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Gay Dads- All His Son's Friends

Page 14

by Fantasia Moan

  “Rub your clit.”

  He yanked me up to my knees before he really began thrusting. I cried out, legs shaking as I reached between them to play with myself. I was so wet and the sound of him smacking into me just made it that much better. Finally, my back arched as I came hard, my whole body trembling around Mickey. He seemed overwhelmed too as he twitched and shuddered behind me before he came hard too. I dropped my head onto the bed and slowly, he pulled himself free from me.

  “I think we missed the end of the matches,” Mickey mumbled after a moment and laid beside me.

  Story Twelve

  Chapter One

  I glanced down at the address on the paper I had pulled out of my purse, glancing in disdain at the front of the building in which I was standing. It didn’t look like much and I wondered if I wasn’t mistaken, that someone was pulling a cruel prank. Normally I was the shy girl who kept to herself in the library, but something told me to come to the party one of my outgoing friends invited me to tonight. I personally thought it was nice Lacey still invited me in spite of how many times I’d turned the invites down. She was definitely in for a surprise when she saw my face show up. That is, if I arrived at the right place of course.

  “I swear if this isn’t the right place I’m going to have some words with her.” I mumbled, shoving the paper back into my purse and walking up to the door.

  I looked down at myself and tugged at the hem of my dress. I went with a strapless short black number with four-inch black heels to match and still had lingering doubts on if it was the right decision to make. Taking a deep breath, my hands grasped the handle of the door and pushed it open, house music blasting from further inside the building. I was rather impressed the music couldn’t be heard from the outside.

  Walking further inside and down a hallway, I found a huge open area. Black strobe lights flickered on and off to the beats of the music and fog poured over the floor where people were dancing and entertaining themselves. I paused a moment and looked around to see if I couldn’t find Lacey anywhere, eyeing an impromptu bar off to the side of the room. I noticed her blue hair first and immediately walked over.

  “Lacey!” I hollered a few feet away.

  She turned and the biggest grin donned her lips. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Taliah! Glad you decided to come out of your shell finally!” She paused and looked me over and wiggled her eyebrows, “You look hot.”

  I blushed and tucked my hair behind my ear. “Really? I could never look as amazing as you.”

  “Oh psh. If you tried to be more confident, you’d always look better than me.” She laughed, “You want anything to drink?”

  I didn’t normally drink, but I figured if I was going to be different tonight, I may as well try something new. “Just a beer.”

  Lacey grinned even wider than I thought possible before she grabbed a beer from one of the coolers lining the tables and shoved it in my hands once she popped the top. I fumbled to keep my grasp on it and when I was certain I wasn’t going to drop it, I took a sip. The alcohol burned slightly as it went down and caused me to cough a little but I knew better than to disappoint her. Swallowing my pride, I downed the rest of it and slammed the empty bottle on the table.

  “Damn Taliah, thirsty much?” Lacey giggled, attempting to hand me another one.

  I shook my head. “One’s enough for now. So who else is here?”

  “Well… I’m not entirely sure. Just a bunch of people from the university.” She shrugged.

  “Great. There’s a bunch of people here that I don’t know.” I started fidgeting nervously and felt her hand touch my shoulder.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t let a stranger do anything to you.” She assured me, slipping her hand down to hold mine as she started dragging me to the center of the crowd.

  I snuck glances at the people around me, hoping to recognize anyone else that could possibly be around. Lacey stopped as soon as she found her boyfriend Trevor, releasing my hand before hugging his waist and kissing his neck. He turned around and kissed her forehead, slipping his arms around her tightly. It made me happy to see she was content. I hadn’t ever had a serious relationship, let alone been close enough to a guy to let him kiss me.

  “Hey Taliah, so glad you could make it tonight.” He said, smiling.

  “Glad to be here.” I said, thinking to myself, I think. “Do you know if anyone we know is around?”

  “Well Kris is here but I don’t know if that’d qualify in your book.” He shrugged, swaying with Lacey in his arms after pointing in his general direction.

  “Kris… as in the Kris Wolfsfeld?” I bit my lip and looked, my heart skipping a bit, “But I don’t know him per se.”

  “Oh come on Taliah, don’t lie. You’ve had a thing for him since high school.” Lacey said.

  “That was a few years ago.” I replied.

  Yet he’s still as handsome as ever, if not more, I thought to myself. Taking another peek in his direction, I discovered he was no longer there and a small frown appeared on my lips. I always had a thing for the man and whether it was his tall muscular frame or his face that I could only assume belonged to an angel, there was an undeniable attraction. I still wanted to take chances tonight and one of those would have been to actually go up and talk with him. I looked around once more and sighed in defeat.

  “Did you actually want to do something about that crush of yours on him?” Lacey asked, giggling at her thoughts.

  “I – don’t be ridiculous.” I stuttered, frowning at my friend.

  “I know that look and that says yes in every possible way.” She grinned, still continuing to tease me.

  “Dang it Lacey, I swear, you don’t quit it I’m going to kick your butt.” I snapped, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

  “Bet he’s still around if you want to go for it.” She said in her attempt to be supportive.

