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The Vampire's Mark 2: Hell Storm (Reverse Harem Romance)

Page 5

by Rachel Jonas

  I peered over at Elle and cloaked my real thought with a smile. “Sure.”

  In reality, I could probably show him a thing or two.

  As discretely as possible, I glanced around the space, letting my gaze settle on a lone door at the back of the room. It had to be the one that led to the tunnel. It crossed my mind that Elle would only assume I was curious if I asked to be taken back to the palace that way, but that seemed a bit risky.

  This walk had done so much more than help me dispel the haze of confusion Levi left me in, it had birthed a plan.

  For the first time in days, I thought I might actually have a chance to get out of here.

  And this opportunity hadn’t presented itself a moment too soon.



  “Still no word from him?”

  Silas shoved both hands inside his pockets as he paced. “No. Nothing.”

  I was trying not to think the worst of Roman going missing, but he’d changed so much I sometimes felt like I hardly knew him. That, alone, made his actions hard to predict.

  We had all expected him to return before sundown, but when that didn’t happen, and with his refusal to take our calls, worry quickly turned into fear.

  Levi had been seated on the couch, and for once, there was no drink in his hand.

  The altercation at breakfast had been one Roman brought on himself, but it didn’t help that, when Corina lashed out, she struck the one nerve the rest of us knew not to go near.

  Roman’s family.

  Or, more specifically, his ‘daddy issues’, as Corina stated.

  She’d been well within her rights to stand up for herself. In fact, it was my own intention to defend her, but she was quick on her feet as always, beating me to that point. While, yes, Roman had his fair share of issues and darkness to contend with, it seemed he’d used that as an excuse for his behavior long enough.

  However, I did imagine it all coming to a head in a much different manner than it did today.

  The door to my study parted and Elle peeked inside. “Good evening, Your Highness. I just thought you’d like to know I’ve left the Blue Suite for the evening, and Mistress Corina’s all settled for bed.”

  My brow knitted together when the meaning beneath her words missed me. However, a deep chuckle from Levi made things abundantly clear.

  “And what do we have here?” he crooned. “I do believe Elle’s appointed herself as your wingman, Julian.” His grin widened as he turned to address her directly. “Well played.”

  With Levi’s seal of approval, Elle smiled too. “Thank you. Seemed worth the try.”

  I, on the other hand was not so amused, and also regretted being so forthcoming about my feelings for Corina. Seemed the entire household was aware by now.

  “I won’t be visiting her room, but thanks for that bit of information, Elle.” I turned to stare out the window, focusing on the huntsman’s pack as they darted between silhouetted tree trunks.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, Your Highness.”

  That hadn’t been her goal, I knew that, but it didn’t change the fact that I was in no mood to be the butt of anyone’s joke. With each hour that passed, my concern for Roman grew.

  “It’s fine,” I grumbled. “I trust you made sure Corina had everything she needed before she turned in for the evening?”

  “I did.”

  “And she finished her dinner?”

  I hid that I was concerned she hadn’t eaten much. Her appetite seemed promising at breakfast, but after Roman’s outburst, she hadn’t gotten to finish.

  “She ate half her sandwich and an entire apple, so I’d say we’re making progress.”

  The relief that crossed Elle’s face after she answered was hard to miss.

  “That’s good to hear. Perhaps you can get a grocery list from her in the morning, and find out what she likes.”

  Elle nodded. “I’ll add a sheet of paper and a pencil to my basket.”

  That was her routine, she’d visit Corina each morning with a basket of ‘goodies’ as she called them. Mostly it was clothing, infused oils for Corina’s daily baths, and various accessories.

  Just short of latching the door after bidding us all good evening, Elle paused and lingered for a moment. She eventually poked her head back inside.

  “Excuse me, Your Highness. Would it be all right if I made a suggestion?”

  I nodded, granting her permission and she stepped in before closing herself inside the study again.

  “During our walk this morning, I did some thinking. It was quite clear that Mistress Corina hasn’t seen much of our world, the finer side of it, and I thought it might be nice to, I don’t know, get her accustomed to her new life here. Perhaps a shopping trip?”

  The hopeful smile she gave told me more than her explanation had.

  “And I’m guessing you’d like to do some shopping as well?”

  I laughed a bit at how transparent she was. One of her favorite pastimes was scouring the forums for the latest fashion trends. I saw no harm in indulging her obsession over the years, as she evolved into her own person.

  She shrugged, a new gesture for her. “I mean, what girl likes to shop alone?”

  Just as I thought.

  “Sure. I’ll arrange it.”

  She nearly squealed with excitement. “Thank you, Your Highness! On behalf of myself, and the new lady of the house.” Elle turned and bounded from the room.

  The smile on my face faded a bit, hearing Corina referenced in that way. However, considering the facts, it only took a moment to accept the truth Elle had just spoken.

  … Corina was the lady of this house.



  This was only the second consecutive night guards hadn’t been placed outside my door. And here I was, preparing to violate Julian’s trust already.

  There was a small part of me that regretted how deeply disappointed he would be once I’d gone, once he realized I betrayed his trust.

