised I’m not having twins. I never knew I could be so ravenous.” She looked at the hostess’s retreating back. “Owen and his mom aren’t with you?”

  “They went up to change and will be joining us in a bit.”

  Emily’s face brightened. “Good, then that gives us a few minutes. Tell me how class went. Was Kurt an issue?”

  Hope shook her head. “Not at all. I think I might have overreacted yesterday. I doubt he’ll be bothering me anymore.”

  She didn’t look convinced. “Let’s hope so. You tend to think the best of people—sometimes to your detriment.” She raised an eyebrow and straightened. “We’ll have to make security a priority next time you do an event like this. You never know what kind of crazies are out there.”

  Hope shifted, thinking of Kurt’s hooded eyes. “Yeah, it’s definitely something we’ll have to consider if we get contacted for another event.”

  Emily smirked. “You mean when—which is now. You got an email this morning from a resort in Cancun, asking if you’d be interested in coming to teach classes in February.”

  Hope’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? I was thinking this would be a rare occurrence—maybe once or twice a year. I didn’t expect to get so many requests.”

  “I know. But your channel gets more popular every day, so you need to consider what your goals are.”

  Hope reached across the table for Emily’s hand. “You mean we need to consider our goals, together. You’re my business partner, and you need to think about how much you want to be traveling—especially with this sweet little one on the way. And Max needs to be part of the decision too.”

  Emily leaned back in her chair. “Definitely. How about we take some time after your evening class to talk about it?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Hope bit back a smile. She was bursting about the surprise, but she held it in. She couldn’t wait to see Emily’s face.

  “Hello, girls, so sorry to keep you waiting,” Beverly said, approaching the table.

  Owen stood behind her, pulling out her chair. “Yes, sorry about that.” His gaze went straight to Hope.

  She smiled. “No problem at all. I just got here too.” She gestured to her clothes and felt a tiny thrill shoot up her spine when he took the seat beside her.

  “Yeah, no worries. I’ve been enjoying the view,” Emily added, motioning to the high windows behind the table.

  Beverly sighed. “I just love how many windows there are in this place. I never get tired of seeing all that snow—from a distance,” she added, turning to the girls with a wink. “The cold is charming during the holidays, but the rest of the year I’m grateful for my Texas sunshine.”

  Owen frowned. “Does that mean you won’t go snowmobiling with me this afternoon? I made a reservation, hoping you’d join me.”

  Beverly turned to him with a bewildered expression. “Darling, what in the world made you think I’d want to do a thing like that? Go out on one of those contraptions in the cold when there’s a perfectly good view of it from the jacuzzi?” The others laughed, and Beverly’s expression turned thoughtful. “However, maybe Hope would be willin’ to take my place?”

  Hope’s breath hitched as Owen looked at her, his blue eyes inviting.

  “Would you?” He cleared his throat. “Like to go with me, I mean?”

  Something about this tough guy suddenly so vulnerable melted her. “I’d love to.” She turned to Emily. “If that’s okay with you?”

  Emily beamed. “Of course. I’ll probably hit the spa. Do you think you’ll be back in time for filming at five?”

  Owen nodded. “I made the reservation from one to three, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” His eyes skirted Hope’s, and her stomach fluttered.

  Beverly clasped her hands together. “It’s all settled, then. You’ll have a wonderful time.” She looked between them with a triumphant gleam in her eyes before turning to Emily. “I haven’t tried the spa yet. How is it?”

  The two of them talked about the different spa services until the waitress brought out their waters. She was a pretty redhead who looked to be in her early twenties.

  “How is everybody doing this morning?” she asked brightly. “Have you had a chance to look over the menu yet?” Her smile widened when she saw Owen, her eyes lingering on him.

  A flare of jealousy rose in Hope’s chest and she chided herself. It wasn’t like she had any claim on him. Besides, she couldn’t blame the girl. He was double-take hot. With his dark hair, rugged features and Southern charm, he was a triple threat—make that quadruple, when you factored in the muscles. It was enough to make any girl breathless.

