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Gay Dads- All His Son's Friends

Page 29

by Fantasia Moan

  “So..small…so tight..” Triton groaned as he felt his cock throbbing inside her pussy. Her whole body ached in extreme pain and leisured pleasure that swirled inside her tight little pussy, making her erratic as he tried to move even deeper, thrusting in slowly, making her moan and cuss that she had to bite her lips and control her lewd endless mewls as she takes his huge hard cock.

  “You like this tightness darling?” She seductively purrs.

  “Yeah I like this tight pussy. Makes me want to ravage you good…” Triton smirked dominantly as he grabbed the end of the couch for support, thrusting wildly.

  “I like this fucking mouth too.” Steven sexily whispered in her ears and grabbed her face, making her suddenly deep throat his huge thick penis, twitching and pulsing inside her wet warm mouth. Rebecca moaned. She licked, lapped, kissed and sucked him tightly, making Steven ecstatic.

  “Fuck..” He cussed and Madelyn’s head bobbed up and down, faster and provocative, massaging and fondling his balls as her slaver spilled all over his long thick shaft, sucking him like crazy.

  “Fuck yeah..” Steven groaned a quiet moan.

  Her body was intensifying with pleasure as both Triton and Steven started to move and use dominance over her, making her feel so complete and full at the moment that her sweet sensitive pussy wrapped around Triton’s solid cock tightly and also tasting every inch and nerve of Steven’s huge dainty warm cock.

  Soft moans…

  Beads of sweat…

  Animalistic sounds…

  Turbulent strokes…

  Rapid breathing…

  She screamed a loud sexy moan and lost herself thoroughly…drifting to oblivion. She literally fainted with the best orgasm in her life. She could hear faint voices on the background before her body slowly drifts to give way.

  “I’m never letting you go again darling.”

  “She’s our woman alright…”

  Story Twenty-Five

  Dax wiped the blood from his face and spat irritated onto the ground in front of him. The man he had just gunned still twitched every now and then as he lay there with his life ebbing away slowly. Dax lit a cigar before walking out onto the balcony. It was raining heavily but the wide brim of his hat shielded the lit cigar and a dull glow came from it as he puffed on it. The sound of wires sparking could be heard and be turned his head at the large neon sign beside him. It's red lights drowned him in its blood colored tint and suddenly he felt uncomfortable being out there. Dax like many people in the new economy was a headhunter and this meant simply that he spent most of his day killing people for money. Usually it was dirtbags like Gary who lay on the ground behind him, but suddenly his regular work flow had been disturbed with close to impossible targets. His employers were talking politicians, celebrities and even other assassins. He wasn't complaining really. The pay was amazing but the added chance of being brutally murdered made the notion of performing the job unnecessary. The average headhunter like himself would rather save his money and without another word of conversation with his employer; pivot to another much safer line of work. Dax’s alcoholism and gambling problems would never allow him and now here he was flipping the comically small notepad he kept in pocket to know where the target was located. The ride there was a depressing one for Dax as he swerved through burning vehicles and toppled bodies that lay in the streets. The year was 2243 and 40% of the world's population was killing for money. His cigar blocked the view in front of him and he waved away the smoke. The building stood high in front of him like a jarring middle finger in the centre of the city. Its pure steel walls were practically impenetrable with their multiple layered design. This was the main reason Dax had been hired to take out this particular target. Multiple attempts from the ground and the sky had attempted to do so but the target had seem them coming a miles away. Here he stood in the pouring rain with water seeping through his black trenchcoat. He marched up to the front doors of the building that were blocked by two massive men who were too unnaturally deformed to either not be irradiated or inbred. They grunted at him and he quickly pulled out his gun. The massive beasts raised their hands in the air as they noticed what no amount of muscle could prevent from killing you. Dax smiled and walked through them. He was barely inches from the door when a powerful hand grabbed him by his hat and it was dragged off being thrown away. The men laughed as they noticed his face twist at seeing his favorite hat in the murky water that ran through the streets. His blonde hair was a highly contrasting hue in the dull, monochrome world and fell around his shoulders. He was going to pull his gun out but a solid fist went slamming into his belly and he was thrown into the air. Dribble flew from Dax’s mouth as he seemed frozen in midair. He was sent crashing bach to reality when one of the doormen slammed down both his fists into him and fell to the ground in a heap. The gun slid across the roughly laid asphalt many metres away from its now defenceless owner.