  But … there was no other way. When faced with the option to choose between staying here and returning to my team, I’d always choose my team.

  My walk with Elle had given me so much hope today. It proved the palace wasn’t completely airtight like I once thought. Yes, there was likely security and obstacles I couldn’t prepare for, but I couldn’t let fear stop me. I’d never be able to live with myself if I didn’t at least try.

  The hinges of my bedroom door squealed ever so slightly, and I winced, standing motionless as my heart thudded. When no one came to investigate, I was on the move again.

  Tonight was all about recon. I needed to figure out how easy it would be to slip out in the middle of the night, exactly where the door to the tunnels was located, and how to navigate them. Once I had a sufficient lay of the land, so to speak, I could prepare to make the cleanest break I could manage.

  If I’d been allowed to venture around the estate on my own, maneuvering through the darkness would have been much simpler. But seeing as how that hadn’t been an option, I was forced to feel my way through, praying I didn’t knock something over as I navigated.

  I took the stairs slowly, feeling the smooth marble beneath my feet. The thin, white gown Elle brought tonight fluttered against my skin when I reached the bottom and gained speed. I had a general idea of where the staff kitchen was. This morning, when breakfast was served, the staff entered from the right. So, once I passed the dining room, I assumed that would mean I was close.

  Crossing the foyer, I made it to the corridor and sighed. The manmade cloud canopy dissipated every evening, leaving the moon and stars exposed—if the weather permitted. However, as I observed the large window-lined passageway, I couldn’t help but to think how nice it would have been to have the natural light blacked out tonight. Outside the window was a massive courtyard that showcased even more windows from other rooms in the house. This path was all that stood between me and my destination. Moonlight flooded the space and it would
have been impossible to hide if someone other than me was lurking about, if Julian or one of his guests happened to peer out in this direction.

  Just breathe and run for it.

  The thought crossed my mind, and then I followed through seconds later.

  My bare feet thudded against the tile as I raced through the corridor, only stopping when I reached the other side. With my back pressed to the wall, I breathed deep, searching the shadows.

  No one.

  I was still alone.

  The dining room came into view and I hurried past it, knowing the kitchen couldn’t have been far. I turned the corner, unsure of what I’d find, but didn’t expect the spooky sight that stopped me dead in my tracks. I stood there, facing a brick archway that led to a room so dark I wasn’t certain the darkness wasn’t a living entity. This had to be it, and yet, I couldn’t make myself enter.

  I took a hesitant step and stalled again.

  You don’t have time for this, Cori. Someone could realize you’re missing and ruin everything. Time is of the essence.

  Too much was riding on me getting this right, so I pushed myself forward.

  The darkness engulfed me, and I was uneasy, refusing to even breathe. Instead, I found the edge of the counter and used it as my guide to walk the perimeter of the room, since turning on lights was out of the question. My feet shuffled across the floor and I kept reminding myself that I only needed to find the door.

  The counter ended and I stubbed my toe on the leg of a wooden chair beside it. I held my mouth, mumbling a few choice words against my palm. At least I was positive I wouldn’t forget it was there next time.

  Pushing forward again, I ran my hands over the wall, feeling for a door I knew led to freedom.

  However, as I ambled through the room, I didn’t quite find what I hoped I would. Instead, my fingertips landed on a firm, bare chest.

  The once dark kitchen was suddenly bathed in bright light. Squinting, I focused on the very suspicious, silver gaze that made my stomach drop. Levi tilted his head, casually lifting a glass to his lips. It was then that I realized why we met like this. I’d come in search of a door, while he’d been in search of wine.

  Wearing an expression I found unnervingly difficult to read, Levi stared with a question within his gaze.

  “Looking for something, Love?”



  “I … I was just coming down for a glass of water,” I lied.

  Levi studied my posture and expression. After several grueling, heart-pounding seconds, he aimed a lengthy finger toward the cupboard to his left. My eyes darted from him as I shuffled that way, trying to hide how my hands shook while opening the cabinet door to remove a cup.

  “Thank you.”

  In my peripheral vision, I noted that he offered only a shallow nod in response. Even when I shifted toward the sink, I could practically feel his stare.

  The room went completely silent once I turned the faucet off and sipped. He, too, said nothing.

  When I did finally manage to brave a look at him, it was difficult to ignore how little he wore. As if his broad chest and unbelievably toned arms weren’t enough to marvel at, there was more. That broad chest tapered to a slender waist, one where thin, silk night pants hung low on his hips, revealing a set of deep indentations at his pelvis.

  He was completely waxed and manicured. It shouldn’t have surprised me that he manscaped. After all, despite the extreme masculinity he and the others possessed, Levi always gave off a bit of a prima donna vibe.

  We both sipped again, and then both stared some more.

  “So … you just happened to be awake, wandering the house in the middle of the night,” he crooned with a faint smile on his lips. “How convenient.”

  “Not wandering,” I corrected. “I was thirsty. Besides, what trouble could I have possibly gotten into dressed like this?”

  I gestured to the frail nightgown and Levi didn’t hesitate to scan the ensemble, bare feet and all. It wasn’t until the corner of his mouth quirked higher with a devious smile that I remembered with whom I was dealing.