  The waitress waited while they fumbled for their unopened menus, when suddenly a male voice spoke up behind them.

  “I haven’t had a chance to see the menu. Mind if I take a look?”

  Hope watched Emily’s jaw drop when she turned to see her husband standing behind her.

  Emily gasped, practically knocking her chair over as she jumped up. “Max! What in the world—how did you get here?”

  Hope laughed and clapped her hands together. It was exactly the reaction she’d wanted.

  Max grinned and pulled Emily into a tight hug. “I was able to get off work, so Hope arranged for me to surprise you.” He kissed the top of Emily’s head as she clung to him.

  Owen and Beverly looked at Hope in confusion, and she leaned forward to explain. “That’s Emily’s husband, Max. He’ll be staying with Emily for the week.”

  They nodded in understanding as Emily came around to hug Hope next. “You are the absolute best! I can’t believe you arranged this.”

  Hope squeezed her back and laughed. “It was all Max. I just helped to work out the details.”

  Emily pulled back and shook her head, her eyes glistening as she swiped at a tear. “Thank you.” She took Max’s arm. “Both of you. Now this vacation is perfect.”

  Max gave her a peck on the cheek before reaching out his hand to Owen. “I’m Max Chamberlain. You must be Hope’s friend I’ve been hearing about.”

  Owen stood and returned the handshake. “Owen Davis. Nice to meet you.”

  Max introduced himself to Beverly next, and they all sat down to breakfast. Hope’s cheeks hurt from smiling. Nothing made her happier than seeing Emily happy, and Emily was never happier than when she was with Max.

  She gave an inward sigh as she watched them. What would it be like to have a love like that? She cast a sideways glance at Owen. Her heart skipped a beat at his strong profile as he looked over his menu. He caught her eye and gave her a crooked smile that made her pulse unsteady.

  Maybe she was about to find out.

  Chapter 12

  “Have you ever done this before?” Owen asked as they stood in front of the snowmobile. Hope looked a little nervous as she stared at the machine.

  She shook her head. “Nope. Have you? I can’t imagine there are many places to ride in Corpus Christi.”

  He chuckled. “My cousins have a dude ranch in Montana we visit at least once a year, and in the winter we always ride around on these.” He gestured to her snow gear. “Are you warm enough?”

  She nodded and then eyed the snowmobile again. “So, do I just ... get on?”

  He tipped his head to one side. “Is it alright if we ride double? I figured since this was your first experience you wouldn’t mind.” He left out the fact that he wanted an excuse to get close to her.

  She lifted a shoulder. “I don’t mind at all.”

  He smiled. She looked cute with her blonde braid hanging below her red beanie. “Okay, then let’s put our helmets on and we’ll get started.” He helped her with her helmet and goggles before donning his own. He climbed onto the snowmobile first, gesturing for her to get on behind him. His pulse kicked up as soon
as he felt her body pressed against him, and he silently thanked his mom for hating snow.

  Hope tapped him on the shoulder. “Um, where should I hold on?”

  He smiled. “You’ll have to hang on around my waist.”

  She hesitated a moment before wrapping her arms around him. “Like this?”

  Her touch warmed him all the way to his boots, and suddenly he forgot how to breathe. He cleared his throat, hoping she couldn’t feel the way his heart pounded. “That’s it. Now just hold on tight and I promise to take it nice and slow.”

  “Okay, I’m trusting you,” she teased.

  He flinched. Even though he knew she was teasing, her comment threw him. Eli had trusted him too, and Owen had failed him. He wasn’t the kind of person anyone should place their trust in.

  Hope gave him a slight squeeze. “Are you okay? You seem tense.”

  He nodded, forcing away the toxic thoughts. “Yeah, sorry. Just getting prepped. You ready for this?” He glanced at her over his shoulder. Her eyes were tight beneath her goggles.