  The two inbred brothers began ramming their target with a myriad of punches and kicks and Dax could feel blood filling up in his mouth. The sound of whirring filled the air and the ugly brothers screamed as they saw the source of it. Dax’s massive arm was a reinforced replacement of thick steel and it whirred as Dax’s forced himself to his feet. Dax smiled as he swung his fist at the closest brother and a loud bang like the gunshot of a shotgun resonated from the impact. His eyes rolled in hjs head and he fell to the ground with a thud as the punch connected and rocked him into unconsciousness. The leftover brother screamed and held his brother tightly in his arms. Disturbing wails could be heard from the brother and Dax couldn't help but stop as he already made his way towards the door.

  “He's fine” he said finally before spitting blood onto the wet pavement. The inbred brother sniffled at this but still couldn't be completely comforted. He cradled his brother’s body like a mother would and kept crying to himself. Dax kissed his teeth and walked into the building. For some odd reason, a strange quiet could be heard from within the building. It was as though everyone had gone home early. Yet knowing the nature of the building as well as the fact that it was overtime week, the reason on the silence would more thab likely verge on sinister than anything else. His guess was right as he walked through a reception with dozens of people splayed in multiple positions. Dax walked up to a man sat a desk and placed his fingers on his neck. Not only was he as cold as cavern, he was dead. Dax inspected his body as well as many others and noticed they had been murdered but with no marks on their skin to show it had been violent. He sniffed into the air for the slightest whiff of a gas based poison but that was another dead end entirely. His hand brushed against the neck of a woman beside him and he felt a thin metal within it. Dax looked closer at the metal and noticed a dark mark around the base of a needle and he could tell immediately what had done this. A loud crash could be heard from within the building and he placed his hands on his waistband to pull out his gun but his throat tightened as he realised that his gun was somewhere outside in the rain. The doors that led into the interiors of the building burst open and two naked women with blue skin ran towards the door. Behind them was an army of trencoat wearing men with new world Thompsons firing uncontrollably in their target's direction. The women vaulted over tables and chairs easily with their grey dreadlocks flapping behind them till they got to the door. One of them whistled as the rain ran down her body and dripped from her ass and crotch. Two large bikes came into visibility and without wasting another second, they zoomed off into the distance. The men turned their attention to Dax who they had seen watching them as the madness unfolded but to their surprise he was already gone. They scratched their heads before walking over to their fallen comrades and began to clean up the place.

  Dax knew where he had seen those women before. They were Nix and Agora, the Calimian murderesses who were adept at silent assassinations. He had finally seen their weapon of choice in person and cringed at how easy it was for them to end a life if they so pleased. The needles they used were rubbed against their skin and in minutes
the afflicted was dead. It was a horrible way to go and Dax knew he had to take extra caution as he drove after them in a car he had just stolen.