  “I’m not going to worry about it and think I’m going to head out now. Thanks for the invite though Lacey.” I said, hoping to get out as soon as possible.

  “Just be careful and take care okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said, releasing Trevor and giving me a quick hug before returning to dancing and starting up a conversation with someone new.

  I couldn’t get out of the building fast enough. As the cold night air touched my skin, I leaned against the structure in an attempt to relax. Cigarette smoke wafted past my nose and I wrinkled it in distaste, turning to see where it was coming from. My jaw dropped when I saw Kris standing on the opposite side of the door, taking another drag of his cigarette. He looked over, his sapphire blue eyes slowly drinking me up. I quickly gazed away and bit my lip again. This couldn’t be a wish come true could it? I listened to his footsteps and instantly felt the warmth radiating off his body from being near. I quickly reminded myself to play it cool before gazing back at him.

  “Taliah right?” He asked, his voice smooth as silk.

  My knees trembled a little but I nodded. “Yes.”

  “I’m Kris,” He said. “You look sexy if you don’t mind me saying.”

  My cheeks began to burn again as I stared at his body.

  “Thanks. You’re looking good yourself.”

  “So you out here for a smoke as well?” He wondered, pulling a box from the pocket on his button down shirt.

  “No, I was getting ready to head home actually.”

  I couldn’t believe I was finally talking to him. My legs still trembled a little and I forced myself to stay calm. Nothing was worse than to spaz out, especially in front of someone you had liked for years. I started playing with my hands in a shy manner before coaxing myself to watch what he was doing. His lighter sparked up and he lit the new cancer stick, taking a new drag of the tobacco. He released his breath to the side.

  “Do you need a ride home?” He wondered.

  “You’re offering to take me home? But you hardly know me.” I raised a brow, secretly pleased in the offer.

  “I remember seeing you around the
halls in high school and occasionally on campus. You’re always by yourself. Why is that?” He asked.

  “N-no reason.” I stuttered, taken aback hearing he had noticed me in school.

  “Besides, I wouldn’t want you walking through this neighborhood alone. Too many creeps come out at night.” Kris shrugged and took another puff of his cigarette.

  “Well thank you for the offer, I’d appreciate a lift.”

  Oh God, you get to spend some time with this hunk, I thought still trying to play it cool.

  “Cool. Let me finish my cig first and I’ll take you home.” His smile was absolutely worth deciding to go home early.

  Chapter Two

  I continued to watch him, an urge growing inside that hadn’t appeared in ages. An urge where we committed insatiable acts in the dark all-night long. I had been waiting for the right person to give myself to and everything internally screamed I should try to make it with him, even if we didn’t see each other after tonight. I could just imagine him taking me in those long muscular arms, caressing me in ways I had only imagined. Red tinted my cheeks a third time and I squirmed against the wall, my panties growing a little wet at the naughty thoughts coursing through my mind.

  “What have you been up to all these years?” Kris asked.

  “Nothing much, just studying neuroscience so I can become a doctor.” I answered, hoping I didn’t sound too much like an idiot. “How about you?”

  “I’m studying in business management so I can become a CEO of a good company.” He cracked a grin again.

  “I never knew that’s what you were interested in. To be honest, I didn’t think you’d go back to school after all the fights I’ve seen,” I admitted, “What type of business do you think you’ll be selling?”

  “I may have fought, but that doesn’t define me. I was going through a ton of crap during those years and didn’t know how to handle it.” He muttered and I knew I struck a raw cord, “However, I’m not sure. Maybe I could be the CEO of a medical supply company that sells to wherever you’ll be working when you finally become a doctor.”

  “Sorry to bring up the bad memories. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything… and that sounds good, but only if you promise to come by personally once in a while.” I continued blushing.

  “Oh I’d come by any time to see you.”

  Kris drew impossibly closer and I squeaked softly, turning away and smoothing my hair. He was actually flirting with me and his breath only smelled of tobacco from his cigarettes, so he had to be sober. When I turned back to him, his face was mere inches away from mine. Staring at his lips, I noticed they were rather full and flawless. As my gaze traveled upward, I noticed his nose was a little crooked but you couldn’t tell unless you were up close. His eyes… oh god his eyes were just as beautiful as the first time I had seen them. All sorts of nerves started taking over since I had no idea where this was going, despite wanting it to happen.

  He leaned in closer, whispering, “Would you like to stop by my place first before going home?”

  My heart took off in my chest and I swore it was beating loud enough for him to hear. “I… are you sure?”

  “Only if you want to come… I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable.” He said, his voice still as sweet as honey.

  “I’m not uncomfortable. This is just kinda sudden is all.” I quietly said.

  “Sometimes the best things come without notice. Like I said, you don’t have to come and I can take you home.”

  “No no, I… I’d like to come over first.” I took a breath and decided to go for it.

  “Alright then. Follow me.” He said, taking my hand and leading me away from the building.

  Kris took me around the corner and unlocked the doors to his car when he grew close. He opened my door and made sure I got in before closing it and rounding to the driver side. He climbed in and buckled up, starting the engine and driving towards his place. I couldn’t believe what I had gotten myself into and it wasn’t at all terrible. Tonight was my night to let go, to be someone else. His hand lightly rested on the bare part of my thigh, fingertips lightly gliding across the inner part. Continuing to blush, I placed my hand on his, gazing at him.