  “I guess so?” she squeaked.

  He frowned. “That doesn’t sound very convincing. Are you sure you want to do this? We can find something else.”

  She shook her head. “No, I want to go.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes.” She shifted. “The truth is, I’m a little hesitant when it comes to stuff like this. I know it’s a shocker, but I usually stick to calmer activities.”

  He smiled. “Makes sense, considering your work.” Opposites really did attract, because he was an adrenaline junkie who didn’t like to hold still. He placed a hand on her knee. “I went out of my comfort zone to take your yoga class today, and now I’ll help you out of yours to do something on the adrenaline side. Sound good?”

  “Sounds good.” She sighed and gripped him tighter. “There’s no growth in a comfort zone, right? Let’s do this.”

  “Okay, here we go.” He started the engine and the snowmobile roared to life. Hope gave a little squeal. He touched her gloved hand with his. “Don’t worry. We’ll stick to the trails for a nice, easy ride.” He gently stoked the gas and they moved forward, Hope clinging to him like a treed cat at first, and then slowly relaxing her grip.

  Owen took a deep breath of the sharp, pine-scented air, his heart soaring. With Hope’s arms around him and both of them flying through the powdery snow, he’d never felt so alive. The sensation was addicting, and he wanted more. More of Hope. The adrenaline rush he got riding this machine was nothing compared to the way his heart pounded at her touch. She warmed his blood and got his pulse racing so fast it ached. She squeezed him a little tighter, sending shivers skittering down his spine. Hope was like a drug, and Owen had a feeling he would never get his fill.

  Chapter 13

  They’d been riding for almost an hour when they pulled up to a small cabin structure and Owen cut the engine. Hope reluctantly let go of her hold on him. She’d loved having an excuse to wrap her arms around his strong waist.

  “This is the little warming hut they were telling us about when we picked up the snowmobile,” Owen explained. “Want to go inside and check it out?”

  “Sure.” Hope climbed off the snowmobile and stretched her legs, surprised to see that no one else was around. They’d passed a few other snowmobilers on the trail, but for the most part they seemed to have the mountain to themselves—a stark contrast to the always-crowded California. “Listen to that stillness,” she said, turning in a circle. “It’s good for the soul. The snow muffles all the sound.” She paused, savoring the peaceful atmosphere. “Have you ever heard anything like it?”

  He nodded. “Sometimes, when I’m out riding in the fields far from home, I get the same sensation. But you’re right—it’s different in the snow.”

  She took in a deep breath, stretching her arms up to the sky. The bracing mountain air seemed to cleanse her all the way to her core. She wanted to bottle it up and take it home with her, to somehow capture the serenity of this place. “I could stay here all day ...” She dropped her hands and sighed. “If not for the cold.” He chuckled and she loved the deep rumbly sound of it.

  “Well, let’s get you warmed up, then,” he said, nodding toward the hut.

  They took off their helmets and made their way to the small cabin, stomping off their boots at the entrance.

  “How cute is this?” Hope exclaimed as they stepped inside. “There’s even a stove.”

  “Hence the ‘warming’ hut.” Owen tossed her a wink.

  “Right.” She laughed good-naturedly. “Do you think we can light it?” She took off her gloves and rubbed her fingers together. Although her winter gear was top-notch, her fingers and toes were still a little cold.

  “Yep. The guy at the rental place said they keep it stocked with wood and matches, so I’ll get it going.”

  Owen headed toward the stove and Hope loved the way his broad shoulders moved when he walked. She watched in fascination as he got the fire started in a matter of minutes. “Where did you learn to do this kind of thing?” she asked.

  He closed the lid to the stove and turned to her with the crooked smile that ignited her insides. “I’m a cowboy, remember? I’ve spent plenty of nights under the stars, and there’s nothing like a cozy fire to keep you company.”

  She tilted her head, imagining Owen sleeping out on the range with his horse and fire for company. “Do you play the harmonica too?” she teased, taking a seat beside him on one of the benches lining the walls.

