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Educating the Professor

Page 6

by Sean Michael

  He began to rock against David’s leg, moving in slow, steady waves. He almost missed it when David slid a hand onto his ass, cupping it and guiding his movements. He groaned his agreement, his hands holding David’s cheeks.

  David began meeting his movements, too, flexing his leg and pushing up every time Kenn rocked down. It increased the pressure on his balls and against his cock. God yes. Yes. That was what he needed. That and more.

  He was totally throwing caution to the winds, but he couldn’t quite remember why he needed to be careful—David’s warm hands and hot mouth conspired to make him lose his mind.

  He found himself dragging his fingers up and down David’s sides, sliding them along the warm skin over and over. David began to feed low moans into his mouth, each one making his insides vibrate.

  “I don’t want to cream my jeans.” He wasn’t a kid anymore.

  David pulled back and looked at him, eyes somewhat glazed over. He blinked a couple of times. “Um… okay. You want to take them off or stop? I vote for take them off. I can get rid of mine too.”

  “We’ve gone a long way to stop….”

  “God knows I don’t want to, but if that’s what you need, we will.”

  “I need to touch you.” He reached for David’s slacks.

  David helped, sucking in while Kenn worked open the button and the zipper, then lifting his hips so Kenn could tug the jeans down off David’s lean hips.

  Pretty. God, he wanted to get his lips around that cock.

  Moaning, David bucked, thick cock bouncing toward him for a moment.

  He dared to lean down, drag his tongue across the tip. Salt burst over his taste buds, and he moaned deep in his chest.

  “Oh fuck! Kenn… please.” David’s hands moved to his head, opening and closing but not tugging or pushing.

  “Yes.” He groaned and dropped over the fat prick, took what he so desperately needed.

  “Kenn!” David’s cry echoed around the room, the strong legs spreading wider. He took David in to the root, swallowing hard around the tip. His cheek rubbed against David’s fuzzy belly, and the scent of healthy man filled his nose.

  “Oh my God! Kenn!” David closed his hands over the back of Kenn’s head, clinging to him.

  He groaned and nodded, head bobbing, mouth stretching at the corners.

  David babbled—nonsense words, praise raining down on him—and Kenn groaned, reaching down to tug his cock.

  “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

  He didn’t intend to stop until David shot, filled his mouth with spunk. He swallowed hard, pushing David’s balls with his free hand.

  “Gonna,” David warned, hips jerking.

  He tightened his lips, demanding David’s orgasm.

  “Kenn!” His name echoed around the room as David came, shooting hard and filling his mouth, flooding his throat.

  He drank it down, lapping at the tip of David’s cock to clean it. A shudder went through David, and he began to pet Kenn’s head, sliding his fingers through Kenn’s hair.

  The touch made him shiver, and he closed his eyes against the rush of emotions he felt.

  “Come up here and let me say thank you properly.”

  “Yeah?” He could handle that, maybe.

  “Uh-huh.” David grabbed his arms and tugged him up, closed their mouths together, and Kenn gave himself over, telling himself that he could take this, accept this for now.

  Sliding his hand down Kenn’s body, David found his cock and wrapped around him. David took long, slow strokes.

  “Oh….” Kenn’s eyes went wide as lightning shot up his spine.

  David didn’t say anything; he just kept stroking, the pleasure expanding.

  “Please.” Kenn needed to come so badly.

  David tightened his hand, squeezing him, and he arched up, the pressure enough to make his eyes cross.

  “God, you’re pretty,” David told him.

  “I need.” He felt like his eyes were burning, like he was on fire as he drove into David’s fingers.

  “Tell me what you need. I’ll make it happen.”

  He wished. “We’re good. You’re good.”

  “You got it.” David kissed him again, fingers working his cock, making him feel like heaven.

  He reached down and pushed on his slit a bit, enough to make it burn.

  “I can do that.” David did, too, thumb worrying the slit, fingernail catching every now and then.

  “Oh fuck.” Kenn groaned, lightning slamming through him. “Soon.”

  “Yeah, do it. Come for me, Kenn.”