  The moons has just ascended over the horizon before the girls had finally reached their destination. A run down bar with Christmas lights hanging around. Their bright colors could barely light up the gloomy landscape that they lived in. They got off their bikes and Dax gulped as he watched their firm naked asses bounce as they landed on the ground. He held down the boner that was poking through his trousers and forced himself to remember he had come here to eliminate them. Not only had they exposed him to his target’s guards who were undoubtedly relaying their information back to their boss but they also left him out of a million units that he had already made plans for. Their blue bare bodies shone in the moonlight as they whistled simultaneously to make their bikes merge with the surroundings. Immediately after, they walked into their broken down establishment and shut the steel door behind them. Dax put out his cigar underneath his boot. He knew if he puffed it anywhere close to their nostrils, he would be made immediately. He was the only one that smoked Frank Puffs in the entire district. He liked the acrylic smell they poured into his lungs. They reminded him that there were many ways to die other than just being shot or stabbed or drowned. He couldn't die from cancer anymore. The vaccine had been made many centuries ago. His particular cigars however could literally choke him to death. He snuck around the ugly dump multiple times until he realized as broken as it was, it was remarkably airtight. He noticed half a ladder leading up to the roof and a smile crossed his face. With a running jump, he managed to reach the last rungs and began pulling himself up the side of the building. He reached the top and began walking along the roof looking for some sort of opening or hole. Any weakness in this surprisingly fortified building would be enough. A miracle came in the form of a broken piece of roofing steel that had been pulled away from the rest of the roof. Weirdly enough it was big enough for a person his size to fit through and he wondered who had managed to previously infiltrate the lair of the Calimian wenches. He was just about to dive into the building when in the pale light from the two moons, he could see two blue bodies in a tight embrace. The two girls kissed each other in the darkness with a silent passion only they knew about. The poisonous oil began to seep from their skin and they soon rubbed at their slippery bodies with ferocity. Dax could feel his dick pushing up against his trousers but there was no controlling it this time. He watched as a blue hand disappeared into the others’s pussy and the look on her face as she felt the fist pounding within her told him that she was in a state of euphoria. She was raised up against the wall and began riding slowly on the other's arm with loud gasps escaping her mouth whenever the kissing had paused. The one against the wall kissed the other's neck and opened her eyes to look at the sky as she bit her lip. It was at this moment, she saw the face of Dax with his hand over his hard dick trying his best to keep it under control. The girls screamed a loud piercing scream and Dax felt blood dripping from his ears from the auditory attack. The girls scrambled and disappeared into multiple parts of the bar. Dax knew this might be his only chance in a long time that he might be able to kill off the Calimian friends and secret lovers. He also knew they had a massive bounty on their heads and ending them would more than compensate for his loss. The bar was pitch black and Dax quietly crept in the darkness till he reached a wall. He placed his back to it and waited for the slightest sound to give away the location of his targets. Dax heard the sound of a plasma rifle pulse to life and he felt his butt tighten with fear. The sound of something sifting through broken glass could be heard in the other corner of the bar and he knew he had the location of at least one. The fear in his heart turned to pure terror as he felt the warm glow of the Christmas lights outside illuminate him in the otherwise dark room. Not even a second passed when he felt the heat of plasma burn at his forearm. He screamed as the dangerous material both burned as well as tightened the flesh. He ran blindly at whoever had attacked him screaming all the way. With some sort of divine luck on Dax’s side, he grabbed at a large rifle and wrestled with his attacker. The scuffle was violent as he could feel punches landing on his cheek every now and then. He felt the rifle vibrate and knew thst one of them had pressed down on the trigger. In a split second, he moved the nozzle away from his belly towards the wall and watched as it exploded in an orange display. The cold night air from the rain that had now stopped blew in from outside and washed over Dax’s face. He hobbled out towards the opening as he realized he would never defeat these women with the advanced arsenal they had at their disposal that was hidden around the bar. He whistled in the same manner as the girls and watched the bikes slowly manifest themselves in front of him. With one swift kick, he toppled over one of the bikes before jumping on the other one. He twisted the throttle and felt himself being pushed forward across the destroyed roads. He had bought himself just a few seconds but he knew that was more than enough for him to twist his way through the decaying streets back to his own safehouse.