  “Mind me asking where this is going?” I asked, enjoying myself so far.

  “As far as you want it. I won’t push you.” He answered, still stroking my inner thigh.

  “Okay. Where do you live exactly?”

  “Just a couple more minutes and we have an elevator up to my apartment as well.” He replied.

  The rest of the ride went quietly, just light touches that further turned me on in his presence. He parked in what I assumed was his designated spot and we climbed out, walking up to his building; I kept a grip on his hand since I hadn’t ever been here before. He took me inside and pushed the up button on the elevator, slipping his arm around me instead. A small shiver ran down my spine as the doors opened and we stepped inside the elevator shaft. He pushed the button to his floor and the doors closed. Deciding to be a bit bold, I let my fingers trail up his thigh and made a grab at his crotch, slightly surprised he was already half hard.

  He moaned softly, his free hand grasping my chin before the lips I had been staring at earlier came down on mine. It felt like fireworks were set off and I kissed him back, grabbing his shirt tight. The elevator stopped and the doors opened with a ring. We looked at each other and he silently took me out of the shaft to his apartment, fumbling with the keys to open the door. As soon as the door opened, I found myself in a spotless living room and the door shut behind me, just to be partially dragged down the hall into his room.

  Chapter Three

  The bedroom door closed behind me and I found myself pushed up against it as his lips touched mine again. I slipped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to my level as his hands coursed over my sides and legs again. I found my skirt being pushed up and fingers slipped inside my panties, expertly playing with my clit and slightly wet folds. A gasp escaped followed by a small mewl of pleasure as a hand slid down his chest into his pants and boxers, gently caressing a thick engorging cock.

  “Aw fuck. You ever done this?” He breathed in my ear, his fingers teasing my folds.

  “No. First time… is that okay?” I asked, nervous that he wouldn’t want to be the one to break me in.

  “I’ll be gentle.”

  He returned to kissing me, slipping a couple fingers inside while thrusting them in and out in a slow rhythm. I moaned against his lips, still stroking his already hard shaft in time with his thrusts. The need inside grew more urgent the longer he continued and I wasn’t sure how long I was going to last. I wanted him to take me already. I pulled away from him the best I could, kicking my shoes off and slipping my panties down my legs once he took a step back.

  “I have the general idea foreplay’s important, but I just want you to take me right now.” I said, pulling him back in.

  “I can… most certainly grant that wish.” Kris pulled his cock out of his pants, rubbing it through my slit a couple times. “You sure you’re ready?

  I gave him a nod and moaned loudly as his cock invaded my virgin pussy. It was pure bliss to be filled in a way I hadn’t experienced before and even better as he began thrusting. He started out slow, breathing down my neck with a small moan of his own, whispering how good I felt being tight around his dick. I rocked my hips in motion with his, ecstasy coursing through my veins as we continued in the shared bliss. My walls began to tighten as his tip began hitting a pleasure spot I had only read and heard about as I moaned.

  “Oh God Taliah. That’s it.” He breathed in my ear.

  He continued to thrust in and out. My walls continued to tighten around him, muscles beginning to spasm as my fingers and toes began to tingle.

  “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.” I panted, groaning in satisfaction as he continued.

  “Glad you’re enjoying it.” He grunted, pushing harder and faster to help get me over the edge to climax.

Within moments, I found myself screaming in pure bliss as warm liquid splashed my thighs, my fingers grasping him tight to keep my balance as I continued to work in his rhythm. He cursed under his breath and clutched me closer than I thought possible, groaning as his cock throbbed and unloaded his seed inside. We slipped to the floor, out of breath. Another blush painted my cheeks when I looked at him.

  He met my gaze and started chuckling. “You’ve certainly enjoyed yourself so far haven’t you?”

  “I have to say… it’s been a good trip really. Have you enjoyed yourself?” I asked, biting my lip.

  “You know, I’m a little sad we didn’t talk sooner than this.” He leaned up against the wall, pulling me into him as we sat to regain our breath and strength again.

  “I’m normally too shy to say anything to anyone. Tonight was about me getting out of my shell and being different.” I said, burying my face in his chest and breathing in his heady scent.

  “Well I’m glad to have assisted you in doing so.” He started chuckling again, smoothing my hair a bit. “Is it wrong that I don’t want you to go back home tonight?”

  “No… would you like me to stay?” I whispered, fingers trailing down his stomach.

  “I would be happy for the company and if you’re up for it, we could continue sharing pleasure with one another?” He hinted, lightly licking my lobe after tilting my chin up.

  “I’d enjoy that Kris. You’re good.” I said, leaning in and kissing him softly.

  He kissed back in a soft manner, holding me tighter once again. “Would you like to go out on a real date sometime?”

  “A real date huh? I’m not just going to be a one night stand?” I teased.

  “Like I said, I’m somewhat sad that we didn’t start talking sooner. I would like to get to know you and best thing about it is, there’s no sexual tension.” He smiled.


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