  “Yes.” God yes. He groaned as David rubbed his slit again, his balls drawing up as he shot.

  David groaned. “God, you smell good.”

  He would have thanked David, but he had no words.

  David took a kiss, and that sort of said it all anyway. He pushed all the grateful emotions he had into that kiss.

  David wrapped his arms around Kenn and kept him close, warm.

  “Do you want me to go?”

  “No. I mean, I’m comfortable and warm, and if you’ll stay, I’ll pull up the comforter.”

  “I’ll stay.” He wanted to stay.

  “Score!” David laughed as he said it and hugged Kenn tight, then kissed him. “I might be pleased about your decision.” Shifting and moving, David got a comforter up over them, cocooning them together.

  “Thank you, man.” He was blinking, a little dazed from his orgasm.

  “Ditto.” David dragged his fingers up and down Kenn’s spine.

  Sleep. He was going to sleep with someone he’d just shared orgasms with.

  How… unusual.

  Chapter Four

  DAVE WAS a morning person, but when he was curled up around a hot body, well, he didn’t want to get up any more than the next person. He kept his eyes closed and tugged Kenn closer.

  Kenn moaned and cuddled in, parted lips brushing his collarbone. He tilted his head back, offering Kenn his neck. The gentle kisses went on and on—lazy, sloppy, wonderful.

  He started rocking his hips, sliding his cock along Kenn’s belly. Kenn’s hardening shaft knocked up against his. Oh, someone was interested, eager, and sweet as pie.

  He slid his hands along Kenn’s back. His fingers did seem to love the smooth skin. God, he wanted to explore every inch of Kenn’s body.

  Although right this second, he was pretty happy to be the one being explored, Kenn’s lips and tongue making his skin tingle.

  “Mmm. I really should go home, I guess….” He didn’t sound very sure.

  “I think you should stay. I think what we’re doing is the best way to start the morning. I’ll even make you breakfast after.” He could make Kenn an omelet. Or pancakes. Oatmeal. Scrambled eggs. Bacon. Whatever Kenn wanted.

  “I’m willing.” Two of his favorite words.

  “Perfect.” He pulled Kenn closer so their skin rubbed more firmly. The extra friction felt fantastic.

  “Been a while since I woke up naked with someone.”

  “It’s a glorious way to wake up, isn’t it?” David was warm and turned on and happy. It rocked.

  “It is. I’ve missed it.”

  “We’re here, together, now.” He tilted Kenn’s head up and brought their mouths together, taking a kiss.

  He didn’t want Kenn thinking about any other lovers. Especially whoever had hurt Kenn so badly he was three years into self-enforced singlehood and celibacy.

  He deepened the kiss, sending one hand to Kenn’s ass and wrapping around it so he could keep rocking them together.

  They found a rhythm—slow and steady and sure, one that made Dave’s mouth dry. He moaned into the kiss, his hips bucking on their own, driving harder against Kenn. He leaked onto Kenn, his morning hard-on aching as he bounced against Kenn’s belly.

  Dave was raring to go, so eager he was going to be quick off the mark. He needed to make sure Kenn was right there with him. He pushed his free hand between them, finding Kenn’s nipple
and rubbing his thumb against it.

  It hadn’t escaped his attention how Kenn had responded to a little hard play, a touch of sting. He rubbed a moment longer before taking it between two fingers and pinching.

  Kenn groaned, face buried in his throat.

  He did it again, bucking hard against Kenn’s body. Their cocks bumped solidly, and a shiver went through him.

  “Damn. Do that again!”

  He obliged, bucking up against Kenn and moaning as their cocks collided again. Kenn reached down and gathered their cocks together, squeezing them in his fingers.

  “Oh yeah, don’t stop. Don’t.”

  “I won’t.” Kenn stroked them, tugging them good and hard.

  “Mmm. Good morning to us.”

  “Yes. Yes, a very good morning.” Kenn’s laughter was a joyous thing.

  Dave pressed their mouths together, taking the sound of Kenn’s joy into himself. It warmed him inside and out, and he deepened the kiss. He loved this, the way Kenn was letting him in.