  Dax swore as he pushed open the door before he slumped into a chair and began peeling away at his shirt. Blood had already seeped into his trousers and a giant chunk of his forearm was missing. He walked weakly to the bathroom and began running the water so as to begin cleaning up his wounds. The sound of water rushing calmed him down and he began running his hand through the warm water as he waited for the tub to fill up. A sharp prick could be felt in the back of his neck and he moved his hand to where the pain could be felt. A tear streamed down his face as he felt the cold metal of a needle and he looked back to see two Calimians in all their naked blue splendour.

  “Don't bother pulling it out” Nix said with a smile on her face. “You're already dead”

  “Don't worry, Dax” Agora piped in. “This one is a diluted formula we mixed up just for you”

  “What do you want to do with me?” he said painfully as he realized he had truly lost.

  “The mixture of our skin's natural oil and the one now in your body should give us a few minutes to give you one final goodbye”

  “A goodbye?” Dax asked.

  “Yes” Agora said as licked her lips and ran her finger round her hard nipples.

  They dragged his body onto his bed and jumped on it beside him with their teeth shining with anticipation.

  Nix guided his cock to the entrance of Agora’s sweet pussy. She gently raised Agora's legs and positioned his cock to enter her tight blue pussy. There was no friction; her pussy was dripping. It enveloped his entire cock on the first thrust. Agora grunted in a way that made her sound almost masculine.

  They quicklt got into a rhythm. Agora rode him and let his cock out slowly and quickly thrust it back into her. Agora let out a deep grunt on each thrust. Agora moved her hips in a way that could only be described as magical , as if she more than enjoyed the dying assassin penetrating her. Nix took turns playing with Agora and Dax. Her hand caressed Agora's large breast and gave special attention to the nipple. Dax who was now enjoying his last fuck reached out and squeezed Agora's other breast, without breaking rhythm. They did this for a few minutes before Nix turned her attention to his balls.

  "How does it feel?," Nix asked with a smile

  "Do not mock me. Let this sex be in silence" he said in bitter anger that aa loud moan soon dissipated.

  Agora laughed when she heard this. She had a smirk that was barely visible in the dim light. She was enjoying herself as her juices were everywhere. They returned to fucking without another word.

  After a minute after the dialog, Agora arched her back in the tell-tale convulsions of an orgasm. The spasms of her pussy brought be back to reality in that moment, though.

  "That's it" Nix said, as she returned to playing with his balls. "Shoot your load into her. I want you to fill her pussy."

  He began to pound Agora's pussy like a fiend, no longer pausing to grab at her breasts. Sweat beaded on Dax’s forehead as the poison began to set in. Finally, his cock twitched s
lightly and he could feel the pressure begin to build. He continued pounding until he couldn't hold back any longer.

  He gripped Agora's hips and thrust his cock all the way into her and held it there as his cock erupted. Nix, still playing with his balls, gently squeezed while they emptied themselves. His cock twitched during every spurt and it seemed as if it would never stop.

  Dax looked down again to take in Agora's silhouette as he knelt between her legs, his cock was just inches from her hairy slit. He realized at that moment how wet she had been: her juices covered him from his stomach to the middle of my thighs. He knelt there, mesmerized by the moment. The smell of sex filled the air. Surprisingly, his cock remained rock-hard, despite having just cum.

  “It's the poison finishing up it's work” Agora said as she saw Dax’s still hard penis.

  Nix, still at my side, noticed my cock right away. Her hand reached down and stroked it, as she said, "it looks like it's still hungry." She then turned to Agora and said, "My turn."

  Dax quickly changed positions. He knew he might as well enjoy it and at this point, it was more fun for him than anything else. Nix laid on her back next to Agora and he repositioned himself between her legs. He ent to work, plunging my cock straight into Nix's pussy. Nix's pussy was a contrast to Agora's. Her pussy was hairy and nowhere near as wet as Agora's had been. He ploughed all the same and felt the pussy warm up to him as it began to get wetter with every stroke. Dax could feel his strength waning but he had to at least finish this job before he kicked it.


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