  “Oh, trust me. That getup could get you into plenty of trouble.”

  There was no missing his meaning, and suddenly remembering the thin material that covered me, hiding very little, I folded both arms over my chest.

  “Are you always this crass?”

  The question didn’t offend him in the least. In fact, he seemed to like that I called him out on his behavior.

  “Only when I know I can get away with it.”

  Did I give him that impression? That he can get away with saying things like this in my presence?

  The long stretch of silence that followed left me feeling uncomfortable, but I appeared to be the only one. Even nearly nude and wearing pants so thin they should’ve never been worn out of his bedroom, he was still confident as ever.

  It was during this quiet moment that I noticed something I hadn’t before—the door. It was oddly placed in the far corner of the room. As I deemed this entryway the passage to freedom, I had to suppress a smile.

  “I’ve got an idea.” The sound of Levi’s voice nearly made me jump out of my skin.

  “What sort of idea?”

  “What do you say we take our drinks to my room and get better acquainted? After all, tomorrow’s gonna be a big day for the two of us.”

  Does he ever say anything without that sinister grin?

  “Better acquainted,” I repeated, certain I knew what that meant. “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  A loud laugh burst from his lungs after being accused. “Someone’s mind is clearly in the gutter,” he teased. “Who said anything about sex? I merely suggested we retreat to my room to chat.”

  Heat flashed up my neck, to my face. He didn’t have me fooled.

  “Gonna have to give you a hard pass on that one, but thanks for the invite.”

  After turning down his invitation, I set my glass in the sink and spun on my heels, intent on hightailing it straight back upstairs. But …

  “What’s the matter, Love. Don’t trust yourself around me?”

  A challenge.

  I would never tell him he affected me, but it was painfully true. My pounding heart was a dead giveaway. With my back to him, I searched my thoughts for something to break the spell.

  This strangely intense, maddening spell.

  Being near him infuriated me. Maybe it was because he had this power to control a room without so much as uttering a word. It was his presence, how he sat silently and read whoever was nearby. He always left me with the feeling I’d just been mentally strip-searched, and he knew all my thoughts.

  Like now … did he know how wildly attractive I found him? Did he know I was strongly reconsidering his offer?

  “One drink,” he called out, as if he sensed the inner struggle.

  My fingers trembled at my sides, and I gave my circumstances some thought. I’d been caught tonight, saved only by a flimsy excuse and Levi’s decision not to pry. And if indulging him a bit could better my chances of not getting found out, I owed it to myself to cooperate.

  Yeah … that’s why I was doing this.


  I didn’t turn to witness it, but I was certain of the smile that stretched from one side of Levi’s face to the other when I gave in to his wishes. Behind me, I heard the cupboard open again, and then the sound of the wine bottle being swiped from the counter just before the kitchen went dark.

  “After you,” he offered.

  The deep, sultry tone of his accent sent a chill scampering up my spine. It became clear I’d lost my mind the moment I submitted to the enemy.

  The crazy-sexy, impossibly arrogant enemy.

  This was happening, and I was only certain of one thing as I led the way back toward the stairs, toward the bedroom he occupied here in Julian’s home.

  I, Corina Prescott, was completely out of my mind.



  Two armchairs perfectly angled toward a roaring fire drew my focus the moment we entered. Next, the bed. I studied how its comforter had been removed and neatly set aside, how all the pillows had been removed except one turned sideways near the headboard. I guessed this was how Levi preferred to sleep.

  I drew a startled breath when he locked the door behind us. Next, broad shoulders eclipsed the fire briefly when he moved toward it, placing both glasses and the wine bottle on a small table.

  “Shall we sit?”

  I didn’t rush to answer, taking another labored breath before nodding. “Sure.”

  Like the well-bred gentleman he’d been groomed to be—aside from the filth that occasionally left his mouth—he didn’t take his seat until I’d dropped down into mine. My posture was stiff and I refused to look at anything other than the fire before us. Not even when I heard wine being poured.

  “For you,” he offered.

  I had no choice but to meet his gaze then, glancing down at the glass I’d been given.

  “Thank you.”

  That smallness returned, that quality my voice sometimes took on when I was around them. I hated it as much now as I always did.

  Levi poured a glass for himself as I brought mine to my lips to taste. It was smooth, spilling down my throat. I didn’t know much about fine wine, but was certain that, for Levi to be drinking it, it must have been the best.

  “Valle d’Amanti.”

  I glanced up when the beautiful words rolled off his tongue. “I’m afraid I don’t—”

  “The name of the village that produces the wine,” he clarified. “Do you approve?”

  Swallowing the small swig I’d just taken, I nodded. “It’s fine.”

  “Fine? That’s what you think of a bottle that costs more than the average vehicle?”

  More frivolity—the Ianite way of life.

  “It’s fine.”

  His smile grew when I didn’t change my answer to suit him.

  Knowing better than to push my limit, I decided I had enough for now. The last thing I needed was to get buzzed here in Levi’s room. I leaned forward to set the glass on the small table between us, but as soon as it left my hand, my wrist was taken.


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