  He wanted to roll Kenn onto his back and drive them together, but he thought it would be better received some other time. Besides, he appreciated the fact that Kenn was taking the lead, was participating fully and eagerly.

  The last thing Dave wanted was to frighten his new lover.

  He ran his hands up and down Kenn’s back, long sweeping touches as he kept kissing.

  He let himself fantasize as Kenn kissed him, imagining the amazing things he would do with that gorgeous swimmer’s body. He ached to play and play hard. Patience, he told himself. Patience. After all, it had won him a most amazing blow job and a night with Kenn already.

  He slid his tongue with Kenn’s, participating without taking over the kiss. He had to let Kenn take the lead for now.

  Kenn found his cock, stroking him, petting him gently, base to tip. He groaned, Kenn’s touch almost magical. He thought because they were going slow, because he wasn’t rushing, even these simple touches felt amazing. Kenn seemed so focused on his pleasure, on making him ache.

  He reached for Kenn’s cock, eager to make this sweet man feel good too.

  It fit so well in his hand. He could imagine it, pierced and ringed, Kenn bound to his will.

  Groaning, he tightened his fingers and stroked, working his hand up and down along Kenn’s hot flesh. He loved how it made Kenn’s fingers clench, how it made Kenn squeeze.

  “You feel good,” he whispered into Kenn’s ear. He played with Kenn’s slit, rubbing his fingers along it one after the other.

  Oh. Oh, listen to Kenn’s breath hitch. He was going to make it his main project to learn all of Kenn’s noises, what drew them out, what they each meant.

  “Sensitive there?” he asked.

  Kenn nodded. “Sorry.”

  “You do not need to apologize for your body. Besides, I happen to think being sensitive is a wonderful thing.”

  “Really?” Kenn stopped the conversation with a kiss.

  The kiss couldn’t stop his thoughts, though. Couldn’t stop him from wondering why Kenn would think that it was bad to be sensitive. Then Kenn twisted his wrist on an upstroke, hitting Dave’s glans on the way, and his focus was suddenly right there. He bucked, his body demanding more.

  Kenn did the twisting trick again, and Dave moaned, his eyes crossing. He was going to have to try that himself. He did it to Kenn, adding a little slide of his thumb along that sensitive slit.

  One of Kenn’s legs drew up, like he’d pushed a button. That was amazing. He slid his tongue through Kenn’s mouth, caressing his tongue at the same time as he rubbed Kenn’s slit again, keeping that touch gentle. He bet Kenn would totally get off on being slit-fucked.

  He let himself imagine as Kenn jacked him. That swimmer’s body bound, knees pulled back and spread, the sounds and lube spread out between them.

  “Kenn!” He bucked as his orgasm took him, his spunk shooting up over Kenn’s hand. Damn. Damn, that would be incredible, and he really wanted to get a chance to do it with Kenn.

  “Mmm… good morning.”

  “It really is.” He focused back on the task of jacking Kenn off. “Your turn now.”

  “Oh, you don’t have….” Kenn’s eyes crossed.

  “I want to.” Clearly Kenn’s ex was a total asshole if Kenn was saying it was okay if he didn’t reciprocate in the orgasm department. “There’s nothing I want more.”

  Kenn moaned deep in his chest.

  He wanted to hear more of those noises. He wanted to make Kenn orgasm in a million different ways. Right now, this would do. He continued stroking, moving his hand from base to head, making sure to work the tip every time.

  Kenn was moving for him, hips rocking the long prick along his palm. He pinched a little bit, taking hard, hungry kisses as he went.

  Kenn cried out into his mouth, and heat poured over his hand as Kenn came. Oh, good boy. So good. The praise wanted out.

  “That’s a great smell,” he said instead. “So good.”

  “Thank you. That was a wonderful way to wake up.”

  “I agree.” He pushed Kenn’s hair out of his face and took another kiss, bringing their lips together.

  “We missed our swim time.”

  “We did. I’m trying to be upset about it, but I’m not managing very well.”

  Kenn’s laughter was soft, muffled.