  “No. But I do pluck at the guitar now and then.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”


  He met her eyes, and Hope’s heart climbed into her throat. Suddenly, the fact that they were alone, tucked away in this small cabin, got her pulse racing. Her gaze drifted to his lips and her cheeks warmed. She looked away, needing to center her thoughts. “That was a really fun ride. I never knew snowmobiling could be so exciting.” She was rambling, grasping for something to say to take her mind off of Owen’s nearness as her pulse hammered.

  “I’m glad you liked it,” he said, his voice low.

  She turned, her breath catching at the smoldering look in his blue eyes. She ached to kiss him, but once they crossed that line there was no turning back. No more pretending she didn’t have feelings for him. No more caution. She felt her heart pressing against the walls of its confinement, begging for release. She put a hand to her chest as if to hold it in, trying to collect her thoughts.

  Owen kept hold of her gaze and leaned forward, his eyes searching hers in an unspoken question. Her breathing shallowed as longing for him pulled at her, dissolving any doubts, any fears about crossing this line. She leaned forward, her gaze moving to his mouth.

  His eyes ignited and he put his hand behind her head, drawing her closer until their lips were just a breath apart. He paused, and for a moment they breathed the same air. She closed her eyes as goose bumps rolled over her skin and a warm sensation bathed her senses. Did he feel it too? This electric charge that threatened to undo her? Suddenly his mouth was on hers, banishing all thought. Her heart stopped as fireworks exploded through her body. The scent of musky cologne mingled with the taste of his cinnamon gum filled her senses as he pulled her closer.

  He kissed her slowly, carefully, like he was afraid she might bolt at any second. She wrapped her arms around him, deepening the kiss. He let out a small groan and matched her intensity. Hope’s heart beat erratically, his lips so intoxicating she couldn’t get enough.

  The door to the hut opened and they quickly pulled apart. Her breaths came fast and uneven and her cheeks flushed as a middle-aged couple tromped into the room. The man’s eyes widened. “Oh, excuse us.” He cleared his throat. “We didn’t mean to ruin the moment.”

  His wife peeked over his shoulder with curious eyes.

  Owen glanced at Hope and chuckled, sounding a little breathless. Apparently, his heart rate wa
s just as unsteady as hers. “No problem,” he said. “We were just getting warmed up before heading back out there.”

  The man and his wife laughed. “That’s the best way to get warm, in my opinion,” she said, giving her husband’s arm a squeeze.

  Hope and Owen spoke with the couple for a few minutes before going back out to the snowmobile. He reached for her hand as they walked, sending a delicious shiver down her spine. “Did you get warm enough?” he asked, looking at her sideways.

  Butterflies danced in her stomach. Now that they’d crossed this line and were in new territory, she felt giddy and alive. She bit her lip and turned to face him, taking his other hand in hers. “Almost.” She glanced up at him through her lashes.

  His blue eyes danced and one corner of his mouth lifted in a slow smile. “Well, we’d better take care of that.” He reached his finger under her chin, tilting her face up to his as he leaned in, capturing her mouth in a kiss.

  Hope sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, loving the feel of his scruff on her face as snowflakes fell on their cheeks, melting in the heat of their exchange. Her heart had been set free, and there was no turning back.

  Chapter 14

  “Is that you, sweetheart?” Beverly called to Owen as soon as the hotel room door closed behind him.

  “Yep. I’m back.” He removed his boots and coat, placing them in the closet before walking into the room.

  His mom was lounging on the bed in her sweats, reading a fashion magazine. She lowered the magazine and looked up at him over the tops of her reading glasses. “So? How did it go?”

  He shrugged, not wanting to add more fuel to the matchmaking bonfire that was his mother. “It was pretty good.” Understatement of the century. His blood still simmered thinking about Hope’s kisses. He shrugged and downplayed his expression. “I think she had fun.”


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