  Dave grinned and rubbed their noses together. “I really like you, Kenneth Brannigan.”

  “Thank you. I-I think you’re the nicest friend I’ve made in a long time.”

  “That’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten.”

  Kenn pinked for him, the expression so damn pretty.

  He cuddled with Kenn, enjoying holding him, sharing warmth, Kenn’s skin against his. So sweet. So dear.

  “So I know you’re having supper with me at the other pizza place—what are you doing with the rest of your weekend?” He was hoping to talk Kenn into spending it with him.

  “I have no idea. I’m sure I have work to do, but….”

  “But I might be able to talk you into spending the day with me?”

  “You might. I seem to like it.”

  “You’re not alone in that. I like it too.”

  Kenn blushed deeper and buried his face in Dave’s shoulder.

  He kept his arm around Kenn shoulders, stroking the warm, smooth skin. Someone craved sensation, connection. That worked for him. He could connect with Kenn all day long.

  Chapter Five

  KENN COULDN’T believe he was sitting here in a pair of borrowed shorts, leaning against an equally nearly naked man as they read. He was devouring an old Dean Koontz book; David was reading Clive Cussler.

  It was lovely.

  He couldn’t remember ever feeling this comfortable with a lover. How many men would be happy with you both being in your own world even while you were together?

  Not a lover, he reminded himself. He didn’t have lovers. Just a friend.

  A very good friend.

  “How’s your book?” Dave asked.

  “Good. There’s something about horror from this era. It was the best. You?”

  “It’s great.” Dave kissed the top of his head. “Are you hungry? We could hunt up food.”

  “Sure. Let me find my clothes.” He wasn’t going to be with other people half-nude.

  “You’re okay as you are,” Dave noted, folding over the page of his book and setting it down.

  “You have roommates….”

  “You can wear my robe or a T-shirt.” Dave stretched, his belly rippling enticingly.

  He smiled, but he wasn’t sure. That seemed so… intimate.

  Dave got up and went to his dresser. “T-shirt or button-down? They’re both clean.” Dave held both out.

  “Are you sure?” The T-shirt looked comfy.

  “I totally don’t mind.” Dave tossed both to him.

  The T-shirt was crazy soft, light blue with a sloth riding a unicorn and the words My Spirit Animal across the bottom

  Okay, that was adorable. He slid it on, humming at the soft slide.

  “Looks good on you.” Dave pulled on another T-shirt from his drawer. This one red with three penguins on it, doing hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

  “It’s comfortable.” Kenn stroked his belly, his nipples.

  He looked up to find Dave watching him, eyes on Kenn’s hands, tongue sliding along his lower lip. He dropped his hands immediately, cheeks heating.

  Dave held out his hand. “Come on, let’s go find something to eat.”

  “Sure.” He slid his fingers into Dave’s, tangling them together.

  It was electric, where their hands met. Dave smiled down at him. “What do you like to eat for breakfast?”


  Dave laughed. “Well, I’m sure there’s coffee. You want anything with it? Eggs? I’m pretty sure we’ve got those. Toast of some sort. I can’t promise you more than that. Hell, I’m not sure I can promise you that.”

  “We can manage. I’m easy.”

  “I promise not to take that the wrong way.” Dave led him out of the bedroom to the stairs.

  Kenn rolled his eyes, but solely at himself. He wasn’t sure there was a wrong way to take it. He’d certainly proved himself to be easy enough for Dave.

  Dave held his hand all the way to the kitchen. They didn’t run into anyone, and even the kitchen was quiet, though the coffee pot was a third full, proving someone had started the machine and drunk some.

  “It’s pretty quiet around here Saturday and Sunday mornings. I think folks are mostly nursing hangovers and recovering from being out late.” Dave let go of his hand to open the fridge and inspect its contents.

  It was surprisingly full—eggs and veggies, bacon and milk. “Do you all share?”

  “Sort of. We all put some money in the pot once every two weeks, and Annie shops for basics with that. We all buy any extras that we want. How about veggie omelets? We’ve got asparagus, onions, garlic, peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli. Sound good?”

  “Sounds amazing. What can I do?”


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